国土资源遥感, 2018, 30(2): 45-52 doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.02.06



李军,1, 董恒,2, 王祥1, 游林1

1.中国矿业大学(北京)地球科学与测绘工程学院,北京 100083

2.武汉理工大学资源与环境工程学院,武汉 430070

Reconstructing missing data in soil moisture content derived from remote sensing based on optimum interpolation

LI Jun,1, DONG Heng,2, WANG Xiang1, YOU Lin1

1.College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing), Beijing 100083,China

2.School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070,China

通讯作者: 董 恒(1986-),男,博士,主要从事地面参数遥感反演方面研究。Email:simondong@whut.edu.cn


第一作者: 李 军(1987-),男,博士,主要从事遥感图像分析、地理建模与应用等方面研究。Email: junli_geo@126.com

收稿日期: 2016-11-7   修回日期: 2017-02-13   网络出版日期: 2018-06-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目“地表温度与植被盖度的两阶段特征空间模式及其参数反演方法研究”.  编号: 41501457
国家自然科学基金项目“地表温度与植被盖度的两阶段特征空间模式及其参数反演方法研究”.  编号: 41601485
福州大学空间数据挖掘与信息共享教育部重点实验室开放课题“大区域高分辨率影像多尺度并行分割研究”.  编号: 2016LSDMIS01

Received: 2016-11-7   Revised: 2017-02-13   Online: 2018-06-15

Fund supported: .  编号: 41501457
.  编号: 41601485
.  编号: 2016LSDMIS01


遥感反演土壤含水量是干旱遥感监测中必不可少的环节,但遥感传感器往往受到云雪或自身性能等因素影响而存在数据缺失。现有基于时间序列数据的滤波插补法对数据要求较高而难以推广,而空间插值方法在成块缺失区域效果较差。针对此问题,提出利用最优插值法,根据气象站点实测数据对插值点的贡献定权,进而实现缺失像元的插值与填充。选取宁夏回族自治区为实验区,应用植被条件反照率干旱指数(vegetation condition albdedo drought index,VCADI)反演多个时期的土壤含水量结果,结合分布在研究区的16个国家级气象台站观测数据,利用最优插值法对缺失数据进行插补,结果表明该方法对不同程度数据缺失都具有较好的效果。通过人工模拟具有成块缺失与不同缺失率的数据,对比反向距离加权插值、Kriging空间插值方法和本文方法的插补效果,验证了本文方法具有更高的插补精度。

关键词: 土壤含水量 ; 遥感反演 ; 最优插值 ; 缺失数据


Remote sensing-based soil moisture content inversion is an indispensable procedure in drought monitoring; however, the image acquisition process is often influenced by bad weather such as cloud cover and snowfall, or sensor performance defects, which causes missing data. The existing filtering interpolation methods based on time series images have a high requirement on input data and thus are difficult to be widely applied, while the spatial interpolation methods do not work well for the images with missing blocks. In view of the above problems, this paper proposes a missing data filling method based on optimum interpolation, which predicts and fills missing data with the ground observation data as a reference. The authors selected Ningxia as the study area and obtained the soil moisture content in multiple periods using the VCADI index, and conducted missing pixel interpolation using the proposed method with the ground observation data of 16 national meterological stations. Experimental results show that the proposed method performs well in all regions with different levels of missing data. The authors simulated the images with missing blocks and different levels of missing data, and compared the performances between the inverse distance weighted interpolation method, the Kriging interpolation method and the optimum interpolation method. Experimental results show that the method proposed by the authors can obtain more accurate interpolation results.

Keywords: soil moisture content ; remote sensing inversion ; optimum interpolation ; missing data

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李军, 董恒, 王祥, 游林. 基于最优插值的土壤含水量遥感反演缺失数据插补. 国土资源遥感[J], 2018, 30(2): 45-52 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.02.06

LI Jun, DONG Heng, WANG Xiang, YOU Lin. Reconstructing missing data in soil moisture content derived from remote sensing based on optimum interpolation. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES[J], 2018, 30(2): 45-52 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.02.06

