刘刚, 燕云鹏, 刘建宇

Research on relationship between lakes and tectonic background in western Tibetan Plateau using remote sensing
Gang LIU, Yunpeng YAN, Jianyu LIU
图1 青藏高原整体固定框架下的高原内部水平形变速度场(修改自甘卫军等[23])
F1: 阿尔金—康西瓦断裂; F2: 海原断裂; F3: 东昆仑断裂; F4: 玉树—鲜水河断裂; F5: 日土—嘉黎断裂; F6: 喀喇昆仑—雅鲁藏布断裂
Fig.1 Horizontal movement rate field within Qinghai-Tibet Plateau under the overall fixed framework of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau