国土资源遥感, 2019, 31(1): 117-124 doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2019.01.16



王念秦1, 乔德京,1, 符喜优2,3

1.西安科技大学地质与环境学院,西安 710054

2.中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所,北京 100094

3.中国科学院大学,北京 100049

An analysis of the influence of filtering parameter on the performance of Goldstein InSAR interfergram filter

WANG Nianqin1, QIAO Dejing,1, FU Xiyou2,3

1.College of Geology and Environment, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710054, China;

2.Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094, China

3.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

通讯作者: 乔德京(1988-),男,博士研究生,主要从事地学分析与地质灾害遥感监测研究。Email:djqiao@stu.xust.edu.cn

责任编辑: 陈理

收稿日期: 2017-10-19   修回日期: 2017-12-12   网络出版日期: 2019-03-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目“黄土山区城镇化行为过程与地质环境耦合机制”资助.  41572287

Received: 2017-10-19   Revised: 2017-12-12   Online: 2019-03-15

作者简介 About authors

王念秦(1964-),男,教授,主要从事岩土体稳定与地质灾害防治等方面的科研和教学工作。Email:younglock@163.com。 。


经典的Goldstein InSAR干涉图滤波算法选取滤波参数时存在较大的主观性。以经验值作为滤波参数的Goldstein滤波算法为基础,基于相干系数、相位标准偏差、伪相干系数、伪信噪比和结构相似性来获得滤波参数的Goldstein自适应滤波方法,采用32像素×32像素的滤波窗口对模拟和真实干涉相位图分别进行单次滤波实验,对滤波结果进行详细评价和对比分析。研究结果表明,基于这6种滤波参数均能在一定程度上抑制噪声,使干涉条纹趋势更加清晰,提升了干涉图的质量。其中,基于相位标准偏差的滤波不仅能够抑制噪声,并且较好地保持干涉图的细节和边缘信息; 基于结构相似性和伪信噪比的滤波效果相对较弱; 基于经验值、相干系数和伪相干系数的滤波效果相对欠佳。

关键词: 合成孔径雷达测量 ; 干涉相位图滤波 ; 噪声 ; Goldstein滤波 ; 滤波参数


To tackle the subjectivity of select filter parameters in Goldstein InSAR interferogram filtering, the authors adopted the experience value as Goldstein filter algorithm, and then introduced the coherent coefficient, the phase standard deviation, the pseudo coherent coefficient, the pseudo signal-to-noise ratio and the structure similarity as the adaptive filtering parameter of Goldstein interferogram filtering. After that, the authors used the simulation and the real interferometric data and carried out the detailed appraisal and the contrast analysis of the filter result. The results show that six filter parameters could suppress the noise and improve the quality of interference effectively. Among them, using the pseudo signal-to-noise as the filter parameters not only could suppress the noise and have more significant advantages in the edge information and fine pitch. Using structural similarity and pseudo signal-to-noise ratio can also achieve better filtering results. The filter result of other three kinds of filter parameter is relatively unsatisfactory.

Keywords: interferometric synthetic aperture Radar (InSAR) ; interferogram filtering ; noise ; Goldstein filter ; filtering parameters

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王念秦, 乔德京, 符喜优. 滤波参数对Goldstein干涉相位图滤波性能的影响分析. 国土资源遥感[J], 2019, 31(1): 117-124 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2019.01.16

WANG Nianqin, QIAO Dejing, FU Xiyou. An analysis of the influence of filtering parameter on the performance of Goldstein InSAR interfergram filter. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES[J], 2019, 31(1): 117-124 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2019.01.16

0 引言

合成孔径雷达干涉测量(interferometric synthetic aperture Radar,InSAR)技术具有全天候、高精度、大区域等突出优势,已在地形测量、地表形变监测和冰川运动监测等领域被广泛应用[1,2,3]。但受地面散射特性变化、时间失相关、几何失相关和热噪声等因素的影响,干涉图中存在大量相位噪声,使相位解缠和干涉处理难度增加,同时影响干涉测量精度[4]。因此,对干涉图进行有效滤波处理,去除干涉图中的噪声,是InSAR数据处理的重要步骤。


