国土资源遥感, 2018, 30(2): 202-207 doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.02.27



崔静,1, 董新丰2, 丁锐,1, 张世民1, 王琮禾3, 鲁恒新1, 孙艳云2

1.中国地震局地壳应力研究所地壳动力学重点实验室,北京 100085

2.中国国土资源航空物探遥感中心,北京 100083

3.防灾科技学院,三河 065201

Stratigraphic division of loess along loess profile based on hyperspectral remote sensing

CUI Jing,1, DONG Xinfeng2, DING Rui,1, ZHANG Shimin1, WANG Conghe3, LU Hengxin1, SUN Yanyun2

1.Key Laboratory of Crustal Dynamics, Institute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100085,China

2.China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Land and Resources, Beijing 100083, China

3.Institute of Disaster Prevention, Sanhe 065201, China

通讯作者: 丁 锐(1982-),男,硕士,助理研究员,主要从事活动构造与构造地貌方面的研究。Email:reiding@hotmail.com


第一作者: 崔 静(1986-),女,博士,副研究员,主要从事高光谱遥感方面研究。Email: jingcui_86@yahoo.com

收稿日期: 2016-12-9   修回日期: 2017-04-19   网络出版日期: 2018-06-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目“基于成像光谱技术的黄土剖面隐性断层识别研究”.  编号: 41602223
国家重点研发计划项目“基于红外遥感和电离层信息的地震监测预测技术研究”.  编号: 2016YFE0122200
中国地震局基本科研业务专项“锦屏山—小金河断裂带晚第四纪运动学特征的河流地貌研究”和“高光谱技术在活动断层研究中的应用”.  编号: ZDJ2014-10和ZDJ2015-01

Received: 2016-12-9   Revised: 2017-04-19   Online: 2018-06-15

Fund supported: .  编号: 41602223
.  编号: 2016YFE0122200
.  编号: ZDJ2014-10和ZDJ2015-01


黄土剖面地层划分对于古地震研究具有重要意义,当前黄土地层的精细划分是一个薄弱环节。磁化率是土壤和沉积物的一个重要参数,能反映一定的沉积环境变化,常用来作为地层层序划分的标记。但离散的磁化率在反映黄土剖面地层结构空间展布特征时,会出现以点带面、以偏概全的问题。本研究选取平原区一处剖面为例,利用高光谱遥感具有图谱合一,光谱分辨率高,可以定量反演地表物理化学参数,分析地表物理化学过程的特点,探索建立光谱与反映地层韵律变化的磁化率之间的光谱模型,并将其应用到黄土剖面上,进行黄土地层结构特征分析。研究结果表明,基于光谱特征建立的磁化率模型精度较高(R 2﹥0.95),其得到的剖面磁化率强度分布图较好地展示了地层结构空间展布特征,为黄土剖面地层划分提供了依据。

关键词: 高光谱 ; 磁化率 ; 黄土剖面地层划分


Invisible fault identifying in loess area is a difficult problem in active fault study in northern China. Detailed stratigraphic division of loess area by the naked eye is very difficult due to the insignificant difference of the granularities and the colors, which would affect the identification of the obscured fault and paleo-seismic event. Spectral technique has been used for magnetic susceptibility estimation. Magnetic susceptibility (MS) has been considered to be a measure of the degree of pedogenic activity and excellent proxies for terrestrial climatic fluctuations. In this study, multiple linear regression was used to build MS estimation models based on the spectral features. A model was built and was applied to hyperspectral image. Test of datasets indicates that this model is very successful. The applying of this model to hyperspectral image shows that the intensity distribution of MS could be used for stratigraphic division.

