国土资源遥感, 2018, 30(4): 182-186 doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.04.27


王祥1, 王新新1, 苏岫,1, 孟庆辉1, 邹德君2, 伊晓东3, 王林1, 文世勇1, 赵建华1

1. 国家海洋环境监测中心国家海洋局近岸海域生态环境重点实验室,大连 116023

2. 大连航天北斗科技股份有限公司,大连 116023

3. 大连理工大学土木工程学院测量与空间信息技术研究所,大连 116023

Thermal discharge monitoring of nuclear power plant with aerial remote sensing technology using a UAV platform: Take Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Plant,Liaoning Province,as example

WANG Xiang1, WANG Xinxin1, SU Xiu,1, MENG Qinghui1, ZOU Dejun2, YI Xiaodong3, WANG Lin1, WEN Shiyong1, ZHAO Jianhua1

1. Key Laboratory for Ecological Environment in Coastal Areas (SOA), National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center , Dalian 116023, China

2. Dalian Aerospace Beidou Technology Co., Ltd., Dalian 116023, China

3. Research Institute of Surveying and Spatial Information Technology, School of Civil and Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, China

通讯作者: 苏岫(1984-),女,助理研究员,主要从事海域使用动态遥感监视监测及评价研究。Email:xsu@nmemc.org.cn

责任编辑: 李瑜

收稿日期: 2017-04-11   修回日期: 2017-08-25   网络出版日期: 2018-12-15

基金资助: 高分辨率对地观测系统重大专项“高分海域使用动态监测与污染监测研究”.  41-Y30B12-9001-14/16
海洋公益性行业科研专项“国家海洋局海域无人机监视监测关键技术研究与应用示范”共同资助.  201405028

Received: 2017-04-11   Revised: 2017-08-25   Online: 2018-12-15

作者简介 About authors

王祥(1984-),男,助理研究员,博士,主要从事航空/航天遥感海洋信息获取及应用研究。Email:xwang@nmemc.org.cn。 。


针对现有监测技术手段难以满足核电站温排水常态化监测业务需求的现状,以辽宁省红沿河核电站温排水监测为例,构建基于无人机平台的航空遥感监测系统,开展温排水热扩散信息的遥感提取研究,并分别以四次多项式拟合及同步实测数据订正实现广角成像畸变校正与水体表面温度信息的获取。独立样本同步实测数据验证表明,水体表面温度反演平均偏差在0.4 ℃以内。结果分析显示,高效、便捷的无人机平台遥感监测系统可有效弥补现有监测技术手段的不足,且精度较高,有望在核电站温排水环境影响评估及业务监测中得到进一步的推广应用。

关键词: 无人机平台 ; 航空遥感 ; 温排水 ; 广角成像畸变


Existing monitoring approaches are not effective in dealing with routine thermal discharge monitoring requirements of nuclear power plants. This paper describes a monitoring methodology using an aerial remote sensing monitoring system based on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platform by taking the monitoring of the thermal discharge of the Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Plant, Liaoning Province as an example, and conducts a study of remote sensing extraction of thermal diffusion information of the thermal discharge. In this study, quartic polynomial fitting and real data correction are used to correct the wide-angle distortion and acquire the water body surface temperature information, respectively. Synchronized measured data validation of independent samples indicates that the system can acquire diffusion information of the thermal discharge accurately, and the retrieval error of the surface water temperature is within 0.4 °C. Results analysis shows that this efficient and convenient aerial remote sensing monitoring system based on a UAV platform can effectively make up inadequacies of existing monitoring technical measures and offers high precision. This system is expected to be further adopted and applied for post-assessment of the environmental impact of nuclear power plant thermal discharge and service monitoring.

Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platform ; aerial remote sensing ; thermal discharge ; wide-angle imaging distortion

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王祥, 王新新, 苏岫, 孟庆辉, 邹德君, 伊晓东, 王林, 文世勇, 赵建华. 无人机平台航空遥感监测核电站温排水——以辽宁省红沿河核电站为例. 国土资源遥感[J], 2018, 30(4): 182-186 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.04.27

WANG Xiang, WANG Xinxin, SU Xiu, MENG Qinghui, ZOU Dejun, YI Xiaodong, WANG Lin, WEN Shiyong, ZHAO Jianhua. Thermal discharge monitoring of nuclear power plant with aerial remote sensing technology using a UAV platform: Take Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Plant,Liaoning Province,as example. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES[J], 2018, 30(4): 182-186 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.04.27

