国土资源遥感, 2018, 30(2): 12-20 doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.02.02



郑鸿瑞,1,2,3, 徐志刚1,2,3, 甘乐1,2,3, 陈玲4, 杨金中4, 杜培军,1,2,3

1.南京大学卫星测绘技术与应用国家测绘地理信息局重点实验室,南京 210023

2.南京大学江苏省地理信息技术重点实验室,南京 210023

3.南京大学江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心,南京 210023

4.中国国土资源航空物探遥感中心,北京 100083

Synthetic aperture Radar remote sensing technology in geological application: A review

ZHENG Hongrui,1,2,3, XU Zhigang1,2,3, GAN Le1,2,3, CHEN Ling4, YANG Jinzhong4, DU Peijun,1,2,3

1.Key Laboratory for Satellite Mapping Technology and Application of State Administration of Surveying,Mapping and Geoinformation of China,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China

2. Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science and Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China

3.Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China

4. China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Land and Resources, Beijing 100083, China

通讯作者: 杜培军(1975-),男,教授,主要从事遥感信息处理与地学应用研究。Email:dupjrs@gmail.com


第一作者: 郑鸿瑞(1989-),男,博士研究生,主要从事资源环境遥感方面的研究。Email: myzhenghr@126.com

收稿日期: 2016-11-15   修回日期: 2017-02-15   网络出版日期: 2018-06-15

基金资助: 中国地质调查局地质调查项目“红石山西部雷达数据处理与解译”.  编号: DD2016006814
中国地质调查局地质矿产调查评价项目“星载全极化SAR数据地质矿产应用技术研究与示范”.  编号: 12120115040601

Received: 2016-11-15   Revised: 2017-02-15   Online: 2018-06-15

Fund supported: .  编号: DD2016006814
.  编号: 12120115040601


合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture Radar,SAR)凭借其全天时、全天候的对地观测能力以及独特的穿透成像特性,在热带雨林及沙漠等典型覆盖地区遥感地质调查中得到了广泛应用。通过阐述地质体微波散射机理,详细总结了SAR在地质考古、岩性识别、地质构造探测和矿产勘查等应用领域的国内外研究进展; 介绍了多源影像融合技术在国内外雷达地质调查中的应用情况,并结合项目实例对其重要作用进行了分析。虽然雷达技术受影像自身特点、处理技术以及数据源等问题的制约,在国内地质调查中的应用水平依然较低,但随着软硬件技术的发展,雷达遥感技术在国内地质应用中的作用也将愈发重要。

关键词: 合成孔径雷达 ; 遥感地质应用 ; 多源数据融合 ; 综述


Synthetic aperture Radar (SAR) is widely used in tropical rainforest and desert areas remote sensing geological survey by virtue of its all-day and all-weather earth observation capability and unique penetrating imaging characteristics. In this paper, the geological bodies microwave scattering mechanism which is the theoretical basis of the SAR geological application is expounded. This paper summarizes the domestic and foreign applications of SAR in geological archeology, mineral exploration, lithology and geological structure identification, reports the research progress of multi - source image fusion technology in Radar geology applications, and explains its important function in combination with practical project examples. Constrained by image characteristics, processing technology and data sources, the domestic SAR geological application remains at a very low level. With the development of hardware and software technology, the Radar remote sensing technology will become more and more important in domestic geological applications.

Keywords: synthetic aperture Radar (SAR) ; remote sensing geological application ; multi-source data fusion ; review

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郑鸿瑞, 徐志刚, 甘乐, 陈玲, 杨金中, 杜培军. 合成孔径雷达遥感地质应用综述. 国土资源遥感[J], 2018, 30(2): 12-20 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.02.02

ZHENG Hongrui, XU Zhigang, GAN Le, CHEN Ling, YANG Jinzhong, DU Peijun. Synthetic aperture Radar remote sensing technology in geological application: A review. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES[J], 2018, 30(2): 12-20 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.02.02

0 引言


目前,适用于地质应用的遥感技术繁多,根据传感器特点可分为光学遥感和微波遥感,其中光学遥感又可根据光谱分辨率细分为多光谱和高光谱遥感。Landsat系列作为多光谱传感器的代表,经过40余a的发展已得到广泛应用。Hyperion,HyMap,CASI和SASI等高光谱传感器凭借极为精细的光谱分辨率,在矿物识别和地质填图等领域展现出了突出的优势[2]。然而光学遥感受太阳辐射和天气的制约明显,难以在夜晚和云雨雪天气对地成像,大大限制了其地质应用范围[3]。合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture Radar,SAR)作为一种主动式遥感系统,通过发射电磁波并接收其后向散射回波完成成像,能不依赖太阳辐射,全天时对地观测。此外,SAR对云雨雪的穿透作用使得其同时具备全天候的数据获取能力,这也使其成为了一种重要且极具潜力的遥感地质应用数据源,并且在非洲北部、我国内蒙古等沙漠地区以及巴西、马来西亚等热带雨林地区的地质调查中发挥了巨大作用,发现了众多被砂层、植被覆盖的古河道、断裂、岩墙、基岩和火山口等隐伏地质要素[4]

目前国内虽然已有大量介绍地质体微波散射机理这一雷达地质应用理论基础的相关成果,但对其具体应用情况,特别是国外应用实例的总结研究明显不足。本文以地质体微波散射机理为理论基础,简要总结了SAR在地质考古、岩性识别、地质构造探测和矿产勘查等应用中的国内外研究进展; 介绍了多源遥感数据融合在雷达地质应用中的相关技术方法和应用实例,并结合笔者项目实例对其重要作用进行了分析; 最后,总结了限制雷达遥感技术在国内地质调查中广泛应用的因素,并对后续发展进行了展望。

1.1 地质体微波散射特性

地质体微波散射特性是指地质体接收到雷达发射出的电磁波,经过相互作用后反射回强度不一的后向散射回波,反映在雷达图像上即地物间存在色调差异,这也是雷达遥感地质应用的理论基础[5]。雷达接收到的地质体后向散射回波强度由雷达系统参数、成像位置和地质体后向散射系数共同决定[6]。其中,雷达系统参数包括波长、极化方式、发射功率和天线增益; 成像位置主要包括入射角和雷达天线到目标地质体的距离; 地质体后向散射系数由地表物理化学性质决定,主要包括地表形态特征和地表物质复介电常数等。对同一幅雷达图像而言,其雷达系统参数和成像位置固定,影像色调差别主要由地质体后向散射系数决定。

地质体后向散射系数主要取决于地表形态特征以及地表物质复介电常数等[7]。地表形态特征可从宏观和微观尺度进行衡量。宏观尺度的地表形态特征表现为地貌单元组合的变化,其高低受地形高度、形态、坡度和地形组合等直接控制[8]; 微观尺度的地表形态特征常表示为地表粗糙度,是一个以入射波波长为度量单位的相对概念。地表粗糙度决定微波的反射类型,由波长和入射角共同控制。地表粗糙度的判定最早是以瑞利准则为依据,当不规则地表高差(h)大于入射波长(λ)除以8倍入射角(θ)的余弦值时认为其属于粗糙地表。McCauley等[9]对其进一步修改,提出当h>λ/4.4cosθ时,认定为粗糙表面; 当h<λ/25cosθ时,认定为光滑表面。微波与光滑表面发生镜面反射,导致后向散射信号微弱; 与粗糙表面发生漫反射,此时微波向不同方向无规则反射; 当地表粗糙度介于二者之间时,2种反射同时存在[10]。地表粗糙度在雷达影像上具体表征为粗糙度越大,影像相应区域色调越亮。