Keywords: hyperspectral remote sensing ; magnetic susceptibility ; stratigraphic division of loess

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崔静, 董新丰, 丁锐, 张世民, 王琮禾, 鲁恒新, 孙艳云. 基于光谱磁化率模型的黄土剖面地层划分. 国土资源遥感[J], 2018, 30(2): 202-207 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.02.27

CUI Jing, DONG Xinfeng, DING Rui, ZHANG Shimin, WANG Conghe, LU Hengxin, SUN Yanyun. Stratigraphic division of loess along loess profile based on hyperspectral remote sensing. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES[J], 2018, 30(2): 202-207 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.02.27

0 引言



磁化率的高低主要与铁磁性矿物有关,磁赤铁矿、磁铁矿以及风化成壤过程中的一些含铁的硅酸盐矿物(如绿泥石等)都与土壤磁化率强度有关[2,3,4,5,6,7,8]。而铁氧化物和氢氧化物在可见光/近红外谱段具有诊断性光谱特征[9],且被用来识别土壤和沉积物中的铁氧化物,并对其含量进行估算[10,11,12]。由此推测磁化率和反射光谱之间可能存在一定关系。Smith等首次分析了洛川黄土剖面磁化率和光谱特征参量之间的关系,结果表明磁化率和光谱的反射率、一阶导数、吸收深度、吸收深度面积具有较高的相关系数,并提出具有图谱合一特性的高光谱影像是未来开展黄土堆积区地层划分的一个研究方向[13]; 但并没有利用关系模型进行磁化率反演或应用到高光谱影像上验证其可行性。


1 数据和方法



图1   探槽剖面与采样点位置(绿色点为影像光谱验证点)

Fig.1   Photograph of the studied section with the profiles labeled

1.1 数据采集

该剖面位于山西省怀仁县西北部一处黄土台地上,剖面中心位置经纬度坐标为113° 1'13.10″E,39° 51'33.04″N。该剖面自上而下分别为耕植土(L0)、全新世灰黑色黑垆土(S0)、上更新统马兰黄土(L1)和砾石层。从古土壤顶层开始,设计3条测线自上而下每隔10 cm进行样品采集,3条测线分别命名为C1,C2和C3。其中C1和C2的样品用来建模,样品数分别为52个和35个,总数为87个; C3的样品用来做模型验证,样品总数为55个。低频磁化率采用美国AGICPOI公司生产的Kappabridge MFK1-FA各向磁化率仪进行样品测试,选取的频率为976 Hz,得到的磁化率单位为10-11m3·kg-1。反射率光谱采用美国ASD公司生产的FieldSpec光谱仪对样品进行测试。野外波谱测试时,要求每个测试点地物尽量均一,面积大于等于17.8 cm2,每个测点都选取5个位置进行测量。为保证仪器的稳定性和尽可能多地去除仪器噪声,每次测量记录30条连续波谱,求取30条波谱的均值作为该样品的测量值。在剖面上选取4验证个点进行高光谱影像的光谱验证,4个验证点分别从暗色地物向亮色地物过渡(图1)。

2015年5月20日,天气晴朗无风,北京时间11:00—14:00,采用德国Cubert公司生产的UHD185机载光谱成像仪进行光谱影像采集。视场角范围为27°,光谱范围为450~950 nm,光谱分辨率为4 nm。传感器垂直探槽剖面,距离为9 m,空间分辨率为4.22 cm。

1.2 模型建立与验证



图2   不同磁化率光谱反射率变化

Fig.2   Sepctral features of samples and their magnetic susceptibility values

在400~1 000 nm的波谱范围内,光谱特征略有差异,采用光谱去连续统的方法凸显光谱差异性,去连续统后,不同磁化率对应光谱在650~750 nm和810~880 nm之间斜率明显不同,随着磁化率的增加,b750/b650和b880/b810逐渐增加,500~600 nm之间光谱也有略微的差异特征,但不是很明显。这些特征是由于土壤中铁氧化物的含量差异造成的[9,11,14]

选择b600/b500(x1)、b750/b650(x2)、 b880/b810(x3)为特征光谱参数,发现三者与磁化率线性关系良好(图3),特别是x2x3相关系数均大于0.96。


