Remote sensing for landslides in China as a main means for regional landslide investigation has a history
of more than 20 years, and has made important contributions to survey, mitigation and prevention of landslide
disasters in large-scale engineering construction of mountainous areas. With the adoption of “digital landslide”
technique and high resolution remote sensing data since the end of the 20th Century, Remote sensing for landslides
has acquired the capacity for more exact qualitative and quantitative landslide survey, even for detailed survey and
monitoring of large-size independent landslides. The realization of“digital landslide”technique depends on the
support of remote sensing, digital photogrammetry and image-processing, GIS and computer technique. The“digital
landslide”technique can be divided into three parts, i.e., acquisition of basic landslide information, information
storage and management, and thematic service technique. With Tiantaixiang landslide, Three Gorges area, Jinglong
Mountain landslide remote sensing investigation and Yigong landslide remote sensing monitoring as examples, this
paper deals with the thematic service technique of “digital landslide”.
Correct approaches to identification of dark objects and appropriate choice of atmospheric correction
models are key technologies in Dark-Object Methods. On such a basis, researchers have put forward several different
improved Dark-Object Methods. The basic idea of Dark-Object Methods and different atmospheric correction models are
described in this paper. Two of these models are chosen to correct the atmospheric effects on the scene of SPOT
satellite image. It is also pointed out that the methods need further improvement and that we should comprehensively
consider their defects in practice.
The main roles of spectra in pre-processing of hyperspectral imaging data were studied for the spectral
reconstruction and validation based on aero HyMap data in Eastern Tianshan Mountain. The spectra of both muscovite
and kaolinite in the area were used to smooth the noise and pseudo-spectral features or enhance some spectral
features in the processing of atmospheric correction. Furthermore, in order to ensure the spectral realities and
reliabilities of hyperspectral imaging data, the authors used spectra of muscovite and calcite to validate the
spectral features of hyperspectral imaging data on the basis of above processing.
The sandy desertification assessment is an important basic work on which the desert control project is
based. The present assessment method mainly depends on ground survey combined with optical interpretation of TM
images. This needs considerable funds and a long period,and hence cannot meet the demands of desert control work.
Remote senseing data were used in this paper to retrieve the factors of sandy desertification assessment based on
the linear regression model. The ground survey criteria were employed in the remote sensing model. These measures
are useful in applying remote senseing data to rapid and effective assessment of sandy desertification.
The Yingzuishan gold deposit in Gansu Province is characterized by different wall rock alterations and
complicated mineralizations. According to the difference in spectral characteristics between mineralized alteration
rocks and wall rocks, the authors made correlation analysis and factor analysis between the in-situ measured
spectral data and multivariate data of rocks and minerals, set up remote sensing models for mixed alteration, and
selected the best variable or variable unit. The abnormal information of mixed alteration was also extracted.
Practice has proved that such a method is effective in extracting mineralization information.
As an EOS instrument with 36 bands, MODIS is very useful because of its global coverage, radiometric
resolution and dynamic ranges as well as accurate calibration in multiple thermal infrared bands designed for
retrievals of SST, LST and atmospheric properties. This paper introduces and derives the algorithm about retrieving
water content of atmosphere from NIR band of MODIS data. The authors utilized this method to retrieve the water
content of atmosphere in Hanjiang area by MODIS and analyze the retrieving result and then employed LOWTRAN to
simulate the relationship between the water content of atmosphere and the transmittance of MODIS bands 31 and 32.
Finally, the transmittance of MODIS bands 31 and 32 was computed. The technique is of great value in that it
enables us to get some parameters timely with accuracy to every pixel and to monitor the global change.
This research was performed in Liping County, Guizhou Province, a typical mountain area covered by
vegetation in southern China. Having classified land surface objects based on the Normalized Difference Vegetation
Index (NDVI) map compiled from ASTER data, the authors assumed different emissivities for different objects and made
scale conversion to 90 meter resolution, thus compiling the emissivity map of the study area. Then the radiance of
the study area was obtained through the thermal infrared bands of ASTER which was atmospherically corrected by
MODTRAN 4. At last, the authors retrieved the land surface temperature based on the Plank radiate deduction
equation and acquired good results.
In this paper, the technical procedures and data analysis in using Bayesian network to process airborne
data are described. The result shows that the Bayesian network method has three advantages. First, both the prior
probability and features are used to establish the probability estimation weighing relations shown in associated
probability chart; Second, the linkage of the directed acyclic graph (DAG) and classes can clearly show the
relations between independence vectors (bands) and classes; Third, according to the contribution degree of three
inputted bands quantitatively shown in associated probabilities for each class, the prior probability can be
revised. The study results suggest that Bayesian network is likely to become a new practical method for remote
sensing data processing.
