国土资源遥感, 2018, 30(2): 171-177 doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.02.23



侯学会,1,2, 隋学艳1,2, 姚慧敏1,2, 梁守真1,2, 王猛1,2

1.山东省农业可持续发展研究所,济南 250100

2.农业部华东都市农业重点实验室,济南 250100

Study of the growth condition of winter wheat in Shandong Province based on phenology

HOU Xuehui,1,2, SUI Xueyan1,2, YAO Huimin1,2, LIANG Shouzhen1,2, WANG Meng1,2

1. Institute of Agriculture Sustainable Development, Shandong Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Ji’nan 250100, China;

2. Key Laboratory of East China Urban Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Ji’nan 250100, China;


第一作者: 侯学会(1987-),女,博士,主要从事农业遥感方面的研究。Email: sxhouxh@126.com

收稿日期: 2016-09-20   修回日期: 2016-11-21   网络出版日期: 2018-06-15

基金资助: 山东省自然科学基金项目“基于物候特征的山东省冬小麦长势遥感监测方法与应用研究”.  编号: ZR2014YL016
国家自然科学基金项目“森林冠层绿色FPAR的高光谱遥感反演研究”.  编号: 41401407
山东省科技厅重点产业关键技术项目“农田环境和作物生长信息快速获取与处理技术”.  编号: 2016CYJS03A01-1

Received: 2016-09-20   Revised: 2016-11-21   Online: 2018-06-15

Fund supported: .  编号: ZR2014YL016
.  编号: 41401407
.  编号: 2016CYJS03A01-1


作物长势监测是农情监测的核心内容之一,处在不同生育期的作物长势存在显著差异。为了提高大范围作物长势遥感监测的精度,利用2001―2015年间获取的MOD09A1数据,以山东省冬小麦为研究对象,在逐年提取冬小麦抽穗期基础上,探讨研究区近15 a间冬小麦抽穗期长势时空格局。研究表明,与归一化差值植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)相比,基于增强型植被指数(enhanced vegetation index,EVI)提取的冬小麦抽穗期与地面观测数据有更好的一致性。研究区冬小麦抽穗期主要集中在4月中、下旬,并从南向北、自西向东逐渐推迟; 与NDVI,EVI和归一化差值红外指数(normalized difference infrared index,NDII)相比,产品改进-NDVI(product improve-NDVI,PI_NDVI)更能反映冬小麦的实际长势。基于该指数监测冬小麦长势,2001―2015年间山东省冬小麦抽穗期长势整体呈上升趋势; 但年际间波动较大,相同年份不同区域的冬小麦长势存在明显差异; 而大部分区域长势状况比较一致,与多年平均状况持平。研究结果与已有的相关研究较为一致,基于遥感进行大范围和长时间作物长势监测的思路可以为以后研究提供一定的参考。

关键词: 物候 ; 长势 ; 遥感 ; 冬小麦


Crop growth condition monitoring is one of the key contents of crop monitoring. The growth condition of different periods is obviously different especially in a large region because of phenology. In order to improve the accuracy of the research on crop monitoring in the large region and long time series, the authors extracted heading dates of winter wheat in Shandong Province from 2001 to 2015 based on MOD09A1 datasets and then analyzed the spatio-temporal changes of the condition during the heading period of winter wheat. The main conclusions are as follows: ① Heading dates from EVI have a better consistency with ground observation data than results of NDVI. ② Heading stage is mainly concentrated in mid-April to late-April and gradually postponed from south to north, and so is the situation from west to east. ③ Compared with other four indexes, PI_NDVI gets a better resultant index for monitoring the actual growth conditions of winter wheat in the study area. ④ Founded on the results of PI_NDVI, irrigation condition of winter wheat during the heading stage was on the rise from 2001 to 2015. However, interannual fluctuation was obvious. Conditions of winter wheat exhibited an obvious difference in different areas of the same year. However, the growing conditions are consistent in most of the study region, close to the average level of 15 years. The results in this paper are concordant with the records of situ measurement and previous researches in the same area, and this indicates that the research thinking in this paper can provide certain references for the study of crop condition using remote sensing.