0 引言


当前,温排水监测技术主要包括卫星遥感、载人飞机航空遥感及海面实测,而以无人机平台搭载红外载荷对温排水监测的研究还未见在文献中报道。随着卫星遥感技术的日益成熟,多时空分辨率卫星数据已投入诸多核电站的监测研究之中[1,2,3,4,5,6],但云覆盖、长回访周期及低空间分辨率等因素限制了其常态化业务监测的灵活性和实用性; 载人飞机航空遥感灵活性及空间分辨率都优于卫星遥感,在秦山核电站[7]及田湾核电站[8]得到了实验应用,但其对起降场地有特殊要求,备航手续繁琐且成本昂贵,难以业务推广; 海面实测可提供较为精确的离散点状温度数据,却无法同步获取大面积面状监测结果。


1 试验区概况

试验区为辽宁省红沿河核电站,厂址位于辽宁省瓦房店市,北、西、南三面临海,东侧与陆地接壤,属温带季风气候区,年平均气温为11.0 ℃,全年平均气压为1 011.6 hPa。核电站一期工程建设4台CPR1000核电机组,二期工程规划建设2台ACPR1000核电机组,机组采用以海水为冷却水的直流供水系统。厂区周围海域水深变化较大,等深线大体与海岸线平行,5 m等深线靠近岸边。厂址海区属不规则半日潮,多年平均潮差为1.33 m,平均大潮潮差为1.53 m,平均小潮潮差为1.08 m。潮流运动以往复流为主,涨、落潮主流向分别为东北向和西南向,附近海域水体弥散条件较好。

2 无人机航空遥感试验


2.1 无人机平台遥感监测系统

本次试验无人机平台遥感监测系统由无人机、稳定云台、红外载荷及GPS定位和姿态记录设备构成,其中,无人机采用固定翼电动无人机(型号X80),机身底部以三轴MEMS陀螺仪和控制精度达0.04°的无刷云台来搭载红外镜头,以抑制航拍过程中载荷的倾斜与晃动。红外载荷采用德国Optris公司专为无人机载荷设计的短焦广角PI640红外热成像仪,焦距为10.5 mm,视场角为60°×45°,工作波段为7.5~13 μm。GPS定位采用中海达BX380系列,设备安置在固定翼无人机上。红外载荷成像姿态以固定在云台上的双轴高精度数显倾角仪(型号DMI820)实时记录,角度测量分辨率为0.001°。

2.2 航拍及同步实测数据获取

试验日期为2016年6月16日,当日附近海域天气晴朗,航拍作业时段选取一天当中风力较小的7: 00 am—7: 30 am,该时段近地面气温为20 ℃,风力3级,相对湿度为79%,无人机航线规划如图1,以黄色虚线标识,航拍区域覆盖部分陆地,航线平行于岸线方向,航高为200 m。


图1   无人机航拍及同步走航航迹

Fig.1   Path of aerial flight and synchronous measurements

海面同步进行走航温度测量。测量仪器为HydroLab DS5多参数水质仪,采样频率为1 Hz,测量起止时间为07: 05 am—07: 38 am,历时33 min。实测航迹如图1绿线所示,共获取实测数据650组。

2.3 试验数据处理分析

1)航拍数据筛选。无人机飞行过程中,规划航线变换处有较大的晃动,此时成像姿态变化较大,成像质量不佳,将此部分数据剔除; 同时,根据旁向重叠率20%要求对图像进行择优选取。选取图像以精确到秒的时间信息与定位及姿态数据匹配,共获取高质量航拍数据23组。



图2   “桶形畸变”影像

Fig.2   Image with wide-angle distortion


图3   同心圆修正模型

Fig.3   Concentric correction model



图4   同心圆模型修正桶形畸变

Fig.4   Distortion correction with concentric model



式中: r为原始成像中各点位至光心的径向距离; st(r)为畸变校正后点位至光心的径向距离。依据实测GPS数据进行校正结果的比较,如表1所示。

表1   影像畸变校正结果比对

Tab.1  Comparison of distortion correction


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3)无人机航拍影像数据几何纠正。试验采用动态后处理(post processing kinetic,PPK)差分定位技术进行GPS定位信息的后处理,在20 Hz采样频率条件下,预设观测区域航线上数据均能够达到固定解条件,POS数据定位精度可达cm级,部分浮动解或单点解存在于航线变换拐弯处,超出预设观测区域范围,因而不予考虑。因海面无法布设像控点,在无地面控制点的情况下,将POS参数直接作为影像外方位元素,通过共线条件方程和间接法进行影像纠正,将存在几何变形的无人机遥感影像平面变换至大地水平面,实现对预处理后无人机航拍影像的几何纠正。

