国土资源遥感, 2018, 30(4): 171-175 doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.04.25


禹定峰1,2,3, 周燕1,2,3, 马万栋,4, 盖志刚1,2,3, 刘恩晓1,2,3

1. 齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)山东省科学院海洋仪器仪表研究所,青岛 266001

2. 国家海洋监测设备工程技术研究中心,青岛 266001

3. 山东省科学院海洋光学重点实验室,青岛 266001

4. 生态环境部卫星环境应用中心,北京 100094

Retrieval of total suspended matter concentration in Hangzhou Bay based on simulated HICO from in situ hyperspectral data

YU Dingfeng1,2,3, ZHOU Yan1,2,3, MA Wandong,4, GAI Zhigang1,2,3, LIU Enxiao1,2,3

1. Institute of Oceanographic Instrumentation,Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), Qingdao 266001, China

2. National Engineering and Technological Research Center of Marine Monitoring Equipment, Qingdao 266001, China

3. Key Laboratory of Ocean Optics, Shandong Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266001, China

4. Satellite Environment Center, Ministey of Ecology and Environment, Beijing 100094, China

通讯作者: 马万栋(1977-),男,正高级工程师,博士,主要从事水环境遥感研究。Email:mawdcn@163.com

责任编辑: 陈理

收稿日期: 2017-04-6   修回日期: 2017-05-23   网络出版日期: 2018-12-15

基金资助: 国家海洋公益性项目“海洋高光谱仪和机载激光测量系统产品化关键技术研究及应用示范”.  201505031
山东省重点研发计划项目“国家海洋监测设备工程技术研究中心”.  2016GGH4501
山东省自然科学基金项目“基于压缩感知的GNSS接收机捕获技术研究”.  ZR2015YL020
山东省科学院青年基金项目“便携式水质高光谱仪关键技术研究”.  2015QN028
青岛创业创新领军人才计划项目“海洋激光光电观测系统产业化关键技术研究”共同资助.  13-CX-23

Received: 2017-04-6   Revised: 2017-05-23   Online: 2018-12-15

作者简介 About authors

禹定峰(1986-),男,副研究员,博士,主要从事水色遥感研究。Email:dfyucsas@163.com。 。


以杭州湾及其邻近海域为研究区,利用现场实测光谱模拟了近海高光谱成像仪(hyperspectral imager for the coastal ocean,HICO)波段,并在光谱特征分析的基础上确定特征波段,通过比较单波段、波段比值和反射峰面积等算法,建立了该海域悬浮物的遥感反演模型,并采用均方根误差和相对误差进行精度评价。研究结果表明,利用724.84 nm与461.36 nm波段光谱反射率比值建立的模型精度较高; 模型的决定系数为0.925 2,反演得到的悬浮物浓度与实测悬浮物浓度之间的均方根误差为14.09 mg/L,平均相对误差为5.2%。本研究对利用HICO模拟数据反演近海岸水体悬浮物具有一定的参考意义。

关键词: HICO ; 悬浮物 ; 遥感 ; 杭州湾


In this study, field data such as the concentration of total suspended matter (TSM) in Hangzhou Bay and its adjacent areas in Hangzhou’s coastal waters were observed, meanwhile, hyperspectral remote snesing data were measured with SVC GER1500 spectrometer during four cruises carried out on 20th, 22nd, 23rd and 24th July 2010. The coastal water-leaving refectance of HICO was simulated from in situ hyperspectral remote sensing spectra. The normalized peak area of remote sensing reflectance in the near-infrared region was applied to retrieving TSM after the spectra of simulated HICO were analyzed, as well as the application of single band model and band ratio model. The result indicated that the band ratio algorithm of Rrs(724.84)/Rrs(461.36) of HICO could be used to retrieve TSM in Hangzhou Bay. This study is helpful to retrieving TSM in coastal waters using HICO.

Keywords: HICO ; total suspended matter ; remote sensing ; Hangzhou Bay

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禹定峰, 周燕, 马万栋, 盖志刚, 刘恩晓. 基于HICO模拟数据的杭州湾水体悬浮物浓度遥感反演. 国土资源遥感[J], 2018, 30(4): 171-175 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.04.25

YU Dingfeng, ZHOU Yan, MA Wandong, GAI Zhigang, LIU Enxiao. Retrieval of total suspended matter concentration in Hangzhou Bay based on simulated HICO from in situ hyperspectral data. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES[J], 2018, 30(4): 171-175 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.04.25

