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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2019, Vol. 31 Issue (2) : 96-101     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2019.02.14
Research on the geospatial correction method of water extracting products considering the characteristics of time points
Tao CHENG, Guangyong LI, Kai BI
National Geomatics Center of China, Beijing 100830, China
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The water extracting has the characteristics of time point effects. In view of the objective status of seasonal variation of land water, a method of geospatial correction for water extracting products is proposed. Firstly, the water land cover information is extracted based on high time resolution remote sensing image to ensure that the timeliness meets the standard time point. Then the result is used as a prior knowledge, and the refined water land cover information is extracted based on fine grid DEM data by using region growing algorithm of water seeds, whose accuracy is optimized to the high spatial resolution level and can meet the requirement. On such a basis, it achieves geospatial correction of water extracting products. With the first national geographic conditions census as an example, the Landsat 8 images of 15 m spatial resolution were obtained to meet the standard time point of the study area. The water land cover distribution was extracted based on the NDWI index, and the 2 m grid DEM data were used to optimize the precision. The results show that the geographical spatial range of the study area was corrected by 17.97% compared with the image source’s scanning time, and geographical spatial range was optimized by 1.56% caused by the spatial resolution conversion. The research shows that this method can provide a reference for the geospatial correction in the water extraction based on remote sensing technology, and has certain practical application value in the case that the images do not meet the requirements of the standard time point.

Keywords water      time point      land cover      DEM      region growing      national geographic conditions census     
:  TP391.4P237  
Issue Date: 23 May 2019
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Guangyong LI
Kai BI
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Tao CHENG,Guangyong LI,Kai BI. Research on the geospatial correction method of water extracting products considering the characteristics of time points[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2019, 31(2): 96-101.
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Fig.1  Main interface of water land cover product’s optimization calculating software
Fig.2  Image and 3D view of study area
Fig.3  Landsat8 images on study area
Fig.4  NDWI result
Fig.5  Water land cover result extracted by Landsat8 image
Fig.6  Spatial distributions of water seeds
Fig.7  Result of water seeds’ region growing based on detailed DEM
Fig.8  Comparison of the water results between region growing,extracted by Landsat8 and collected in national geographic conditions census
指标 符号及公式 指标数值
地理国情普查结果水体面积/km2 S1 11.91
基于Landsat 8提取结果水体面积/km2 S2 9.92
区域生长结果水体面积/km2 S3 9.77
修正量/km2 S3-S1 -2.14
精度优化面积/km2 S3-S2 -0.15
修正比例/% (S3-S1)/S1 17.97
精度优化率/% (S3-S2)/S2 1.51
Tab.1  Statistical results of various indicators for correction of water land cover product
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