国土资源遥感, 2021, 33(2): 1-10 doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2020189


Google Earth Engine在土地覆被遥感信息提取中的研究进展

牟晓莉,1,2, 李贺,1, 黄翀1, 刘庆生1, 刘高焕1

1.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,北京 100101

2.中国地质大学(北京)地球科学与资源学院,北京 100083

Application progress of Google Earth Engine in land use and land cover remote sensing information extraction

MOU Xiaoli,1,2, LI He,1, HUANG Chong1, LIU Qingsheng1, LIU Gaohuan1

1. State Key Laboratory of Resource and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China

2. School of Earth Science and Resources, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China

通讯作者: 李贺(1987-),男,博士,助理研究员,主要从事资源环境遥感研究。Email:lih@lreis.ac.cn

责任编辑: 张仙

收稿日期: 2020-06-29   修回日期: 2020-08-23   网络出版日期: 2021-06-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“集合四维变分同化叶面积指数和蒸散发的区域冬小麦产量估测”.  41801353
国家重点研发计划科技基础资源调查专项“红树林资源遥感监测与评估”.  2017FY100706
国家重点研发计划“固废资源化”重点专项“张家港市固废园区化协同处置技术开发与集成示范”.  2018YFC1903000

Received: 2020-06-29   Revised: 2020-08-23   Online: 2021-06-15

作者简介 About authors

牟晓莉(1996-),女,硕士研究生,主要从事资源环境遥感研究。Email: 2804747677@qq.com


谷歌地球引擎(Google Earth Engine,GEE)是一个面向全球尺度的地理空间分析平台,充分集成了Google Earth海量的地理和遥感数据资源以及Google的强大云端计算能力,为地球系统科学、特别是其重要组成部分的土地覆被遥感信息提取研究提供了一种有效便捷的方式。围绕GEE和土地覆被遥感信息提取相关的关键词,查阅了Web of Science和知网在2011—2019年间国内外发表的所有相关论文,在统计文献发表时间、研究领域、研究区、所属机构和发表期刊等信息的基础上,系统梳理了GEE在土地覆被领域的研究应用趋势,重点就大区域制图和多时相变化监测两方面,详细阐述了GEE的应用发展潜力,为进一步认识和使用GEE提供了科学参考。

关键词: 云计算 ; Google Earth Engine ; 遥感 ; 土地覆被 ; 信息提取


Google Earth Engine is a cloud-based, global-scale geospatial analysis platform that makes full use of Google Earth’s rich data resources and cloud computing power to store and process petabyte-level data, being an effective and convenient tool for remote sensing research. Based on the introduction of Google Earth Engine system architecture, the authors firstly sorted out the research fields of Google Earth Engine. 291 related articles on CNKI and Web of Science published from 2011 to 2019 were analyzed, and some results were concluded such as publication time, research field, research area, the first author’s institution and journal of the article. Then the authors analyzed Google Earth Engine’s application and research trends of land use and land cover. The authors found that Google Earth Engine is widely used in the field of land cover remote sensing information extraction and has advantages in global or large-scale study. Based on the advantages of Google Earth Engine in remote sensing information extraction, the authors divided the study fields into agricultural remote sensing mapping, vegetation extent mapping and dynamic monitoring, building extraction, hydrological information extraction and land cover classification mapping. The research and application progress of Google Earth Engine was elaborated from two aspects: large-area mapping and multi-temporal dynamic monitoring. Finally, the authors discussed the Google Earth Engine’s problems and the development potential in land use and land cover. This paper is intended to serve as a basis for further understanding the advantages, application status, trends and potential of Google Earth Engine as well as for further understanding and using Google Earth Engine in the future.

