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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2021, Vol. 33 Issue (3) : 253-261     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2020310
Application of random forest and Sentinel-1/2 in the information extraction of impervious layers in Dongying City
LIU Chunting1(), FENG Quanlong2, JIN Dingjian3, SHI Tongguang1, LIU Jiantao1(), ZHU Mingshui1
1. School of Surveying and Geo-Informatics, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, China
2. College of Land Science and Technology, China Agriculture University, Beijing 100083, China
3. China Aero Geophysical Survey & Remote Sensing Center for Natural Resources, Beijing 100083, China
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An impervious layer is an important indicator of human activities. Timely and accurate information of impervious layers is of great significance for the protection of the ecological environment. Taking the Yellow River Delta (Dongying City) as the study area, this study explores a novel extraction method of impervious layers by combining the random forest classification with Sentinel-1/2 data. According to comparative experiments, the confusion between dark and light impervious layers and bare soil can be reduced through the combination of the random forest algorithm with surface reflectance characteristics, texture characteristics, and backscatter coefficient, thus effectively improving the estimation accuracy of impervious layers (overall accuracy: 93.37%, Kappa coefficient: 0.925 8). The results of this study reveal that the random forest algorithm combined with Sentinel-1/2 data is a promising approach in the information extraction of impervious layers, which will provide a reference for the remote sensing monitoring of the Yellow River Delta through the integration of multi-source data.

Keywords Dongying City      impervious layer      Sentinel-2      Sentinel-1      texture      random forest     
ZTFLH:  TP79  
Corresponding Authors: LIU Jiantao     E-mail:;
Issue Date: 24 September 2021
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Chunting LIU
Quanlong FENG
Dingjian JIN
Tongguang SHI
Jiantao LIU
Mingshui ZHU
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Chunting LIU,Quanlong FENG,Dingjian JIN, et al. Application of random forest and Sentinel-1/2 in the information extraction of impervious layers in Dongying City[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2021, 33(3): 253-261.
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Fig.1  Image of Sentinel-2 B4(R),B3(G),B2(B) bands in the study area
光谱波段 中心波
波段类型 空间分
B2 490 蓝光波段(Blue) 10
B3 560 绿光波段(Green)
B4 665 红光波段(Red)
B8 842 近红外波段(NIR)
B5 705 植被红边波段(VRE) 20
B6 740
B7 783
B8A 865
B11 1 610 短波红外波段(SWIR)
B12 2 190
B1 443 沿海气溶胶波段(CA) 60
B9 945 水蒸汽波段(WV)
B10 1 375 短波红外卷云波段(SWIR-C)
Tab.1  Band information of Sentinel-2
Fig.2  Flowchart of research
土地类型 分类标准 训练样
亮不透水层 屋顶、厂房等用较新的水泥或者金属、玻璃、陶瓷等明亮材料建造的不透水层 700 500
暗不透水层 屋顶、道路、停车场等用沥青、混凝土及其他深色的、低光谱反射率材料建造的不透水层 700 500
有作物耕地 生长有农作物或其他经济作物的土地 700 500
空闲耕地 轮歇地、休耕地等临时没有作物的耕地 700 500
大棚用地 种植蔬菜、瓜果、林木等以塑料、薄膜材质覆盖的耕地 350 250
林地 生长有乔木、灌木等林木的土地 700 500
水域 海洋、河流、湖泊、水库、沟渠等水体 700 500
滩涂 海洋、湖泊、河流等高潮位与低潮位之间的滩地 700 500
盐田 生产盐的土地,包括晒盐场所、盐池用地 700 500
未利用地 城镇、村庄、工厂等范围内未使用的土地,包括由于房屋拆迁还未利用的土地、正在施工的土地 280 200
Tab.2  Classification scheme and number of samples(个)
Fig.3  Distribution of sampling points
土地类型 亮不透水层 暗不透水层 有作物耕地 空闲耕地 大棚用地 林地 水域 滩涂 盐田 未利用地
亮不透水层 490 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 4
暗不透水层 5 475 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 13
有作物耕地 0 0 477 0 1 21 1 0 0 0
空闲耕地 11 6 0 467 0 0 0 0 0 16
大棚用地 5 6 0 0 239 0 0 0 0 0
林地 0 0 68 0 0 417 15 0 0 0
水域 0 1 3 0 3 0 491 1 1 0
滩涂 9 4 3 25 0 0 3 452 4 0
盐田 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 496 0
未利用地 36 5 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 151
Tab.3  Confusion matrices for classification
Fig.4  Extracted result of impervious surface
方案编号 特征组合
A 地表反射率特征+纹理特征
B 多极化(VV和VH)后向散射系数
C(本文方案) 地表反射率特征+纹理特征+多极化(VV和VH)后向散射系数
Tab.4  Combination schemes of Sentinel data
类别 方案A 方案B 方案C
PA/% UA/% PA/% UA/% PA/% UA/%
亮不透水层 98.00 87.66 38.40 46.15 98.00 88.13
暗不透水层 93.20 92.09 47.20 39.80 95.00 94.81
有作物耕地 93.60 82.54 38.80 35.93 95.40 85.95
空闲耕地 90.40 91.50 39.60 42.86 93.40 92.84
大棚用地 96.40 96.79 18.00 24.59 95.60 97.55
林地 79.00 92.72 45.20 40.36 83.40 95.21
水域 98.20 95.90 64.40 58.02 98.20 95.71
滩涂 89.40 99.55 33.80 36.74 90.40 99.56
盐田 99.40 99.00 43.00 38.95 99.20 99.00
未利用地 74.50 80.11 8.50 13.18 75.50 82.07
总体精度/% 92.04 40.76 93.37
Kappa系数 0.911 0 0.335 8 0.925 8
Tab.5  Statistics of classification accuracy
Fig.5  Classification results of different schemes
分类算法 随机森林分类 支持向量机分类 决策树分类
总体精度/% 93.37 93.19 87.79
Kappa系数 0.925 8 0.923 8 0.863 5
Tab.6  Comparison of classification accuracy of RF, SVM and CART
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