国土资源遥感, 2019, 31(1): 229-236 doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2019.01.30



刘建宇1,2, 陈玲,2, 李伟2, 王根厚1, 王博1

1.中国地质大学(北京)地球科学与资源学院,北京 100083

2.中国自然资源航空物探遥感中心,北京 100083

An improved method for extracting alteration related to the ductile shear zone type gold deposits using ASTER data

LIU Jianyu1,2, CHEN Ling,2, LI Wei2, WANG Genhou1, WANG Bo1

1.School of Earth Science and Resources, China University of Geosciences(Beijing), Beijing 100083, China

2.China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Natural Resources, Beijing 100083, China

通讯作者: 陈 玲(1982-),女,博士,高级工程师,主要从事遥感地质、矿产地质理论应用研究。Email:chenling010@126.com

责任编辑: 陈理

收稿日期: 2018-02-2   修回日期: 2018-04-4   网络出版日期: 2019-03-15

基金资助: 中国地质调查局地质调查项目"天山—北山重要成矿区带遥感调查".  DD20160068

Received: 2018-02-2   Revised: 2018-04-4   Online: 2019-03-15

作者简介 About authors

刘建宇(1988-),男,博士,工程师,主要从事构造地质、遥感地质方面的研究。Email:liujy5577@163.com。 。



关键词: ASTER数据 ; 北山裂谷 ; 蚀变信息筛选 ; 金矿


The Beishan rift is an important metallic zone in China. The principal analysis component (PCA) technique and band ratio were used to extract alteration information related to gold deposits in the study areas in Hongshijing region and south of Cihai region lying in the west of Beishan rift. As a result of regional metamorphism, the alteration zones extracted by PCA and band ratios contain a great deal of interference information. With the method proposed in this study, most useless alteration information was eliminated and the gold deposits were located at or near the selected alteration areas in Hongshijing region. To prove the capability of this method, the authors validated the selected alteration areas south of Cihai region by fieldwork and found two gold ore spots. It is concluded that this method is effective in eliminating useless alteration information and thus is recommended for application in similar geological settings in Beishan rift.

Keywords: ASTER data ; Beishan rift ; selection of alteration zone ; gold deposit

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刘建宇, 陈玲, 李伟, 王根厚, 王博. 基于ASTER数据韧性剪切带型金矿蚀变信息提取方法优化. 国土资源遥感[J], 2019, 31(1): 229-236 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2019.01.30

LIU Jianyu, CHEN Ling, LI Wei, WANG Genhou, WANG Bo. An improved method for extracting alteration related to the ductile shear zone type gold deposits using ASTER data. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES[J], 2019, 31(1): 229-236 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2019.01.30

0 引言


特征离子或分子基团引起的矿物和岩石的独特反射或吸收特征,使得利用遥感数据进行矿物填图、蚀变提取和岩性识别成为可能。常见的方法有主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)和波段运算等。PCA可以将大量相关的波段信息转换为少量的包含不相关信息的波段,即主成分分量。Loughlin[10]通过对PCA统计结果的研究,总结出了对特定的TM波段组合进行PCA提取铁染和羟基蚀变异常的方法,并将该方法命名为Crosta法。在Loughlin的研究基础上,Crosta等[11]提出了一种适用于具有更多短波红外波段的ASTER数据的改良方法。该方法以典型蚀变矿物(如高岭石、伊利石)的实验室波谱为参考,依次选取吸收、反射较强的波段,并对选择出来的4个波段进行PCA变换,最后根据特征向量统计结果选择特定主成分分量进行蚀变信息提取。波段运算中,一般用目标矿物的反射波段和吸收波段做比值运算,以增强矿物的吸收特征[12,13]。目前,国内外已有大量通过PCA和波段运算处理ASTER数据进行遥感蚀变信息提取与遥感找矿预测的研究[12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19]。然而,许多学者指出,应用遥感数据提取出的相关蚀变信息中包含大量干扰信息,因此提出了多种去除干扰信息的方法。张玉君等[20]提出了利用标准离差对蚀变进行分级; 张楠楠等[21]利用支持向量机(support vector machines,SVM)对PCA结果进行优化,提高蚀变提取结果与已知矿点的吻合率; 张志军等[22]提出"SAM去干扰异常主分量门限技术"有效剔除了干扰异常,提取的蚀变矿物信息与实际情况吻合; 王頔等[17]采用多重分形"广义自相似性"和"局部奇异性"理论与能谱面积法获取的弱异常信息经野外验证具较强的吻合性,实现了弱异常与复杂地质背景的分离; 范素英[23]通过综合分析蚀变信息、线环构造和侵入岩等因素,利用层次分析法建立了冀北地区找矿预测模型,圈定了多个靶区。


1 研究区地质背景

北山造山带自北向南共分布有4条大型蛇绿岩带,分别是: 红石山蛇绿岩带、石板井蛇绿岩带、红柳河蛇绿岩带和柳园蛇绿岩带[2]。4条蛇绿岩带将5个岛弧单元相互隔开,自北向南依次为: 雀儿山岛弧、黑鹰山—旱山岛弧(以白山—碎石黑山—路井断裂为界,北部为黑鹰山岛弧,南部为旱山岛弧)、双鹰山—花牛山岛弧(以黑山—碱泉子—大豁井为界,以北为双鹰山岛弧,以南为花牛山岛弧)和石板山岛弧(位于最南部),如图1所示。


图1   研究区大地构造位置[2]

Fig.1   Sketch regional geological map of the Beishan orogenic belt and the locations of research areas[2]

本文2个研究区均位于双鹰山岛弧内(图1),西部为红十井研究区,东部为磁海南研究区。2个研究区内主要出露地层为石炭系,包括下石炭统红柳园组(C1h)第一亚组,主要岩性为灰绿色、灰色长英质砂岩、灰岩、安山玢岩和凝灰岩; 上石炭统矛头山组(C2m)第二亚组,主要岩性为灰色、绿色安山岩、安山玢岩、玄武岩、细碧岩、凝灰岩夹凝灰质砂岩及灰岩。红柳园组和矛头山组中的中酸性火山岩为主要的赋矿建造。红十井研究区北侧有石炭纪花岗岩侵入,而磁海南研究区内未见侵入岩[24,25]