The study of mineral information reorganization method was carried out by means of the airborne visible
light and near infrared and short-wave infrared imaging spectrometry (HyMap) data from Hami area of Xinjiang. By
analyzing spectral features of three kinds of familiar altered minerals (calcite, chlorite and muscovite) and using
the calibration of the remote sensing data and spectral reflectance retrieval, the authors employed spectral angle
mapper (SAM) to extract mineral information from the three kinds of altered minerals. With the mask technique, the
mineral distribution maps of calcite, chlorite and muscovite were compiled. In combination with the spectra of
spectral libraries, the authors also effectively carried out the verification.
The purpose of this study is to improve the precision of land use change information detected
automatically on computer, and the method used is the judge templet method. The results obtained indicate that, in
comparison with one pixel judging, this technique can raise the precision and improve the effect. This method can
thus be applied to dynamic remote sensing monitoring of land use.
Based on the data of Quick Bird, this paper studied geological disasters caused by coal mine
exploitation in Jincheng, Shanxi Province. In this paper, characteristics of various geological disasters such as
depression pits, ground subsidence and earth fissures in remote sensing image are investigated, and the present
conditions, causes, distribution regularity and surveying precision of geological disasters in the mine are analyzed
and evaluated.
The Three Gorges Reservoir Area is subject to frequent human activities that are adversely affecting the
fragile balance of ecosystem dynamics. The potential effects of Three Gorges project on ecological environment have
always aroused much attention. With the aid of RS, GIS, GPS and network technique, the authors applied DEM,
adjustment of orthographic reflection for images, interfusion of multi-source image data and multi-layer information
extraction to performing comprehensive monitoring of the ecological environment of the whole reservoir area from
middle 1980’s to late 1990’s. On such a basis, the project “The GIS System for Remote Sensing Ecological
Environment Dynamic Monitoring of Three Gorges Reservoir Area” has been developed and completed with the aid of
ArcGIS software platform.
This paper has evaluated the land potential for the greenbelt construction between the fifth and the
sixth ring roads. First, the present land cover characteristics were analyzed through the extraction from TM image,
and the existing landscape structure and pattern were studied. Then, the land potential for developing greenbelt was
evaluated based on the present land cover. The assessment results show that the present landscape pattern provides
some potential for greenbelt development. On the one hand, several important transportation routes pass the
greenbelt, which might act as an axe and help formulate the wedge-shape greenbelt. On the other hand, there still
exists large proportion of undeveloped land resource that might be used to develop green elements. Totally, all the
undeveloped land resources possess some 60% of the whole area. However, all the developed and undeveloped lands are
not well regulated. Especially in the developed built-up areas, the size, pattern and future developing tendency
fail to meet the demand of urban greenbelt development. It is very important to regulate existing land uses,
increase land use efficiency, reduce land development, and preserve some lands for green elements development. All
these measures seem to constitute the most difficult tasks in greenbelt implementation.
The virtual emersion technology, Geographic Information System and remote sensing technology were
integrated in this paper to construct the Virtual Emersion System. Through virtual emersion of geographical
environment at different stages, the authors traced the evolutionary process of the valley and got to know its
existent problems. Based on an analysis of three-dimensional modeling, this paper puts forward some measures for its
comprehensive treatment, and forecasts and analyzes the anticipated effect of the treatment.
In order to build the database system of countrywide mine exploitation conditions, the authors chose
remote sensing dynamic monitoring results of the mine exploitation conditions in such areas as Jincheng City in
Shanxi Province and Chongyi County in Jiangxi Province as the basis, managed the collected data by the spatial
managing function of GIS, and built a spatial database system with the functions of browsing, editing, querying,
searching, statistic analysis and dynamic monitoring. This paper expounds the technical method, designing thought,
system component for building the database system and the application of GIS in this system.
8000 years ago, the well-known ancient culture of Kuahu Bridge was born in the south of Hangzhou Bay,
northern Zhejiang Province. However, it disappeared mystically after over 1000 years' splendor. For this phenomenon,
there exists no authentic explanation. Based on an analysis of the geography and land form of Kuahu Bridge and
Xiasun sites by using satellite remote sensing data, this paper puts forward a hypothesis that the astronomical
flood tide of the Qiantang River caused the collapse of the Kuahu Bridge. It is hoped that this viewpoint could
provide a useful train of thought for explaining the disappearance of this bridge.