国土资源遥感, 2018, 30(3): 18-25 doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.03.03


杨军1, 裴剑杰2

1. 兰州交通大学电子与信息工程学院,兰州 730070

2. 兰州交通大学测绘与地理信息学院/甘肃省地理国情监测工程实验室,兰州 730070

An improved ICM algorithm for remote sensing image segmentation

YANG Jun1, PEI Jianjie2

1. School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China

2. Faculty of Geomatics, Lanzhou Jiaotong University & Gansu Provincial Engineering Laboratory for National Geographic State Monitoring, Lanzhou 730070, China;

责任编辑: 李瑜

收稿日期: 2016-11-23   修回日期: 2017-01-17   网络出版日期: 2018-09-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目“大尺度变形的三维几何模型的对应关系和分割问题研究”.  61462059
人社部留学人员科技活动择优资助(重点类)项目“三维动画中非刚性大尺度变形的相关性研究”.  2013277
甘肃省高等学校基本科研业务费项目“大尺度变形的几何模型的对应关系和分割问题研究”.  214142

Received: 2016-11-23   Revised: 2017-01-17   Online: 2018-09-15

作者简介 About authors

杨军(1973-),男,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事计算机图形学、虚拟现实、数字图像处理等方面研究。Email:yangj@mail.lzjtu.cn。 。


针对传统的迭代条件模式(iterated conditional model,ICM)算法应用于遥感影像分割时容易出现离散斑块和孤立点的问题,提出了一种基于马尔科夫随机场(Markov random field, MRF)的改进ICM遥感影像分割算法。首先,在获取初始标记之前加入保边去噪效果良好的双边滤波器(bilateral filter, BF),用于遥感影像的预处理; 并用多阈值最大类间方差法(Otsu)获取初始标记,以克服传统的初始标记获取算法中K-means聚类算法类别数不确定和算法复杂度不易控制以及错分现象明显等问题; 然后,利用MRF描述像元的空间相关性,形成顾及上下文信息的ICM遥感影像分割算法。通过遥感影像数据分割实例验证,所提方法的分割精度优于传统的ICM算法。

关键词: 迭代条件模式(ICM) ; 马尔科夫随机场(MRF) ; 最大类间方差法(Otsu) ; 双边滤波器(BF) ; 影像分割


The traditional iterated conditional model(ICM)algorithm, when applied to remote sensing image segmentation, is easy to show discrete patches and isolated points. In view of this phenomenon, an improved ICM remote sensing segmentation algorithm is proposed which is based on Markov random field(MRF). First, the robust bilateral filter(BF)which is efficient in preserving edges and denoising was merged and used for the preprocessing of the remote sensing image, and then the Otsu algorithm was applied to obtaining the initial clusters. The algorithm could overcome some problems that occurred in the traditional K-means algorithm such as the inability in determining the number of clusters, difficulty in controlling algorithm complexities, and appearance of overlapping in the segmented regions. Next, the MRF was used to describe the pixel spatial correlation forming ICM remote sensing image segmentation algorithm with contextual information. By using remote sensing image data validation, the approach proposed in this paper realizes more reliable segmentation results in comparison with the traditional ICM algorithm.

Keywords: iterated conditional model(ICM) ; Markov random field(MRF) ; Otsu ; bilateral filter(BF) ; image segmentation

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杨军, 裴剑杰. 一种改进的ICM遥感影像分割算法. 国土资源遥感[J], 2018, 30(3): 18-25 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.03.03

YANG Jun, PEI Jianjie. An improved ICM algorithm for remote sensing image segmentation. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES[J], 2018, 30(3): 18-25 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.03.03