图3   波段比值参数和磁化率的线性关系模型

Fig.3   Linear regression between band ratios and magnetic susceptibility


y=156.031x2+611.195x3-720.957 78, R2=0.984, RMSE=3.875 09。 (1)



图4   实测磁化率和模型反演磁化率对比

Fig.4   Comparison of the instrumentally measured and spectrally estimated magnetic susceptibility of the test data

定量评价主要采用波谱角分析方法(spectral angle mapper,SAM)和相关系数法。其中SAM法是光谱分析的一种手段,即用光谱匹配程序对预测磁化率与实测磁化率曲线形态进行定量比较,用以评价波谱质量[15]。该算法是将N个样本点的磁化率看做N维空间向量,通过计算与实测磁化率曲线之间的夹角判定2个磁化率曲线的相似度,夹角越小,说明越相似。相似度用一个得分来表示,得分越接近于1,说明相似度越高[16]。55个测试样本点的磁化率曲线与对应的实测磁化率曲线相似度的平均得分为0.896,相关系数R2>0.97,均方根误差RMSE=4.934 47,证明预测磁化率曲线与实测磁化率曲线匹配度较高,该模型的精度较高,能够很好地应用于磁化率预测。

2 模型应用

2.1 影像质量评价



图5   UHD185影像反射率与实测反射率对比

Fig.5   Reflectance spectra from the UHD185 image and filed reflectance spectra

图5中可以明显看出ASD实测波谱与UHD185影像波谱整体趋势上比较一致,吸收位置也比较对应。但是900~950 nm波段范围的反射率整体是下降的,与实际不符,说明这些通道的数据不可信。

定量评价主要是采用光谱分析手段——SAM法和相关系数法对影像光谱和实测波谱进行定量比较。由前文分析可知,900~950 nm的影像波谱数据不可信,因此在分析时需要去除该谱段数据,去除后影像光谱曲线和实测光谱曲线的相似度SAM>0.9,相关系数R2>0.995。


$\bar{D}=\sum^{N}_{n=1}\frac{UHD185_{n}(b_{i}/b_{j})-ASDn(b_{i}/b_{j})}{N}$, (2)

P= D¯ASDn(bi/bj)×100% , (3)

式中: n为样品点个数; ij为UHD185对应的波长; D¯为平均比值差; bi/bjij处反射率比值; UHD185n(bi/bj)为UHD185的ij处反射率比值; ASDn(bi/bj)为实测的ij处反射率比值; P为平均比值差相对于实测光谱的百分比。通过计算可以得出,b750/b550和b880/b810的平均比值差分别为0.059 745和-0.007 18,相对于实测光谱的百分比分别为5.059%和 -0.6%,进一步证明了数据的有效性。

2.2 模型应用

将模型应用到UHD185影像上,得到了磁化率强度(图6)。为了便于肉眼识别,本研究使用ArcMap自带的标准差法选择1倍标准差间隔进行分级显示。磁化率强度可以明显地将地层分为6层,自上而下表现为: 蓝绿混合层、橙色层、黄色层、绿色层、蓝色层和绿色层。将肉眼划分的剖面层序分界点(图6粉色虚线和黑色虚线)与磁化率强度分级点(图6蓝色实线)显示的层序对比,可以看出磁化率强度分级将S0和L1之间划分为2层,而且这2层的分界点对应于磁化率曲线的转折点。这表明磁化率强度在纵向上的波动特征与地层层序的旋回性有较好的对应关系。相较于单测线测试磁化率进行地层划分,二维磁化率强度可以直观地展现地层结构空间展布特征,避免局部由于生物效应等引起的磁化率变化异常,造成误判。例如图6中A和B部分磁化率曲线有所不同,若利用其对应的磁化率划分地层,A和B的结果将会不同。但是从磁化率强度上,可以宏观地识别出A和B为同一地层。需要注意的是,本次研究中C处有一个树根,磁化率强度呈现出局部高值,并不能代表整个地层的特征。