0 引言

悬浮物(total suspended matter,TSM)浓度是水质遥感的重要参数之一,其直接影响光在水中的分布及初级生产力,在水质评价中起着非常重要的作用[1]。悬浮物的时空分布状况和运动规律研究直接关系到航道港口的冲淤变化、近岸水产养殖开发以及港口选址等重要问题[2,3]。因此,监测水体中悬浮物浓度尤其重要。尽管传统测量方法比较精确,但是费时费力。此外,对人、船难以到达的区域,传统测量方法显然无能为力,而且该方法也无法满足对水体快速地周期性监测需求。而遥感技术具有快速、同步、大面积、价格相对低廉的特点,可以很好地弥补传统测量方法的缺陷,因而逐渐成为了水质监测的有效手段。

悬浮物浓度遥感反演算法主要分为经验算法和半分析算法2类。经验算法利用遥感数据与实时或准实时的地面观测悬浮物浓度数据,建立其间的统计回归模型[4]。该算法具有简单易用,估算精度较高的优点,但2类水体的光学特性复杂多变,具有很强的季节性和区域性特点。半分析算法基于光在水下的辐射传输理论,通过光谱反射率推算水体组分的吸收系数和散射系数,构建悬浮物含量和水体固有光学参数的关系,以估算水体悬浮物浓度,该算法具有较好的物理解释和适用性。但是,受到各种观测仪器的限制,该算法中很多参数以现有的设备无法获取,因此很难广泛应用[5]。此外,模型中某些参数常通过经验或半经验的方法计算,从而影响模型的精度[6]。由于近岸水体光学性质复杂及悬浮物组分多变,应用半分析算法反演水体悬浮物浓度仍然存在难度,目前仍以经验算法为主[7],常用算法有单波段算法、波段比值算法、多波段算法与光谱微分法。Ahn等[8]利用625 nm波段成功地估算了我国黄海外海的悬浮物浓度; 宋庆君等[9]对比研究了悬浮物浓度与实测遥感反射波谱数据之间的相关性大小,发现750 nm处的反射率值与其相关性最高,据此构建了适用于秋季太湖的单波段反演算法,取得了较好的效果; Ma等[10]通过对珠江口水体悬浮物浓度与实测高光谱反射率的关系研究发现,利用810 nm波段处的反射峰及其邻近的吸收谷所围成的面积反演水体悬浮物浓度具有较高的反演精度。

近海高光谱成像仪(hyperspectral imager for the coastal ocean,HICO)是第一台针对近岸水体遥感的星载高光谱成像仪,于2009年9月10日发射升空,搭载在国际空间站上。目前,国外学者研究表明,HICO数据在叶绿素浓度反演[11,12,13]、水质评估[14,15]和浅海水深研究[16]等领域应用广泛,但国内尚未有HICO数据的应用报道。本文以杭州湾及其邻近海域为研究区,利用实测的高光谱数据模拟HICO波段,建立模拟HICO数据与悬浮物的遥感定量反演模型,为以后HICO的开发利用提供参考。

1 数据与方法

1.1 数据获取



图1   杭州湾采样站点位置

Fig.1   Sampling sites in Hangzhou Bay


图2   19个站点的实测悬浮物浓度

Fig.2   TSM concentration of 19 sampling sites

1.2 数据处理

由于350~1 000 nm以外的波段易受仪器本身的影响,可能含有噪声,故选用400~900 nm波段光谱进行研究。采用累加平均方法将仪器所测的原始光谱模拟计算出HICO数据的光谱,计算公式为

/ λ1λ2dλ=λ=λ1λ2Rrs(λ)/ λ=λ1λ2λRrs=λ1λ2Rrs(λ)dλ

式中: Rrs为光谱反射率; λ1λ2分别为每个波段的起始和终止波长。HICO主要参数如表1所示。

表1   HICO主要参数

Tab.1  Main techno-parameters of HICO

波谱范围/nm360~1 080
偏振灵敏度/%<5(430~1 000 nm)

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1.3 精度评价

采用统计方法作为检验反演值和实测值是否一致的标准。统计标准分别采用均方根误差(root-mean-square error,RMSE)和相对误差(relative error,RE)2种,表达式分别为