Keywords: phenology ; crop condition ; remote sensing ; winter wheat

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侯学会, 隋学艳, 姚慧敏, 梁守真, 王猛. 基于物候信息的山东省冬小麦长势遥感监测. 国土资源遥感[J], 2018, 30(2): 171-177 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.02.23

HOU Xuehui, SUI Xueyan, YAO Huimin, LIANG Shouzhen, WANG Meng. Study of the growth condition of winter wheat in Shandong Province based on phenology. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES[J], 2018, 30(2): 171-177 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.02.23

0 引言


植被指数,如归一化差值植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)、增强型植被指数(enhanced vegetation index,EVI)和归一化差值红外指数(normalized difference infrared index,NDII)等,是利用遥感技术研究植被长势的主要指标[3,4]。国内外学者基于遥感技术进行作物长势监测已经取得了一系列成果。黄青等[5]基于MODIS NDVI 数据,通过与近5 a 作物长势的平均状况对比,发现2013年东北地区不同作物长势在整个生育期内的时空分布存在较大差异; 邹文涛等[6]利用MODIS NDVI 序列数据,综合采用实时监测、过程监测和时间序列聚类监测方法,以2008―2012年间平均长势为基础,对印度2013年作物长势进行监测,优化了Cropwatch作物长势监测方法; Esquerdo等[7]、Duveiller等[8]和Becker-Reshef等[9]也基于SPOT-VGT,NOAA-AVHRR和MODIS遥感影像开展了大范围的作物长势监测。但综合来看,目前已有的成果一般都是根据作物多年平均长势状况对当年相应时间点或时间段的作物长势进行研究,而在大范围的作物长势监测时,不同区域的作物会因所处物候期的不同导致长势出现差异; 且受气候因子和人为因素的影响,同一区域作物的物候在时间序列上也会发生变化,这种因为物候变化产生的长势差异与作物本身长势状况的变化混在一起,增加了对作物长势在时间序列上变化分析的不确定性。因此,开展大区域、长时间序列作物长势监测研究,首先需要对作物长势参数进行物候修正,以消除或减少物候差异对作物长势监测结果的影响。

本文以山东省冬小麦为研究对象,以MODIS 8 d合成反射率数据为主要数据源,结合地面调查数据,在提取2001―2015年间冬小麦抽穗期的基础上,进行抽穗期冬小麦长势监测; 并对冬小麦长势状况的时空格局进行分析,初步探索如何消除长时间和大区域作物长势监测中物候差异的影响。

1 数据源与预处理

1.1 遥感数据源

本文使用的遥感数据为8 d最大值合成的MODIS反射率数据集——MOD09A1,空间分辨率为500 m,从MODIS数据免费分发网站(https://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov/search/)获得,数据覆盖每年的3―5月,年际范围为2001―2015年。MOD09A1的原始数据为HDF格式的Sinusoidal投影,利用MRT软件对MOD09A1进行预处理,提取植被指数构建所需的4个波段(B1―3和B6)的反射率和质量标记文件refl_500m_qc,并转为tiff格式,投影到Albers坐标系下。根据表1,基于反射率数据计算得到NDVI,EVI,NDII,产品改进-NDVI(product improve-NDVI,PI_NDVI)和产品改进-EVI(product improve-EVI,PI_EVI)等 5种常用的植被指数; 然后基于像元质量文件,利用Savitzky-Golay滤波法对时序植被指数进行像元尺度上的去噪处理[10,11],进一步去除影像中的噪声,提高监测精度。为了与验证数据使用的儒略日一致,将滤波之后的8 d合成植被指数重采样为1 d的数据。

表1   各种植被指数的定义

Tab.1  Definitions of several vegetation indices

基于绿度的指数NDVI[12]NDVI = ( Rnir - Rred) / ( Rnir +Rred)
EVI[13]EVI = ( 1 + L) (Rnir - Rred) / ( Rnir + C1 Rred -C2 Rblue + L)
基于水分的指数NDII[14]NDII = (Rnir - Rswir) / ( Rnir + Rswir)

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表1中,Rnir,Rred,RblueRswir分别为MOD09A1数据中B1,B2,B3和B6波段的反射率值; L为冠层背景的调整因子; C1和C2分别为权重系数,用于减少大气气溶胶影响。文中L,C1和C2分别取值为1.0,6.0和7.5[13]

1.2 冬小麦种植区



图1   山东省冬小麦种植区分布及农业台站位置

Fig.1   Distribution of winter wheat planting regions in Shandong and location of farm observation stations