0 引言

随着遥感技术的发展,不同传感器获取的遥感影像开始广泛应用于农业、林业、环境监测、城乡规划以及军事侦察等领域[1,2,3,4]。为了充分利用遥感影像数据中包含的有用信息,研究人员进行了大量影像分析处理研究,其中影像分割成为该领域的研究热点之一。目前,已有许多理论和技术被用于影像分割,其中马尔科夫随机场(Markov random field, MRF)模型方法融合了局部先验模型和像元的邻域结构信息,在影像分割中得到广泛应用 [5,6,7]。由贝叶斯理论可知,影像分割问题可以把计算已知观测影像标记场的最大后验概率问题转换为等价的吉布斯随机场(Gibbs random field, GRF)能量函数最小化问题[8]。现有的能量函数最小化算法包括全局优化和局部优化2大类,全局优化算法[9]有Metropolis算法、模拟退火算法(simulated annealing, SA)、图割算法(graph cuts, GC)和遗传算法(genetic algorithms, GA)等; 局部优化算法[10]有迭代条件模式(iterated conditional model, ICM)算法、马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗(Markov chain Monte Carlo,MCMC) 算法和神经网络算法等。在能量函数最小化优化的众多算法中,ICM算法是一个经典的局部优化算法,通过在求解后验概率最大化的迭代过程中采取“贪婪”的策略,每次对标记的赋值采取条件概率最大的方式,因而能非常快速地达到能量函数在邻域系统内的极值。与全局优化算法(如SA算法和GA算法)相比,ICM算法所需计算时间较少,收敛速度较快; 但由于后验能量函数具有非凸性,ICM算法很容易收敛到一个局部极值上,无法达到全局最优。此外,传统的ICM算法的优化效果受初始标记点的影响较大,一方面,该算法使用K-means聚类法获取初始标记时只考虑了像元的光谱信息,而忽略了像元邻域的空间信息,当影像存在较大的噪声时,分割后的影像往往会出现许多离散斑块和孤立点; 另一方面,如果没有一个合适的初始标记,优化过程往往会陷于局部最优,而对于维数很高的遥感影像数据来说,全局性的更新优化很难实现。对于这个问题,一种解决方法是先对原始影像进行低通滤波,再用ICM算法将能量函数最小化优化,但这种方式会导致分割影像边缘模糊和纹理细节丢失。

近年来,国内外研究者针对影像分割噪声抑制和分割结果准确性之间的平衡进行了广泛研究,对传统的ICM算法提出了许多改进方法。侯一民等[11]在传统ICM算法的邻域基团势函数基础上,引入了邻域中像元的强度差值以及像元之间的距离因子用于分割。杨红磊等[12]提出了用MRF描述像元的空间相关性,引入邻域分类信息作为像元分类的空间约束。这2种方法虽然都很好地抑制了影像噪声的影响,但是每一次迭代都要重新计算邻域信息,算法复杂度高。谢昭等[13]利用K-近邻思想构建图像邻域系统,通过设置合适的初始类别数,用ICM算法进行聚类,提高了聚类准确性; 该方法虽然弱化了初始标记的影响,但是用于分割时结果仍然具有不确定性。Baumgartner 等[14]提出了一种连续波段融合的影像分割方法,将双边滤波器(bilateral filter, BF)结合遥感影像的上下文信息用于分割,类似于运行一个ICM算法; 该算法几乎可以不用迭代即可达到最终分割状态,但分割精度一般。上述方法中没有一个既能有效抑制分割噪声,又能使分割结果具有较高精度、适合大多数遥感影像分割的算法。针对这些问题,本文将保边去噪效果良好的BF引入到传统的ICM算法中,用于保留遥感影像的地物边缘并去除噪声; 然后采用多阈值最大类间方差法(由日本学者大津(Nobuyuki Otsu)提出的一种自适应阈值确定方法,亦称大津法(Otsu))遍历影像直方图主峰的方式获取分割阈值,进而确定初始分割类别数,获取初始标记; 引入MRF度量空间相关性,并采用航摄影像和多光谱影像数据分别进行实验,以验证本文算法的有效性。

1 经典ICM算法

基于MRF的影像分割中,分割影像常用2个随机场来描述,一个是特征场(或称观测场),另一个是标记场。特征场以标记场为条件,用标记类别的似然分布函数描述特征数据或特征向量的分布; 标记场则用先验知识描述标记场的局部相关性。影像分割需要将特征场中的数据与标记场中的先验知识概率建立有机的联系,这就需要将先验信息所期望的分割结果与真实观测数据的细节信息进行平衡,而贝叶斯决策理论能够很好地做到这一点[15]。基于MRF的影像分割通常用贝叶斯决策理论中的最大后验概率(maximum a posterior, MAP)准则作为MRF建模的优化准则,这就是经典的MAP-MRF框架[16],该框架下的影像分割问题的实质即计算影像的最大后验概率。由Markov和Gibbs分布的等价性可知,最大后验概率的求解又可以转化为对最小能量函数的计算,而ICM算法是计算最小能量函数的经典算法。