1 Goldstein滤波参数计算方法



式中: α为滤波参数(根据经验选取,一般取0.5), α(0,1); S{}为平滑算子; Z(u,v)为待滤波图像; uv分别为空间频率。


1.1 相干系数



式中 γ-为有效窗口的平均相干值。

1.2 相位标准偏差



式中: σ-φ为局部窗口的均值; σφ,minσφ,max分别为干涉图相位标准偏差的最大值和最小值。

1.3 伪相干系数



式中: P-c为滤波窗口内伪相干系数的均值; Pc为干涉复数相位值; N为有效滑动滤波窗口内像元总数; Ne为伪相干估计窗口内像元总数; φi为干涉相位值。

1.4 伪信噪比

经验模态分解(empirical mode decomposition,EMD)可以将一幅复杂的遥感图像分解成一组互不相同的、简单的、非正弦的固有模态函数(intrinsic mode decomposition, IMF)和一个趋势项,从而实现对信息数据进行分层处理的目的。其优势是根据自身的时间尺度特征来进行信号分解,无须预先设定任何基函数,具有较高的自适应性。Song等[12]提出了基于伪信噪比计算滤波参数。

设原始干涉图为I,基于形态学重构方法找到干涉图I的每一个局部极大值和极小值,并分别对其进行插值处理,形成上包络(upper envelope,UE)和下包络(lower envelope,LE),取这2个包络的平均值(mean envelope,ME),即




式中: F1为从原始干涉数据分离出来的第一个IMF,重复以上步骤,当ME接近0时,停止。迭代关系为


式中: Ri为从原始干涉数据分离出的第i个趋势项。




相位和噪声的方差 Pseudo_SNR的表达式为




1.5 结构相似性

结构相似性(structural similarity,SSIM)是一种全参考的图像质量评价指标,分别从亮度、对比度和结构3方面度量图像相似性。Wang等[13]选择SSIM替代相干系数来计算滤波参数,其关系表达式为


式中: l(I1,I2), c(I1,I2)s(I1,I2)分别为亮度、对比度和结构相似性对比函数; β1, β2β3分别为 l(I1,I2), c(I1,I2)s(I1,I2)函数的权重; μI1μI2分别表示图像 I1I2的均值; σI1σI2分别为图像 I1I2的方差; σI1I2为图像 I1I2的协方差; C1, C2C3为常数; N为滑动窗口的像素个数; MSSIM(I1,I2)为平均结构相似性函数; PMSSIM为有效窗口内的SSIM均值。

2 滤波效果评价指标

为了评价算法的滤波效果,采用定性和定量2种方法进行评价。定性评价主要是通过目视解译判断图像的质量,通过观察噪声的抑制效果和条纹细节信息。定量评价是利用评价指标来描述图像质量,分别选择相位标准偏差(phase standard deviation,PSD)、均方根误差(root mean square error,RMS)、边缘保持指数(edge preservation index,EPI)和相位奇异点数目(residue point number,RPN)来定量描述滤波效果的好坏。

2.1 PSD



式中: φ(i,j)为干涉图相位值; φ-(i,j)为所选滑动窗口干涉图相位值的平均值; ij分别为像元的行列数。

2.2 RMS



式中: φi,j为滤波前干涉相位图(i,j)处相位值; φ(i,j)为滤波后干涉相位图(i,j)处的相位值; Δφi,j为滤波前后干涉相位差,若 Δφi,j<-π,则将 Δφi,j+2π带入式(22),若 Δφi,jπ,则将 Δφi,j-2π带入,若 -πΔφi,j<π,直接将 Δφi,j带入即可; RC分别为干涉相位图的总行列数。

2.3 EPI



2.4 RPN



图1   相位奇异点检测

Fig.1   Detection of RPN



式中: mod()为对2π取模; Δk为相位差。当S=0时,不存在残差点; 当S>0时,存在正残差; 当S<0时,存在负残差。

3 实验结果分析及精度评估

3.1 模拟数据实验



图2   模拟结果

Fig.2   Results of simulated images



图3   不同滤波参数对模拟数据的滤波结果

Fig.3   Filtering results of simulated images with different filtering parameters

图3可知,发现6种参数的设定均可滤掉大量的噪声,使干涉条纹趋势明显。定性对比滤波结果来看,特别是图像右上角低相干区域,基于经验值(0.5)、相干系数和伪相干系数的滤波结果仍存在大量的噪声,干涉条纹也不够光滑; 相比而言,基于相位标准偏差、伪信噪比和结构相似性的滤波结果剩余噪声较少,提升了干涉相位的质量。