1.3 地面验证数据


2 研究方法

2.1 冬小麦抽穗期数据提取

基于遥感技术的作物物候提取方法已有很多,本文基于滤波重构后的逐日植被指数时间序列提取植被指数(vegetation index,VI)峰值出现的时间,作为冬小麦抽穗期的时间标识。NDVI是目前基于遥感进行作物物候提取的最常用指标,但在植被生长旺盛时期,NDVI易出现饱和; 而EVI因加入了蓝光波段,可降低土壤背景和大气因素的影响,消除NDVI易饱和的缺陷[16]。 因此,本文基于NDVI和EVI时序数据,分别进行山东省冬小麦抽穗期提取; 然后根据11个农业台站观测的冬小麦抽穗期数据,依据相关系数r、平均绝对误差MAE、偏差bias和纳什系数NSE,对2种指数的提取结果进行判定,选择提取精度较高的指标作为本文冬小麦抽穗期提取的遥感指标。

2.2 冬小麦长势状况判定

首先,逐像元计算出2001―2015年间抽穗期的NDVI,EVI,NDII,PI_NDVI和PI_EVI值; 然后,计算所有年份抽穗期中各指数均值; 最后,提取各指数的逐年距平值(即指数值与指数均值的差值)。正距平指数表示植被长势比多年平均状况好,负距平指数则表示植被长势比多年平均状况差。陈维英等[17]基于平均植被指数(average VI,AVI)对干旱状况进行了分级,(-0.2,-0.1)表示干旱,(-0.6,-0.3)表示严重干旱。以此为参考,结合地面调查资料,本文将山东省冬小麦长势分为5个等级。由于缺少直接表征冬小麦长势的地面验证数据,据已有研究,与其他生长期相比,小麦抽穗期的综合长势情况与产量呈显著相关[18]。因此,为了评价各植被指数在山东省小麦长势监测中的适应性,首先,计算出研究区每年的各指数和; 然后依据山东省统计局发布的2001―2014年间山东省冬小麦产量数据,评价各指数监测山东省冬小麦长势精度的适宜性; 从而选择出能表征山东省小麦长势状况的遥感指标,并对近15 a以来的山东省抽穗期冬小麦长势进行评价。


表2   山东省冬小麦长势划分等级

Tab.2  Grade of growth of winter wheats in Shandong Province


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3 结果分析与验证

3.1 2001―2015年山东省冬小麦抽穗期分析

3.1.1 冬小麦抽穗期遥感监测结果验证根据经纬度分别提取农业台站站点的冬小麦抽穗期NDVI和EVI监测结果,并利用站点数据进行验证,结果如图2所示。


图2   冬小麦抽穗期遥感提取结果与地面实测数据对比

Fig.2   Comparison between heading dates of winter wheat extracted using remote sensing data and ground measured data

基于NDVI和EVI提取的冬小麦抽穗期与地面实测数据均呈极显著相关关系(NDVI: r=0.469,p<0.001; EVI: r=0.559,p<0.001),说明二者均可作为冬小麦抽穗期遥感判识指标。分析二者提取结果的其他评价指标,基于EVI提取的MAE为9.45,小于基于NDVI提取结果(MAE=10.1); 且基于EVI提取结果的biasNSE分别为0.06和-2.39,优于基于NDVI提取结果的0.07和-2.64。说明本文基于EVI指数提取的冬小麦抽穗期优于基于NDVI指数提取的冬小麦抽穗期,可以作为研究区冬小麦抽穗期长势评价的依据。3.1.2 近15 a冬小麦抽穗期时空格局图3分别示出基于EVI提取的山东省近15 a以来冬小麦抽穗期均值的空间分布(图3(a))和时间变化趋势(图3(b))。根据图3(a)可知,山东省冬小麦抽穗期主要集中在年积日第100―120天(即4月中旬―下旬),并从南向北、自西向东逐渐推迟; 从时间变化(图3(b))来看,近15 a以来山东省冬小麦抽穗期的时间变化趋势并不明显,变化在-0.5~0.5 d/a的区域占冬小麦种植区总面积的63%以上,但仅有0.07%区域的冬小麦抽穗期变化达到显著水平。