1.1 MRF影像分割问题

Y为影像数据所表示的特征场或观测场,yY的一个样本; 标记场X为影像分割结果所描述的随机场,xX的一个样本(即一种分割标记结果)。根据贝叶斯决策理论,可将影像分割问题表示为


式中: P(X=x | Y=y)为在影像数据Y=y给定的条件下,标记场X=x的后验概率; P(Y=y | X=x)为在给定标记场X=x的条件下,观测场Y=y的联合分布或者似然函数; P(Y=y)为观测场Y=y的联合分布。因为观测场Y=y为影像数据,是一个已知量,所以P(Y=y)不随标记场中任意一个X=x的变化而变化。


1)假设一(条件独立性 )[17]: 假设在给定标记场的一个样本的条件下观测场的每一成分相互独立。



式中: P(yk | X=x)为在给定标记场X=x的条件下,观测场成分yk的概率分布。

观测场P(Y=y)是已知的影像数据,而标记场P(X=x)可用MRF模型[18]表示。要实现影像分割,只有P(yk | X=x)是一个未知量,所以还需要做进一步假设。

2)假设二(同质区域相同分布 )[19]: 假设影像中同一类型的像元服从同一种分布(比如高斯分布、指数分布等)。

在假设一和假设二的共同作用下,针对影像中的每一个像元点,如果将第i个像元点属于第k类地物的概率函数表示为 P(yik|Xi=k),那么影像分割问题可以近似地表示 [20]


式中: P(Xi=k | XNi)为标记场的局部先验概率; Ni为位置i的邻域。

这样,在己知类别的条件概率(似然函数) P(yik|Xi=k)和标记场先验信息概率P(Xi=k | XNi)的条件下,影像分割问题就转换成计算后验概率 P(Xi=k|yik)的问题,这就是MAP准则,也是MRF图像分割问题的实质。

1.2 MAP计算

针对遥感影像中的每一像元点,将标记场中第i个像元点位置邻域系统中的先验概率P(Xi=k | XNi)简写成P(xi | xNi),观测场地物类别的似然函数 P(yik|Xi=k)简写成P(yi | xi),后验概率 P(Xi=k|yik)简写成P(xi | yi),则式(3)可以进一步改写为


由于Markov-Gibbs的等价性,可以使用Gibbs分布函数表示MRF邻域系统中的先验概率P(xi | xNi),从而通过优化能量函数的方法计算式(4)的解。

由Gibbs分布表达式可得,标记场先验概率P(xi | xNi)在Gibbs随机场中的表达式[21]


同样,后验概率P(xi | yi)也可以用后验能量函数来表示,即


在式(5)和(6)中: U(xi | xNi)为影像分割标记问题的先验能量函数; Z为一个称为配分函数的归一化常量; T为温度常量,通常设置为1[18]





于是,式(10)表示最大后验概率P(xi | yi)等价于最小化后验能量函数U(xi | yi): U(yi | xi)为观测场中地物类别的第i个像素点的似然函数能量; U(xi | xNi)为标记场中第i个像素点对应的先验概率能量。因此,最终的能量关系可简写为


式中: xi为第i个像素点的当前分割标记; xFi为最终的分割标记。

1.3 能量函数计算

假设影像的初始标记为I,除第i个像元外的标记为 xI-i(k),k为迭代次数。ICM算法通过连续更新每一个像元标签 xi(k)xi(k+1),使后验能量函数U(xFi|yi)取得最小值时,便得到最终分割结果。



图1   ICM算法执行过程

Fig.1   Execution process of ICM algorithm

2 算法改进

大部分遥感影像由于传感器的姿态变化以及周期性偏移等原因导致成像时带有噪声。这样的影像直接用于分割时,容易产生离散斑块和孤立点现象,有时甚至会出现错误分割的情况。针对这种情况,本文提出了将改进的ICM算法用于遥感影像分割的方法: 首先利用BF对遥感影像进行预处理,以提高影像的质量; 然后用多阈值最大类间方差法(Otsu)代替K-means作为获取初始标记的算法,用以克服K-means聚类算法类别数不易确定和算法复杂度不易控制等问题。

