Approach to storing, retrieving and accessing mass spatial data in resources and environments remote sensing |
XUE Tao1, DIAO Mingguang1, LI Jiancun2, ZOU Senzhong1 |
1. School of Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China;
2. China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Land and Resources, Beijing 100083, China |
Abstract In order to effectively manage and utilize mass spatial data accumulated in researches on resources and environments remote sensing, the authors designed the methods for storage, retrieval and access of these mass spatial data. In accordance with the mass spatial data of different types and characteristics, approaches like spatial database, file directory and Web Service were applied for storing and delivering data. On the basis of two-step spatial query algorithm, the retrieval method of mass spatial data based on the spatial location was designed to retrieve the data stored in integrated spatial databases as well as data delivered in forms of Mapping and Web Service, so as to resolve the problem of fast data search. Methods of tile and hierarchy and visible area grid index were used to optimize the performance of transferring, loading and displaying data, and relative performance tests were executed. The designed approach solved the problems of data management, data precise location and data fast transportation that appeared in the application of massive spatial data via investigating strategies of data storage, data retrieval and data accessing and appearing. On the basis of this approach, the basic framework for resources and environments remote sensing emergency response and monitoring infrastructure has been constructed.
ice or snow recognition
transition region
transition region feature
panchromatic remote sensing image
Issue Date: 28 April 2013
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