图3   2001—2015年山东省冬小麦抽穗期时空格局

Fig.3   Spatio-temporal pattern of heading dates of winter wheat in Shandong Province during 2001—2015

3.2 2001―2015年山东省冬小麦长势评价

3.2.1 冬小麦长势时空格局表3示出研究区各植被指数值逐像元累积之和与2001―2014年间山东省冬小麦总产量数据的相关关系。

表3   各植被指数表征的长势与产量相关关系

Tab.3  Correlation between VIs and yield of winter wheat


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根据表3,综合考虑作物绿度和水分指数(PI_NDVI和PI_EVI)与作物产量的相关性达到显著水平,优于只考虑绿度的指数(NDVI和EVI)和只考虑水分的指数(NDII),其中以PI_NDVI的相关关系最优,为极显著相关(r=0.727,p=0.003)。因此,本文以PI_NDVI为指标,对近15 a以来的山东省冬小麦长势提取结果进行评价。

为更好地反映山东省冬小麦长势演变,本文取研究区每年PI_NDVI的均值代表该年山东省冬小麦整体长势,结果如图4所示。从图4可以看出,山东省冬小麦抽穗期间长势在2001―2015年间整体呈上升趋势,年变化趋势为0.006(r=0.442); 年际间波动较大,如2004和2014年全省小麦抽穗期时长势明显优于其他年份,2004和2014年PI_NDVI的距平值分别为0.214 5和0.209 3,分别比近15 a平均距平值高218.25%和210.53%,这可能主要是因为2004年2月份[19]和2014年2月份[20]山东全省降水偏多,且气温偏高,为冬小麦越冬期之后的生长提供了适宜的生长环境,使小麦长势较常年好。其余年份长势状况差别不明显,比较接近于多年平均状况(PI_NDVI=0.067 4)。


图4   2001—2015年山东省冬小麦抽穗期长势随时间变化趋势

Fig.4   Changes of growth condition of winter wheat during heading dates from 2001 to 2015 in Shandong Province



图5-1   2001—2015年山东省冬小麦抽穗期长势空间分布

Fig.5-1   Distribution of growth condition of winter wheat during heading dates from 2001 to 2015 in Shandong Province


图5-2   2001—2015年山东省冬小麦抽穗期长势空间分布

Fig.5-2   Distribution of growth condition of winter wheat during heading dates from 2001 to 2015 in Shandong Province

从总体来看,近15 a山东省冬小麦长势很差的区域所占比重很小,2002年占比0.32%、2005年占比0.89%、2008年占比0.51%、2010年占比0.69%、2013年占比1.07%。部分区域的小麦长势严重低于多年均值,主要分布在鲁西地区; 但2013年受春季大范围干旱的影响,小麦长势很差的区域范围较广,鲁西、鲁中和鲁南地区均有出现,长势较差的区域占当年冬小麦种植面积的20.36%。但从总体上来看,在研究时间段内,绝大部分区域的冬小麦长势都比较一致,长势与15 a间平均长势持平的区域占63%以上,其中以2009年所占比重最大(达 92.94%),而2013年所占比重仅为63.56%。虽然2015年冬小麦整体长势不如2014年(图4),但2015年冬小麦长势好于多年平均的区域所占比重最大(达27.85%)。

从空间分布来看,鲁西南地区冬小麦长势在整体上比较一致,除2001年和2002年鲁西南部分地区小麦长势较差外,其余年份的小麦长势比较一致; 而鲁西北地区的小麦长势总体上呈上升趋势。这可能是因为鲁西地区是山东省主要农业区,政府在该地区对农田水利设施的投入较多,基本上能保障农田需水; 而鲁东地区冬小麦长势状况在年际间波动较大,这与该地区作物主要靠雨水供养有关,降水较少的年份小麦长势明显差于正常年份。