4)水体表面温度信息获取。对同步获取的实测数据及航拍数据进行点对点的时空匹配,时间及空间匹配尺度分别设定为±1 s和1个像元,共获取匹配数据552对。对比走航实测水体温度和航拍红外温度数据,两者存在稳定的线性关系,在进行航拍影像温度标定时,以走航数据采集时间为序,利用随机选取的一半数量的匹配数据对建立航拍红外温度值和船测温度值一一对应的映射关系。而后,依据前述线性关系以回归拟合方式获取模型参数,如图5,进而用于红外载荷数据的温度标定,获取水体表面温度信息。


图5   无人机航拍影像的温度标定

Fig.5   Temperature calibration for aerial data

3 试验结果及精度验证



图6   热扩散专题图

Fig.6   Thematic map of thermal diffusion

图6可见,航拍成像结果信息丰富,细节展现度高,排水口处高温水流条带状冲刷信息清晰可辨,边缘处混合温升区温度渐变层次分明。温排水自冷却池经排水渠流向外侧开阔海域,排水口处水体温度达到近25 ℃,相比边缘区域水体温度高出近10 ℃,高温冷却水沿排水口离岸方向呈扇形延伸。随着水体的扩散,冷热水体混合加剧,水体温度随之降低,在200 m以外混合区水温降至约21 ℃。同时,排水口附近有沿水流方向的异常低温水流条带,经现场勘察分析发现,异常低温水流条带是由冷却水倾倒形成的泡沫,并夹杂高温加热的水中有机物质(大多为藻类)形成的漂浮泡沫条带,因其与水体发射率不同,导致热红外图像上呈现不同的温度。排水口两侧低温区域分别为航拍入境的水泥质坝基,因拍摄时间为早晨,太阳光辐射加热作用较弱,其温度明显低于水体温度,但在中午前后,太阳辐射强烈,水泥质坝基增温强烈,温度明显高于水体。



式中: TciTji分别为验证数据中第i个匹配数据对应的实测水体温度值和航拍影像结果值; ε¯为平均绝对误差。结果验证绝对误差分布见图7


图7   无人机航拍数据精度验证

Fig.7   Validation of UAV retrieved data

图7可知,平均绝对误差为0.4 ℃,最小绝对误差为0.1 ℃,最大绝对误差为0.8 ℃。进一步分析图5可见,大致以20 ℃为界,高于20 ℃区域呈现走航实测温度整体略高于无人机航拍反演温度的特点,即“体温”高于“皮温”,且温度越高二者差异越大; 而在低于20 ℃区域则呈现出相反的趋势,“皮温”略高于“体温”,且随着温度的降低二者差异增加,造成该现象的主要原因是海-气界面的热量交换[9,10]。当日航拍试验期间,近地面气温为20 ℃,在靠近温排水口附近水域,大量高温循环冷却水排出,于排水口处形成一定范围的高温水体,此时海-气界面未达到热平衡状态,存在由水体向大气的热输送,导致该温度区间呈现“体温”高于“皮温”的现象。随着循环冷却水的扩散、混合,一定区域内海-气界面达到热平衡,此时海水再吸收太阳短波辐射能量而形成薄的增温水层,从而造成“皮温”高于“体温”。

4 结论

本研究采用无人机搭载红外载荷方式对辽宁省红沿河核电站温排水海域的温度场分布状况进行监测,利用同心圆模型及PPK差分定位技术分别完成了成像过程中的广角畸变校正及影像的几何定位,解决了大视角成像中边缘区域的畸变校正及海上航拍无法布设像控点的难题,并以同步走航实测数据实现热红外遥感中大气噪声的剔除。结果显示: 相较于现有监测手段,无人机平台航空遥感监测系统更具灵活机动性。航拍监测结果平均绝对误差可较好地控制在0.4 ℃以内,说明该方法可以作为核电站温排水常态化监测手段,服务于核电站管理及环境影响评价。