图6   探槽剖面磁化率强度

Fig.6   Magnetic susceptibilty estimates with the regression models



图7   影像反演磁化率与实测磁化率对比

Fig.7   Comparison of the UHD185 image estimated and measured magnetic susceptibilty


3 结论与讨论

本文基于高光谱磁化率模型对黄土剖面地层划分进行了探索,建立了光谱与指示地层韵律变化的磁化率之间的关系模型。该模型可以有效地反演磁化率,具有较高的精度: 实验室测试样品估计磁化率与实测磁化率的相关系数R2>0.97,剖面高光谱影像估计磁化率和实测值相关系数R2>0.95。反演得到的磁化率强度分布不仅可以识别出肉眼识别的地层,还能将肉眼无法识别的黄土与古土壤的过渡层识别出来,其在纵向上的波动特征与地层层序的旋回性有较好的对应关系。因此,基于光谱磁化率模型的高光谱影像有利于实现黄土地层的精细划分。



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[J]. Clays and Clay Minerals, 1998,46(5):528-536.

DOI:10.1346/CCMN.1998.0460506      URL     [本文引用: 1]

We measured the visible to near-infrared (IR) spectra of 176 synthetic and natural samples of Fe oxides, oxyhydroxides and an oxyhydroxysulfate (here collectively called Fe oxides), and of 56 soil samples ranging widely in goethite/hematite and goethite/lepidocrocite ratios. The positions of the second-derivative minima, corresponding to crystal-field bands, varied substantially within each group of the Fe oxide minerals. Because of overlapping band positions, goethite, maghemite and schwertmannite could not be discriminated. Using the positions of the

Smith M J, Stevens T, MacArthur A ,et al.

Characterising Chinese loess stratigraphy and past monsoon variation using field spectroscopy

[J]. Quaternary International, 2011,234(1/2):146-158

DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2010.04.011      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The loess record in China constitutes one of the most important archives of past environmental change and specifically, the East Asian monsoon system. Changes in summer monsoon driven pedogenesis are commonly inferred from magnetic susceptibility of loess. However, there is still controversy as to the signal origin and the uncertain effects of sediment accumulation rates. This is linked to a wider problem that is emerging from recent work; that of the relative importance on proxy records such as magnetic susceptibility of both regional climate patterns (i.e. the monsoon) and local site-specific influences, particularly modulated through site-specific sedimentation rate. At present this is poorly constrained and significantly increases the degree of uncertainty over the wider-scale applicability of climate reconstructions from individual sites. To resolve this issue for sub-orbital timescales, a rapidly deployable technique is needed that can be used to test multiple sites and differentiate between local and regional signals. This research develops the first use of full spectrum reflectance spectroscopy in studying loess in the field at one site on the south of the Loess Plateau, and utilises statistical analyses to compare such data with magnetic susceptibility records. Establishment of loess reflectance as a proxy for climate variability will potentially allow extension of the technique from point measurements to an imaging system and so enable the compilation of large data sets in order to investigate lateral facies variations in loess profiles. This may allow the extraction of a broad scale climate record. Field spectra were obtained from 350 to 1100 nm, with red edge reflectance spectra indicating the presence of iron-oxides, previously demonstrated to be indicators of pedogenesis through laboratory measurements. An off the shelf camera was also tested with visible wavelength spectra being useful for rapid but general profile characterisation. In order to mitigate the effects of bidirectional reflectance distribution function (a potential problem in field measurements), further laboratory measurement was made of powdered samples (400 2400 nm). Absorption features indicative of montmorillonite and illite/muscovite were noted and stepwise regression modelling utilising absolute reflectance, first derivative spectra and continuum removed spectra indicated strong predictive relationships with magnetic susceptibility, particularly against the presence of montmorillonite. The abundance of such clay minerals could be used to infer weathering rates and hence be used as a proxy for pedogensis. Reconstructions for the studied site are presented and demonstrate the potential power of loess reflectance environmental reconstruction.