3.2.2 评价结果验证

冬小麦长势是降水、墒情/干旱状况的综合反映。本文利用已有的相关研究对山东省冬小麦长势评价结果进行验证。据杨丽萍等[21]的研究,2008年4月上旬山东全省平均降水量为15.9 mm,比常年偏多148%; 但鲁西北大部、半岛及鲁中地区平均降水量在10 mm以下,墒情较低。而基于遥感数据和地面实测数据反演结果显示,2008年4月上旬山东省大部分地区墒情适宜,鲁北、鲁中及半岛地区土壤墒情低,出现了一定的干旱,鲁北地区旱情尤为严重,这与本文结果基本一致。另外,刘畅等[22]基于气象观测资料分析指出,2014年春季在山东省冬小麦主产区的鲁西北和鲁南大部分地区降水较常年偏多,且气温较常年较高,日照时数偏多,导致冬小麦生长期进程加快; 段海霞等[23]的研究指出2014年4月上旬山东省出现不同程度的旱情,但到4月下旬旱情已得到缓解,仅鲁中和鲁西的部分地区出现轻微干旱。而本文研究得出2014年山东省冬小麦92%以上区域长势好于多年平均或持平,仅鲁中和鲁西的部分地区呈现长势较差状况,这与刘畅等人基于气候资料分析的结果比较一致。据2012年山东省气候影响评价,2012年初夏山东省农田干旱总面积约为120万hm2,其中重旱面积12.4万hm2。而本文基于MOD09A1数据反演冬小麦长势,得到2012年抽穗期冬小麦比多年平均长势差的面积为149.14万hm2,长势较差区域面积为7.47万hm2。尽管因研究空间尺度、数据源和监测时间以及统计对象的差异导致本文研究结论与已有成果在空间特性上略有差异,但本文结论与前人成果仍具有一定的可比性。因此,本文的监测结果基本上反映了研究区冬小麦的长势状况,具有一定的可靠性。

4 结论

本文基于MODIS 8 d最大值合成反射率数据,在提取冬小麦抽穗期的前提下,分析了2001―2015年间山东省冬小麦抽穗期时长势状况。


2)遥感监测的冬小麦长势是植被绿度和水分综合信息的反映,基于PI_NDVI指数,近15 a间山东省冬小麦长势状况整体呈上升趋势; 但年际间波动较大,且因受自然气候因素和人工田间管理的影响,相同年份、不同区域的冬小麦长势存在显著差异,但大部分区域与多年状况持平。



蒙继华, 杜鑫, 张淼 , .


[J]. 遥感技术与应用, 2014,29(2):278-285.

DOI:10.11873/j.issn.1004-0323.2014.2.0278      URL     [本文引用: 1]

大范围的农作物长势监测可以为农业政策的制订和粮食贸易提供决策依据,也是农作物产量估测的必要前提。遥感估算的作物生物量是评价作物长势的主要群体特征指标,在大范围上开展作物长势监测时,不同区域的作物因为所处的物候阶段不同而导致生物量存在差异,这种差异与因作物长势状况差别而产生的差异混合在一起,增加了长势监测结果的不确定性。以中国河南、山东两省为研究区,以MODIS 250m NDVI产品数据为主要数据源,结合改进的CASA模型实现了区域内冬小麦生物量的估算,结合冬小麦生长过程特征进行了典型物候期的监测。在此基础上,分析了扬花期前后物候差异对冬小麦生物量估算的影响,研究其特定物候阶段的变化规律,从而实现了生物量的物候归一化,初步探索了如何消除大区域物候差异对作物长势监测与评估的影响。

Meng J H, Du X, Zhang M , et al.

Integrating crop phenophase information in large-area crop condition evaluation with remote sensing

[J]. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 2014,29(2):278-285.

[本文引用: 1]

吴炳方, 蒙继华, 李强子 .


[J]. 地球科学进展, 2010,25(10):1003-1012.

DOI:10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2010.10.1003      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Wu B F, Meng J H, Li Q Z .

Review of overseas crop monitoring systems with remote sensing

[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2010,25(10):1003-1012.

[本文引用: 1]

赵虎, 杨正伟, 李霖 , .


[J]. 农业工程学报, 2011,27(1):243-249.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1002-6819.2011.01.039      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Zhao H, Yang Z W, Li L , et al.

Improvement and comparative analysis of indices of crop growth condition monitoring by remote sensing

[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultaual Engineering, 2011,27(1):243-249.

[本文引用: 1]

Guindin-Garcia N, Gitelson A A, Arkebauer T J , et al.

An evaluation of MODIS 8- and 16-day composite products for monitoring maize green leaf area index

[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2012,161:15-25.