Keywords: cloud computing ; Google Earth Engine ; remote sensing ; land cover ; information extraction

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牟晓莉, 李贺, 黄翀, 刘庆生, 刘高焕. Google Earth Engine在土地覆被遥感信息提取中的研究进展. 国土资源遥感[J], 2021, 33(2): 1-10 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2020189

MOU Xiaoli, LI He, HUANG Chong, LIU Qingsheng, LIU Gaohuan. Application progress of Google Earth Engine in land use and land cover remote sensing information extraction. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES[J], 2021, 33(2): 1-10 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2020189

0 引言


随着卫星技术的迅速发展,对地观测卫星数量快速增加,卫星遥感数据量急剧膨胀,遥感数据已具备明显的大数据特征: 遥感数据的空间分辨率不断提高,由过去的百米、千米级分辨率逐步提高到现在的亚米级[2]; 卫星重访周期不断缩短,从过去几十天一次提高到现在的几天、甚至一天内多次重访的程度。随着遥感数据分辨率的提高,人们按照特定的准则,将一定时间间隔内记录的大量影像组合起来,有效利用多时相影像和无缝隙填充技术,增强数据的可用性,使其更加精确地表征目标地物的物候信息,量化跨季节和生长季节的变化特征,提高土地覆被遥感信息提取的精度[3]。这需要面临海量数据存储、高性能处理与分析、跨多平台分发的巨大挑战。

为应对这一挑战,谷歌地球引擎(Google Earth Engine,GEE)遥感大数据处理与分析云平台应运而生,它包括了多源遥感数据的归档、管理、查询、可视化、下载、预处理和数据转换,并利用接口编程构建数据模型和后处理[4]。GEE提供了丰富和及时的多源遥感数据库,可以访问高度并行化的多种算法。云计算能力使得能够在云平台中将PB级的遥感图像数据与其他矢量数据相结合,并且无须在办公室计算机上存储、处理和分析,为大区域多时相土地覆被遥感制图提供了崭新的方向。

2013年,GEE开始应用于地球科学领域,Hensen等[5]利用2000—2012年Landsat数据集共计654 178景,采用决策树方法,在GEE平台对全球森林范围和动态变化进行识别与监测。目前,利用GEE平台已开展了大量科学研究,涵盖全球森林变化[5]、全球土地覆被图[6]、农作物种植提取[7]、建筑用地提取[8]、种植园扩张[9]、地表水体变化[10]、全球土壤制图[11]、灾害评估[12]、全球过火面积制图[13]等多个方面。同时,GEE还被直接或间接用于某些定量研究,如林地凋零物和土壤碳含量的空间模拟[14]、全球生物量评估[15]、全球蒸散和总初级生产量估算[16]等。

目前,GEE的应用领域越来越广,尤其在土地覆被信息提取中的应用最为突出,但至今尚缺少对此研究领域的系统梳理。因此,为便于相关学者能够更加全面了解和利用GEE为研究目的,本文首先简单介绍了GEE平台结构和优势; 然后,对2011—2019年间各学科GEE应用相关文献系统梳理,重点介绍了GEE在土地覆被的应用进展,讨论了GEE的应用优势和研究趋势; 最后,剖析了GEE在土地覆被制图应用中存在的问题,并对GEE的未来趋势进行展望。

1 GEE介绍

1.1 总体框架

2011年GEE云处理平台出现,它是由Google云计算驱动的一个提供全球尺度地理空间信息数据及数据处理服务的平台,包括Borg集群管理系统、Bigtable和Spanner分布式数据库、Colossus以及用于执行并行管理的Flume Java框架4个部分(图1)。GEE将原始影像分割成图块,利用金字塔的方式存储,快速高效地调用数据,分块处理并行计算,节省时间避免冗余计算。在大数据时代背景下,GEE利用云端优势进行数据查询获取、处理分发与计算分析,性能稳定,而且还可以快速、并行地处理海量数据资源,不受时间与地域限制[17]。2013年,GEE开始应用于各项科学研究,凭借其强大的数据存储、处理和共享功能,逐渐得到广泛应用[18]。Google将海量数据存入服务器中,GEE具有免费使用海量服务器的运算能力。由Google云端基础框架支持, GEE的运算能力可对海量全球范围的地球科学数据进行在线可视化计算分析处理。具体来讲, GEE云平台不仅将海量的遥感影像数据集和地理空间数据集整合起来, 而且具备强大的全球尺度运算处理能力, 这使得科学家、研究者以及开发人员更为方便地进行识别、监测以及量化地表变化与差异[18]