微波与地质体之间存在3种基本散射过程,分别为奇次散射、偶次散射和体散射[11]。地质体表面为光滑表面时发生奇次散射,雷达天线无法接收到后向散射回波; 地表存在垂直二面角结构时,发生偶次散射,微波沿原路径返回接收天线,表现为强烈的后向散射; 微波穿透目标地物时,由于某些地物内部的不均匀性,导致微波发生体散射。



1.2 雷达穿透成像特性




表1   目前在轨和准备发射的SAR传感器及其相关参数

Tab.1  Parameters of SAR sensors in orbit and planed to lunch

HJ-1 C中国S波段2012年331


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2 雷达遥感地质应用

2.1 地质考古


Adams等[20]最初意识到SAR在地质考古中的应用潜力,通过分析伯利兹和危地马拉蒂卡尔地区L波段机载雷达影像,发现了被植被覆盖的流域面积超过12 000 km2的古河道,并根据流域面积和古人口规模间的关系,推测出玛雅低地是当时中美洲地区农耕密度最高的古文明; McCauley等[9]在埃及西部撒哈拉沙漠地区SIR-A影像上也发现了类似的古河道和古人类活动遗址,该地区气候干燥,砂层粒径和厚度均较适宜被作为典型研究区,广泛用于SAR穿透能力的研究[21,22]; 通过对该区大量雷达影像的研究,共发现古遗迹1处、古水系900余km、隐伏双环形火山口1个及类火山口结构1 300余个[23,24]; 苏丹博尔戈尔山地区的库施王国遗址古墓地金字塔在一定几何条件下形成雷达二面角反射,在ALOS PALSAR和Radarsat-2这2种影像上均表现出强烈的散射回波[25]; 伊拉克萨迈拉古城的古城墙雷达反射情况与之类似,但受ALOS PALSAR空间分辨率制约,部分古河道只在Radarsat-2影像上有所表征[26]; Freeman等[27]利用柬埔寨吴哥古城的AirSAR影像,通过识别古河道和池塘堤坝等古水系要素对高棉帝国的古景观和分布范围进行了推测,并在古城周围植被茂密地区首次发现了直线型人工水系等要素; Linck等[28]在叙利亚古罗马要塞地区TerraSAR-X影像上发现了兵营、仓库和古墙壁等遗址,在探地雷达数据的辅助下证明了在该类干燥无植被覆盖地区,X波段雷达数据凭借其高空间分辨率不仅能很好地探测地面遗迹,还能凭借微弱的穿透能力(25 cm)对浅覆盖下遗迹内部结构进行辨别。


2.2 岩性识别


火山地区不同期次熔岩常形成不同粗糙度的地表,在雷达岩性识别研究中得到了关注。Mackenzie等[32]在冰岛阿斯恰火山地区SEASAT影像上通过色调差异识别出了9种地表单元类型,并完成了野外验证; Dierking等[33]不仅利用EMISAR交叉极化影像对冰岛北部火山地区块状和绳状熔岩进行了识别,还通过水平和垂直极化间的相位差对同种熔岩表面不同植被覆盖情况也进行了区分; Murino等[34]发现意大利南部火山地区不同期次熔岩的植被覆盖情况有所差异,通过修正Cloude极化分解特征对不同植被覆盖的区分能力,识别了该地区不同期次熔岩和火山碎屑岩,并进一步识别出石灰岩、石灰白云岩、层状沙质土壤、砾岩、凝灰岩和冲积层等; Guo等[35]通过不同类型熔岩、基岩和冲积层在SIR-C/X-SAR不同波段和极化方式雷达影像上的表征差异,发现在昆仑山阿克赛钦湖东北部火山群地区L波段交叉极化影像岩性识别效果最好。除火山作用外,冰川作用也常引起地表粗糙度的明显差异。Dall等[36]在格陵兰岛EMISAR机载全极化影像上通过更明亮的色调,从辉长岩中识别出了片麻岩。赵福岳等[8]在新疆大黑山通过不同地表单元在雷达影像上的色调纹理特征建立解译标志,完成了研究区内区域地质填图和地层、岩体识别等工作; 倪卓娅[37]在黄山地区也进行了相关工作,研究发现在特定地区通过建立灰度-结构单元进行的雷达地质填图,识别结果甚至优于多光谱影像。

2.3 地质构造探测

SAR地质构造探测可以分为直接识别和间接识别。其中,直接识别是利用SAR对垂直于雷达波入射方向线性特征的增强能力直接识别线性地质特征[12]; 间接识别是通过识别雷达影像上因地质构造引起的地表覆盖类型变化所产生的地表粗糙度差异,从而探测地质构造[8]。探测地质构造不仅有利于分析区域地质构造演化过程,在受构造控制矿床勘探方面也具有重要作用,是雷达地质解译的主要关注对象。

遥感地质构造解译方法主要有目视判读和自动提取。霍夫变换作为数字图像线性特征提取典型算法,在雷达影像地质构造探测中得到了广泛应用。Lee等[38]利用该方法分别提取了韩国东南部庆尚盆地TM影像、数字高程模型(digital elevation model,DEM)和JERS-1雷达影像中的线性特征,发现雷达影像提取结果与TM影像相比总长度基本相同,超过DEM提取结果近400 km; Kageyama等[39]通过对比日本秋田县南部研究区地势图、SAR影像、TM影像线性特征自动提取结果和专家解译成果,发现霍夫变换提取的线性特征与该地区主要水系有很好的对应关系,证明了该方法的有效性。

除自动提取以外,利用雷达不同波段和极化方式假彩色合成影像进行目视解译也是雷达地质构造解译的主要方法。SIR-C/X-SAR因同时具有L,C和X 3个波段,并且在L和C波段具备4种极化方式,利用该传感器数据构建的假彩色合成影像既能利用不同波段影像空间分辨率差异,又能利用不同地表类型的极化信息差异,是雷达地质构造目视解译的有利数据源。Abdelsalam等[40]利用该数据在苏丹东北部新元古代缝合带新发现超过300 km的基岩构造,并分析出该缝合带构造演化受左旋走滑断裂和逆冲构造共同影响,这一新发现使得该缝合带成为非洲东北部最长的基底构造之一; Guo等[41]利用该方法在广东肇庆地区发现了植被覆盖下的1个逆冲断层和6个线性构造。极化分解合成不仅能提高全极化SAR岩性分类精度,而且不同物理散射类型波段组合也对地质构造探测有积极的作用。代晶晶[42]在非洲埃塞俄比亚西部地区的ALOS PALSAR和Radarsat-2全极化数据极化分解假彩色合成影像上,识别出了一条剪切带,解译出的断裂主要呈NW—SE向、NNW—SSE向和近SN向展布,与该地区地质调查情况一致。

2.4 矿产勘查

矿产资源遥感勘查主要通过利用遥感技术对成矿地质背景、地质条件和地质形迹等与成矿地质作用相关的成矿、控矿和示矿信息进行提取和识别[1]。雷达能够穿透地表植被和干燥松散覆盖层识别隐伏控矿构造,在覆盖区遥感地质找矿中具有突出优势。张满郎等[43]在中等植被覆盖度的河北金厂峪金矿地区TM和JERS-1影像上发现了3条成矿构造带,总结出该地区的3种金矿成因类型,对该地区找矿工作具有很好指导意义; 在植被覆盖度更高的马来西亚地区,Pour等[44]利用ALOS PALSAR单极化影像对沙捞越州的巴乌金矿地质构造进行了识别,发现该地区地质断裂受4期构造作用控制,其中图班断裂和泰巴力断裂带中的SSW—NNE向构造与金矿矿化密切相关; Kusky等[45]在埃及东南部沙漠阿拉伯—努比亚地盾地区,利用C和L波段SIR-C/X-SAR水平极化以及L波段垂直极化的假彩色合成影像,结合TM影像波段比值假彩色合成结果,发现该地盾矿床受4期构造运动控制,其中第2期构造产生的角闪岩和蓝片岩相与硫化物沉积及石英脉型金矿密切相关,硫化铜区带和其他的石英脉型金矿受第3期构造产生的EW向褶皱和剪切带控制,第4期构造活动产生的沿断层分布岩墙群与浸染次生铀、稀土富集相关。