DOI:10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.03.012      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The seasonal patterns of green leaf area index (GLAI) can be used to assess crop physiological and phenological status, to assess yield potential, and to incorporate in crop simulation models. This study focused on examining the potential capabilities and limitations of satellite data retrieved from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) 8- and 16-day composite products to quantitatively estimate GLAI over maize ( Zea mays L.) fields. Results, based on the nine years of data used in this study, indicated a wide variability of temporal resolution obtained from MODIS 8- and 16-day composite periods and highlighted the importance of information about day of MODIS products pixel composite for monitoring agricultural crops. Due to high maize GLAI temporal variability, the inclusion of day of pixel composite is necessary to decrease substantial uncertainties in estimating GLAI. Results also indicated that maize GLAI can be accurately retrieved from the 250-m resolution MODIS products (MOD13Q1 and MOD09Q1) by a wide dynamic range vegetation index with root mean square error (RMSE) below 0.6002m 2 02m 612 or by the enhanced vegetation index with RMSE below 0.7002m 2 02m 612 .

黄青, 唐华俊, 周清波 , .


[J]. 农业工程学报, 2010,26(9):218-223.

[本文引用: 1]

Huang Q, Tang H J, Zhou Q B , et al.

Remote-sensing based monitoring of planting structure and growth condition of major crops in Northeast China

[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultaual Engineering, 2010,26(9):218-223.

[本文引用: 1]

邹文涛, 吴炳方, 张淼 , .


[J]. 遥感学报, 2015,19(4):539-549.

DOI:10.11834/jrs.20154137      URL     [本文引用: 1]

提出农作物长势综合监测方法,利用卫星遥感得到的NDVI时间序列数据,综合采用实时监测、过程监测和时间序列聚类监测方法,明确不同方法适用的监测尺度及监测目的,对不同范围农作物长势进行监测。改进了Crop Watch全球农情遥感速报系统运行化作物长势监测方法,克服了原有作物长势监测中实时监测方法无法反映相同区域苗情在整个生长过程中的连续变化情况的缺点。实现对相同区域作物长势连续变化的定量描述,可对作物长势进行更准确的判断。利用官方发布的作物单产变幅数据,对单产变幅较大的12个作物主产省区作物长势监测结果的准确性进行判断,结果表明:6个邦的实时监测和聚类监测方法所得结果一致,都符合作物单产变化的实际状况;4个邦的聚类监测方法所得结果对作物长势监测更为准确,更符合该区域作物单产的实际变化;1个邦实时监测结果对作物长势监测比聚类监测方法更为准确;只有1个邦采用两种方法对作物长势的监测存在误差,聚类监测方法在对农作物生长过程的连续监测及空间分布的定量化表述方面,比实时监测更为准确。3种方法可以综合使用,实现业务化运行的农作物长势监测。

Zou W T, Wu B F, Zhang M , et al.

Synthetic method for crop condition analysis:A case study in India

[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2015,19(4):539-549.

[本文引用: 1]

Esquerdo J C D M,Zullo Júnior J,Antunes J F G .

Use of NDVI/AVHRR time-series profiles for soybean crop monitoring in Brazil

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2011,32(13):3711-3727.

DOI:10.1080/01431161003764112      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In Brazil there is a need for less subjective, more efficient and less expensive methodologies for crop yield forecast. Owing to the continental dimensions of the country, orbital images have been used to estimate the productive potential of crops. In this study, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) time-series, derived from AVHRR/NOAA (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) imagery were used for the soybean crop monitoring in a large production region in Brazil in the 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 cropping seasons. NDVI temporal profiles describing the biomass condition of crops throughout the phenological stages were generated in 18 municipalities. Quantitative parameters were measured from the temporal profiles, based on the full time or partial phenological cycle. Linear regressions between the quantitative parameters and the municipal average yields in both seasons have shown that the most significant correlations occurred when the full time period was considered. When considering periods prior to harvest, the correlations showed a tendency to decline. The NDVI monitoring during these two cropping seasons, which presented different weather conditions, could explain a major part of the soybean yield variability at the municipal level. Results showed the potential of the NDVI time-series analysis in generating parameters to be employed by agrometeorological pectral models for soybean yield estimations. The automatic system for temporal profiles generation developed in this study sped up the analysis and can be used for further studies at a regional scale.

Duveiller G, López-Lozano R, Baruth B .