0 引言

近几十年来,在全球气候变化的背景下干旱频繁发生,其影响范围之广,持续时间之长,受灾程度之重都十分罕见。据统计,每年因旱灾造成的全球经济损失高达60~80亿美元,远远超过了其他灾害[1]。我国是一个农业旱灾频发的国家,1950—2008年间,平均每年受旱面积为2 157万hm2,成灾面积为956万hm2,因旱灾损失粮食为158万t。而且干旱灾害发生次数逐年增加,特别是近几年接连不断发生在西南地区、山东省和长江中下游地区的特大干旱,给农业生产和经济发展带来巨大损失[2,3]。目前,利用遥感技术加强旱情实时监测已成为一个迫切的需求[4]。学者们针对各类卫星遥感数据,通过获取各类地表理化性质[5,6,7,8,9]监测旱情状况及变化,其中土壤含水量是反映干旱的一个最重要也是最直接的指标。通过遥感反演土壤含水量是干旱遥感监测业务中必不可少的环节。



1 最优插值法



Zai= k=1nPk(Zobk-Zgk)+Zgi, (1)

式中Pk为第k个气象台站的权重因子。该公式表示每个格点的分析值 Zai是由格点的初始估计值 Zgi加上修订值而获得,修订值由格点周围各气象台站观测值 Zobk与初估值 Zgk的偏差加权求得。令 eobk, egk, eaiegi分别为测站观测值、测站初始值和格点分析值和格点初始值与真值之差,假设局地均匀各向同性,由式(1)可得

eai= k=1nPk( eobk- egk)+ egi。 (2)

再假设 eobkegk相互彼此独立,观测误差相关系数为< egk, egl>=δklεk2,其中 εk2k点的观测误差的方差,即

δkl= 1k=l0kl。 (3)

E=< eai, eai>,表示分析场的均方差; mkl=< egk, egl>,表示kl这2点之间初始值误差之间的相关系数。则由式(2)在同一目标格点上求多次的平方平均值后可得

E=mii-2 k=1nPkmik+ l=1nk=1nPkPl+ k=1nPk2εk2, (4)

式中miii点初始值的方差,可以认为是常数。将式(4)左右同时除以mii,并令E'=E/mii,μik=mik/mii,ηk= εk2/mii,则式(4)可变换为

E'=1-2 k=1nPkμik+ l=1nk=1nPkPlμik+ k=1nPk2ηk 。 (5)


l=1nPlμik+2 k=1nPkηk=2 k=1nμik (k=1,2,…,n) , (6)


E'=1- k=1nPkμik (k=1, 2, …, n) 。 (7)



μkl=exp(-rkl/a) 。 (8)

式中a为常数系数,其取值越大,相关系数趋于0的距离(最大影响距离)也越大,此时对于密集的近处测站,它们的相关系数值相差很小,就不能很好反映出相关系数随距离变化的特性,最优权重系数也近似相等,将失去求相关的意义,故a的取值要根据各个测站的实际分布情况而定。本文研究实例中a取1 500 km。

2 研究方法

2.1 缺失像元识别


DI=f(X1,X2,…,Xn) , (9)


1)对于每个变量Xi,生成一幅标记有效值区域的掩模影像MaskXi。对于第k个像素,若像素值Xi,k∈[ LXi, UXi],则MaskXi,k=1,否则MaskXi,k=0,式中 LXiUXi分别为变量Xi的最小可能取值与最大可能取值。


Maskk=MaskX1,kMaskX2,kMaskXn,k。 (10)


DIfinalk=DIk Maskk+bgValue (1-Maskk) , (11)

式中: DIk为第k个像素处直接计算而得的干旱指数值; DIfinalk为最终的干旱指数值; bgValue为干旱指数的缺失像元填充值(如-999)。此时得到的干旱指数结果中,数值为bgValue的像元即为缺失像元。

2.2 缺失数据插补



ci= k=1nPk,ick, (12)

Pk,i= 1Dk,i2/k=1n1Dk,i2, (13)