式中: TSMest为悬浮物浓度的反演值; TSMmea为悬浮物浓度的实测值; n为样本数。

2 结果与分析

2.1 光谱特征分析



图3   19个站点的模拟HICO光谱反射率曲线

Fig.3   Spectral cuves of simulated HICO at 19 stations in Hangzhou Bay

图3可以看出,大部分站点的光谱曲线是相似的,光谱反射率最大值低于0.13 sr-1,具有明显的二类水体特征[17]。在小于500 nm的短波波段,由于叶绿素和有色可溶性有机物的强吸收,反射率较小; 随着波长的增加,光谱反射率迅速增大; 光谱反射峰较窄,最大反射率位于590 nm附近; 在达到峰值之后,反射率随着波长增加逐渐变小,尤其是在近红外波段,反射率更小。这是因为随着波长增加,纯水的后向散射系数逐渐减小,对于大于700 nm的波段,其值小于0.000 7 m-1 [18]; 另外一个原因是纯水吸收的主要波段是紫外和近红外波段[19]

2.2 单波段算法



图4   模拟HICO光谱反射率与悬浮物浓度之间的相关系数

Fig.4   Correlation coefficients between TSM concentration and single bands of simulated HICO


根据杭州湾海域现场测量得到的水体光谱数据和同步实测的悬浮物浓度,通过分析模拟HICO光谱所有波段与悬浮物浓度之间的相关性。结果表明,HICO第72波段即810.76 nm处的相关系数最大,据此建立了悬浮物浓度的反演模型,该模型的决定系数R2为0.356 9,反演得到的悬浮物浓度与实测悬浮物浓度之间的RMSE为36.09 mg/L,平均RE为37.5%(图5)。


图5   不同光谱反射率与悬浮物浓度之间的关系

Fig.5   Relationship between the different remote sensing reflectance and TSM concentration

2.3 波段比值算法

波段比值算法是利用2个波段反射率的比值反演水质参数,有利于校正大气和光照等环境背景对测量结果的影响[20]。本文为寻找模拟HICO反演悬浮物浓度的最佳波段比值,在Matlab软件的支持下,分析了所有波段比值与悬浮物浓度的相关性。结果表明,相关系数较高的区域基本集中在蓝绿光波段,其中第57波段(724.84 nm)与第12波段(461.36 nm)光谱反射率的比值与悬浮物浓度相关性最高。故基于这2个波段建立了反演该海域悬浮物浓度的比值模型,模型的决定系数为0.925 2,反演得到的悬浮物浓度与实测悬浮物浓度之间的RMSE为14.09 mg/L,平均RE为5.2%(图6)。实测悬浮物浓度与反演值对比如图7所示。


图6   波段比值与悬浮物浓度之间的关系

Fig.6   Relationship of TSM concentration and band ration


图7   实测悬浮物浓度与反演值对比

Fig.7   Comparison of the retrieved and the measured value


2.4 近红外波段反射峰面积反演算法

根据图2,在近红外波段的810.76 nm处存在一个反射峰及其相邻的770.67 nm和839.41 nm存在2个吸收谷。根据水体悬浮物近红外区域的反射光谱特性,采用积分的方法计算悬浮物在该光谱区域的反射峰面积(图8)。


图8   水体悬浮物在近红外波段的反射峰面积示意图

Fig.8   Illustration of normalized peak area in near-infrared region

通过研究水体悬浮物在近红外波段反射峰的面积与悬浮物浓度之间的关系表明,反射峰面积与水体悬浮物浓度之间的决定系数为0.719 3,利用反射峰面积算法反演得到的悬浮物浓度与实测悬浮物浓度之间的RMSE为21.63 mg/L,平均RE为23.6%(图9)。


图9   反射峰面积与悬浮物浓度的相关关系

Fig.9   Relationship between normalized peak area and TSM concentration

3 结论


1)利用724.84 nm与461.36 nm波段光谱反射率的比值建立的悬浮物浓度反演模型可获得较高的精度。



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[J]. Environmental Research Letters, 2011,6(2):024023.

DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/6/2/024023      URL     [本文引用: 1]

We present here the results of chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentration estimation using the red and near infrared (NIR) spectral bands of a Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO) in productive turbid waters of the Azov Sea, Russia. During the data collection campaign in the summer of 2010 in Taganrog Bay and the Azov Sea, water samples were collected and concentrations of chl-a were measured analytically. The NIR-red models were tuned to optimize the spectral band selections and chl-a concentrations were retrieved from HICO data. The NIR-red three-band model with HICO-retrieved reflectances at wavelengths 684, 700, and 720 nm explained more than 85% of chl-a concentration variation in the range from 19.67 to 93.14 mg mand was able to estimate chl-a with root mean square error below 10 mg m. The results indicate the high potential of HICO data to estimate chl-a concentration in turbid productive (Case II) waters in real-time, which will be of immense value to scientists, natural resource managers, and decision makers involved in managing the inland and coastal aquatic ecosystems.