Enhanced processing of 1-km spatial resolution fAPAR time series for sugarcane yield forecasting and monitoring

[J]. Remote Sensing, 2013,5(3):1091-1116.

DOI:10.3390/rs5031091      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Becker-Reshef B, Vermote E, Lindeman M , et al.

A generalized regression-based model for forecasting winter wheat yields in Kansas and Ukraine using MODIS data

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2010,114(6):1312-1323.

DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2010.01.010      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Wheat is one of the key cereal crops grown worldwide, providing the primary caloric and nutritional source for millions of people around the world. In order to ensure food security and sound, actionable mitigation strategies and policies for management of food shortages, timely and accurate estimates of global crop production are essential. This study combines a new BRDF-corrected, daily surface reflectance dataset developed from NASA's Moderate resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer (MODIS) with detailed official crop statistics to develop an empirical, generalized approach to forecast wheat yields. The first step of this study was to develop and evaluate a regression-based model for forecasting winter wheat production in Kansas. This regression-based model was then directly applied to forecast winter wheat production in Ukraine. The forecasts of production in Kansas closely matched the USDA/NASS reported numbers with a 7% error. The same regression model forecast winter wheat production in Ukraine within 10% of the official reported production numbers six weeks prior to harvest. Using new data from MODIS, this method is simple, has limited data requirements, and can provide an indication of winter wheat production shortfalls and surplus prior to harvest in regions where minimal ground data is available.

Chen J, Jonsson P, Tamura M , et al.

A simple method for reconstructing a high-quality NDVI time-series data set based on the Savitzky-Golay filter

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2004,91(3/4):332-344.

DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2004.03.014      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Although the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time-series data, derived from NOAA/AVHRR, SPOT/VEGETATION, TERRA or AQUA/MODIS, has been successfully used in research regarding global environmental change, residual noise in the NDVI time-series data, even after applying strict pre-processing, impedes further analysis and risks generating erroneous results. Based on the assumptions that NDVI time-series follow annual cycles of growth and decline of vegetation, and that clouds or poor atmospheric conditions usually depress NDVI values, we have developed in the present study a simple but robust method based on the Savitzky olay filter to smooth out noise in NDVI time-series, specifically that caused primarily by cloud contamination and atmospheric variability. Our method was developed to make data approach the upper NDVI envelope and to reflect the changes in NDVI patterns via an iteration process. From the results obtained by applying the newly developed method to a 10-day MVC SPOT VGT-S product, we provide optimized parameters for the new method and compare this technique with the BISE algorithm and Fourier-based fitting method. Our results indicate that the new method is more effective in obtaining high-quality NDVI time-series.

吴文斌, 杨鹏, 唐华俊 , .


[J]. 农业工程学报, 2009,25(11):183-188.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1002-6819.2009.11.033      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Wu W B, Yang P, Tang H J , et al.

Comparison of two fitting methods of NDVI time series datasets

[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultaual Engineering, 2009,25(11):183-188.

[本文引用: 1]

Rouse Jr J W,Haas R H,Schell J A ,et al.

Monitoring vegetation systems in the Great Plains with ERTS

[C]//Proceedings of the 3rd Earth Resources Technology Satellite-1 Symposium. College Station,TX,United States:NASA, 1974: 3010-3017.

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Huete A, Justice C, Liu H .

Development of vegetation and soil indices for MODIS-EOS

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 1994,49(3):224-234.

DOI:10.1016/0034-4257(94)90018-3      URL     [本文引用: 2]

One of the primary interests of the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) program is to study the role of vegetation in biospheric processes. Currently, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is utilized to study and monitor vegetation activity on an operational basis at global scales. Recently developed variants to the NDVI equation, based on improved knowledge of atmosphere, canopy background, and sensor-view geometry, are being considered for use with the EOS Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) sensor. A set of criteria is established to evaluate their performance with respect to the vegetation signal and atmospheric and soil sources of noise. These include the vegetation signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), % relative error, and vegetation equivalent noise (VEN), which form the basis for the evaluation and comparison of vegetation indices (VIs) across a wide range in vegetation covers. The NDVI variant equations outperformed the NDVI by minimizing atmospheric and/or soil background sources of contamination as well as increasing vegetation signal sensitivity. Preliminary estimates, based on the data sets tested here, indicate an overall level of uncertainty of 0.4 LAI (15% cover) with the use of the soil adjusted and atmospherically resistant vegetation index (SARVI), compared with 0.8 LAI (30% cover) for the NDVI. Eventually, the final evaluation and validation of VIs for MODIS will include a field campaign strategy, simulation studies, and a worldwide establishment of test sites that collectively cover a diverse range of biomes. Lastly, the retrieval of canopy biophysical information from these VIs are discussed.