2.1 影像预处理

BF是一种保边去噪效果良好的滤波器。首先对遥感影像进行双边滤波,这样不但可以保留影像地物边缘,还可以去除影像噪声,增加影像对比度。BF由2个系数构成: 一个是由几何空间距离决定的滤波器系数,另一个是由像元差值决定的滤波器系数。



式中: (i, j)为影像中的任一像元; (i', j')为像元(i, j)邻域系统内的像元; f(i, j)为输入像元的值; g(i, j)为输出像元的值; w(i, j, i', j')为高斯核函数,由邻域系统内像元的核系数乘积构成,即


式中: hxhy分别为由像元几何空间距离决定的定义域核和由像元差值决定的值域核。这2个核均为未知参数,但因篇幅所限,本文不再赘述参数的估计方法,为了计算方便,直接使用文献[14]中定义的参数。

2.2 初始标记获取


本文采用Otsu法作为获取初始标记的算法,在划分L个类别C1, C2, ..., CL的情况下,多阈值类间方差可表示为


式中: σB2为全局类间方差; Pk为样本点划分到第k个类别的概率; mk为第k个类别的灰度值均值; mG为所有类别的灰度值均值。



式中: σI2为全局类内方差; σk2为第k类的类内方差。

正确的分割分类结果应使类间样本离散度大,同时保证类内样本的聚集性好,这就要求在类间方差越大的基础上保证类内方差最小。综合考虑两者的关联度,本文采用可分性度量准则 λ作为分割阈值。当 λ达到最大值时,表示类间分离性和类内聚集性达到平衡,此时的阈值是最适合进行分割的最佳阈值。通过遍历影像直方图主峰的方式获得多个分割阈值 λ,并确定初始分割类别数为λ+1。可将度量准则 λ表示为


3 实验结果与分析

为了验证改进算法相对于传统ICM算法的优越性和通用性,本文分别采用航摄影像和多光谱卫星遥感影像进行了实验,并对分割效果进行了评价。分割效果评价首先从人眼视觉主观感受方面分析改进ICM算法用于遥感影像分割时的表现,其次引入分割准确率和Kappa系数对传统ICM算法、无滤波ICM和本文算法进行定量比较,最后从分割类数与Kappa系数的关系以及分割准确率与分割类数的关系对算法的鲁棒性进行分析。之所以选择分割准确率和Kappa系数作为定量评价指标,是因为研究过程中将分割看成是一种特殊的分类过程,因而可以用混淆矩阵(confusion matrix)对分割结果构建重叠矩阵(overlap matrix)进行评价。假设将影像分割为N类,将混淆矩阵的每一项Cij定义为同时属于分割算法标记的第i类和参考分割结果标记的第j类的像元个数,则分割准确率Accuracy定义为


3.1 实验一

选择科罗拉多大峡谷的航摄影像进行分割实验。科罗拉多大峡谷航摄影像(图2(a))由国际空间站2014年4月14日拍摄,该地区位于美国亚利桑那州西北部的凯巴布高原,总面积接近3 000 km2,影像大小为960像元×960像元。通过影像预处理,执行程序遍历影像直方图主峰的方式获得分割阈值个数为 λ=7,因而确定初始聚类为8; 而目视判别影像区域可分为3个部分: 深色植被、浅色植被和其他地物,故确定分割类数为3。分割结果和分割精度分别如图2表1所示。


图2   科罗拉多大峡谷航摄影像不同算法分割结果对比

Fig.2   Comparison of segmentation results of Grand Canyon aerial image by using different algorithms

表1   不同算法的分割精度

Tab.1  Segmentation accuracy of different algorithms

传统ICM算法0.752 80.741 5
无滤波ICM算法0.852 20.801 7
本文算法0.929 70.883 4

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仔细对比图2中的分割影像可以看出,传统ICM算法的分割效果一般,并且出现了一些离散斑块和孤立像元点; 无滤波ICM算法由于改进了初始标记的获取方式,分割效果与传统ICM算法相比有了一定的改善,但因原始图像没有经过滤波处理,分割效果与本文算法相比在边缘和细节方面的表现差了很多。本文算法通过改进初始标记获取方法和加入BF,使得分割效果明显优于前2种算法,并且在分割后的影像中边缘更加平滑,细节信息更加突出。此外,从表1中的数据可以看出,本文算法相比于传统ICM算法,在分割准确率上提高了18%,Kappa系数提高了14%,表明本文算法用于遥感影像分割时的结果更加准确。

