Wide-angle reflection acquisition technology for ultradeep reservoirs based on large-scale low-frequency vibroseis |
SU Hai1,2(), QIAO Jin1,2, ZHANG Zhong-Nan3, DU Zhong-Dong4, ZHANG Yong-Hao1,2, ZHAO Hui5, LI Ai-Rong1,2 |
1. School of Earth Science and Engineering, Xi'an Shiyou University, Xi'an 710065, China 2. Key Laboratory of Hydrocarbon Accumulation of Shaanxi Province, Xi'an 710065, China 3. The Seventh District of the Second Gas Production Plant in Yuyang District, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province,Yulin 719054,Cina 4. Changqing Geophysical Department,BGP Inc,CNPC, Xi'an 710016, China 5. The Third Treatment Plant of the Third Gas Production Plant of Changqing Oilfield, Xi'an 710018,China |
Abstract With the intensification of hydrocarbon exploration in ultradeep reservoirs, conventional seismic exploration methods are no longer applicable to areas with complex surface structures and underground geological structures because they are difficult to acquire effective reflection information with high signal-to-noise ratio, the imaging effects of seismic data are poor, seismic profiles fail to clearly present the geological structures of study areas. Based on the large-scale low-frequency vibroseis excitation technology, the field acquisition requirements, and geological tasks, this study adopted a high-density two-dimensional wide-angle reflection seismic observation system to collect seismic data. This study selected the optimal field acquisition parameters suitable for the study area through numerical simulation of wide-angle seismic waves and field tests. As indicated by the results of this study, the wide-angle reflection acquisition technology for ultradeep reservoirs based on large-scale low-frequency vibroseis can acquire weakly reflected seismic signals at locations with far offset and strong energy, especially the deep low-frequency information, thus effectively improving the signal-to-noise ratio of seismic data. Compared with conventional seismic stacked sections, the wide-angle reflection seismic stacked sections have significantly improved quality, continuous events, clearly visible structural parts, and encouraging seismic imaging effects. The field production practices dominate that the wide-angle reflection seismic exploration technology can be applied to ultradeep hydrocarbon exploration.
Received: 17 March 2022
Published: 27 April 2023
Optimal scanning frequency band of low frequency vibroseis
Optimal setiing of low frequency vibroseis
Optimal scanning length of low frequency vibroseis
Wide-angle reflection geological model, target layer reflection coefficient analysis and energy distribution chart of amplitude coefficient of simulated single shot record
Conventional exploration and wide-angle reflection single shot records and their spectrum analysis diagrams
Stacked profile comparison of wide-Angle reflection line and common line
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