Hardisky M A, Klemas V, Smart R M .

The influence of soil salinity,growth form,and leaf moisture on the spectral radiance of Spartina alterniflora canopies

[J]. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 1983,49(1):77-83.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT Spectra of Spartina alterniflora were measure under different salinity, growth form and moisture conditions.

Gonsamo A, Chen J M .

Continuous observation of leaf area index at Fluxnet-Canada sites

[J].Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2014, 189-190:168-174.

DOI:10.1016/j.agrformet.2014.01.016      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Continuous observation of leaf area index (LAI) is needed in order to interpret and model carbon, water and energy fluxes measured at Fluxnet tower sites. Although remote sensing LAI products can be used in regional and global scale modelling with reasonable performance, the site level modelling of ecophysiological processes needs more accurate LAI time series than those provided by global LAI products. Here we present a semi-empirical approach using satellite measured modified soil-adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI) and sparsely sampled LAI time series measurements at 7 Canadian Carbon Program (CCP) flux tower sites to produce continuous observations of site level LAI. The results indicate that accurate and continuous observation of site level LAI time series is possible using a few ground measurements and remotely sensed MSAVI observations. In order for the semi-empirical model to work correctly, the ground LAI measurements should represent all seasons, preferably including extreme values in winter and the peak of growing season.

Liu H Q, Huete A .

A feedback based modification of the NDVI to minimize canopy background and atmospheric noise

[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1995,33(2):457-465.

DOI:10.1109/36.377946      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) equation has a simple, open loop structure (no feedback), which renders it susceptible to large sources of error and uncertainty over variable atmospheric and canopy background conditions. In this study, a systems analysis approach is used to examine noise sources in existing vegetation indices (VIs) and to develop a stable, modified NDVI (MNDVI) equation. The MNDVI, a closed-loop version of the NDVI, was constructed by adding 1) a soil and atmospheric noise feedback loop, and 2) an atmospheric noise compensation forward loop. The coefficients developed for the MNDVI are physically-based and are empirically related to the expected range of atmospheric and background “boundary” conditions. The MNDVI can be used with data uncorrected for atmosphere, as well as with Rayleigh corrected and atmospherically corrected data. In the field observational and simulated data sets tested, the MNDVI was found to considerably reduce noise for any complex soil and atmospheric situation. The resulting uncertainty, expressed as vegetation equivalent noise, was ±0.11 leaf area index (LAI) units, which was 7 times less than encountered with the NDVI (±0.8 LAI). These results indicate that the MNDVI may be satisfactory in meeting the need for accurate, long term vegetation measurements for the Earth Observing System (EOS) program

陈维英, 肖乾广, 盛永伟 .


[J]. 环境遥感, 1994,9(2):106-112.

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Weather review of the winter 2003(Dec.2003-Feb.2004) in Shandong Province

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韩永清, 刘畅, 王娜 , . 2013


[J]. 山东气象, 2014,34(1):77-79.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1005-0582.2014.01.017      URL     [本文引用: 1]

利用2013年12月-2014年2月山东省气温、降水资料以及500hPa 月平均位势高度场、距平场等资料,结合逐日高空环流形势,分析了山东省2013年冬季天气特点、环流特征和主要天气过程,对季内的主要天气及其影响进行了评述。

Han Y Q, Liu C, Wang N , et al.

A review on the weather of Shandong in the winter of 2013(December,2013—February,2014)

[J]. Journal of Shandong Meteorology, 2014,34(1):77-79.

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杨丽萍, 隋学艳, 杨洁 , .


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A review on the weather of Shandong in the spring of 2014 ( from March to May,2014)

[J]. Journal of Shandong Meteorology, 2014,34(2):62-64.

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Drought events and its influence in 2014 in China

[J]. Journal of Arid Meteorology, 2015,33(2):349-360.

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