3 多源数据融合技术在雷达遥感地质中的应用


多源数据融合方法分为像素级、特征级和决策级3个层级。相比特征级和决策级融合,像素级融合尽可能多地保持了影像的原始信息,能够为地质解译提供更多的细节信息,在遥感地质调查中得到了广泛应用,其主要方法有波段比值、HIS变换和主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)变换等[46,47]。HIS变换是将多光谱影像中3个独立或组合波段进行假彩色合成,并变换至HIS色彩空间中,利用SAR强度数据替换亮度(I)分量并通过逆变换完成融合。经过HIS变换融合后的影像不仅能利用光谱信息对与地质单元相关的不同岩相组分进行区分,还能通过地表粗糙度对地形地貌、地表风化状态及沉积序列等进行分析[48]。张满郎等[43]利用该方法将JERS-1雷达影像和TM影像进行了融合,通过融合影像上岩性和构造等信息,结合成矿背景知识划分了河北金厂峪金矿地区成矿构造带及金矿成因类型,取得了较好的应用效果; 颜蕊[49]在鄂尔多斯盆地评价了不同传感器雷达影像和TM影像不同波段组合方式间的HIS融合效果,发现Envisat水平极化影像与TM B7(R),B4(G),B1(B)假彩色合成影像融合效果最好,并在融合影像上发现该地区NW向和NNW向共轭交错的2大断层,其中NW向断层将一个大环形构造分割为2个小环形构造,再结合地形地貌和地层岩性等信息,最终圈定出该地区2个潜在矿源区,为该地区矿产调查提供了新的线索。

除多光谱影像外,航空物探数据和DEM也常被作为遥感地质应用中影像融合的数据源。航空物探主要探测物理场信息,包括磁数据、重力数据和放射性数据等,其中放射性数据主要包括铀、钍、钾和总计数等[50]。DEM将遥感影像的表达从二维空间提升到三维空间中,能增强显示构造地貌等信息[51]。Paradella等[50]在巴西卡拉加斯地区利用HIS变换对雷达数据、Landsat TM数据和多种航空物探数据进行了融合,发现SAR与放射性总计数融合影像能明显反映地形和岩体单元基岩放射性,SAR与放射性铀或钍数据融合影像能增强对岩性差异和热液交代作用的识别,为热带雨林植被覆盖典型区域遥感矿产调查提供了思路; Teruiya等[51]根据该方法对卡拉加斯地区SAREX和航空物探数据进行了融合,利用融合影像研究了NNE向脆性构造的增强作用,确定该地区受脆性构造影响的围岩金铜矿化主要来源是深层岩体的花岗岩热液迁移。


笔者在参与“天山—北山重要成矿区带遥感调查”项目的过程中,为充分利用雷达影像的空间纹理信息和多光谱影像的岩性光谱信息,利用PCA变换将ALOS-2 PALSAR-2雷达数据和Landsat8 OLI B7(R),B5(G),B2(B)假彩色合成影像进行了融合。其中,ALOS-2 PALSAR-2数据选用其高视角四极化模式产品,经过多视、辐射定标、地形校正、地理编码和滤波等预处理后,空间分辨率重采样为6 m。



图1   断裂构造光学影像和融合影像对比

Fig.1   Comparison of fractal structures on optical and fused images

图1(b)中红线位置为一条较小的次级断裂,该断裂在光学影像上(图1(a))无明显纹理特征,在融合影像(图1(b))上却十分明显,而且融合影像上可见绿色和棕色岩体存在明显错动,进一步提高了解译精度。该项目利用融合影像共识别出90条断裂构造,其中81条可仅通过雷达影像进行识别,而单纯利用Landsat8 OLI影像仅识别出其中的44条,可见融合影像相比雷达影像在构造识别中更具优势,而这一优势相比光学影像更为突出。




图2   岩脉在光学影像和融合影像上的对比

Fig.2   Comparison of dikes on optical and fused images

图2中可以看出,该岩脉在图2(a)Landsat8 OLI影像上受空间分辨率限制表现为一条极窄的浅绿色线状要素,而在图2(b)融合影像中能明显地看到该岩脉中存在2种不同岩性,分别表征为蓝色和绿色2种颜色,且之间界线分明。

4 结论与展望

合成孔径雷达作为重要的遥感数据源,已在热带雨林和内陆沙漠地区的地质矿产调查中发挥出了巨大的作用,其主要原因有以下3点: ①雷达主动发射电磁波并接收地物后向散射回波,能全天时、全天候对地观测,为低纬度多云雨地区提供稳定的遥感地质应用数据来源; ②雷达对特定方向线性构造的增强能力和不同地表粗糙度差异敏感特性使得其在地质构造探测和岩性识别方面具有独到的优势; ③雷达能穿透一定厚度的植被和砂层,可实现对光学影像和地面调查不可见的隐伏地质要素的探测。

但目前雷达遥感地质应用依然存在较多问题,其主要原因可概括为过高的使用成本,具体表现为: ①雷达影像自身存在叠掩、透视收缩以及斑点噪声等问题,在预处理之前影像效果不甚直观,理解起来较为困难; ②极化SAR影像处理平台,如PolSARpro和SARScape等,在交互逻辑和用户界面上相比光学影像处理平台均存在较大差距; ③雷达数据大多需要订购且费用较为昂贵,进一步增加了使用成本。


志谢: 在地质解译过程中有幸得到四川省地质调查院尹显科、裴亚伦等专家的大力帮助,在论文撰写过程中得到了课题组陈吉科博士、李二珠博士、谢相见博士、罗洁琼博士和戴晨曦硕士的诸多指导和宝贵意见,在此表示感谢。


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McCauley J F,Schaber G G,Breed C S,et al.

Subsurface valleys and geoarcheology of the eastern Sahara revealed by shuttle Radar

[J]. Science, 1982,218(4576):1004-1020.

DOI:10.1126/science.218.4576.1004      URL     PMID:17790589      [本文引用: 3]

The shuttle imaging radar (SIR-A) carried on the space shuttle Columbia in November 1981 penetrated the extremely dry Selima Sand Sheet, dunes, and drift sand of the eastern Sahara, revealing previously unknown buried valleys, geologic structures, and possible Stone Age occupation sites. Radar responses from bedrock and gravel surfaces beneath windblown sand several centimeters to possibly meters thick delineate sand- and alluvium-filled valleys, some nearly as wide as the Nile Valley and perhaps as old as middle Tertiary. The now-vanished major river systems that carved these large valleys probably accomplished most of the erosional stripping of this extraordinarily flat, hyperarid region. Underfit and incised dry wadis, many superimposed on the large valleys, represent erosion by intermittent running water, probably during Quaternary pluvials. Stone Age artifacts associated with soils in the alluvium suggest that areas near the wadis may have been sites of early human occupation. The presence of old drainage networks beneath the sand sheet provides a geologic explanation for the locations of many playas and present-day oases which have been centers of episodic human habitation. Radar penetration of dry sand and soils varies with the wavelength of the incident signals (24 centimeters for the SIR-A system), incidence angle, and the electrical properties of the materials, which are largely determined by moisture content. The calculated depth of radar penetration of dry sand and granules, based on laboratory measurements of the electrical properties of samples from the Selima Sand Sheet, is at least 5 meters. Recent (September 1982) field studies in Egypt verified SIR-A signal penetration depths of at least 1 meter in the Selima Sand Sheet and in drift sand and 2 or more meters in sand dunes.