式中: Pk,i为二阶反距离权重; Dk,i为第k个站点离像元i的距离。

2)缺失数据的填充。土壤含水量产品常以等时间间隔或较密集时相生产,但气象站点的实测数据可能缺少部分时期的数据。因此,在完成初始背景场的构建后,需根据不同时相的气象站点实测数据的完整性确定站点观测值的选择策略。气象站点处的土壤含水量值包含实测土壤水分值和遥感反演土壤水分值2类。本文采用如下选择策略,反演某时相的产品时,当具有实测土壤水分值的站点数量达到阈值(本文取8)时,则以实测土壤水分值作为观测值 Zob; 当上述条件不满足,而具有遥感反演土壤水分值的站点数量达到阈值时,则以遥感反演土壤水分值作为观测值 Zob; 若以上条件均不满足,则以初始背景场填充缺失数据。


3 研究实例

3.1 研究区及数据源概况

本文以中国西北的宁夏回族自治区为实验区(如图1所示),使用该区域内的MODIS地表反射率产品(MOD09A1)和反照率产品(MCD43B3),由美国NASA的EOS数据中心(https://wist.echo.nasa.gov/wist-bin/api/ims.cgi)下载,数据产品的时相为2001年3—9月间,是宁夏地区主要农作物的生长季节。使用前将原始数据转换为UTM投影,由红光波段与近红外波段计算归一化植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI),构建基于NDVI-Albedo特征空间的植被条件反射率干旱指数(vegetation condition albedo drought index,VCADI )[33]作为干旱遥感反演指数。此外,搜集实验区内16个国家级气象台站(图1)同时期的土壤水分自动监测数据。通过选取同时具有地面实测土壤体积含水量与遥感VCADI指数的样本,采用回归分析构建基于VCADI的土壤体积含水量反演模型,进而反演各时相土壤含水量。


图1   研究区及气象观测站点

Fig.1   Study area and meterological observation stations

3.2 缺失数据插补效果分析



图2   2001年宁夏土壤体积含水量插补前(左)与插补后(右)对比

Fig.2   Soil moisture content of Ningxia in 2001 before (left) and after (right) interpolation process


1)对于像元缺失相对较少的时相,如97,113和153,插补整体效果较好,插补值与周围的旱情具有很好的空间连续性; 在时相113和153产品上,缺失数据既覆盖了高值区域,又覆盖了低值区域,插补后的数据仍然较好地反映了缺失区域的土壤体积含水量差异。



3.3 精度分析



图3   最优插值与其他插值方法对比

Fig.3   Comparison between results of optimum interpolation and other interpolation methods

以土壤含水量原始数据为参照,计算3种插值方法用于各期数据的均方根误差的平均值。对于反向距离加权插值法,东、南、西、北矩形框缺失数据插补结果的均方根误差分别为0.036 1,0.039 2,0.088 1和0.079 8; 对于Kriging插值法,4块区域的均方根误差分别为0.036 9,0.034 8,0.074 4和0.108 8; 对于最优插值法,4块区域的均方根误差分别为0.031 4,0.032 7,0.054 9和0.057 8。可以看出,Kriging插值法在空间异质性较高的数据区域出现缺失时插补效果不如反向距离加权插值法,而在异质性低的区域效果较好,二者效果总体相当。与这2种方法相比,最优插值法得到的插补结果精度更高,虽然插补结果与实际数值仍然有一定偏差,但在成片数据缺失且不依赖长时序序列数据的情况下,能基本反映出数据缺失区域的整体状况。



图4   不同缺失率数据模拟

Fig.4   Simulation of missing data at different levels

与原始数据进行对比,以均方根误差评价插补精度。当缺失率为10%时,插补误差为0.014 7; 当缺失率为20%时,插补误差为0.031 5; 当缺失率为30%时,插补误差为0.044 1; 当缺失率为40%时,插补误差为0.073 2。可以看出,在缺失比例很高时,插补结果仍然能达到较高精度,主要原因是模拟缺失数据是随机和均匀分布的,更利于依据周围数据插补真实结果。

4 结论





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<p>总结了目前广泛应用的气象监测模型和基于遥感数据的干旱监测模型, 将目前的遥感监测方法分为植被状态监测方法、微波土壤水分监测方法、热红外遥感监测方法和基于能量平衡的遥感监测方法进行综述, 深入分析了基于遥感数据的监测方法的特点、适用条件和存在的问题。通过综述基于多源数据的干旱综合监测模型, 对未来干旱监测方法的发展方向进行研究和探讨, 指出集成多源数据的干旱综合监测模型是解决复杂的干旱监测问题的新方法。</p>