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以大亚湾核电站附近海域为研究区, 基于HJ-1B卫星热红外遥感数据IRS4, 对核电站温排水空间分布特征进行了识别与验证。 首先利用时空插值后的NCEP大气廓线数据, 结合近地面气象观测信息对IRS4数据进行大气订正; 其次查找表数据建立IRS4宽通道辐亮度与辐射温度转换公式, 完成研究区海表温度反演。 利用温盐深测量仪, 与卫星同步采集了84个离散点的水温, 经空间插值获得地面调查海水“体温度”(bulk temperature, BT)的分布, 并与海表温度(sea surface temperature, SST)反演结果进行了对比。 结果表明, 调查区平均BT比平均SST高0.47 ℃。 在远离热排放口区域, SST高于BT, 两者差异在1.0 ℃以内; 在靠近热排放口区域, SST低于BT, 并且越接近排放口两者之间差距越大。 遥感与地面调查两种手段获得的温升分布基本一致, 总温升区域面积相近。 遥感手段获得的温升等级较少(小于4级), 地面调查获得温升等级较多(大于5级); 后者高温升等级(2级以上)区域面积较大, 但对于1级温升区面积而言, 两种手段差异较小。 上午10时左右海表BT与SST差异较小, “肤-体”温差效应可以忽略, 在IRS4业务化SST应用中, 这一时段的卫星遥感可以作为核电站温排水分布监测的常规手段。

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The infrared data of TM and HJ-1B sensor on the same day were selected to monitor the distribution of surface temperature and thermal discharge in Daya Bay plant by the radiation transfer model after getting the three atmospheric parameters. The comparative results showed that there was a high consistency between the two kinds of sensors. Specifically, the absolute temperature difference of the thermal discharge inversion was less than 1.1℃, and the difference between the two average relative temperatures in the same temperature rising level was no more than 0.4℃. Therefore, the infrared satellite data of HJ-1B could meet the demand of the thermal pollution monitoring.

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基于环境减灾卫星的热红外波段数据, 采用普适性单通道温度反演算法反演了田湾核电厂附近海域海面温度, 反演结果与MODIS海面温度产品具有一致性, 然后依据反演所得海面温度分布图, 对不同季节和不同潮汐条件下温排水的分布特征进行了分析, 结果表明, 夏季温升超过3℃的区域明显小于冬季, 夏季温排水沿海岸单向扩散, 冬季的温升区域呈扇形分布;低潮时温排水扩散范围明显增大, 温升超过3℃的区域面积超过高潮时的4倍.

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[J]. 红外, 2015,36(8):22-27.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

为了探索利用卫星遥感数据监测核电站温排水的业务方法,并检验新发射的Landsat-8卫星的 热红外数据用于核电站温排水监测的应用能力,选取红沿河核电站附近的10 km×10 km海域作为研究区域, 采用Landsat-8卫星的热红外数据与中分辨率成像光谱仪(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, MODIS) 温度产品的交叉标定方式建立了温度信息提取模型。参考《海水水 质标准》,将温排水的不同温升强度分成五级;辅以现场水文、气象资料数据,分析了红沿河核电 站温排水的温度场分布及温升强度变化,绘制出了不同潮汐条件下1℃步长的温升曲线,获取了不同温升 的影响面积。将该数据与温排水数学模拟计算及物理模型试验的综合结果进行了对比。结果表明,依据这种研究方 法,Landsat-8卫星数据可实现高精度的核电站温排水遥感监测。

Wang X, Su X, Wang X X , et al.

Thermal plume monitoring of Hongyanhe nuclear power plant based on Landsat-8 satellite data

[J]. Infrared, 2015,36(8):22-27.

[本文引用: 1]

张永红, 陈翰阅, 陈宜金 , .


[J]. 航天返回与遥感, 2015,36(5):96-104.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1009-8518.2015.05.012      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Based on the images from Landsat-8 thermal infrared sensor in the study area of Hongyanhe nuclear power station, this paper presents a novel approach to revising and data-processing the parameters of sea surface temperature retrival model for the thermal radiative transfer equation algorithm, mono window algorithm and general applicability of single channel algorithm and Qin split window algorithm respectively. The results are compared with the actual measured temperature data for accuracy verification and comparisonanalysis to seek the best temperature retrieval algorithm in the study area based on the Landsat-8/TIRS data. The results show that the root mean square error of the thermal radiative transfer equation algorithm is within 1K, its retrieval accuracy is the best of all. Qin split-window algorithm is the second one, but its retrieval precision reaches about 3K, retrieval accuracy is worse, and the overall retrieval temperature is also very high. The retrieval precision of the mono-window algorithm and generalized single channel exceeds 3K, its retrieval accuracy are the worst of all, and the overall retrieval temperature are very low. So radiative transfer equation algorithm can be used as the preferred algorithm for Hongyanhe nuclear power plant thermal discharge monitoring.

Zhang Y H, Chen H Y, Chen Y J , et al.

