程滔, 李广泳, 毕凯

Research on the geospatial correction method of water extracting products considering the characteristics of time points
Tao CHENG, Guangyong LI, Kai BI
表1 水体成果修正各项指标统计结果
Tab.1 Statistical results of various indicators for correction of water land cover product
指标 符号及公式 指标数值
地理国情普查结果水体面积/km2 S1 11.91
基于Landsat 8提取结果水体面积/km2 S2 9.92
区域生长结果水体面积/km2 S3 9.77
修正量/km2 S3-S1 -2.14
精度优化面积/km2 S3-S2 -0.15
修正比例/% (S3-S1)/S1 17.97
精度优化率/% (S3-S2)/S2 1.51