Moses W J, Gitelson A A, Berdnikov S , et al.

HICO-based NIR-red models for estimating chlorophyll-concentration in productive coastal waters

[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2014,11(6):1111-1115.

DOI:10.1109/LGRS.2013.2287458      URL     [本文引用: 1]

We present here results that demonstrate the potential of near-infrared (NIR)-red models to estimate chlorophyll- a (chl- a) concentration in coastal waters using data from the spaceborne Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO). Since the recent demise of the MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS), the use of sensors such as HICO has become critical for coastal ocean color research. Algorithms based on two- and three-band NIR-red models, which were previously used very successfully with MERIS data, were applied to HICO images. The two- and three-band NIR-red algorithms yielded accurate estimates of chl- a concentration, with mean absolute errors that were only 10.92% and 9.58%, respectively, of the total range of chl- a concentrations measured over a period of several months in 2012 and 2013 on the Taganrog Bay in Russia. Given the uncertainties in the radiometric calibration of HICO, the results illustrate the robustness of the NIR-red algorithms and validate the radiometric, spectral, and atmospheric corrections applied to HICO data as they relate to estimating chl- a concentration in productive coastal waters. Inherent limitations due to the characteristics of the sensor and its orbit prohibit HICO from providing anywhere near the level of frequent global coverage as provided by standard multispectral ocean color sensors. Nevertheless, the results demonstrate the utility of HICO as a tool for determining water quality in select coastal areas and the cross-sensor applicability of NIR-red models and provide an indication of what could be achieved with future spaceborne hyperspectral sensors in estimating coastal water quality.

Mishra D R, Schaeffer B A, Keith D .

Performance evaluation of normalized difference chlorophyll index in northern Gulf of Mexico estuaries using the hyperspectral imager for the coastal ocean

[J]. GIScience and Remote Sensing, 2014,51(2):175-198.

DOI:10.1080/15481603.2014.895581      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO) was used to derive chlorophyll-a (chl-a) based on the normalized difference chlorophyll index (NDCI) in two Gulf of Mexico coastal estuaries. Chl-a data were acquired from discrete in situ water sample analysis and above-water hyperspectral surface acquisition system (HyperSAS) remote sensing reflectance in Pensacola Bay (PB) and Choctawhatchee Bay (CB). NDCI algorithm calibrations and validations were completed on HICO data. Linear and best-fit (polynomial) calibrations performed strongly with R2 of 0.90 and 0.96, respectively. The best validation of NDCI resulted with an R2 of 0.74 and root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 1.64 脗碌g/L. A strong spatial correspondence was observed between NDCI and chl-a, with higher NDCI associated with higher chl-a and these areas were primarily located in the northern PB and eastern CB at the river mouths. NDCI could be effectively used as a qualitative chl-a monitoring tool with a reduced need for site-specific calibration.

Braga F, Giardino C, Bassani C , et al.

Assessing water quality in the northern Adriatic Sea from HICO TM data

[J]. Remote Sensing Letters, 2013,4(10):1028-1037.

DOI:10.1080/2150704X.2013.830203      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This letter focuses on water-quality estimation in the northern Adriatic Sea using physically-based methods applied to image obtained with the Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO64). Optical properties of atmosphere and water were synchronously measured to parameterise such methods. HICO64-derived maps of chlorophyll-a (chl-a) and suspended particulate matter (SPM) indicated low values, in the range of 0–302mg02m613 and 0–402g02m613, respectively, correlating significantly with field data (R202=020.71 for chl-a and R202=020.85 for SPM). The results, on analysis, identify clear waters in the open sea and moderately turbid waters near the coast due to river sediment discharge and organic matter from coastal lagoons. These findings support the use of HICO64 data to assess water-quality parameters in coastal zones and suggest the feasibility of integrating them with future-generation space-borne hyperspectral images.

Keith D J, Schaeffer B A, Lunetta R S , et al.

Remote sensing of selected water-quality indicators with the hyperspectral imager for the coastal ocean (HICO) sensor

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2014,35(9):2927-2962.