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土壤含水量是监测旱情墒情的关键参量, 近年来在利用高光谱遥感数据监测土壤含水量方面, 国内外进行了大量的研究。 文章首先在分析利用不同波段监测土壤含水量的原理及优缺点基础上, 指出高光谱遥感监测的独特优势和问题。 并以此为出发点, 从机理上归纳了土壤含水量对土壤反射率的整体影响, 以及对不同波段响应的差异。 在此基础上, 从物理机理和统计方法两个方面, 总结了土壤含水量与土壤反射率的关系。 并分析和评价了各模型及统计方法中的关键问题和优缺点。 以往研究土壤含水量与土壤反射率关系的实验方法中往往存在一些问题, 文章也一一指出并提出了解决方案。 同时, 探讨了高光谱在消除植被影响, 更好地反演土壤含水量方面的可行性。 最后对未来的研究方向进行了展望

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土壤水分的遥感监测在农业干旱和水资源管理方面具有重要的意义。 利用MODIS反射率和温度产品来获取地表昼夜温差(ΔTs)和宽波段反照率(Albedo), 构建ΔTs-Albedo光谱特征空间, 提出温差-反照率干旱指数(temperature difference albedo drought index, TDADI)用来监测土壤水分, 并利用宁夏实测0~10 cm平均土壤含水量数据验证该指数的精度, 结果表明: 它们之间的相关性较好, R2变化范围为0.36~0.52。 TDADI与TADI相比, 该指数具有更高的土壤水分监测精度。 然而, 由于数据获取的局限性, 只采用了宁夏平原数据对TDADI进行验证, 在其他区域仍需要进一步验证。

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针对小麦株型对LAI反演精度的制约, 利用地面实测的多角度数据, 提出采用热点指数反演高精度的不同株型小麦LAI。 通过分析京411紧凑型和中优9507披散型两种株型小麦在红光(670 nm)和近红外波段(800和860 nm)的二向反射光谱特征, 借鉴热暗点指数HDS和归一化热暗点信息指数NDHD, 构建了改进的归一化热暗点指数MNDHD和热暗点比值指数HDRI两个新热点指数。 将HDS, NDHD, MNDHD和HDRI与NDVI, SR和EVI相乘得到的热点组合指数用于不同株型小麦LAI的反演。 分析得出对紧凑型小麦京411, 由860 nm近红外波段的NDVI与MNDHD和HDRI的组合指数反演的LAI精度分别为0.943 1和0.909 2; 对披散型小麦中优9507, 由800 nm近红外波段的SR与HDRI和MNDHD的组合指数获得的LAI反演精度分别为0.964 8和0.895 6。 表明基于冠层的热点效应反演不同株型小麦LAI的方法可行, 多角度遥感数据在作物结构参数提取方面比常规观测数据更具优势。

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以陕西省关中平原为研究区域,应用点扩散函数、混合像素面积权重法和中值像素变异权重法将基于Landsat卫星遥感数据反演的分辨率为30 m的条件植被温度指数(VTCI)干旱监测结果上推至930 m的干旱监测结果,并与Aqua MODIS数据反演的分辨率为930 m的VTCI干旱监测结果进行对比分析,以期为两种空间尺度的干旱监测结果的综合应用提供技术支持。以MODIS数据反演的VTCI为参考,应用相关系数、均方根误差、半变异函数的估计值和图像纹理特征等对尺度上推的VTCI进行评价。结果表明,点扩散函数和混合像素面积权重法的尺度上推效果均较好,而中值像素变异权重法的尺度上推效果较差,说明点扩散函数和混合像素面积权重法均适用于研究区域VTCI干旱监测结果的尺度转换,且点扩散函数的数据处理过程更为简单。典型样点VTCI的尺度上推结果表明,空间异质性越小,尺度上推的结果越好。

Wang P X, Wu G F, Bai X J , et al.

Up-scaling transformation methods for vegetation temperature condition index retrieved from Landsat data

[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2015,46(7):264-271.

[本文引用: 1]

Bradley B A, Jacob R W, Hermance J F , et al.

A curve fitting procedure to derive inter-annual phenologies from time series of noisy satellite NDVI data

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2007,106(2):137-145.

DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2006.08.002      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Annual, inter-annual and long-term trends in time series derived from remote sensing can be used to distinguish between natural land cover variability and land cover change. However, the utility of using NDVI-derived phenology to detect change is often limited by poor quality data resulting from atmospheric and other effects. Here, we present a curve fitting methodology useful for time series of remotely sensed data that is minimally affected by atmospheric and sensor effects and requires neither spatial nor temporal averaging. A two-step technique is employed: first, a harmonic approach models the average annual phenology; second, a spline-based approach models inter-annual phenology. The principal attributes of the time series (e.g., amplitude, timing of onset of greenness, intrinsic smoothness or roughness) are captured while the effects of data drop-outs and gaps are minimized. A recursive, least squares approach captures the upper envelope of NDVI values by upweighting data values above an average annual curve. We test this methodology on several land cover types in the western U.S., and find that onset of greenness in an average year varied by less than 8days within land cover types, indicating that the curve fit is consistent within similar systems. Between 1990 and 2002, temporal variability in onset of greenness was between 17 and 35days depending on the land cover type, indicating that the inter-annual curve fit captures substantial inter-annual variability. Employing this curve fitting procedure enhances our ability to measure inter-annual phenology and could lead to better understanding of local and regional land cover trends.

Cihlar J, Ly H, Li Z Q , et al.

Multitemporal,multichannel AVHRR data sets for land biosphere studies-Artifacts and corrections

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 1997,60(1):35-57.

DOI:10.1016/S0034-4257(96)00137-X      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Temporal compositing of daily optical satellite data has become an accepted methodology for obtaining frequent images of large areas for studies of the land surface. However, such composite data sets sometimes contain large “artifacts” (i.e., errors due to sources unrelated to the land surface itself). The goal of this study was to develop a series of operations and algorithms that would identify and remove as many of these errors as possible. The specific objective was to obtain, every ten days, surface reflectance in advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) channels 1 and 2 and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)—all referenced to a constant viewing geometry—and surface temperature. The processing steps of the resulting methodology, dubbed “ABC3” for atmospheric, bidirectional, and contamination corrections of the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS), includes atmospheric corrections; the identification of pixels “contaminated” by clouds, snow (including subpixel), and shadows from optically thick clouds; bidirectional reflectance and thermal emissivity corrections; and the replacement of the contaminated pixels in the composites through interpolation. The resulting procedures yield surface reflectance and NDVI fully corrected for bidirectional effects; a version of NDVI corrected for solar zenith only; and surface temperature corrected for atmospheric and surface emissivity effects. An evaluation of the resulting data set shows that the procedures provide significantly improved data products compared with the raw composites, but they do not approximate a single-date image sufficiently closely, especially for AVHRR channel 1, whose reflectance values are generally low. This is attributed to the limitations of the input data and knowledge of atmospheric (and partly bidirectional) characteristics applicable to each composite pixel.

李儒, 张霞, 刘波 , .


[J]. 遥感学报, 2009,13(2):335-341.

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:1007-4619.2009.02.023      URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]


Li R, Zhang X, Liu B , et al.

Review on methods of remote sensing time-series data reconstruction

[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2009,13(2):335-341.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

Holben B N .

Characteristics of maximum-value composite images from temporal AVHRR data

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1986,7(11):1417-1434.

DOI:10.1080/01431168608948945      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Viovy N, Arino O, Belward A S .

The best index slope extraction (BISE):A method for reducing noise in NDVI time-series

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1992,13(8):1585-1590.

DOI:10.1080/01431169208904212      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The Best Index Slope Extraction (BISE) is proposed as an alternative to the Maximum Value Composite (MVC) as a way of reducing noise in Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time-series from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data. The BISE method retains more valuable elements of an NDVI profile than the MVC. NDVI profiles prepared using the BISE method show strong differences in the development characteristics of various West African vegetation types.

Lovell J L, Graetz R D .

Filtering pathfinder AVHRR land NDVI data for Australia

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2001,22(13):2649-2654.

DOI:10.1080/01431160116874      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The Pathfinder AVHRR Land (PAL) dataset is a consistently processed 13-year time series derived from AVHRR global area coverage (GAC) data. We found significant cloud contamination and other noise present in the PAL dataset that diminished its utility. This Letter describes a simple and successful attempt to reduce these effects. The filtered dataset is available from the authors.