红十井—矛头山断裂为一大型韧性断裂,周围发育有与其近平行的次级断裂,呈NE向穿过红十井研究区,在磁海南研究区内与白地洼—淤泥河断裂会合。该断裂带是金矿的主要控矿构造,沿红十井—矛头山断裂发现的金矿有222金矿、八一泉金矿和青山口金矿等; 大青山金矿、大青山东金矿和平梁子金矿等则分布在次级断裂附近[8,9]。与之类似,在甘肃境内发现的金窝子金矿和白墩子金矿同样主要受韧性断裂控制[7, 27- 28]。上述金矿的蚀变类型较为一致,均以硅化、绢云母化和绿泥石化为主[26, 28]

2 数据源及其预处理

ASTER传感器共有14个波段,其中3个可见光-近红外波段(空间分辨率15 m,第3波段另增设了具后视功能的3B波段),6个短波红外波段(空间分辨率30 m),5个热红外波段(空间分辨率90 m)。本文共用到2景ASTER L1T数据,覆盖红十井研究区的数据获取于2002年5月13日,覆盖磁海南研究区的数据获取于2001年8月23日,影像质量都较好,无坏道,无云、雪覆盖。由于ASTER自身原因导致红外通道传感器相互干扰,使得第4波段探测器入射光发生了分散,因此需要进行串扰校正。鉴于L1T级数据已经过辐射校正、几何纠正和地形校正,因此本次预处理只包括串扰校正、重采样、辐射定标及大气校正。通过FLAASH 大气校正前、后变质辉长岩的影像波谱及实测波谱(图2)的对比可以看出,校正后可见光范围的反射率降低,短波红外范围的反射率升高,从而突出了变质辉长岩在B8波段的吸收特征,有利于蚀变信息提取。


图2   变质辉长岩大气校正前后影像波谱及实测波谱对比

Fig.2   Image spectrum of the metagabbro before and after FLAASH atmospheric correction and the spectrum measured by ASD

3 研究方法



图3   重采样后的典型蚀变矿物波谱

Fig.3   Resampled spectra of the typical altered minerals

图3可以看到,方解石和白云石在B1波段有弱吸收特征,在B3波段有弱反射特征,最强的吸收在B8波段,在B9波段为反射特征,因此选择B1,B3,B8和B9波段进行PCA,提取碳酸盐岩化蚀变; 白云母在B1和B6波段具有吸收特征,在B4和B7波段具有反射特征,因此选择B1,B4,B6和B7波段进行PCA,提取Al-OH蚀变; 绿泥石与绿帘石波谱特征较相似,均在B1和B8波段具有较强的吸收特征,在B5和B9波段具有较强的反射特征,因此选择B1,B5,B8和B9波段进行PCA,提取Mg-OH蚀变; 黄铁矿波谱反射、吸收特征不明显,因此无法利用PCA提取黄铁矿化蚀变。张玉君等[20]提出对ETM+数据做PCA后,以2.0 σ,2.5 σ和3.0 σ(标准差)为阈值进行异常等级划分,本文也采用该标准对C O32-,Al-OH和Mg-OH异常进行分级。



4 处理结果

4.1 PCA处理结果


表1   ASTER B1,B3,B8和B9波段的PCA特征向量矩阵

Tab.1  PCA eigenvecter matrix of ASTER B1,B3,B8 and B9

PC1-0.518 738-0.612 492-0.443 863-0.398 434
PC2-0.387 350-0.447 2310.507 6290.626 304
PC3-0.753 5440.651 793-0.066 8440.053 567
PC40.114 2060.001 723-0.735 4120.667 925

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与之类似,对B1,B4,B6和B7波段及B1,B5,B8和B9波段分别进行PCA处理后发现,白云母在B6波段吸收,在B7波段反射和绿泥石、绿帘石在B8波段吸收,在B9波段反射的特征均在PC4分量表现明显; 且吸收波段的特征向量为负,反射波段的特征向量为正。因此亮度高的像元包含更多白云母或绿泥石、绿帘石(表2—3)。

表2   ASTER B1,B4,B6和B7波段的PCA特征向量矩阵

Tab.2  PCA eigenvecter matrix of ASTER B1,B4,B6 and B7

PC1-0.315 780-0.599 590-0.512 250-0.527 610
PC2-0.869 520-0.121 9700.276 1350.390 918
PC3-0.375 5200.747 630-0.086 510-0.540 880
PC4-0.056 7100.258 196-0.808 6200.525 602

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表3   ASTER B1,B5,B8和B9波段的PCA特征向量矩阵

Tab.3  PCA eigenvecter matrix of ASTER B1,B5,B8 and B9

PC1-0.336 957-0.561 742-0.518 172-0.549 912
PC2-0.932 8670.092 3500.255 6310.236 398
PC3-0.126 4360.786 893-0.575 168-0.184 378
PC40.015 289-0.238 152-0.579 0790.779 562

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用相同的方法对磁海南研究区数据做PCA处理,2个研究区的C O32-,Al-OH和Mg-OH异常信息提取结果如图4所示。


图4   2个研究区ASTER数据异常信息提取结果

Fig.4   Extraction results of alteration information by ASTER in two study areas

图4可以看出,红十井研究区的C O32-异常主要分布于研究北部和南部,中部较少,白石滩金矿、大青山金矿和大青山东金矿周围没有发现C O32-蚀变异常,但是这3个金矿周围提取出了较强的Al-OH异常。红十井金矿和红西金矿周围Al-OH和Mg-OH均较强,但是青山口金矿附近这2种异常均较弱。在研究区北部,提取出了较强的C O32-,Al-OH和Mg-OH异常,却没有已知金矿存在。磁海南研究区的异常分布具有一定相似性,主要集中于研究区北部,尤其是东北部地区。但是C O32-异常的分布更加靠北,延伸至研究区北界附近; 而Mg-OH异常相对靠南一些。与C O32-异常和Mg-OH异常略有不同,Al-OH异常在中北部地区分布较广。