为了定量评价滤波结果,分别选取PSD,RMS,EPI和RPN对滤波结果进行定量描述,结果如表1所示。从整体来看,这些滤波参数均有抑制噪声的能力,尤其从PSD指标得到验证,基于相位标准偏差的滤波结果PSD值最小,这表明基于相位标准偏差的滤波结果较平滑,其次为基于结构相似性和基于伪信噪比的滤波结果,与基于相位标准偏差滤波的PSD值相差不大,可见这3种参数计算方法均能够获取相对平滑的干涉相位滤波图; 对比RMS指

表1   模拟干涉图滤波结果评价

Tab.1  Effect evaluation of simulated phase diagram

加噪干涉图488 385.111 11.274 049 551
经验值(0.5)282 021.662 70.523 72.988 43 084
相干系数284 151.572 20.514 03.012 42 481
相位标准偏差259 265.712 10.402 72.483 7828
伪相干系数311 998.156 50.606 73.668 55 067
伪信噪比263 498.309 10.429 22.573 71 215
结构相似性260 415.334 70.402 62.508 2782

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标发现,基于结构相似性、相位标准偏差和伪信噪比的滤波结果,RMS值相对较小,表明这3种滤波参数所得的滤波结果与原始模拟干涉相位图相差不大,保真性较好,而其他3种滤波参数的滤波结果,RMS值相对较大,保真性较差; 从EPI指标可以看出,基于相位标准偏差的滤波结果EPI值更接近1,表明其边缘信息保持能力较强,基于结构相似性和伪信噪比的滤波效果次之; 从RPN指标可以发现,基于结构相似性的滤波结果RPN值最小,说明其稳定性和可靠性较好,其次为基于相位标准偏差的滤波结果,RPN值为828,减少率为98.32%。

综合各评价指标,可得出基于相位标准偏差的滤波结果能够在抑制噪声的同时保持较好的边缘信息,但其滤波后图像的稳定性和可靠性较弱; 基于结构相似性的滤波结果虽然没有基于相位标准偏差的相位平滑度好,但其滤波后的结果具有较好的稳定性和可靠性。

3.2 真实数据实验

3.2.1 C波段SAR数据



图4   实验区域影像(C波段)

Fig.4   Images (C band) of study area



图5   不同滤波参数对真实数据(C波段)的滤波结果

Fig.5   Filtering results of real images (C band) with different filtering parameters


3.2.2 L波段SAR数据

为进一步检验各滤波参数对Goldstein干涉相位图滤波性能结果的可靠性,本文又采用日本Fuji地区L波段的ALOS PALSAR数据进行干涉实验,垂直基线为273 m,采用GAMMA软件进行干涉测量处理获得干涉图(如图6)。该区干涉图像细节丰富,包含纯噪声区域、条纹密集区域和中度条纹区域。


图6   实验区域影像(L波段)

Fig.6   Images (L band) of study area



图7   不同滤波参数对真实数据(L波段)的滤波结果

Fig.7   Filtering results of real images (L band) with different filtering parameters

从整体滤波效果定性分析,6种滤波参数均可在不同程度上抑制噪声,相位颗粒噪声大量减少,干涉条纹趋势清晰,影像质量大幅度提高。但是放大干涉图可以看出,基于伪相干系数的滤波算法仍存在大量的噪声; 基于经验值、相干系数和伪相干系数的滤波结果虽然在一定程度上抑制了噪声,但在边缘都存在丢失信息的情况; 而基于相位标准偏差、伪信噪比和结构相似性滤波能够保持较好的边缘信息,不过在低相干区域仍然存在较多的噪声。

3.2.3 真实数据滤波效果定量评价


表2   真实数据滤波结果评价

Tab.2  Effect evaluation of real phase diagram

α计算方法意大利Etna火山(ERS SAR)日本Fuji火山(ALOS PALSAR)
原始干涉图2 067 935.756 5192 5943 244 598.703 7328 022
经验值1 346 684.205 640 6091 943 126.170 594 297
相干系数1 368 080.957 138 3241 896 392.754 091 439
相位标准偏差1 237 380.454 629 1101 311 997.895 267 137
伪相干系数1 422 402.133 047 5062 252 217.672 3132 477
伪信噪比1 255 771.932 830 3441 838 473.267 593 457
结构相似性1 251 396.008 329 8821 848 474.377 596 131