Ganzedo U, Alvera-Azcárate A, Esnaola G , et al.

Reconstruction of sea surface temperature by means of DINEOF:A case study during the fishing season in the Bay of Biscay

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2011,32(4):933-950.

DOI:10.1080/01431160903491420      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The Spanish surface fishery operates mainly during the summer season in the waters of the Bay of Biscay. Sea surface temperature (SST) data recovered from satellite images are being used to improve the operational efficiency of fishing vessels (e.g. reduce search time and increase catch rate) and to improve the understanding of the variations in catch distribution and rate needed to properly manage fisheries. The images used for retrieval of SST often present gaps due to the existence of clouds or satellite malfunction periods. The data gaps can totally or partially affect the area of interest. Within this study, an application of a technique for the reconstruction of missing data called DINEOF (data interpolating empirical orthogonal functions) is analysed, with the aim of testing its applicability in operational SST retrieval during summer months. In this case study, the Bay of Biscay is used as the target area. Three months of SST Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images, ranging from 1 May 2006 to 31 July 2006, were used. The main objective of this work is to test the overall performance of this technique, under potential operational use for the support of the fleet during the summer fishing season. The study is designed to analyse the sensitivity of the results of this technique to several details of the methodology used in the reconstruction of SST, such as the number of empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) retained, the handling of the seasonal cycle or the length (number of images) of the SST database used. The results are tested against independent SST data from International Comprehensive Ocean tmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) ship reports and standing buoys and estimations of the error of the reconstructed SST fields are given. Conclusions show that over this area three months of data are enough for efficient SST reconstruction, which yields four EOFs as the optimal number needed for this case study. An extended EOF experiment with SST and SST with a lag of one day was carried out to analyse whether the autocorrelation of the SST data allows better performance in the SST reconstruction, although the experiment did not improve the results. The validation studies show that the reconstructed SSTs can be trusted, even when the amount of missing data is very high. The mean absolute deviation maps show that the error is greatest near to the coast and mainly in the upwelling areas close to the French and north-western Spanish coasts.

Park J, Tateishi R.

Correction of time series NDVI by the method of temporal window operation

[C]//Proceedings of 1998 Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 1998.

[本文引用: 1]

Jonsson P, Eklundh L .

Seasonality extraction by function fitting to time-series of satellite sensor data

[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2002,40(8):1824-1832.

DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2002.802519      URL     [本文引用: 1]

A new method for extracting seasonality information from time-series of satellite sensor data is presented. The method is based on nonlinear least squares fits of asymmetric Gaussian model functions to the time-series. The smooth model functions are then used for defining key seasonality parameters, such as the number of growing seasons, the beginning and end of the seasons, and the rates of growth and decline. The method is implemented in a computer program TIMESAT and tested on Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data over Africa. Ancillary cloud data [clouds from AVHRR (CLAVR)] are used as estimates of the uncertainty levels of the data values. Being general in nature, the proposed method can be applied also to new types of satellite-derived time-series data.

Savitzky A, Golay M J E.

Smoothing and differentiation of data by simplified least squares procedures

[J]. Analytical Chemistry, 1964,36(8):1627-1639.

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Akhter S, Sarkar I, Rabbany K G , et al.

Adapting the LMF temporal splining procedure from serial to MPI/Linux clusters

[J]. Journal of Computer Science, 2007,3(3):130-133.

DOI:10.3844/jcssp.2007.130.133      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Remote Sensing (RS) provides images over large areas such as provincial or country level. During the last 20 years, it plays a vital role for developing many complex applications. However, RS image includes data noises due to influence of haze or cloud especially in the rainy season. It is thus necessary to remove the noise to recover the real ground variations of information studied. Local Maximum Fitting (LMF) is a combined procedure, which helps to remove the noisy data. When dealing with sufficiently large and such complex processing with RS data, single computers time processing extends to unacceptable limits. Such as, to remove the noise from RS image with 146 bands, 38 rows and 37 columns which mean 146 X 38 X 37= 205276 pixels, the LMF procedure requires 26 minutes approximately. So, 1000 X 1000 Remote Sensing Image with 146 bands is required approximately two weeks. It is necessary to reduce the time constraint and make the LMF process executable in a suitable time limit. This study deals with the design and implementation of a distributed LMF procedure. Especially, inside the LMF procedure, a consecutive amount of pixels (pixels in a column) is processed for each row. This behavior is used in this study to make the LMF parallel. For processing the RS image (146 bands, 38 rows and 37 columns), the execution time reduces to 16.13 minutes by adding distributed computing to the program (37 columns distributed to 3 computers). Key words: LMF, MPI, remote sensing, distributed computing, cluster computers

冯益明, 雷相东, 陆元昌 .