4.2 波段运算结果



图5   2个研究区铁染异常处理结果

Fig.5   Results of ferric alteration anomaly in two study areas


4.3 异常筛选



图6   筛选后的复合异常区及野外验证区

Fig.6   Results of selected anomalies

5 结果验证


5.1 对比验证


5.2 野外验证


研究区内红柳园组岩性以大理岩化灰岩为主,矛头山组以石英岩、粉砂岩和片岩为主(图7(a)和(b)),而且在研究区内新发现了一处中酸性侵入体。薄片鉴定结果表明,该地区岩石均已发生不同程度的变质,变质矿物为绿泥石、绿帘石和绢云母等(图7(c))。岩石样品的实测波谱显示,在0.4 μm,2.2 μm和2.3 μm附近有不同程度的吸收特征,分别与铁离子、Al-OH,Mg-OH和C O32-的吸收特征对应(图7(d))。野外验证中发现该地区有2处金矿(图7(e)和(f)),证明了本文方法在实际应用中的有效性。


图7-1   研究区野外照片、样品薄片及波谱分析结果

Fig.7-1   Photos of the fieldwork in south of Cihai region and photomicrograph of the meta-granite and spectra of the samples measured by ASD


图7-2   研究区野外照片、样品薄片及波谱分析结果

Fig.7-2   Photos of the fieldwork in south of Cihai region and photomicrograph of the meta-granite and spectra of the samples measured by ASD

6 讨论

一般斑岩型铜矿具有硅化、钾化的核,在核的外围分布有泥化、绢英岩化和青磐岩化蚀变带。不同蚀变的形成与温度有密切关系,因此这些蚀变带具有围绕岩体分布的特征[33]。泥化带的代表变质矿物为在2.20 μm处有吸收特征的高岭石和黄钾铁矾,绢英岩化带的变质矿物为在2.17 μm处有吸收特征的伊利石和绢云母,青磐岩化带的代表矿物为绿泥石、绿帘石和方解石,吸收谷位于2.35 μm处。目前已有不少学者基于以上规律,利用多光谱数据进行蚀变带的划分并进行矿产预测[15, 31-32]。韧性变形构成中产生的构造分异作用会导致韧性剪切带内的矿物组成与化学成分变化,形成含金热液[26]。成矿温度在115381℃,变化较大。因此,在这种背景下,韧性剪切带型金矿的蚀变并不像斑岩型铜矿那样具有较强的规律性。而且韧性剪切带两侧地层受构造产生的区域变质作用影响,形成绢云母等变质矿物,因此造成蚀变异常沿韧性断裂分布较广。所以,很难靠一种方法,或者提取一种蚀变信息而准确找到成矿有利带。

由于在验证区采集的样品中同时具有2.20 μm和2.30 μm2处吸收特征,证明所提取单一一种Al-OH异常、Mg-OH异常和C O32-异常并不能完全代表矿点的蚀变; 两者的重叠区域,即同时具有Al-OH异常、Mg-OH异常和C O32-异常的区域才更能指示成矿有利地区。为将仅具有单种异常信息的像元排除,筛选出具有多种异常信息的像元,对多种蚀变的结果进行乘法运算,再进行阈值分割,从而选择出与成矿关系最密切的蚀变异常信息。经与已知资料对比和野外验证发现,这些综合异常区与矿点吻合度较高,所提取的异常信息与成矿关系较为密切。

7 结论


2)对提取的C O32-异常、Al-OH异常、Mg-OH异常、Fe2+异常和Fe3+异常进行乘法运算并对运算结果进行阈值分割,可有效去除由区域变质作用引起的干扰信息,筛选出来的结果与已知矿点具有较高吻合度。




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he southern Altaids present a unidirectional section from Mongolia to China through an accretionary orogen that youngs progressively from Neoproterozoic in the north to Permian in the south.The orogen formed by forearc accretion of island arcs, accretionary wedges,ophiolites and Precambrian microcontinents. This regularity was upset by early growth within the ocean of arcs that later collided at the accreting continental margin,by imbrication of old ophiolites with young arcs,and by Himalayan-style thrust-nappe tectonics when an arc collided into a microcontinent.Lateral growth of the Southern Altaids represents a massive addition of juvenile material to the Palaeozoic crust.

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Paleozoic multiple accretionary and collisional processes of the Beishan orogenic collage

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Abstract The Beishan orogenic collage is located in the southernmost part of the Altaids, and connects the Southern Tien Shan suture to the west with the Solonker suture to the east. The orogen was previously regarded as early Paleozoic in age in contrast to the surrounding southern Altaid collages, which are Late Paleozoic or even Early Mesozoic. This paper reviews the tectonic units of the Beishan orogen, which along a north-south traverse consists of several arcs and ophiolitic m茅langes. These tectonic units were thrust imbricated and overprinted by strike-slip faulting during Permian-Triassic times, and the youngest strata involved in the deformation are Permian. Stitching plutons are Late Permian in age. Peaks of magmatic-metamorphic-tectonic activity, and paleomagnetic and paleogeographic data indicate that the Beishan orogenic collage evolved by development of several, Early to Mid-Paleozoic arcs in different parts of the Paleoasian Ocean. The Late Paleozoic collage is characterized by three active continental margins or island arcs that are separated by two ophiolitic m茅langes. The northernmost active margin is represented by the Queershan arc, which may have lasted until the Permian. The Shibanshan unit is the southernmost, subduction-related continental arc along the northern margin of the Dunhuang block. In the Late Carboniferous to Permian the eastern end (promontory) of the Tarim Craton probably collided with the Chinese eastern Tien Shan arc, forming a new active continental margin, which interacted with the Beishan Late Paleozoic archipelago, generating a complicated subduction-accretionary orogen; this is suggested to be one of the last phases in the development of the long-lived Altaid accretionary orogenesis. The new model for this orogen bridges the gap between the western and eastern ends of the southern Altaids. The modern Timor-Australia collision zone with its many surround-ing arcs is an appropriate analog for the Altaids in the Late Paleozoic.

