Technology and Methodology |
A Method of Alluvial Fan Automatic Extraction from TM Image |
YANG Shu-wen 1, LI Ming-yong 2, LIU Tao 1, SUN Jian-guo 1, DUAN Huan-e 1 |
1.School of Mathematics, Physics & Software Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China; 2.Faculty of Earth Science of Geosciences University of China, Wuhan 430074, China |
Abstract In this paper,an automatic approach for alluvial fan extraction based on TM image is put forward. Firstly,the spectral feature differences between alluvial fan and other surface features were analyzed;then,in view of the facts that the band ratio between red band and near-infrared band can increase the differences between alluvial fan and other surface features and the decreasing rates of bright values of shadow in blue and green bands are significantly different,the authors built the model of alluvial fan extraction based on ratio and difference operations. Using this model in combination with the algorithm of automatic threshold extraction,the authors separated the alluvial fan from other surface features,and then applied the dilation and erosion filtering algorithm of mathematical morphology. An analysis and comparison of experimental results show that the proposed approach can extract the alluvial fan from hilly areas in South China with high precision. Moreover,the approach can effectively remove the interferential information such as shadow and vegetation.
Land-use dynamic monitor
Table for field surveying
Auto-generation technology
Issue Date: 17 June 2011
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