3.2 实验二

选择印尼科摩多国家公园真彩色影像和阿拉胡埃拉湖多光谱影像进行分割实验。印尼科摩多国家公园真彩色影像(图3(a))是由Terra卫星搭载的高级星载热辐射和反射辐射计(advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer,ASTER)传感器于2000年7月20日获取的,影像大小为550像元×550像元。图3(a)中蓝色表示水,灰色表明裸露地面,绿色表示植被,白色表示云。初始聚类数为10,分割类数为4,实验结果如图3所示。


图3   科摩多国家公园影像不同算法分割结果对比

Fig.3   Comparison of segmentation results of Komodo National Park image by using different algorithms

阿拉胡埃拉湖多光谱影像(图4(a))是由美国航天局Earth Observing-1(EO-1)卫星搭载的高级陆地成像仪(advanced land imager,ALI)于2010年12月17日获取的,影像大小为600像元×600像元。由于暴雨的影响,大量泥沙冲入该地区湖泊、河流中,导致水域颜色为黄色,图4(a)中白色表示云,其余地物可看成是植被。初始聚类数为12,分割类数为3,实验结果如图4所示。


图4   阿拉胡埃拉湖多光谱影像不同算法分割结果对比

Fig.4   Comparison of segmentation results of Alajuela Lake multispectral image by using different algorithms


3.3 实验三

选择俄罗斯西伯利亚地区的Chara沙地Landsat 8多光谱卫星遥感影像和新西兰拉凯阿河航摄影像进行分割实验。

俄罗斯西伯利亚地区Chara沙地的Landsat 8多光谱影像(图5(a))于2013年9月获取,由11个波段组成,本次研究使用Band3(R)、Band2(G)、Band1(B)波段组合合成模拟真彩色影像,大小为1 712像元×1 712像元。影像中可分辨出的地物主要包括沙地、植被、云、湖泊、河流及其他等6类,初始聚类为10,分割类数为6,实验结果如图5所示。


图5   Chara沙地多光谱遥感影像不同算法分割结果对比

Fig.5   Comparison of segmentation results of Chara sand multispectral remote sensing image by using different algorithms




图6   Kappa系数与分割类别数的关系

Fig.6   Relationship between Kappa coefficients and number of clusters

图6可以看出,当分割类数少于4时,3种分割算法均表现为低度一致性,说明3种算法对于简单地物类别的遥感影像分割效果均一般; 当分割类数介于5到8之间时,本文算法相比于传统ICM算法影像分割结果体现出了高度一致性; 而分割类数多于9时,由于地物类别复杂以及光谱特征相近等原因产生了一些误分割的现象,导致Kappa系数降低,但本文算法仍然具有中度一致性的分割结果。



图7   拉凯阿河航摄影像不同算法分割结果对比

Fig.7   Comparison of segmentation results of Rakaia River aerial images by using different algorithms


图8   拉凯阿河航摄影像分割准确率与分割类别数的关系

Fig.8   Relationship between segmentation accuracy and number of clusters from aerial images of Rakaia River


4 结论

针对传统的迭代条件模式(ICM)算法用于遥感影像分割时容易出现离散斑块和孤立点的现象,本文改进了传统的ICM算法。本文算法首先加入双边滤波器(BF)进行遥感影像预处理,在降噪的同时较好地保留了边缘信息; 然后用多阈值最大类间方差法(Otsu)代替原有的K-means算法,通过遍历影像直方图主峰的方式获取多个分割阈值,进而确定初始聚类数目,获取初始标记。本文算法克服了传统ICM算法中用K-means获取初始标记时类别数不确定和算法复杂度不易控制的问题。实验结果表明,改进的ICM算法用于遥感影像分割时分割效果优于传统ICM算法和无滤波ICM算法。



Zheng C, Zhang Y, Wang L G .

Multilayer semantic segmentation of remote-sensing imagery using a hybrid object-based Markov random field model

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2016,37(23):5505-5532.

DOI:10.1080/01431161.2016.1244364      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Gaetano R, Masi G, Poggi G , et al.

Marker-controlled watershed-based segmentation of multiresolution remote sensing images

[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2015,53(6):2987-3004.

DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2014.2367129      URL     [本文引用: 1]

A new technique for the segmentation of single- and multiresolution (MR) remote sensing images is proposed. To guarantee the preservation of details at fine scales, edge-based watershed is used, with automatically generated markers that help in limiting oversegmentation. For MR images, the panchromatic and multispectral components are processed independently, extracting both the edge maps and the morphological and spectral markers that are eventually fused at the highest resolution, thus avoiding any information loss induced by pansharpening. Numerical results on object layer extraction and simple classification tasks prove the proposed techniques to provide accurate segmentation maps, which preserve fine details and, contrary to state-of-the-art products, can single out objects equally well at very different scales.

梁若飞, 杨风暴, 王毅敏 , .


[J]. 国土资源遥感, 2016,28(3):53-59.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2016.03.09.

URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

<p>在覆盖玉米田的遥感图像中,玉米地块边缘区域存在大量的同物异谱现象,利用传统分割方法进行玉米地块分割时,会造成边缘出现许多非玉米小块区域,因而导致玉米种植面积统计错误。根据大面积玉米种植区域的形状分布特点,提出一种类矩形引导的玉米田种植区分割方法。首先采用最小核值相似区(smallest univale segment assimilating nucleus,SUSAN)边缘检测算子对融合后的高分一号(GF-1)卫星遥感图像进行边缘提取,然后根据闭合区域与外接类矩形的关系构建类矩形引导的相关函数,最后将类矩形阈值函数引入基于图的分割算法中实现特定形状的地块分割。将分割结果分别与基于图的分割方法、分水岭分割方法和人工解译样本进行实验比较,结果表明:本文方法能有效地分割出玉米田目标,减少了同物异谱带来的影响,分割结果更加符合玉米田实际分布特征和实际统计面积。</p>

Liang R F, Yang F B, Wang Y M , et al.

A near-rectangle guided segmentation method for remote sensing images of corn field areas

[J]. Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 2016,28(3):53-59.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2016.03.09.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

鲁恒, 付萧, 刘超 , .


[J]. 国土资源遥感, 2016,28(2):72-78.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2016.02.12.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

<p>为解决地震灾区震后空间数据难以及时获取的问题,考虑到无人机(unmanned aerial vehicle,UAV)遥感影像自身特点,提出了一种改进的均值漂移(Mean Shift)分割算法。按照影像特征将UAV影像划分为纹理区和匀色区,对匀色区直接进行Mean Shift算法分割得到初分结果; 对纹理区综合提取颜色、纹理、形状信息构造高维特征空间,并根据归一化分布密度值求得其合适的带宽,再使用Mean Shift算法对特征空间进行模式分类得到分割结果; 通过构造代价函数进行区域合并,消除过分割区域,得到最终分割结果。针对芦山地震后获取的高空间分辨率UAV影像进行分割实验,并提出一种考虑到面积和光谱的分割匹配指数对分割结果进行评价。实验结果表明: 所提出的改进的Mean Shift算法的分割精度优于传统的Mean Shift算法,为后续的震害信息提取提供了数据保障。</p>

Lu H, Fu X, Liu C , et al.

Study of method for fast segmentation based on UAV image

[J]. Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 2016,28(2):72-78.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2016.02.12.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

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Supervised image segmentation using region-level TS-MRF models

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This paper investigates the problem of remote sensed image segmentation using multiple kinds ofinformation. We present a region-level tree-structured Markov random field (RTS-MRF) model forthis task, which is an improved version of the tree structured Markov Random Field (TS-MRF) modeldefined on pixels. It inherits the advantages of the TS-MRF model, i.e., the modeling power and thetechnique to use hierarchical information embedded in the image, and compensates its deficiency tomake use of the structural information by modeling image on region level. In RTS-MRF, the MRFsassociated with the tree nodes are hierarchically defined on the region adjacency graph (RGA) to makeuse of the statistical attributes of regions and their boundaries. Based on RTS-MRF, a supervised imagesegmentation algorithm is carried out, and experimental results demonstrate the better performancethan some competing algorithms.

Doulgeris A P .

An automatic u-distribution and Markov random field segmentation algorithm for PolSAR images

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Classification of multisource remote sensing imagery using a genetic algorithm and Markov random fields

[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1999,37(3):1255-1260.