丁建华, 邢树文, 肖克炎 , .


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[J]. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2016,90(7):1392-1412.

[本文引用: 1]

Chen B L, Wu G G, Ye D J , et al.

Analysis of the ore-controlling structure of ductile shear zone type gold deposit in southern Beishan Area,Gansu,Northwest China

[J]. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2007,18(1):30-38.

DOI:10.1016/S1002-0705(07)60016-8      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The ductile shear zone-type gold deposit is a kind that both the ore-forming mechanism and ore-controlling factors are closely related to the ductile shear zone and its evolution. Ductile shear zone develops in Beishan area, Gansu of Northwest China, and develops especially well in the south belt. The controls of the ductile shear zone on gold deposits are as follows. (1) The regional distribution of gold deposits (and gold spots) is controlled by the ductile shear zone. (2) The ductile-brittle shear zone is formed in the evolution process of ductile shear zone and both are only ore-bearing structures and control the shape, attitude, scale, and distribution of mineralization zones and ore-bodies. (3) Compresso-shear ductile deformation results in that the main kind of gold mineralization is altered mylonite type and the main alteralization is metasomatic. (4) Ore-bearing fracture systems are mainly P-type ones, some D-type and R-type ones, but only individual R'-type and T-type ones. (5) Dynamic differentiation and dynamic metamorphic hydrothermal solution resulting from ductile deformation is one of the sources of ore-forming fluid of gold mineralization, and this is identical with that ore-forming materials are mainly from metamorphic rocks, and ore-forming fluid is mainly composed of metamorphic water, and with the fluid inclusion and geo-chemical characteristics of the deposit. (6) There is a negative correlation between the gold abundance and susceptibility anisotropy ( P) of the altered mylonite samples from the deposit, which shows that the gold mineralization is slightly later than the structural deformation. All above further expound the ore-forming model of the ductile shear zone type of gold deposits.

陈柏林, 吴淦国, 叶德金 .


[J]. 矿物学报, 2000,20(3):242-249.

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:1000-4734.2000.03.006      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Chen B L, Wu G G, Ye D J , et al.

Mode of occurrence of gold and characteristics of gold minerals in gold deposits,Beishan Area,Gansu

[J]. Acta Mineralogica Sinica, 2000,20(3):242-249.

[本文引用: 1]

王兆洲, 安国堡 .


[J]. 新疆地质, 2007,25(3):307-312.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-8845.2007.03.017      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Wang Z Z, An G B .

Ore controlling factors and minerogenic prognosis of western metallogenic belt of south belt of Beishan,Gansu

[J]. Xinjiang Geology, 2007,25(3):307-312.

[本文引用: 1]

陈柏林 .


[J]. 矿床地质, 2010. 29(6):972-982.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.0258-7106.2010.06.003      URL     [本文引用: 2]

金窝子金矿床位于中朝-塔里木板块与哈萨克斯坦板块俯冲碰撞带南 缘的甘新北山中带东段,受矿源岩系和区域性韧性剪切带的形成和演化的双重控制.下二叠统金窝子组中金元素含量高,又普遍发生浅变质作用和较强烈的构造变形 作用,所以金窝子组能够提供成矿物质.区域性构造变形过程中,大规模深层次的韧性剪切变形促使金窝于组中金元素活化迁移,连同SiO2、K、Na等活性组 分和岩石中H2O一起,形成含金动力变质热液;当含金热液上升并进入到NEE向低角度逆冲韧脆性断裂中,则发生交代蚀变和矿化,形成蚀变糜棱岩型和网脉型 金矿化;而含金热液上升进入到NW向高角度张性-张扭性脆性断裂中,则发生充填型矿化,形成石英大脉型金矿化.所以金窝子金矿的最主要控矿因素是矿源岩系 和韧性剪切带.因此,金窝子金矿床属于韧性剪切带型金矿床,其成矿作用与控矿因素都与韧性剪切带有关.

Chen B L .

A discussion on origin of Jinwozi ductile shear zone type gold deposit in Beishan Area of Gansu and Xinjiang

[J]. Mineral Deposits, 2010,29(6):972-982.

[本文引用: 2]

肖惠良, 周济元, 王鹤年 , .


[J]. 矿床地质, 2003,22(1):32-40.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.0258-7106.2003.01.004      URL     [本文引用: 2]

文章通过K-Ar同位素年龄,氢、氧、硫、铅等同位素测试和流体 包裹研究,结合红十井金矿床的地质、矿区岩石化学、微量元素及稀土元素地球化学特征,探讨了红十井金矿床含金建造与金矿关系及矿床成因.研究表明红十井金 矿床为晚古生代裂谷带火山岩区受韧性剪切带控制的中-低温热液矿床,矿体赋存于中石炭统玄武(玢)岩及凝灰质砂岩组成的含金建造内,成矿物质主要来源于含 金建造,矿化以蚀变岩型和石英脉型为主.成矿年龄为209~267 Ma.成矿流体为岩浆水、玄武(玢)岩和凝灰质砂岩的变质水、建造水和大气降水的混合溶液,δD为-114.6‰~-68.8‰,δ18OH2O变化为 -2.47‰~5.91‰.成矿温度为115~381℃,成矿压力为471.8×105~675.9×105 Pa;流体盐度w(NaCleq)为2.18%~16.77%,平均7.79%,流体属中-低盐度、H2O-CO2体系.

Xiao H L, Zhou J Y, Wang H N , et al.

Characteristics and genesis of Hongshijing gold deposit,Xinjiang

[J]. Mineral Deposits, 2003,22(1):32-40.

[本文引用: 2]

何格, 顾雪祥, 章永梅 , .