DOI:10.1080/01431161.2014.894663      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO) offers the coastal environmental monitoring community an unprecedented opportunity to observe changes in coastal and estuarine water quality across a range of spatial scales not feasible with traditional field-based monitoring or existing ocean colour satellites. HICO, an Office of Naval Research-sponsored programme, is the first space-based maritime hyperspectral imaging instrument designed specifically for the coastal ocean. HICO has been operating since September 2009 from the Japanese Experiment Module – Exposed Facility on the International Space Station (ISS). The high pixel resolution (approximately 9502m at nadir) and hyperspectral imaging capability offer a unique opportunity for characterizing a wide range of water colour constituents that could be used to assess environmental condition. In this study, we transform atmospherically corrected ISS/HICO hyperspectral imagery and derive environmental response variables routinely used for evaluating the environmental condition of coastal ecosystem resources. Using atmospherically corrected HICO imagery and a comprehensive field validation programme, three regionally specific algorithms were developed to estimate basic water-quality properties traditionally measured by monitoring agencies. Results indicated that a three-band chlorophyll a algorithm performed best (R202=020.62) when compared with in situ measurement data collected 2–402hours of HICO acquisitions. Coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) (R202=020.93) and turbidity (R202=020.67) were also highly correlated. The distributions of these water-quality indicators were mapped for four estuaries along the northwest coast of Florida from April 2010 to May 2012. However, before the HICO sensor can be transitioned from proof-of-concept to operational status and its data applied to benefit decisions made by coastal managers, problems with vicarious calibration of the sensor need to be resolved and standardized protocols are required for atmospheric correction. Ideally, the sensor should be placed on a polar orbiting platform for greater spatial and temporal coverage as well as for image synchronization with field validation efforts.

Garcia R A ,

Fearns P R C S,Mckinna L I W.Detecting trend and seasonal changes in bathymetry derived from HICO imagery:A case study of Shark Bay,Western Australia

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2014,147:186-205.

DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2014.03.010      URL     [本文引用: 1]

61We investigate challenges faced in temporal analysis of HICO derived bathymetry.61Optimized shallow water inversion model yields precise retrievals in bathymetry.61Retrieved bathymetry can detect temporal changes in depth of less than 1m.61HICO geolocation requires sub-pixel accuracy before use in time series analysis.61New post-processing techniques to image enhancements and tide correction are given.

Sathyendranath S .

Remote Sensing of Ocean Colour in Coastal,and Other Optically-complex,Waters[R].Dartmouth:the International Ocean-

Colour Coordinating Group, 2000.

[本文引用: 1]

Smith R C, Baker K S .

Optical properties of the clearest natural waters(200-800 nm)

[J]. Applied Optics, 1981,20(2):177-184.

DOI:10.1364/AO.20.000177      URL     PMID:20309088      [本文引用: 1]

A new UV submersible spectroradiometer has been employed to determine the diffuse attenuation coefficient for irradiance in the clearest natural waters [K(w)(lambda)] with emphasis on the spectral region from 300 to 400 nm. K(w)(lambda) can be related to the inherent optical properties of pure water, in particular the total absorption coefficient a(w)(lambda) and the molecular scattering coefficient b(m)(lambda), by means of equations derived from radiative transfer theory. We present an analysis showing that limiting values of K(w)(lambda) can be estimated from a(w)(lambda) and vice versa. Published a(w)(lambda) data, which show discrepancies much larger than their estimated accuracies, are briefly reviewed and then compared, via our analysis, with K(w)(lambda) data (our own new and previously published data as well as relevant data of others). This comparative analysis and new data allow a consistent and accurate set of optical properties for the clearest natural waters and for pure fresh water and saltwater to be estimated from 300 to 800 nm.

Pope R M, Fry E S .

Absorption spectrum (380-700 nm) of pure water.II.Integrating cavity measurements

[J]. Applied Optics, 1997,36(33):8710-8723.

DOI:10.1364/AO.36.008710      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Koponen S, Pulliainen J, Kallio K , et al.

Lake water quality classification with airborne hyperspectral spectrometer and simulated MERIS data

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2002,79(1):51-59.

DOI:10.1016/S0034-4257(01)00238-3      URL     [本文引用: 1]

We study the use of airborne and simulated satellite remote sensing data for classification of three water quality variables: Secchi depth, turbidity, and chlorophyll a. An extensive airborne spectrometer and ground truth data set obtained in four lake water quality measurement campaigns in southern Finland during 1996 1998 was used in the analysis. The class limits for the water quality variables were obtained from two operational classification standards. When remote sensing data is used, a combination of them proved to be the most suitable. The feasibility of the system for operational use was tested by training and testing the retrieval algorithms with separate data sets. In this case, the classification accuracy is 90% for three Secchi depth classes, 79% for five turbidity classes, and 78% for five chlorophyll a classes. When Airborne Imaging Spectrometer for Applications (AISA) data was spectrally averaged corresponding to Envisat Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) channels, the classification accuracy was about the same as in the case of the original AISA channels.


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