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分析表2可知,滤波参数α对不同波段的SAR数据形成的干涉图滤波效果相差不大。基于这6种滤波参数的滤波结果PSD值相对于原始干涉图明显减少,其中基于相位标准偏差滤波的PSD值最小,说明基于相位标准偏差的滤波结果光滑程度最高。从RPN值的减少率来看,基于相位标准偏差滤波的减少率最高,其次是基于结构相似性和伪信噪比滤波,伪相干系数滤波的减少率最低。总体上,基于相位标准偏差的滤波结果在抑制噪声的同时较好地维持图像分辨率,更加有利于InSAR后续处理的稳定性和可靠性; 基于结构相似性滤波虽然比基于伪信噪比的滤波结果具有较高平滑度,但保真性却没有基于伪信噪比好,从而降低了InSAR后续处理的稳定性和可靠性; 基于剩余3种滤波参数的滤波效果相对欠佳。因此,应该根据实际滤波需求选择合适的滤波参数。

4 结论

针对经典的Goldstein 干涉相位图滤波的滤波参数α选取存在较大主观性,本文选取当前常用的及最新的自适应滤波参数α,以32像素×32像素的滤波窗口对模拟和真实数据进行滤波实验,从定性和定量2个方面系统分析了基于经验值、相干系数、相位标准偏差、伪相干系数、伪信噪比和结构相似性6种不同滤波参数对Goldstein干涉相位滤波效果。研究结果表明:


2)基于相位标准偏差的滤波方法能够在抑制噪声的同时具有较好的保真性和边缘保持能力; 基于结构相似性和伪信噪比的滤波效果次之,特别在维持图像分辨率方面; 其余3种滤波参数的滤波效果欠佳。



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Zhou J M, Li Z, He X B , et al.

Glacier thickness change mapping using InSAR methodology

[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2014,11(1):44-48.

DOI:10.1109/LGRS.2013.2245854      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This letter presents a novel method for high-precision estimation of mountain glacier thickness change from the conventional interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) interferograms and multiaperture InSAR measurements. The method exploits the two components of displacement along the line of sight of radar beam and along track for deriving the glacier thickness change. To demonstrate the method, we estimate the glacier thickness change for the Dongkemadi Glacier in Tibet Plateau, China. The performance of this method is validated by field survey data. The results obtained with three InSAR pairs covering the Dongkemadi Glacier in the same seasons of three years show considerable spatial variability. The results in this study are, to our knowledge, the first ones with such a method, and they demonstrate the feasibility of the approach to obtain and analyze the mountain glacier thickness change.

赵文胜, 蒋弥, 何秀凤 .


[J]. 测绘学报, 2016,45(10):1200-1209.

DOI:10.11947/j.AGCS.2016.20150457      URL     [本文引用: 1]

干涉图滤波是 InSAR 数据处理中的关键步骤之一,滤波结果的优劣会直接影响到相位观测的质量和最终产品精度。本文结合干涉图滤波算法的研究进展,对 Goldstein 频率域滤波及其经典改进算法进行了系统分析和比较,在此基础上提出了一种基于第二类统计的稳健相干性估计量的Goldstein自适应滤波方法。本文采用模拟数据和 Env i sa t ASAR 真实数据与现有方法进行了验证,试验结果表明,新的滤波方法在保持细节和抑制噪声方面优势更加明显。

Zhao W S, Jiang M, He X F .

Improved adaptive Goldstein interferogram filter based on second kind statistics

[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2016,45(10):1200-1209.

[本文引用: 1]

Baran I, Stewart M P, Kampes B M , et al.

A modification to the Goldstein Radar interferogram filter

[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2003,41(9):2114-2118.

DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2003.817212      URL     [本文引用: 2]

coherence adaptive spectral interferometric phase.

Zhao C Y, Zhang Q, Ding X L , et al.

An iterative Goldstein SAR interferogram filter

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2012,33(11):3443-3455.

DOI:10.1080/01431161.2010.532171      URL     [本文引用: 2]

This article presents a new modified Goldstein synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferogram filter algorithm, named the iterative Goldstein filter. The main idea of this approach is to iteratively filter the SAR interferogram, by determining the filtering parameter alpha adaptively with respect to the pseudo-correlation value of the original and/or last filtered interferograms several times. The filter can be stopped automatically by pre-setting the threshold of mean value and the improvement of pseudo-correlation in given filter windows. Experimental results with both a simulated digital elevation model (DEM) interferogram and real SAR deformation interferogram show an improvement in the new algorithm results compared with those using the Goldstein filter, and its enhanced version, the Baran filter. In addition, from a pseudo-correlation map of the iteratively filtered interferogram, some valuable information can also be abstracted based on the signal residues.

易辉伟, 朱建军, 李健 , .


[J]. 中国有色金属学报, 2012,22(11):3185-3192.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

介绍 InSAR 技术用于监测矿区地表形变的干涉图滤波方法,为避免对密集条纹强噪声干涉图重复进行Goldstein 等方法过度滤波而导致的条纹信息丧失,提出一种边缘保持61Goldstein 组合滤波方法.采用具有强条纹保持能力的边缘保持滤波方法进行滤波,根据其伪相干值及相位标准偏差改进 Goldstein 方法的滤波因子,从而达到更有效滤波的目的.结果表明:边缘保持61Goldstein 组合滤波比单次 Goldstein 滤波残差点改善率提高了23.7%,边缘保持指数高达0.74,效果优于二次 Goldstein 滤波效果.此法结合频域和空域滤波的优点,对于高密度条纹强噪声干涉图不仅具有较强的噪声控制能力,而且具有很强的条纹细节保持能力.

Yi H W, Zhu J J, Li J , et al.

An edge preservation-Goldstein filter for InSAR inteferograms used in monitoring deformation of mining area

[J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2012,22(11):3185-3192.

[本文引用: 1]

Wang Q, Huang H, Yu A , et al.

An efficient and adaptive approach for noise filtering of SAR interferometric phase images

[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2011,8(6):1140-1144.

DOI:10.1109/LGRS.2011.2158289      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This letter presents a new efficient phase filtering algorithm for synthetic aperture radar interferometric phase images. Based on the additive noise model, we assume that the phase without noise is composed of principal phase components and residual phase components. A new two-step adaptive filtering algorithm based on this assumption is then developed. First, the principal phase components are adaptively estimated using the frequency spectrum with an adaptive bound and removed from the original noisy phase; thus, a residual noisy phase is obtained. Second, spatial filtering is carried out on this residual noisy phase image using four directional masks. The filter equals three other common filters when three different special bound parameters are set accordingly. This algorithm is effective, particularly for the interferometric phase images with tightly packed fringes or low coherence. Numerical results obtained with synthetic and real data show a significant improvement with respect to other conventional filtering algorithms in some situations of the proposed approach.

Goldstein R M, Werner C L .

Radar interferogram filtering for geophysical applications

[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 1998,25(21):4035-4038.

DOI:10.1029/1998GL900033      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The use of SAR interferometry is often impeded by decorrelation from thermal noise, temporal change, and baseline geometry. Power spectra of interferograms are typically the sum of a narrow-band component combined with broad-band noise. We describe a new adaptive filtering algorithm that dramatically lowers phase noise, improving both measurement accuracy and phase unwrapping, while demonstrating graceful degradation in regions of pure noise. The performance of the filter is demonstrated with SAR data from the ERS satellites over the Jakobshavns glacier of Greenland.

于晓歆, 杨红磊, 彭军还 .

一种改进的Goldstein InSAR干涉图滤波算法

[J]. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2011,36(9):1051-1054.

URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]


Yu X X, Yang H L, Peng J H .

A modified Goldstein algorithm for InSAR interferogram filtering

[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2011,36(9):1051-1054.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

Song R, Guo H, Liu G , et al.

Improved Goldstein SAR interferogram filter based on empirical mode decomposition

[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2013,11(2):399-403.