[J]. 矿床地质. 2014,33(s1):89-90

URL     [本文引用: 2]

正大青山金矿床位于新疆若羌县罗布泊东北侧,哈密西南300 km处,大地构造位置属于北山古生代裂谷系南亚带西段。该地区迄今还发现有红十井、八一泉、222、骆驼峰等多个中、小型金矿床(点),这些金矿床(点)的成矿地质物理化学条件具有相似性,系统研究大青山金矿床的地质特征及成因对扩大该区找矿前景具有重要意义。本文从矿床地质特征入手,探讨此金矿床的成因。

He G, Gu X X, Zhang Y M , et al.

Geological characteristics and genesis of Daqingshan gold deposit in Beishan Area,Xinjiang

[J]. Mineral Deposits. 2014,33(s1):89-90.

[本文引用: 2]

Loughlin W P .

Principal component analysis for alteration mapping

[J]. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 1991,57(9):1163-1169.

[本文引用: 1]

Crosta A P, De Souza Filho C R, Azevedo F, et al.

Targeting key alteration minerals in epithermal deposits in Patagonia,Argentina,using ASTER imagery and principal component analysis

[J]. International Journal of Remote sensing, 2003,24(21):4233-4240.

DOI:10.1080/0143116031000152291      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Principal component analysis (PCA) is an image processing technique that has been commonly applied to Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data to locate hydrothermal alteration zones related to metallic deposits. With the advent of the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER), a 14-band multispectral sensor operating onboard the Earth Observation System (EOS)-Terra satellite, the availability of spectral information in the shortwave infrared (SWIR) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum has been greatly increased. This allows detailed spectral characterization of surface targets, particularly of those belonging to the groups of minerals with diagnostic spectral features in this wavelength range, including phyllosilicates ( lay minerals), sulphates and carbonates, among others. In this study, PCA was applied to ASTER bands covering the SWIR with the objective of mapping the occurrence of mineral endmembers related to an epithermal gold prospect in Patagonia, Argentina. The results illustrate ASTER's ability to provide information on alteration minerals which are valuable for mineral exploration activities and support the role of PCA as a very effective and robust image processing technique for that purpose.

Gabr S, Ghulam A, Kusky T .

Detecting areas of high-potential gold mineralization using ASTER data

[J]. Ore Geology Reviews, 2010,38(1-2):59-69.

DOI:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2010.05.007      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Remote sensing plays an important role in mineral exploration. One of its proven applications is extracting and locating alteration zones that are related to gold deposits. In this study, surface reflectance data derived from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) imagery are used to map hydrothermal alteration zones for gold exploration. A band ratio derived from the image spectra (4/8, 4/2, and 8/9 in RGB) and a mineral extraction method based on n-dimensional spectral feature space have been developed, and tested against other conventional methods, and known auriferous alteration zones. Spectral signatures used to construct the new band ratio are validated by a field study of the Abu-Marawat area in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Results indicate that the method is promising for identifying alteration zones and is a useful tool for gold exploration in similar areas elsewhere.

Pournamdari M, Hashim M .

Detection of chromite bearing mineralized zones in Abdasht ophiolite complex using ASTER and ETM+ remote sensing data

[J]. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2014,7(5):1973-1983.

DOI:10.1007/s12517-013-0927-0      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Podiform chromite ore deposits in ultramafic parts of ophiolite rock complexes can be detected using remote sensing data. This study focuses on the discrimination of chromite bearing mineralized zones using Landsat TM and Advance Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite data in Abdasht ophiolite complex, south of Iran. Several image processing methods, including Log residual, Decorellation Stretch, Band ratio and Mixture-Tuned Matched-Filtering (MTMF) have been evaluated for lithological mapping using Landsat ETM and ASTER data. The outcome showed that TIR band ratios of ASTER can discriminate quartzite, carbonate and mafic ltramafic rocks in the ophiolite complex. Log residual, Decorollation Stretch and MTMF methods were more capable than previous published ASTER methods specifically for lithological mapping at a regional scale. New geological map of Abdasht region was produced based on the interpretation of ASTER image processing results and field verification. Consequently, the proposed methods demonstrated the ability of ASTER and Landsat ETM data to provide information for detecting chromite host rock (serpentinized dunites) that is valuable for chromite prospecting in study area. Additionally, the techniques used in this study are subtle for exploration geologist and mine engineering to identify high-potential chromite-bearing zones in the ophiolite complex, minimizing costly and time-consuming field works.

Rajendran S, Nasir S, Kusky T M , et al.

Detection of hydrothermal mineralized zones associated with listwaenites in central Oman using ASTER data

[J]. Ore Geology Reviews, 2013,53(8):470-488.

DOI:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2013.02.008      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Listwaenites are highly altered ultramafic rocks that are potentially associated with economic mineralization and research on these is extremely important worldwide. In the present study, the classification of mineralized listwaenites developed along the serpentinite-amphibolite interface of the Semail Ophiolite, its associated lithology and the zones of alteration and mineralization in the Fanjah Saddle of the Central Oman Mountains region of the Sultanate of Oman are carried out, using Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite data. The developed band ratioing, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) supervised classification and image processing techniques applied on the ASTER data set have proved their capability for better interpretation and identification of hydrothermally altered rocks and associated mineralization. The hyperspectral tools (Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF), Pixel Purity Index (PPI) and nD-visualizer) extracted end member spectra and SAM classification clearly show the occurrence of minerals and their spatial distributions.The promising results are verified and confirmed in the field by identification of alteration and mineralization such as listwaenites, silicification, serpentinization and talc alteration and are validated further through laboratory analysis. The confirmation of the occurrence of base metal mineralization along the serpentinite-amphibolite interface in listwaenites suggests that detailed investigation in this and other arid regions which have similar geological conditions may locate mineral deposits. The hyperspectral tools applied on ASTER satellite data show that these can be used as a powerful tool to explore the listwaenites and the potential associated mineralization in other arid geographical regions worldwide. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Azizi H, Tarverdi M A, Akbarpour A .

Extraction of hydrothermal alterations from ASTER SWIR data from east Zanjan,northern Iran

[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2010,46(1):99-109.