Hunt G R, Salisbury J W, Lenhoff C J .

Visible and near-infrared spectra of minerals and rocks:III.Oxides and hydroxides

[J]. Modern Geology, 1971,2:195-205.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Mn(OH)2 kommt als Mineral Pyrochroit vor. Unter Ausschlu08 von Sauerstoff kann es durch F01llung von Mangan(II)-Salzl02sungen mit Alkali erhalten werden. Mn(OH)2 besitzt eine Schichtstruktur vom CdJ2(I)-Typ1) und ist isostrukturell mit Ca(OH)2. Vermutlich existiert auch eine orthorhombische Modifikation von Pyrochroit und es liegen Angaben über die Synthese einer orthorhombischen Modifikation vor2).

Cui J, Yan B K, Wang R S , et al.

Regional-scale mineral mapping using ASTER VNIR/SWIR data and validation of reflectance and mineral map products using airborne hyperspectral CASI/SASI data

[J]. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2014,33:127-141.

DOI:10.1016/j.jag.2014.04.014      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ASTER data have been widely and successfully used in lithological mapping and mineral exploration for decades. The errors due to atmospheric water vapor and the characteristics of the photoelectric sensor could lead to the anomalous characteristics of band 5 and 9 in the ASTER standard reflectivity product. These anomalies could result in the spectroscopic misidentification of minerals. This study proposed a simple method of atmospheric correction for converting radiance-at-sensor to ground reflectance. The ASTER VNIR/SWIR reflectance correction factor was derived to correct the spectral shape bias resulting from the radiometric calibration error using airborne hyperspectral CASI_SASI data. The ASTER VNIR/SWIR reflectance correction factor was derived to correct the spectral shape bias resulting from the radiometric calibration error. After applying the reflectance factor to the atmospheric-corrected ASTER L1B data, a band combination mapping method was proposed for identifying minerals more quickly and accurately. The results indicate that this method for atmospheric correction of ASTER data produces very good results in the arid and bare areas. It is still unknown whether the method is suitable for humid and rainy areas where atmospheric water vapor varies spatially more than in arid and bare areas. After applying the reflectance factor to the atmospheric-corrected ASTER L1B data, the mean error of all reflectance bands decreased from 0.0256 to 0.002, and the standard deviation decreased from 0.04251 to 0.0007. The errors of the 2/1, 5/6 and 9/8 band ratios decreased from 2.38%, 4.102%, and 4.28% to 1.26%, 0.162%, and 0.31%, respectively. The radiometric calibration error of the ASTER band 1 9 data can lead to the overestimation of kaolinite. A band index of 2/1 for retrieving Fe3+ cannot produce a reliable Fe3+ distribution map, and a new index should be developed.

Kruse F A, Lefkoff A B, Boardman J W , et al.

The spectral image processing system(SIPS)-interactive visualization and analysis of imaging spectrometer data

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 1993,44(2/3):145-163.

DOI:10.1063/1.44433      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The Center for the Study of Earth from Space (CSES) at the University of Colorado, Boulder, has developed a prototype interactive software system called the ‘‘Spectral Image Processing System (SIPS)’’ using ‘‘IDL’’ (the Interactive Data Language) on UNIX‐based workstations. SIPS is designed to take advantage of the combination of high spectral resolution and spatial data presentation unique to imaging spectrometers. It streamlines analysis of these data by allowing scientists to interact with entire datasets in real‐time. SIPS provides visualization tools for rapid exploratory analysis and numerical tools for quantitative modeling. The user interface is X‐windows‐based, user friendly, and provides ‘‘point and click’’ operation. SIPS is being used for multidisciplinary research concentrating on the use of physically‐based analysis methods to enhance scientific results from imging spectrometer data. The objective of this continuing effort is to develop operational techniques for quantitative analysis of imaging spectrometer data and to make them available to the scientific community prior to the launch of imaging spectrometer satellite systems such as the Earth Observing System (EOS) High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (HIRIS).


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