孙永军, 杨清华, 赵福岳 , .


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A three-component scattering model for polarimetric SAR data

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An approach has been developed that involves the fit of a combination of three simple scattering mechanisms to polarimetric SAR observations. The mechanisms are canopy scatter from a cloud of randomly oriented dipoles, evenor double-bounce scatter fr...

谭衢霖, 邵芸 .


[J]. 地质找矿论丛, 2003,18(1):59-65.

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成像雷达(SAR)遥感以其 独有的全天时、全天候观测能力和对地表的穿透性及形态探测能力,特别是现在新型成像雷达遥感技术的发展,使之在地质学应用中比光学遥感更具优势。文章结合 SAR应用技术的发展过程,即由单波段单极化到多波段多极化,再发展到现在极化测量和干涉测量阶段,综述了成像雷达遥感在地学中的应用,特别对新型成像雷 达技术(极化雷达、差分干涉雷达)在岩性分类、探测地震区域形变的地学应用作了实例介绍。

Tan Q L, Shao Y .

Geological application of Radar remote sensing technology and its development

[J]. Contributions to Geology and Mineral Resources Research, 2003,18(1):59-65.

[本文引用: 2]

王翠珍, 郭华东 .


[J]. 遥感学报, 2000,4(3):219-223.

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:1007-4619.2000.03.011      URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

雷达遥感中地表不同岩石类别的后向散射一般差别不大, 因此以散射幅度为主要探测因子的常规雷达遥感数据不利于岩性分类。极化雷达以散射矩阵或Stokes矩阵的形式, 记录了更多的地物回波信息。信息源的增多, 有利于提高岩性分类的精度。但是, 由于不同极化状态回波信号之间的相关性, 极化数据不可避免地产生数据冗余, 反而增大了岩性分类的误差。为增强极化数据在岩性分类中的应用, 使用Colude提出的目标相关矩阵特征向量分解方法, 将岩石散射分成互相独立的 3部分:单向散射, 双向散射和交叉散射。目标分解技术降低了同一岩性岩石同极化回波之间的相关性, 更清晰地显示了不同岩石类别的散射强度差异, 显示了极化数据在岩性分类中的优势。利用1994年 10月获取的新疆北部山区SIR C极化数据, 对不同岩性岩石的目标分解数据以及线性极化后向散射强度数据进行了综合的统计分析, 建立了适合每一种岩性识别的散点图, 并将这些数据作为输入端进行神经网络分类, 分类精度最大可达 94%, 误差最小为 1.06 %。

Wang C Z, Guo H D .

Lithological classification of polarimetric SAR data with target decomposition method

[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2000,4(3):219-223.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

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Detection of subsurface features in SEASAT Radar images of Means Valley,Mojave Desert,California

[J]. Geology, 1984,12(6):346-349.

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Igneous dikes buried beneath as much as 2 m of alluvium in the Mojave Desert of California were detected by the SEASAT L-band (23.5-cm wavelength) synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) in 1978. The roughness and dihedral configuration of the dikes are favorable to generation of strong radar echos. The soil-moisture levels in 1978 were likely below the critical 1% level. The other permissive conditions for radar penetration of a fine-grained and thin alluvial cover are present. Our findings suggest that subsurface features with potential tectonic or geomorphic significance may be revealed in other orbital radar images of semiarid terrains.

Hoekstra P, Delaney A .

Dielectric properties of soils at UHF and microwave frequencies

[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research, 1974,79(11):1699-1708.

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The complex dielectric constant of four soils, including a sand, a silt, and two clays, was measured over the frequency range from 0.1 0103 109 Hz to 26 0103 109 Hz. The water content of the soils was varied from 0.0 g H2O/g soil to 0.15 g H2O/g soil, and the temperature from 2400°C to 2000°C. The dielectric relaxation spectrum of water in soils was found to be displaced to lower frequencies than the dielectric relaxation spectrum of water in bulk. The results showed that the relation between volumetric water content and the complex dielectric constant is relatively independent of soil type. At temperatures above freezing the complex dielectric constant of water in soils, at the water contents investigated, decreases with temperature, a type of behavior normally found only in solids. Below the freezing point the phase composition of water in soils determines the temperature dependence of the complex dielectric constant.

Roth L E, Elachi C .

Coherent electromagnetic losses by scattering from volume inhomogeneities

[J]. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 1975,23(5):674-675.

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A parametric analysis of the coherent electromagnetic losses due to scattering from volume weak inhomogeneities is reported. It is shown that even in the case of very weak inhomogeneities, the loss could be appreciable in a resonance region and thus play a more dominant role than conductivity losses.

Elachi C, Roth L E, Schaber G G.

Spaceborne Radar subsurface imaging in hyperarid regions

[J].IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1984,GE- 22(4):383-388.

DOI:10.1109/TGRS.1984.350641      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Imaging data acquired with the Shuttle Imaging Radar (SIR-A) over the hyperarid region of Egypt/Sudan clearly show surface penetration through the sand cover. Even though absorption does occur in the sand layer, surface refraction leads to a steeper incidence angle at the sand/bedrock interface resulting in a stronger backscatter. A simple backscatter model shows that for a low-loss thin sand layer the presence of the covering layer enhances the capability to image the subsurface interface, particularly at large incidence angles and HH polarization.

Berlin G L, Tarabzouni M A, Al-Naser A H, et al.

SIR-B subsurface imaging of a sand-buried landscape:Al Labbah Plateau, Saudi Arabia

[J].IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1986,GE- 24(4):595-602.

DOI:10.1109/TGRS.1986.289676      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Despite a diminution in the transmit and receive power of the SIR-B system, a striking L-band radar image was produced for a portion of the southern Al Labbah Plateau, Saudi Arabia, a landscape dominated by eolian sand features. Distinct tonal and digital number (DN) signatures uniquely define 1) areas where the SIR-B beam penetrated a relatively thin sand sheet to be diffusely reflected from the buried carbonate rocks of the Aruma Formation and 2) a thick sand hill and associative sand shadow where SIR-B subsurface imaging did not occur. Computer analysis of the digital SIR-B image data indicates there is about a 26-DN difference between the sand-buried Aruma Formation and the unpenetrated sand hill and shadow. Depth measurements from more than 80 test holes show that subsurface imaging occurred through a sand layer whose maximum measured thickness is 1.24 m. The penetrated medium is a fine-to medium-grained low-density quartz sand that had a very low moisture content (average of about 0.2 weight percent) on the day of the Space Shuttle overpass. The minimum thickness of sand features where subsurface imaging did not occur is thought to be about 3.1 m.

陈富龙 .


[J]. 遥感技术与应用, 2015,30(5):835-841.

DOI:10.11873/j.issn.1004-0323.2015.5.0835      URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]


Chen F L .

Principle,application and prospects of synthetic aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing in archaeology

[J]. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 2015,30(5):835-841.

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Adams R E W,Brown Jr W E, Culbert T P.

Radar mapping,archeology,and ancient Maya land use

[J]. Science, 1981,213(4515):1457-1468.

DOI:10.1126/science.213.4515.1457      URL     PMID:17780866      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract A severe incongruity has long existed between the well-known complexity of ancient Maya civilization and the relatively feeble economic base that could be reconstructed for it. Recent fieldwork has ihdicated that much more intensive cultivation patterns were used than was previously thought. Data from the use of synthetic aperture radar in aerial surveys of the southern Maya lowlands suggest that large areas were drained by ancient canals that may have been used for intensive cultivation. Ground checks in several limited areas have confirmed the existence of canals, and excavations and ground surveys have provided valuable comparative information. Taken together, the new data suggest that Late Class period Maya civilization was firmly grounded in large-scale and intensive cultivation of swampy zones.