DOI:10.1016/j.asr.2010.03.014      URL     [本文引用: 2]

The use of satellite images for mineral exploration has been very successful in pointing out the presence of minerals such as smectite and kaolinite which are important in the identification of hydrothermal alterations. Shortwave infrared (SWIR) bands from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) with the wavelength of ASTER SWIR bands between 1.65 and 2.4302μm has a good potential for mapping a hydrothermal alteration minerals such as alunite, pyrophyllite, kaolinite, illite–muscovite–sericite, and carbonate. In this range, hydroxide minerals which have been produced by hydrothermal alteration exhibit good absorption compared to shorter or longer wavelengths. In this research which aims to remove atmospheric and topographic effects from ASTER SWIR data, the authors used the log-residual method (LRM) with the minimum noise fraction (MNF) transformation to create a pixel purity index (PPI) which was used to extract the most spectrally pure pixels from multispectral images. Spectral analyses of the clay mineralogy of the study area (east Zanjan, in northern Iran) were obtained by matching the unknown spectra of the purest pixels to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) mineral library. Three methods, spectral feature fitting (SFF), spectral angle mapping (SAM), and binary encoding (BE) were used to generate a score between 0 and 1, where a value of 1 indicates a perfect match showing the exact mineral type. In this way, it was possible to identify certain mineral classes, including chlorite, carbonate, calcite–dolomite–magnesite, kaolinite–smectite, alunite, and illite. In this research, two main propylitic and phyllic–argillic zones could be separated using their compositions of these minerals. These two alteration zones are important for porphyry copper deposits and gold mineralization in this part of Iran.

Zhang X, Pazner M, Duke N .

Lithologic and mineral information extraction for gold exploration using ASTER data in the south Chocolate Mountains (California)

[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2007,62(4):271-282.

DOI:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2007.04.004      URL     [本文引用: 1]

An ASTER image covering the south Chocolate Mountains area, California, U.S.A. was evaluated for gold-related lithologic mapping and alteration mineral detection. A supervised classifier was first applied to the 14-channel ASTER radiance data to map lithologies related to gold deposits. Subsequently, four alteration indices were extracted from the six SWIR channels and transformed to delineate alteration zones using a PCA transformed mineralogic indices approach. Finally, a subpixel unmixing algorithm, the constrained energy minimization (CEM) technique was used to detect significant alteration minerals using the ASTER VNIR and SWIR surface reflectance data and reference spectra from the ASTER spectral library.The classification results show that the ASTER data were capable of mapping flood basalt, quartz-biotite gneiss, muscovite schist, granitic, volcanic, and metasedimentary rock units. The ASTER-derived rock units show excellent correlation with those on the reference geologic map. The overall classification accuracy is 82% and the Kappa coefficient 0.76. A group of gneisses, locally the most favorable host rocks of gold deposits, were mapped with the ASTER data with a Producer's accuracy of 86%, and more importantly were also mapped in some areas that were not shown on the field geologic map. Four alteration minerals: alunite, kaolinite, muscovite and montmorillonite were detected by subpixel unmixing analysis of the ASTER reflectance data. This study compared different methods for extracting mineralogic information from ASTER data, compared the remotely derived maps to the mapped field geology, and used the ASTER data to map minerals and lithologies related to gold exploration.

王頔, 赵志芳, 王瑞雪 , .


[J]. 国土资源遥感, 2015,27(2):146-153.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2015.02.23.

URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 2]

为弥补以往研究中遥感矿化蚀变信息提取精细化程度不高、对西南三江斑岩型铜矿深部找矿勘查推进支撑作用有限的不足,针对西南三江成矿带中南段滇西北普朗斑岩型铜矿区矿化蚀变分带从外至内呈青磐岩化—硅化绢云母化—钾化硅化分布的特点,分析斑岩型铜矿矿化蚀变分带的特征矿物组成、诊断性波谱及其ASTER遥感波谱响应; 采用多重分形"广义自相似性"和"局部奇异性"理论与能谱面积法(S-A法),探索复杂地质背景条件下斑岩型铜矿蚀变分带特征矿物,即青磐岩化(绿泥石、绿帘石)、硅化绢云母化(石英、绢云母)和钾化(钾长石)硅化(石英)等弱信息增强与提取方法; 通过对遥感蚀变分带结果进行实地查证及岩矿鉴定,印证了本文构建的斑岩型铜矿蚀变分带遥感异常增强和提取方法的可靠性。

Wang D, Zhao Z F, Wang R X , et al.

Research on enhanced extraction method for weak information of remote sensing mineralization alteration zoning:A case study of the Pulang porphyry copper deposit

[J]. Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 2015,27(2):146-153.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2015.02.23.

Magsci     [本文引用: 2]

成功, 朱佳玮, 毛先成 .


[J]. 国土资源遥感, 2016,28(1):15-21.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2016.01.03.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

<p>为了对甘肃省金昌市金川铜镍矿床外围地区进行遥感找矿预测,首先根据ASTER数据不同波段的特性分别提取岩性信息和蚀变信息,对热红外(TIR)波段,在采用波段比值法定量提取二氧化硅含量的基础上,利用波段比值计算的岩性指数(lithological index,LI)定量提取基性-超基性岩信息;对可见光-近红外(VNIR)及短波红外(SWIR)波段,运用主成分分析法定性提取高岭土-绢云母化、绿泥石化和蛇纹石化等矿化蚀变信息;然后在ArcGIS平台上,对所提取的矿化蚀变信息进行量化定级和叠加处理,制作综合矿化蚀变异常信息图(其反映的异常范围和强度与已知矿区十分一致);最后利用综合矿化蚀变异常信息,对金川铜镍矿床外围地区进行找矿预测,共圈定出3个找矿预测区,可为寻找同类型的矿床提供参考。</p>

Cheng G, Zhu J W, Mao X C .

Remote sensing prospecting prediction in periphery of the Jinchuan copper-nickel deposit based on ASTER data

[J]. Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 2016,28(1):15-21.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2016.01.03.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

杨金中, 陈薇, 王辉 .