DOI:10.1109/LGRS.2013.2263554      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The Goldstein filter is one of the most commonly used synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferogram filters. This letter proposes a new method to find filter parameters of the Goldestein filter based on noise level derived by the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method. The filtering parameter determined by this method has a definite physical meaning. We used bidimensional empirical mode decomposition (BEMD) to extract features of an interferometric phase image into multiple scales of spatial frequencies, called intrinsic mode functions (IMF). We constructed a pseudo-SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) with the given IMF component, then the new parameter was applied to the Goldstein filtering method in place of the original fixed value ascertained artificially. The results from simulation and real data show that the performance of the new algorithm outperforms the original Goldstein filter, and its enhanced version, the Baran filter. The quantitative evaluation also shows that modification based on the EMD proposed in our paper minimizes the loss of phase while still reducing the level of noise in an interferogram.

Wang Y, Huang H F, Dong Z , et al.

A dual-domain interferometric phase filter

[J]. Remote Sensing Letters, 2015,6(12):962-971.

DOI:10.1080/2150704X.2015.1093669      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This article presents a dual-domain phase filter for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometric phase images. The dual-domain phase filter consists of a refined Baran and an adaptive mean filter. The interferometric phase is transformed into the complex domain and filtered by the refined Baran filter, in which the absolute value of the complex phase spectrum is adjusted using a threshold and the structural similarity coefficient. Then, the complex residual phase is filtered by the adaptive mean filter and added back to the previously filtered complex phase to generate the final output. Taking advantage of both filters, the dual-domain phase filter can not only avoid creating false information in very low coherence areas, but also effectively suppress noise in other areas. By using one real SAR data set, the performance of the dual-domain phase filter, in terms of noise reduction and computational efficiency, is reported and compared with other existing filters.

Zou W, Li Z, Ding X , et al.

A quantitative measure for the quality of InSAR interferogram based on phase differences

[J]. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 2004,70(10):1131-1138.

DOI:10.14358/PERS.70.10.1131      URL     [本文引用: 1]

It is well-known that interferometric SAR (INSAR) is a technology for the generation of high-precision digital elevation models (DEM) and the precise measurement of terrain surface deformation. The accuracy of DEM and deformation measurement is highly dependent on the quality of the interferogram generated. Such an interferogram is constructed by a point-wise complex multiplication of corresponding pixels in both datasets, which are respectively contained in master image and registered image. An exanimation of existing literature reveals that there is no, good, quantitative measure for the quality of interferograms, and visual inspection is still the best solutions available so far. By visual inspection, one recognizes those interferograms with continuous fringes as good ones and regards those with many discontinuous interferograms and speckles as being not good. As the pixels in the interferogram represent the phase value values, it is natural to think that, if the quality is good, the phase differences between neighbor pixels should be small, and thus the sum of all phase differences will still be small. This leads to the proposal of sum of phase differences (SPD) as a quantitative measure for the quality of interferogram. Two simulation tests have been conducted, and the results show that the SPD is a reliable measure.

赵诣, 蒋弥, 杨川 , .


[J]. 测绘科学, 2017,42(6):149-154.

DOI:10.16251/j.cnki.1009-2307.2017.06.026      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Zhao Y, Jiang M, Yang C , et al.

Comparison between filtering methods for InSAR interferogram

[J]. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 2017,42(6):149-154.

[本文引用: 1]

韩春明, 郭华东, 王长林 , .


[J]. 高技术通讯, 2003,13(7):11-15.

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:1002-0470.2003.07.003      URL     [本文引用: 1]

首先阐明了SAR图像边缘和边缘保持的概念.其次,提出了一种评价平滑图像边缘保持的方法.通过计算发现,常用的标准滤波方法:增强Lee滤波、Kuan滤波、增强Frost滤波和Gamma MAP滤波的边缘保持能力很差.最后发展了一种能保持边缘的SAR图像滤波方法.这种方法是对Han等人去除SAR图像斑点噪声方法的改进, 并分析了这种方法能够保持图像边缘的原因.

Han C M, Guo H D, Wang C L , et al.

Edge-preserving filter for SAR images

[J]. High Technology Letters, 2003,13(7):11-15.

[本文引用: 1]

廖明生, 林珲, 张祖勋 , .


[J]. 遥感学报, 2003,7(2):98-105.

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:1007-4619.2003.02.004      URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]


Liao M S, Lin H, Zhang Z X , et al.

Adaptive algorithm for filtering interferometric phase noise

[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2003,7(2):98-105.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

Hanssen R F .

Radar interferometry:Data interpretation and error analysis

[J]. Journal of the Graduated School of the Chinese Acedemy of Science, 2001,2(1):577-580.

[本文引用: 1]


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