Comparative study on sea surface temperature retrieval methods of Hongyanhe nuclear power plant based on Landsat-8/TIRS

[J]. Spacecraft recovery and remote sensing, 2015,36(5):96-104.

[本文引用: 1]

贺佳惠, 梁春利, 李明松 .


[J]. 国土资源遥感, 2010,22(3):51-53.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2010.03.11.

[本文引用: 1]

He J H, Liang C L, Li M S .

Temperature field airborne thermal remote sensing survey of the alongshore nuclear power station

[J]. Remote sensing for land and resources, 2010,22(3):51-53.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2010.03.11.

[本文引用: 1]

孙恋君, 王凤英, 朱晓翔 .


[J]. 中国辐射卫生, 2011,20(3):330-332.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

目的 对田湾核电站排放口附近海域温排水环境影响进行调查,全面掌握田湾核电站温排水环境影响范围和程度.方法 对田湾核电站附近海域环境背景资料进行广泛调研,以航天遥感测量为主、航空遥感测量为辅、近海面实地测量为补充的方式获得目前田湾核电站排放口附近海域海 面温度场特征分布.结果 田湾核电站一期工程2台机组建成投入运行后,其温排水对排放口附近海域环境影响明显,且随着核电机组的扩建和厂址周围环境的变化有继续扩大的趋势.结论 此次调查结果为田湾核电站温排水环境影响评价以及扩建工程取排水系统设计提供了翔实可靠的依据.

Sun L J, Wang F Y, Zhu X X .

Remote sensing survey on environmental effects of thermal plume caused by Tianwan nuclear power station

[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiological Health, 2011,20(3):330-332.

[本文引用: 1]

Donlon C J, Minnett P J, Gentemann C , et al.

Toward improved validation of satellite sea surface skin temperature measurements for climate research

[J]. Journal of Climate, 2002,15(4):353-369.

DOI:10.1175/1520-0442(2002)015<0353:TIVOSS>2.0.CO;2      URL     [本文引用: 1]

A poor validation strategy will compromise the quality of satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST) products because confidence limits cannot be quantified. This paper addresses the question of how to provide the best operational strategy to validate satellite-derived skin sea surface temperature (SST) measurements. High quality in situ observations obtained using different state-of-the-art infrared radiometer systems are used to characterize the relationship between the SST, the subsurface SST at depth (SST), and the surface wind speed. Data are presented for different oceans and seasons. These data indicate that above a wind speed of approximately 6 m sthe relationship between the SSTand SST, is well characterized for both day- and nighttime conditions by a cool bias of 0.17 卤 0.07 K rms. At lower wind speeds, stratification of the upper-ocean layers during the day may complicate the relationship, while at night a cooler skin is normally observed. Based on these observations, a long-term global satellite SSTvalidation strategy is proposed. Emphasis is placed on the use of autonomous, ship-of-opportunity radiometer systems for areas characterized by prevailing low-wind speed conditions. For areas characterized by higher wind speed regimes, well-calibrated, quality-controlled, ship and buoy SSTobservations, corrected for a cool skin bias, should also be used. It is foreseen that SSTdata will provide the majority of in situ validation data required for operational satellite SST validation. We test the strategy using SSTobservations from the Along Track Scanning Radiometer, which are shown to be accurate to approximately 0.2 K in the tropical Pacific Ocean, and using measurements from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer. We note that this strategy provides for robust retrospective calibration and validation of satellite SST data and a means to compare and compile in a meaningful and consistent fashion similar datasets. A better understanding of the spatial and temporal variability of thermal stratification of the upper-ocean layers during low-wind speed conditions is fundamental to improvements in SST validation and development of multisensor satellite SST products.

Katsaros K B .

The aqueous thermal boundary layer

[J]. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 1980,18(1):107-127.

DOI:10.1007/BF00117914      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This article reviews the available data, measurement techniques, and present understanding of the millimeter thick aqueous thermal boundary layer. A temperature difference between the surface and lower strata, δT , of the order of a few tenths to 611 °C have been observed. Techniques ranging from miniature mercury thermometers and electrical point sensors to optical interferometry and infrared radiometry have been employed. Many processes influence the temperature structure in this thin boundary layer. Among them are: the net upward heat flux due to evaporation and sensible heat transfer; infrared and solar radiation; and the turbulence near the interface due to wind mixing, wave breaking and current shear. Presence of solute and surface-active materials stimulate or dampen these mixing processes thereby influencing boundary-layer thickness and temperature structure.


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