[J]. 国土资源遥感, 2017,29(3):191-195.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2017.03.28.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

为了更好地发挥遥感技术在我国西部艰险复杂地区地质找矿工作中的作用,利用World View2,Quick Bird,IKONOS,ASTER和ETM+等多元遥感数据,采取去相关、比值计算、主成分分析和图像融合等图像处理方法,在西昆仑成矿带黑恰达坂一带开展了1∶50 000遥感地质解译和遥感异常提取研究,对黑恰达坂附近的菱铁赤铁矿矿化带分布情况进行了调查,并通过野外验证快速圈定了温泉沟群的含铁层位。该矿化带赋存在下志留统温泉沟群,延伸长约120 km,其西北部被岩体侵蚀,东南部被喀拉塔格断裂截切,具有层位稳定、沿走向倾向连续性好、规模大的特征,是开展矿产资源调查工作的有利地区。调查结果表明,遥感技术已经成为地质矿产调查工作不可或缺的手段之一,必将在地质找矿工作中发挥重要作用,加速区域找矿突破进程。

Yang J Z, Chen W, Wang H , et al.

Delineation of iron formation in Wenquangou Group along Heiqia Pass in West Kunlun metallogenic belt

[J]. Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 2017,29(3):191-195.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2017.03.28.

[本文引用: 1]

张玉君, 曾朝铭, 陈薇 .


[J]. 国土资源遥感, 2003,15(2):44-49.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2003.02.11.

URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 2]


Zhang Y J, Zeng Z M, Chen W .

The methods for extraction of alteration anomalies from the ETM+(TM) data and their application:Method selection and technological flow chart

[J]. Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 2003,15(2):44-49.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2003.02.11.

Magsci     [本文引用: 2]

张楠楠, 周可法, 陈曦 , .


[J]. 国土资源遥感, 2012,24(2):34-40.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2012.02.07.

URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

为从微观到宏观了解、掌握和运用围岩蚀变的特征与原岩特征,寻找大型矿床或大型矿集区,在总结常用遥感蚀变信息提取模型的基础上,结合主成分分析(PCA)和支持向量机(SVM)算法,建立了基于"掩模处理-主成分分析-支持向量机(MASK-PCA-SVM,MPS)"的遥感蚀变信息提取模型。在新疆哈图地区进行的基于ETM<sup>+</sup>的不同蚀变信息提取模型应用对比研究表明,使用常用模型提取出的蚀变信息和矿点吻合效果较差,而基于MPS模型提取出的蚀变信息与已知矿点的吻合率可达86.51%; 结合地质专家知识、地质图和一个已知异常点的分析结果表明,基于MPS模型的蚀变信息提取精度较高,在研究区地质应用中效果较好,为今后该区的遥感蚀变信息提取工作提供了一种新思路。

Zhang N N, Zhou K F, Chen X , et al.

A comparative study of extraction methods for alteration information based on ETM+

[J]. Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 2012,24(2):34-40.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2012.02.07.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

张志军, 甘甫平, 李贤庆 , .


[J]. 国土资源遥感, 2012,24(2):85-91.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2012.02.16.

URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

在分析哈密黄山铜镍矿区典型地物波谱特征的基础上,设计了基于ASTER数据的蚀变信息提取流程,详细论述了对4组含不同离子或基团的常见蚀变矿物应用主成分分析(PCA)进行蚀变信息提取、采用光谱角制图法(spectral angle mapper,SAM)进行干扰异常筛选的"SAM去干扰异常主分量门限技术"。4组(9种)蚀变矿物包括: 含Fe离子的矿物(针铁矿、赤铁矿)、含CO<sub>3</sub><sup>2-</sup>基团的矿物(方解石、白云石)、含Al-OH基团的矿物(白云母、蒙脱石、高岭石)以及含Mg-OH基团的矿物(绿泥石、绿帘石)。蚀变矿物信息提取结果表明,"SAM去干扰异常主分量门限技术"方法可行,对ASTER数据的应用效果与实际情况比较吻合,充分证明ASTER在短波红外范围内具有很强的矿物刻画能力。

Zhang Z J, Gan F P, Li X Q , et al.

The extraction of altered mineral information based on ASTER data:A case study of the Huangshan copper-nickel ore district in Hami

[J]. Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 2012,24(2):85-91.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2012.02.16.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

范素英 .


[J]. 国土资源遥感, 2017,29(2):125-131.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2017.02.18.

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Application of analytic hierarchy process method to ore-prospecting prognosis in northern Hebei

[J]. Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 2017,29(2):125-131.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2017.02.18.

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陈柏林, 杨农, 吴淦国 , .


[J]. 矿床地质, 2002,21(2):149-158.

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通过研究不同层次的韧性剪切带与金矿化的关系及含金裂隙类型 ,结合地质地球化学和磁组构分析 ,探讨了韧性剪切带对金矿化的控制作用。认为韧性剪切带的控矿作用表现为在区域上控制金矿床 (点 )的分布 ,在矿床范围内 ,它既是唯一的赋 (含 )矿构造 ,也控制着矿化带和矿体的形态、产状、规模和分布 ,在矿床成因上决定了金矿化以蚀变糜棱岩型为主 ,同时韧性剪切变形及其形成的动力变质热液是金矿成矿流体的来源之一。

Chen B L, Yang N, Wu G G , et al.

Analysis of ore-controlling structure in ductile shear zone type gold deposits in southern Beishan Area,Gansu Province

[J]. Mineral Deposits, 2002,21(2):149-158.

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[J]. 地质力学学报, 2007,13(2):99-109.

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Chen B L, Wu G G, Yang N , et al.

Baidunzi-Xiaoxugong ductile shear zone and its ore-controlling effect in the southern Beishan Area, Gansu

[J]. Journal of Geomechanics, 2007,13(2):99-109.

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Geological characteristics of ductile shearing zone type Au deposits and ore-seaching direction in the south belt, Beishan Region,Gansu Province

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ASTER Mineral Index Processing Manual[R].Remote Sensing Applications

Geoscience Australia, 2004.