Schaber G G, McCauley J F,Breed C S.

The use of multifrequency and polarimetric SIR-C/X-SAR data in geologic studies of Bir Safsaf,Egypt

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 1997,59(2):337-363.

DOI:10.1016/S0034-4257(96)00143-5      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Bir Safsaf, within the hyperarid core of the Sahara in the Western Desert of Egypt, was recognized following the SIR-A and SIR-B missions in the 1980s as one of the key localities in northeast Africa, where penetration of dry sand by radar signals delineates previously unknown, sand-buried paleodrainage valleys (radar-rivers) of middle Tertiary to Quaternary age. The Bir Safsaf area was targeted as a focal point for further research in sand penetration and geologic mapping using the multifrequency and polarimetric SIR-C/X-SAR sensors. Analysis of the SIR-C/X-SAR data from Bir Safsaf provides important new information on the roles of multiple SAR frequency and polarimetry in portraying specific types of geologic units, materials, and structures mostly hidden from view on the ground and on Landsat TM images by a relatively thin, but extensive blanket of blow sand. Basement rock units (granitoids and gneisses) and the fractures associated with them at Bir Safsaf are shown here for the first time to be clearly delineated using C- and L-band SAR images. The detectability of most geologic features is dependent primarily on radar frequency, as shown for wind erosion patterns in bedrock at X-band (3 cm wavelength ), and for geologic units and sand and clay-filled fractures in weathered crystalline basement rocks at C-band (6 cm) and L-band (24 cm). By contrast, Quaternary paleodrainage channels are detectable at all three radar frequencies owing, among other things, to an usually thin cover of blow sand. The SIR-C/X-SAR data investigated to (late enable us to make specific recommendations about the utility of certain radar sensor configurations for geologic and paleoenvironmental reconnaissance in desert regions.

Paillou P, Grandjean G, Baghdadi N , et al.

Subsurface imaging in south-central Egypt using low-frequency radar:Bir Safsaf revisited

[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2003,41(7):1672-1684.

DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2003.813275      URL     [本文引用: 1]

We present the capabilities of low-frequency radar systems to sound the subsurface for a site located in south-central Egypt, the Bir Safsaf region. This site was already intensively studied since the SIR-A and SIR-B orbital radars revealed buried paleodrainage channels. Our approach is based on the coupling between two complementary radar techniques: the orbital synthetic aperture radar (SAR) in C and L bands (5.3 and 1.25 GHz) for imaging large-scale subsurface structures, and the ground-penetrating radar (GPR) at 500 and 900 MHz for sounding the soil at a local scale. We show that the total backscattered power computed from L-band SAR and 900-MHz GPR profiles can be correlated, and we combined both data to derive the geological structure of the subsurface. GPR data provide information on the geometry of the buried scatterers and layers, while the analysis of polarimetric SAR data provides information on the distribution of rocks in the sedimentary layers and at the interface between these layers. The analysis of 500-MHz GPR data revealed some deeper structures that should be detected by lower frequency SARs, such as a P-band system.

Paillou P, Lopez S, Farr T , et al.

Mapping subsurface geology in sahara using L-band SAR:First results from the ALOS/PALSAR imaging Radar

[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2010,3(4):632-636.

DOI:10.1109/JSTARS.2010.2056915      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Within the framework of Kyoto & Carbon Initiative of the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA), we used JERS-1 and ALOS/PALSAR radar images to build regional and continental scale mosaics of Sahara. The unique capability of L-band SAR to map subsurface structures in arid areas revealed previously unknown geological features: craters, faults, paleo-rivers. The latter are of particular interest for water resource detection in arid regions.

Gaber A, Koch M, Griesh M H , et al.

Near-surface imaging of a buried foundation in the Western Desert,Egypt,using space-borne and ground penetrating Radar

[J]. Journal of Archaeological Science, 2013,40(4):1946-1955.

DOI:10.1016/j.jas.2012.12.019      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ALOS/PALSAR L-band full polarimetric data have been used to detect and characterize a well-defined geometric target hidden under sand deposits in the Western Desert of Egypt. This buried object is rectangular in shape with very straight boundaries and encloses an area of 500 m2. Inside the rectangular area there is a perfectly circular feature of approximately 53 m2 area. High and medium resolution optical satellite images (WorldView-2, ALOS/AVNIR-2) and field investigation confirm that the topography of the study area is relatively flat and completely covered by dry sand. The electromagnetic wave scattering behavior of the detected buried object was measured by decomposing the scattering matrix of ALOS/ PALSAR full polarimetric data into Entropy-Alpha (H/a) and Freeman and Durden decompositions. Furthermore, a combination of unsupervised classification algorithms and Constant False-Alarm Rate (CFAR) edge detection was performed on the polarimetric data which revealed a well-defined geometric shape with straight borders. These borders have high a angles with low entropy, which physically means double bounce scattering mechanism with low randomness and is very similar to that of an urban scatterer, indicating that the detected target might be a buried wall-like foundation of a man-made structure. Moreover, 28 ground penetrating radar (GPR) profiles were acquired using a 270 MHz shielded antenna to validate the satellite radar remote sensing results. The GPR profiles reveal very clear hyperbolic shapes at 1.5 m depth with one of them showing a large hyperbolic shape-like structure, which might indicate the presence of a buried foundation. Thus the site might have significance to archaeological studies of the Western Desert, particularly previous human occupation and the sources of water for such habitation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Patruno J, Dore N, Crespi M , et al.

Polarimetric multifrequency and multi-incidence SAR sensors analysis for archaeological purposes

[J]. Archaeological Prospection, 2013,20(2):89-96.

DOI:10.1002/arp.1448      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The aim of the present work was to compare Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) with RADARSAT-2 C-band satellite in order to identify the most suitable method for the detection of ground anomalies due to the presence of shallow underground archaeological structures. This comparison was performed over two UNESCO archaeological sites: Djebel Barkal (northern province of Meroe, Sudan) and Samarra (13065km north of Bagdad, Iraq). The choice of these two cultural sites was motivated by their position in a desert area (especially the Djebel Barkal site) where soil moisture has smaller impact on radar wave penetration, thus not compromising data interpretation. The largest difference between the satellites is the spatial resolution, around 2065m for the PALSAR sensor and 965m for the RADARSAT-2 satellite. Given the importance of spatial resolution for archaeological purposes, that difference is balanced by the wave band utilized, which can be translated in differences in soil penetration. However, the quite superficial remains in both the sites give different but complementary responses. Polarimetric SAR data were analysed with PolSARpro software, and all the products were then compared with archaeological maps and available optical satellite images, used as a basis for the georeferencing process. This work constitutes a fundamental step in archaeological research toward a correct interpretation of all the scattering mechanisms above or around ancient structures. Additional information, such as meteorological conditions where available and archaeological maps (that can be consulted from the UNESCO website), was used as a support for interpretation of the archaeological areas; in the case of the Iraqi city of Samarra and of the archaeological area of Gebel Barkal, ground-truth surveys in situ are not allowed for political reasons. Copyright 08 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Dore N, Patruno J, Pottier E , et al.

New research in polarimetric SAR technique for archaeological purposes using ALOS PALSAR data

[J]. Archaeological Prospection, 2013,20(2):79-87.