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The theory and practice of Bayesian image labeling

[J]. International Journal of Computer Vision, 1990,4(3):185-210.

DOI:10.1007/BF00054995      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Image analysis that produces an image-like array of symbolic or numerical elements (such as edge finding or depth map reconstruction) can be formulated as a labeling problem in which each element is to be assigned a label from a discrete or continuous label set. This formulation lends itself to algorithms, based on Bayesian probability theory, that support the combination of disparate sources of information, including prior knowledge.In the approach described here, local visual observations for each entity to be labeled (e.g., edge sites, pixels, elements in a depth array) yield label likelihoods. Likelihoods from several sources are combined consistently in abstraction-hierarchical label structures using a new, computationally simple procedure. The resulting label likelihoods are combined with a priori spatial knowledge encoded in a Markov random field (MRF). From the prior probabilities and the evidence-dependent combined likelihoods, the a posteriori distribution of the labelings is derived using Bayes' theorem.A new inference method, Highest Confidence First (HCF) estimation, is used to infer a unique labeling from the a posteriori distribution that is consistent with both prior knowledge and evidence. HCF compares favorably to previous techniques, all equivalent to some form of energy minimization or optimization, in finding a good MRF labeling. HCF is computationally efficient and predictable and produces better answers (lower energies) while exhibiting graceful degradation under noise and least commitment under inaccurate models. The technique generalizes to higher-level vision problems and other domains, and is demonstrated on problems of intensity edge detection and surface depth reconstruction.

侯一民, 郭雷 .


[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2007,29(5):1069-1072.

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Hou Y M, Guo L .

A novel SAR image segmentation method based on Markov random field

[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2007,29(5):1069-1072.

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杨红磊, 彭军还 .


[J]. 测绘学报, 2012,41(2):213-218.

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Yang H L, Peng J H .

Remote sensing classification based on Markov random field and fuzzy c-means clustering

[J]. Acta Geodaeticaet Cartographica Sinica, 2012,41(2):213-218.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

谢昭, 谢年群, 姚婷婷 .


[J]. 电路与系统学报, 2013,18(2):277-283,290.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007-0249.2013.02.047      URL     [本文引用: 1]

针对图像聚类问题,提出了一种基于图像空间关系的聚类方法,采用 场模型描述图像之间的空间关系,利用K-近邻思想构建图像邻域系统,聚类过程中无需手动标记特征表示的图像类别信息,只需要给定初始类别数,通过条件迭代 算法(ICM)对图像进行聚类.该文通过实验分析了图像样本大小、图像特征维数、图像特征类型、初始类别标签对聚类结果的影响,通过与多种经典聚类算法进 行对比,实验结果充分验证了该方法的有效性.

Xie Z, Xie N Q, Yao T T .

An ICM clustering method based on image space

[J]. Journal of Circuits and Systems, 2013,18(2):277-283,290.

[本文引用: 1]

Baumgartner J, Gimenez J, Scavuzzo M , et al.

A new approach to segmentation of multispectral remote sensing images based on MRF

[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2015,12(8):1720-1724.

DOI:10.1109/LGRS.2015.2421736      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Segmentation of multispectral remote sensing images is a key competence for a great variety of applications. Many of the applied segmentation algorithms are generative models based on Markov random fields. These approaches are generally limited to multivariate probability densities such as the normal distribution. In addition, it is usually impossible to adjust the contextual parameters separately for each frequency band. In this letter, we present a new segmentation algorithm that avoids the aforementioned problems and allows the use of any univariate density function as emission probability in each band. The approach consists of three steps: first, calculate feature vectors for every frequency band; second, estimate contextual parameters for every band and apply local smoothing; and third, merge the feature vectors of the frequency bands to obtain final segmentation. This procedure can be iterated; however, experiments show that after the first iteration, most of the pixels are already in their final state. We call our approach successive band merging (SBM). To evaluate the performance of SBM, we segment a Landsat 8 and an AVIRIS image. In both cases, the k coefficients show that SBM outperforms the benchmark algorithms.

刘国英, 马国锐, 王雷光 , . 基于Markov随机场的小波域图像建模及分割——Matlab环境[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2010.

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Liu G Y, Ma G R, Wang L G , et al. Image Modeling and Segmentation of Wavelet Domain Based on Markov Random Field[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2010.