Lowell J D, Guilbert J M .

Lateral and vertical alteration-mineralization zoning in porphyry ore deposits

[J]. Economic Geology, 1970,65(4):373-408.

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Mars J C, Rowan L C .

Regional mapping of phyllic-and argillic-altered rocks in the Zagros magmatic arc,Iran,using advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) data and logical operator algorithms

[J]. Geosphere, 2006,2(3):161-186.

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Zhang T B, Yi G H, Li H M , et al.

Integrating data of ASTER and Landsat-8 OLI (AO) for hydrothermal alteration mineral mapping in Duolong porphyry Cu-Au deposit,Tibetan Plateau,China

[J]. Remote Sensing, 2016,8(11):890.

DOI:10.3390/rs8110890      URL     [本文引用: 1]

One of the most important characteristics of porphyry copper deposits (PCDs) is the type and distribution pattern of alteration zones which can be used for screening and recognizing these deposits. Hydrothermal alteration minerals with diagnostic spectral absorption properties in the visible and near-infrared (VNIR) through the shortwave infrared (SWIR) regions can be identified by multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing data. Six Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) bands in SWIR have been shown to be effective in the mapping of Al-OH, Fe-OH, Mg-OH group minerals. The five VNIR bands of Landsat-8 (L8) Operational Land Imager (OLI) are useful for discriminating ferric iron alteration minerals. In the absence of complete hyperspectral coverage area, an opportunity, however, exists to integrate ASTER and L8-OLI (AO) to compensate each other shortcomings in covering area for mineral mapping. This study examines the potential of AO data in mineral mapping in an arid area of the Duolong porphyry Cu-Au deposit(Tibetan Plateau in China) by using spectral analysis techniques. Results show the following conclusions: (1) Combination of ASTER and L8-OLI data (AO) has more mineral information content than either alone; (2) The Duolong PCD alteration zones of phyllic, argillic and propylitic zones are mapped using ASTER SWIR bands and the iron-bearing mineral information is best mapped using AO VNIR bands; (3) The multispectral integration data of AO can provide a compensatory data of ASTER VNIR bands for iron-bearing mineral mapping in the arid and semi-arid areas.

王辉, 范玉海, 张少鹏 , .


[J]. 中国地质调查, 2016,3(5):13-20.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

为了在西昆仑地区圈定黑恰铁多金属矿化带,主要运用高分遥感解译和矿化遥感异常信息增强与提取技术,配合适量的野外调查验证及采样测试工作,建立遥感综合找矿模型,为后续区域地质矿产工作规划部署和矿产勘查提供依据。调查结果表明,在黑恰一带圈定了1条找矿潜力巨大的含铜铅锌的菱铁-赤铁矿化带,延伸长度约60 km,宽度200~500 m。矿化带内含多个铁多金属矿化体。矿化体位于温泉沟群d段偏顶部碎屑岩向碳酸盐岩的过渡部位,呈层状、似层状、透镜状产出,产状一般为40°~50°∠68°~81°,与区域地层产状一致。单矿化体长度数百~9 500余m,地表出露厚度2~50 m,一般厚约15 m。地表矿石矿物以赤铁矿和褐铁矿为主,次为镜铁矿,含少量菱铁矿。铁矿化体顶板碎裂化的碳酸盐岩中普遍见Pb-Zn-Cu矿化,部分铁矿化体上部也可见Pb-Zn(少量Cu)矿化。高分遥感技术在西昆仑地区矿产地质综合调查中作用显著,可为实现找矿工作的快速突破创造条件,并为高分遥感技术在相同或类似地区开展找矿工作提供依据和借鉴。

Wang H, Fan Y H, Zhang S P , et al.

Delineation of Heiqia iron polymetallic mineralization zone in West Kunlun Region using high resolution remote sensing technology

[J]. Geological Survey of China, 2016,3(5):13-20.

[本文引用: 1]

易欢, 李健强, 韩海辉 , .


[J]. 中国地质调查, 2016,3(4):1-5.



Yi H, Li J Q, Han H H , et al.

Application of remote sensing in integrated survey on mineral exploration in Beketan,Altyn

[J]. Geological Survey of China, 2016,3(4):1-5.

杨金中, 王海庆, 陈微 .


[J]. 中国地质调查, 2016,3(5):7-12.


遥感技术是地质矿产调查工作不可或缺的手段之一。以高空间分辨率(World View-2、Quick Bird、IKONOS)和中等空间分辨率(ASTER、ETM+)卫星数据为遥感数据源,利用多元、多层次遥感技术,完成了西昆仑成矿带高分辨率遥感地质调查工作。制作了调查区1∶5万正射影像图,为遥感地质调查工作提供了既具有精确地理坐标,又能直观反映区域交通和地质灾害分布状况等信息的基础影像地图;通过遥感地质解译和遥感蚀变异常信息提取,结合野外验证,基本查明了调查区区域(含矿/成矿)地质体、(含矿/成矿)地质构造的展布特征和遥感矿化蚀变异常信息的分布情况;在典型矿床找矿模型、区域成矿分区、区域成矿/控矿要素分布特征等研究工作的基础上,开展了遥感找矿预测,并对部分遥感找矿预测区进行了野外验证和简易工程查证。本次调查共为调查区推荐3 349处遥感蚀变异常区,圈定146个找矿预测区,推荐16个区调/矿调工作优先部署区和30个一般部署区,充分发挥了遥感技术在区域矿产地质调查工作中的先行作用。

Yang J Z, Wang H Q, Chen W .

Main progress and achievements of high spacial resolution remote sensing survey on west Kunlun metallorgenic belt

[J]. Geological Survey of China, 2016,3(5):7-12.

闫柏琨, 董新丰, 王喆 , .


[J]. 中国地质调查, 2016,3(4):55-62.



Yan B K, Dong X F, Wang Z , et al.

Mineral information extraction technology by airborne hyperspectral remote sensing and its application progress:An example of mineralization belts of western China

[J]. Geological Survey of China, 2016,3(4):55-62.


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