[J]. 遥感学报, 2004,8(4):317-322.

DOI:10.11834/jrs.20040405      Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

借助图像处理软件ERDAS、地理信息系统软件ArcInfo以及空间统计分析软件ILWIS ,在对TM遥感影像进行分类的基础上 ,运用空间统计学理论以及Kriging插值技术 ,内插了影像真实信息“缺失”斑块的信息 ,插值结果通过了精度检验。为解译影像信息“缺失”区 ,提供了一种手段和方法。

Feng Y M, Lei X D, Lu Y C .

Interpretation of pixel-missing patch of remote sensing image with Kriging interpolation of spatial statistics

[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2004,8(4):317-322.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

俞晓群, 马翱慧 .


[J].测绘通报, 2013(12):47-50.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

完整的长时间序列遥感数据是大 尺度环境监测工作顺利完成的重要保证。本文选取2007年1月至2010年12月南海北部MODIS海表叶绿素a浓度月平均遥感影像为基础数据,利用地统 计的Kriging空间插值方法对月平均影像中的缺失数据进行插补,并从多个角度对插补结果进行分析和评价。结果表明:Kriging方法的插值结果能突 出研究海域海表叶绿素a浓度一定时期的特殊变化,在一定程度上也能体现研究海域海表叶绿素a浓度的时空变化规律;但是Kriging方法空间插值操作复 杂,精度较低,可变性估计不足,均方根误差平均值为0.459 8,标准化均方根误差的平均值为2.608 2。

Yu X Q, Ma A H .

The spatial interpolation of missing remote sensing data in sea surface chlorophyll-a using Kriging

[J].Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, 2013(12):47-50.

[本文引用: 1]

杨金红, 顾松山, 程明虎 .


[J]. 气象科学, 2007,27(6):604-609.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1009-0827.2007.06.003      URL     [本文引用: 1]

采用多元并扫方式(1 km分辨率10元并扫,500 m分辨率20元并扫,250 m分辨率40元并扫)的MODIS传感器,由于各探测单元在轨响应差异而引起的条带噪声对MODIS定量产品的反演计算精度造成一定影响.为了尽可能减少这种影响,提高MODIS定量产品反演精度,本文提出了应用插值法剔除MODIS数据条带噪声.研究首先分析了传统去条带噪声方法的弊端,根据条带噪声在MODIS影像中的分布规律,以及如何准确判断条带噪声所在的行,然后应用插值法去除了MODIS波段5和波段30影像的条带噪声,取得了满意的效果,最后对图像的去除效果与传统的矩匹配法和傅立叶变换法进行了比较,并用两种评价指标做出评价.结果表明,两种评价指标得出的结果一致,也正说明了插值法是一种很好的去除MODIS数据条带噪声的方法,同时用这种方法处理后的图像还能保留原有的大部分信息.

Yang J H, Gu S S, Cheng M H .

Application of interpolation method in destriping MODIS images

[J]. Scientia Meteorologica Sinica, 2007,27(6):604-609.

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Xiong X C, Yang C P, Ao M W , et al.

A research on judging and removing stripe noises of MODIS image

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研究黄淮海平原旱灾监测中作物缺水指数模型实现的方法 ,特别是以与遥感图象相同的分辨率来计算作物缺水指数采取的对气象数据的处理 ,以及在 GIS的支持下 ,对矢量格式的地形图及遥感图象的不同处理 ,以实现图象、图形、数据的一体化。从而得到所需的研究区旱情分布图等不同形式的结果。实时监测表明 :本方法精度高 ,可靠性强 ,基本上达到了准确、实时监测干旱的目的。

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Remote sensing monitoring of drought in Huanghe,Huaihe and Haihe Plain based on GIS-the calculation of crop water stress index model

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