DOI:10.1002/arp.1446      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The work presented here is a further study of the UNESCO Cultural Heritage sites of Samarra (Iraq) and Djebel Barkal archaeological area (Sudan) by means of polarimetric products of the Japanese satellite ALOS PALSAR. Despite the Iraqi war ending in 2011, the city of Samarra is still included on the UNESCO List of Sites in Danger (since 2007). The study of the city presented here began three years ago with the analysis of optical data. The work showed an urban and agricultural expansion affecting the integrity of the city. An attempt to study Samarra by using the polarimetric SAR technique was made in previous years with the employment of the ALOS PALSAR satellite. That study was limited to the analysis of polarimetric descriptors such as entropy and alpha angle, parameters that gave results regarding prevalence of double-bounce and volume scattering mechanisms in the area investigated. The second archaeological site, Djebel Barkal, is one of five archaeological sites located in a semi-desert area along the River Nile, in the Napatan Region considered to be part of Nubia. The site was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2003. Polarimetric descriptors considered in previous studies of the zone were entropy and alpha angle. Also in this case, a deeper analysis was carried out with the addition of a second ALOS PALSAR polarimetric SAR image, acquired 3 years later. In the present work, more polarimetric parameters, such as Freeman and Yamaguchi decompositions, are taken into account in order to observe scattering mechanisms both upon the structures already known and the area around them. Thanks to these decompositions and the archaeological maps that were available, it was possible to validate backscattered responses in ALOS PALSAR images as archaeological structures. Copyright 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Freeman A, Hensley S, Moore E.

Analysis of Radar images of Angkor,Cambodia

[C]//Proceedings of International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.Hamburg,Germany:IEEE, 1999,5:2572-2574.

[本文引用: 1]

Linck R, Busche T, Buckreuss S , et al.

Possibilities of archaeological prospection by high-resolution X-band satellite Radar-a case study from Syria

[J]. Archaeological Prospection, 2013,20(2):97-108.

DOI:10.1002/arp.1444      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The launch of the first German radar satellite TerraSAR-X in 2007 opened a new era in spaceborne radar remote sensing. So far the applicability for the high-resolution prospection of upstanding and, especially, buried monuments was limited because of the low resolution of the former sensors. TerraSAR-X, however, provides us with images with a spatial resolution of up to 1m. The satellite operates in the so-called X-band with a frequency of 9.65GHz. Therefore it is supposed that there is no possibility to penetrate the soil with this sensor. To testify and analyse the benefit of TerraSAR-X in archaeological geophysics, we chose as a test site a Roman fortress in Syria. The site was chosen as we already have GPR data of the same area for a comparison and for the verification of the actual penetration depth. Our results revealed that it is possible to resolve superficial and even buried structures in the data set, which provides evidence that the X-band waves can penetrate the soil. This paper shows our results of the survey and an estimation of the possible penetration depth of TerraSAR-X. Copyright (c) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

郭华东 .


[J]. 遥感学报, 1997,1(1):32-39.

DOI:10.11834/jrs.19970105      URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]


Guo H D .

Spaceborne multifrequency,polarametric and interferometric Radar for detection of the targets on earth surface and subsurface

[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 1997,1(1):32-39.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

Lu X Q, Guo H D, Shao Y.

Detection of the Great Wall using SIR-C data in North-Western China

[C]//Proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing,Remote Sensing-A Scientific Vision for Sustainable Development.Singapore:IEEE, 1997,1:50-52.

[本文引用: 1]

Guo H D, Liu H, Wang X Y , et al.

Subsurface old drainage detection and paleoenvironment analysis using spaceborne Radar images in Alxa Plateau

[J]. Science in China Series D(Earth Sciences), 2000,43(4):439-448.

DOI:10.1007/BF02959455      URL     [本文引用: 1]

For geological and environmental research in an arid area, a unique advantage of radar remote sensing is that radar wave can penetrate a certain layer of dry sand (a few centimeters to meters thick) to reach the buried bedrock. The penetration capability is able to reveal the subsur-face geological structure and old drainage paths. Based on the analysis of SIR-A, SIR-B, SIR-C, Radarsat ScanSAR, Landsat MSS and Landsat TM images acquired on different dates and the investigations made in several field trips in Alxa Plateau of Inner Mongolia, a number of old river valley and lake basins buried by wind-blown sand were recognized. Two parallel old drainage systems in the north and middle of the study area are delineated. The study suggests that the moving sand belts mainly follow the old drainage courses. This study also establishes a preliminary drain-age evolution model for an area of about 300 000 km 2 since the Tertiary, and finds that the Alxa Plateau was once an area with many rivers and lakes with a warm and humid climate. The relief reversion caused by neotectonic movement since “Qinghai-Tibet movement” is also analyzed.

Mackenzie J S, Ringrose P S .

Use of SEASAT SAR imagery for geological mapping in a volcanic terrain:Askja Caldera, Iceland

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1986,7(2):181-194.

DOI:10.1080/01431168608954675      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Nine distinct surface types have been identified by comparison of SEASAT SAR imagery with field observations in the Askja Caldera region of central Iceland. A map of radargeological surface type is presented, together with field descriptions and discussion of the influence of the surface types on radar signal return. Surface relief, surface roughness and clast size were found to have the greatest importance for imageinterpretation.

Dierking W, Haack H.

L-band polarimetric SAR-signatures of lava flows in the Northern Volcanic Zone,Iceland

[C]//IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings.Seattle,WA,USA:IEEE, 1998,3:1339-1341.

[本文引用: 1]

Murino P, Ferri M, Castellano L, et al.

Using SIR-C/X-SAR data in the analysis of volcanic and sedimentary areas.The Campania test site (Southern Italy)

[C]//Proceedings of International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,Quantitative Remote Sensing for Science and Applications.Firenze,Italy:IEEE, 1995,2:1069-1071.

[本文引用: 1]

Guo H D, Liao J J, Wang C L , et al.

Use of multifrequency,multipolarization shuttle imaging Radar for volcano mapping in the Kunlun Mountains of Western China

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 1997,59(2):364-374.

DOI:10.1016/S0034-4257(96)00175-7      URL     [本文引用: 1]

A group of volcanoes northeast of Aksayqin Lake, in the western Kunlun Mountains, China, have been identified on multifrequency, multipolarization spaceborne imaging radar-C/X-band synthetic aperture radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) images. Field observations made on the volcanic morphology and terrain features are described in this paper. Analysis of single-band, single-polarization radar backscatter coefficients (σ°) shows that LHV best discriminates the two types of lava flows (pahoehoe and aa lavas), alluvium, and bedrock. The factors affecting the radar backscatter coefficient also are analyzed. Finally, this paper presents KAr isotopic ages of volcanic samples collected in the field and discusses the volcanism in the area.

Dall J, Madsen S N, Brooks C K, et al.

Geologic mapping in Greenland with polarimetric SAR

[C]//Proceedings of International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,Quantitative Remote Sensing for Science and Applications.Firenze,Italy:IEEE, 1995,3:2206-2208.

[本文引用: 1]

倪卓娅 .


[D].北京:中国地质大学(北京), 2012.

[本文引用: 1]

Ni Z Y .

Research on Lithological Classification Using SAR Image and Its Application on Geology

[D].Beijing: China University of Geosciences(Beijing), 2012.

[本文引用: 1]

Lee T H, Moon W M.

Lineament extraction from Landsat TM,JERS-1 SAR,and DEM for geological applications

[C]//IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.Toronto,Ontario,Canada:IEEE, 2002,6:3276-3278.

[本文引用: 1]

Kageyama Y, Nishida M, Oi T.

Analysis of the segments extracted by automated lineament detection

[C]//IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.Honolulu,HI:IEEE, 2000,1:289-291.

[本文引用: 1]

Abdelsalam M G, Stern R J .

Mapping Precambrian structures in the Sahara Desert with SIR-C/X-SAR Radar:The Neoproterozoic Keraf Suture,NE Sudan

[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research, 1996,101(E10):23063-23076.