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Stochastic relaxation, Gibbs distributions, and the Bayesian restoration of images

[J].IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 1984, PAMI-6(6):721-741.

DOI:10.1080/02664769300000058      URL     PMID:22499653      [本文引用: 1]

We make an analogy between images and statistical mechanics systems. Pixel gray levels and the presence and orientation of edges are viewed as states of atoms or molecules in a lattice-like physical system. The assignment of an energy function in the physical system determines its Gibbs distribution. Because of the Gibbs distribution, Markov random field (MRF) equivalence, this assignment also determines an MRF image model. The energy function is a more convenient and natural mechanism for embodying picture attributes than are the local characteristics of the MRF. For a range of degradation mechanisms, including blurring, non-linear deformations, and multiplicative or additive noise, the posterior distribution is an MRF with a structure akin to the image model. By the analogy, the posterior distribution defines another (imaginary) physical system. Gradual temperature reduction in the physical system isolates low-energy states (090004annealing090005), or what is the same thing, the most probable states under the Gibbs distribution. The analogous operation under the posterior distribution yields the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of the image given the degraded observations. The result is a highly parallel 090004relaxation090005 algorithm for MAP estimation. We establish convergence properties of the algorithm and we experiment with some simple pictures, for which good restorations are obtained at low signal-to-noise ratios.

Sarkar A, Biswas M K, Kartikeyan B , et al.

A MRF model-based segmentation approach to classification for multispectral imagery

[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2002,40(5):1102-1113.

DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2002.1010897      URL    

An unsupervised segmentation approach to classification of multispectral image is suggested here in Markov random field (MRF) frame work. This work generalizes the work of Sarkar et al. [32] on gray value images for multispectral images and is extended for landuse classification. The essence of this approach is based on capturing intrinsic characters of tonal and textural regions of any multispectral image. The approach takes an initially oversegmented image and the original multispectral image as the input and defines a MRF over region adjacency graph (RAG) of the initially segmented regions. Energy function minimization associated with the MRF is carried out by applying a multivariate statistical test. A cluster validation scheme is outlined after obtaining optimal segmentation. Quantitative evaluation of classification accuracy of test data for three illustrations are shown and compared with conventional maximum likelihood procedure. Comparison of the proposed methodology with a recent work of texture segmentation in the literature has also been provided. The findings of the proposed method are found to be encouraging.

Li S Z . Markov Random Field Modeling in Image Analysis[M]. 3rd ed.London:Springer, 2009.

[本文引用: 2]

Berthod M, Kato Z, Yu S , et al.

Bayesian image classification using Markov random fields

[J]. Image and Vision Computing, 1996,14(4):285-295.

DOI:10.1007/978-94-017-2217-9_45      URL    

In this paper, we present three optimisation techniques, Deterministic Pseudo-Annealing (DPA), Game Strategy Approach (GSA), and Modified Metropolis Dynamics (MMD), in order to carry out image classification using a Markov random field model. For the first approach (DPA), the a posteriori probability of a tentative labelling is generalised to a continuous labelling. The merit function thus defined has the same maxima under constraints yielding probability vectors. Changing these constraints convexifies the merit function. The algorithm solves this unambiguous maximisation problem, and then tracks down the solution while the original constraints are restored yielding a good, even if suboptimal, solution to the original labelling assignment problem. In the second method (GSA), the maximisation problem of the a posteriori probability of the labelling is solved by an optimisation algorithm based on game theory. A non-cooperative n-person game with pure strategies is designed such that the set of Nash equilibrium points of the game is identical to the set of local maxima of the a posteriori probability of the labelling. The algorithm converges to a Nash equilibrium. The third method (MMD) is a modified version of the Metropolis algorithm: at each iteration the new state is chosen randomly, but the decision to accept it is purely deterministic. This is also a suboptimal technique but it is much faster than stochastic relaxation. These three methods have been implemented on a Connection Machine CM2. Experimental results are compared to those obtained by the Metropolis algorithm, the Gibbs sampler and ICM (Iterated Conditional Mode).

李旭超, 朱善安 .


[J]. 中国图象图形学报, 2007,12(5):789-798.

DOI:10.11834/jig.20070504      Magsci    


Li X C, Zhu S A .

A survey of the Markov random field method for image segmentation

[J]. Journal of Image and Graphics, 2007,12(5):789-798.


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