DOI:10.1029/96JE01391      URL     [本文引用: 1]

A major N-trending Neoproterozoic suture between composite arc terranes of the Arabian-Nubian Shield in the east and older crust of the Nile Craton to the west is inferred to trend N-S close to the Nile in northern Sudan. We used shuttle imaging radar (SIR) C/X synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery to find and map these structures in the poorly known Keraf Suture which are not apparent on visible or near IR imagery due to extensive sand cover. L band (23 cm wavelength) radar images best resolve geologic structure; the other frequencies of the SIR-C/X-SAR system (X and C bands) permit qualitative evaluation of the effects of surface versus subsurface backscattering. Interpretation of L band images supported by field work indicates that the Keraf Suture is 50 km wide and &gt;550 km long, making it the longest basement structure recognized to date in NE Africa. The northern part of the Suture comprises ophiolitic rocks which were thrust westward over tightly folded sediments of the Nile Craton. The southern Keraf Suture is dominated by N- and NNW-trending, left-lateral strike-slip faults that affect previously deformed passive margin sediments. Associated with these faults are NE-trending transpressional folds and a possible transtensional basin. These structures are interpreted to be due to NW-SE oblique collision between the Arabian-Nubian Shield and the Nile Craton, as east and west Gondwana collided in the last 150 m.y. of Neoproterozoic time.

Guo H D, Zhu L P, Shao Y , et al.

Detection of structural and lithological features underneath a vegetation canopy using SIR-C/X-SAR data in Zhao Qing test site of southern China

[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research, 1996,101(E10):23101-23108.

DOI:10.1029/96JE01974      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In a subtropical region, the application of remote sensing in geological survey and mapping is limited by the dense vegetation and soil cover and poor data availability due to clouds and rain. This study emphasizes the detection of structural and lithological features underneath a vegetation canopy using shuttle imaging radar C/X band synthetic aperture radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) data. Zhao Qing test site in southern China was selected for this study. The SIR-C/X-SAR data have advantages including all weather, all time imaging capability, high altitude, and wide swath along with the expanded information from multifrequency and multipolarization that improves the geological interpretibility, especially in a moist, vegetated region. This paper presents interpretations of structures, beds, and lithostratigraphic units from the shuttle imaging radar data, and makes an assessment of SIR-C/X-SAR data for geological mapping.

代晶晶 .


[J]. 地质与勘探, 2011,47(4):719-725.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

由于雷达数据不受天气影响,且具有一定的穿透能力,近年来已被广泛的运用在地质构造信息提取研究中。ALOS PALSAR与RADARSAT2是近年发展的最先进的雷达传感器,其全极化模式同时又具有较高的空间分辨率,这为植被区地质构造研究提供了良好的数据源。本文选取非洲埃塞俄比亚西部为研究区,通过对研究区域两种全极化雷达数据进行正射校正、极化合成等处理,对比分析了其在地质构造应用中的优劣,结果表明PALSAR全极化数据较为有利;最后选取PALSAR全极化数据,结合区域地质背景,提取了研究区的构造信息,提取结果与区域整体构造格架一致。

Dai J J .

Application of PALSAR and RADARSAT2 quad-polar data to study of geological structure

[J]. Geology and Exploration, 2011,47(4):719-725.

[本文引用: 1]

张满郎, 郑兰芬 .

Landsat TM及JERS-1 SAR数据在金矿探测中的应用研究

[J]. 环境遥感, 1996,11(4):260-266.

DOI:10.1007/BF02951625      URL     [本文引用: 2]

金矿遥感探测之关键在于成矿构 造及铁氧化物、含羟基蚀变矿物的信息提取。JERS—1SAR在构造探测方面具有很大的优势,可通过噪斑消除及边缘增强的空间滤波来提取构造信息。 LandsatTM可通过主成分变换,比值分析-主成分变换来提取蚀变矿物波谱信息、抑制植被波谱干扰。这两种遥感数据的复合处理可综合蚀变与构造信息。

Zhang M L, Zheng L F .

Application of Landsat TM and JERS-1 SAR data to gold exploration

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment China, 1996,11(4):260-266.

[本文引用: 2]

Pour A B, Hashim M .

Structural geology mapping using PALSAR data in the Bau gold mining district, Sarawak,Malaysia

[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2014,54(4):644-654.

DOI:10.1016/j.asr.2014.02.012      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The application of optical remote sensing data for geological mapping is difficult in the tropical environment. The persistent cloud coverage, dominated vegetation in the landscape and limited bedrock exposures are constraints imposed by the tropical climate. Structural geology investigations that are searching for epithermal or polymetallic vein-type ore deposits can be developed using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing data in tropical/sub-tropical regions. The Bau gold mining district in the State of Sarawak, East Malaysia, on the island of Borneo has been selected for this study. The Bau is a gold field similar to Carlin style gold deposits, but gold mineralization at Bau is much more structurally controlled. Geological analyses coupled with the Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) remote sensing data were used to detect structural elements associated with gold mineralization. The PALSAR data were used to perform lithological-structural mapping of mineralized zones in the study area and surrounding terrain. Structural elements were detected along the SSW to NNE trend of the Tuban fault zone and Tai Parit fault that corresponds to the areas of occurrence of the gold mineralization in the Bau Limestone. Most of quartz-gold bearing veins occur in high-angle faults, fractures and joints within massive units of the Bau Limestone. The results show that four deformation events (D1 4) in the structures of the Bau district and structurally controlled gold mineralization indicators, including faults, joints and fractures are detectable using PALSAR data at both regional and district scales. The approach used in this study can be more broadly applicable to provide preliminary information for exploration potentially interesting areas of epithermal or polymetallic vein-type mineralization using the PALSAR data in the tropical/sub-tropical regions.

Kusky T M, Ramadan T M .

Structural controls on Neoproterozoic mineralization in the South Eastern Desert,Egypt:An integrated field,Landsat TM,and SIR-C/X SAR approach

[J]. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 2002,35(1):107-121.

DOI:10.1016/S0899-5362(02)00029-5      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The Arabian–Nubian Shield represents a complex amalgam of arcs and microcontinents assembled during Neoproterozoic closure of the Mozambique Ocean. The 750–720 Ma Allaqi suture is an arc/arc collision zone, formed when the Gerf terrane in the north overrode the circa 830–720 Ma Gabgaba terrane in the south, prior to closure of the Mozambique Ocean. Neoproterozoic rocks include ophiolitic ultramafic–mafic rocks, metasediments, intermediate metavolcanic rocks, intrusive gabbro-diorite rocks, granodiorites, biotite granites, and leucocratic granites. High-pressure/low-temperature metamorphism has been documented in rocks of the suture zone. Mineral deposits include nickel–copper–platinum and podiform chromite in ultramafic rocks, marble, gold-bearing quartz-veins in D 2 and D 3 shear zones, and radioactive mineralization associated with late leucocratic granitic rocks. Integrated field mapping and remote sensing techniques are used to distinguish and map the relationships between rock units, structures, and alteration zones associated with mineral deposits along the Allaqi suture of Egypt's SE Desert. Landsat TM images processed using a band ratioing technique show different rock types remarkably well, and are able to distinguish between alteration zones associated with ultramafic rocks (listwaenites) and those associated with leucocratic granitic rocks (greisenization, silicification and albitization). Black and white L-band SIR-C/X SAR images outline foliations, faults and folds that control mineralization at several deposits in the area, whereas color composite multiband Chh-Lhh-Lhv SIR-C/X SAR images reveal some elliptical granitic bodies that host radioactive mineralization. E-trending, tight to isoclinal, gently dipping folds, thrust faults and subvertical shear zones related to the Allaqi suture are overprinted by N-oriented structures related to the Wadi Ungate shear zone, formed during collision of east and west Gondwana during closure of the Mozambique Ocean. The location of the Wadi Ungate shear zone in the Wadi Shellman area was previously unknown due to burial of basement rocks beneath thin dry sands. A new structural map was prepared using Landsat TM ratio images and SIR-C/X SAR imagery. SIR-C/X SAR data conveys considerably more information about rocks and structures beneath the thin sand cover than discernible from aerial photographs or Landsat TM images.

翁永玲, 田庆久 .


[J].遥感信息, 2003(3):49-54.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3177.2003.03.015      URL     [本文引用: 1]

论述了几种常用的基于像元级遥感影像融合方法的原理、特点、作用及限制条件 ,对各种相应的算法进行了分析和评价 ,归纳并阐明了遥感数据融合效果定量评价指标及其意义 ,展望了遥感数据融合方法的发展与应用前景

Weng Y L, Tian Q J .

Analysis and evaluation of method on remote sensing data fusion

[J].Remote Sensing Information, 2003(3):49-54.

[本文引用: 1]

陈彩芬, 舒宁 .


[J]. 国土资源遥感, 1999,11(4):53-57.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.1999.04.10.

URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

利用彩色空间变换、比值变换及相关系数法分别对SAR影像与TM3 、TM4 、TM5 三波段影像进行融合处理。文章介绍了影像融合中的具体技术问题及其处理方法。因侧视雷达图像一般有明显的孤立噪声,所以,在进行影像融合处理之前,先对SAR影像进行预处理,文中用&delta;滤波法抑制孤立噪声(光斑) .最后,从视觉效果、熵、平均梯度值以及标准差等4 方面评价了影像融合的质量。

Chen C F, Shu N .

The fusion approaches for SAR and TM images

[J]. Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 1999,11(4):53-57.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.1999.04.10.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

Wever T, Frei M.

Integration of SIR-C/X-SAR and Landsat TM data for geologic mapping and resource exploration

[C]//International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,Remote Sensing for a Sustainable Future.Lincoln,NE,USA:IEEE, 1996,3:1833-1835.

[本文引用: 1]

颜蕊 .


[D]. 青岛:山东科技大学, 2006.

[本文引用: 1]

Yan R .

Research about the Way of SAR Images for Metallogenic Information Extraction in Sedimentary Petrologic Area and Its Application

[D]. Qingdao: Shandong University of Science and Technology, 2006.

[本文引用: 1]

Paradella W R, Bignelli P A, Veneziani P , et al.

Airborne and spaceborne synthetic aperture Radar (SAR) integration with Landsat TM and gamma ray spectrometry for geological mapping in a tropical rainforest environment,the Carajás Mineral Province,Brazil

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1997,18(7):1483-1501.

DOI:10.1080/014311697218232      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Teruiya R K, Paradella W R, Dos Santos A R ,et al.

Integrating airborne SAR,Landsat TM and airborne geophysics data for improving geological mapping in the Amazon Region:The Cigano Granite,Carajás Province,Brazil

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2008,29(13):3957-3974.

DOI:10.1080/01431160801891838      URL     [本文引用: 2]

This study examines the value of integrating airborne C‐band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and airborne gamma spectroradiometric data with field, petrographic and geochemical data for geological mapping of the Cigano batholith, an important representative of the Paleoproterozoic granitic magmatism in the Carajás Mineral Province (CMP), Amazon region. Distinct schemes for the integration of radar/optical and radar/optical/gamma data were evaluated and the geological information derived from the integrated products was verified in the field. The investigation allowed the re‐evaluation of previous geological information and the definition of distinct domains within the Cigano pluton and country rocks. The importance of brittle structures related to the tectonic evolution of the area and the location of intensely altered zones in the pluton was emphasized, favouring new insights into current geological and exploratory models of the area. The application of a similar approach as operational routine in exploration programmes in the Amazon region is justified considering the limited geological information, the availability of aerogeophysical data and airborne/spaceborne remote sensing data (radar, optical) and the high costs of field mapping in this kind of terrain.

Thurmond A K, Abdelsalam M G, Thurmond J B .

Optical-Radar-DEM remote sensing data integration for geological mapping in the Afar Depression,Ethiopia

[J]. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 2006,44(2):119-134.

DOI:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2005.10.006      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The advantages of integrating optical (Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER)) and radar (Shuttle Imaging Radar (SIR) – C, X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and RADARSAT-1) remote sensing data, and digital elevation models (DEMs) (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)) for geological mapping in arid regions such as the Afar Depression in Ethiopia are demonstrated. The Afar Depression in NE Africa is a natural laboratory for studying processes of sea-floor spreading and the transition from rifting to true sea-floor spreading. It is ideal for geological remote sensing because of its vastness, remoteness and inaccessibility together with almost continuous exposure, and lack of vegetation and soil cover. Optical-radar-DEM remote sensing data integration is used for: (1) Distinguishing spatial and temporal distribution of individual lava flows in the Quaternary Erta ‘Ale Volcanic Range in the northern part of the Afar Depression, by integrating band-ratios of ASTER thermal infrared (TIR) data with Landsat ETM+ visible and near infrared (VNIR) and SIR-C/X-SAR L-band ( λ 02=022402cm) data with horizontally transmitted and horizontally received (HH) polarization. (2) Visualizing and interpreting extensional imbrication fans that constitute part of the Dobe Graben in the central part of the Afar Depression by integrating Landsat ETM+ VNIR data with RADARSAT C-band ( λ 02=02602cm) data with HH polarization and SRTM DEMs. These imbrication fans were developed as layer-parallel gravitational slip of the border fault hanging-wall towards the graben center. (3) Mapping morphologically defined structures in rhyolite flows exposed on the flanks of the Tendaho Rift by merging ASTER VNIR and short wave infrared (SWIR) with RADARSAT C-band data with HH polarization. The Tendaho Rift constitutes part of the Tendaho-Gobaad Discontinuity that separates the southern and the central eastern parts of the Afar Depression. Optical-radar-DEM data integration proved to be an effective approach for aiding geological mapping and structural analysis in arid regions such as the Afar Depression.

杨显华, 黄洁, 田立 , .


[J].中国地质调查,2016, 3(5):41-47.


针对四川省矿产资源分布特征,开展了矿山遥感监测工作,构建了“遥感数据源选取—遥感数字图像处理—遥感信息提取—野外验证—图件制作”相对完整且较为成熟的矿山开发遥感监测技术方法体系。以卫星光学遥感数据为主、航空光学遥感数据和雷达数据为辅,并采用无人机遥感图像;在正射纠正、几何配准、数据融合等图像预处理基础上,结合有关资料建立矿山开采面、矿山建筑、排土场、尾矿库、选矿厂、滑坡和泥石流的遥感解译标志;采取以目视解译为主、计算机自动提取与目视解译相结合、辅以野外验证的方法进行遥感解译;建立以遥感调查数据为主要数据源的矿山地质环境评价指标体系与 GIS 定量评价方法,实现矿山地质环境评价;采用矿山遥感监测与传统地质环境调查技术相结合方法,开展矿山环境综合治理区划研究。取得的成果与进展包括:①首次建立了省域矿产资源开发环境本底数据库,为实现矿山开发环境动态监测和国土资源空间数字化管理提供了基础数据;②监测成果已在矿产卫片执法、矿山环境治理和矿产资源规划等国土资源管理工作中发挥了重要作用,成为了四川省矿政管理的重要参考依据;③开展了矿山遥感监测技术方法研究与探索,形成了适应川西南山区的矿山遥感监测技术方法体系。

Yang X H, Huang J, Tian L , et al.

Major achievements and progress of remote sensing monitoring mines in Sichuan Province

[J]. Geological Survey of China, 2016,3(5):41-47.


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