图1   Google Earth Engine系统架构图

Fig.1   System architecture diagram of Google Earth Engine



图2   Google Earth Engine 代码编辑界面

Fig.2   Code editor of Google Earth Engine

1.2 数据集

GEE是一个存储和分发PB级数据集的云处理平台。自2008年Landsat添加到Google开始,不断有新的数据集成进来,特别是随着Sentinel系列和MODIS系列等数据集的加入,极大地丰富和扩展了Google云端数据资源及其应用领域。除了覆盖近40 a的全球卫星影像资源外,GEE云端包括了大量的矢量、社会、人口统计、数字高程模型以及天气和气候数据等各个学科的科学数据集,还包含如归一化植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)时间序列数据集、美国地质调查局(United States Geological Survey,USGS)大区域土地覆被数据集等产品成果。

GEE的公共数据目包含PB级的地理空间数据集,这些数据集每天不断更新免费提供给用户。相同传感器的所有卫星影像以集合的形式存储,快速过滤和排序功能便于进行数据检索和分析,用户可以快速获取数据。大部分数据已预处理,用户直接从GEE云平台中下载数据,减少了数据预处理时间,如Bascietto等[19]直接下载预处理后MODIS 地表温度(land surface temperature,LST)产品和由反射率数据计算得到的MODIS 增强型植被指数(enhanced vegetation index,EVI)时间序列数据研究连续多年春末霜冻对植被生长的影响。同时,用户也可以在GEE上对海量数据进行快速初步计算分析,Araujo等[20]通过在GEE上计算水体指数用来建立疾病空间模型,很大程度上减少了工作量。


2 GEE在土地覆被中的应用

本文查阅了知网和Web of Science上涉及“GEE”的相关文献资源,统计了各文献发表期刊、发表时间、研究区、第一作者所属机构(如果作者提供多个地址以第一个地址为准)的国家、研究内容及其数据源,以探讨GEE的研究应用发展与潜力。文献的发表时间为2011—2019年,共291篇,其中中文文献22篇,发表最多的期刊是Remote Sensing,其次为Remote Sensing of Environment。

近90%的研究使用了遥感数据集,如表1,目前应用最广泛的遥感影像集是USGS和国家航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Adminisstrration,NASA)的Landsat系列数据,其次为欧空局的Sentinel系列和NASA陆地过程分布式数据档案中心(The Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center,LP DAAC/NASA)的MODIS系列。初期研究仅以光学数据为主,随着Sentinel-1的问世,开始出现合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture Radar,SAR)数据以及光学数据与雷达数据结合使用。随着研究的深入,研究不再局限于GEE提供的数据,开始上传更高分辨率数据和数据集,并在GEE中进行后续分析。

表1   Google Earth Engine常用数据集

Tab.1  Common datasets in Google Earth Engine

LandsatLandsat4—8 表面反射率30161984至今USGS/NASA177
Landsat 4 TM30161982.08.22—1993.
Landsat 5 TM30161984.01.01—2012.
Landsat 7 ETM30161999.01.01至今
Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS30162013.04.11至今
SentinelSentinel-1 SAR GRD10332014.10.04至今欧洲联盟/欧洲空间局/哥白尼计划58
Sentinel-2 MSI10,20,6052015.06.23至今
Sentinel-3 OLCI EFR30022016.10.18至今
MODISMODIS(Aqua和Terra)250,500,1 00012000.02.24至今LP DAAC/NASA38
MOD13 植被指数250,500162000.02.25至今
ASTERASTER15,30,9052000.03.04至今LP DAAC/NASA7
SRTMDEM 30302000.02.11—2000.
NASA/USGS/Jet Propulsion Laboratory-加州理工11
DMSPDMSP OLS1 0001992.01.01—2014.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration5
EO-1EO-2 Hyperion302001至今2

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图3   Google Earth Engine 发展历程时间轴

Fig.3   Timeline of Google Earth Engine


2.1 农业遥感制图

准确的作物面积和动态变化对大尺度农业遥感监测和可持续农业土地管理具有重要意义。2015年,Lemoine等[22]提出了可以利用GEE及其共享遥感数据对全球的作物面积和状态进行监测的设想。水稻占全球耕地面积的12%,是世界最主要的农作物之一。特别是在亚洲的东北部分,水稻种植迅速发展,Dong等[23]利用2014年3 290幅Landsat8影像,采用改进的基于物候和像素的水稻制图(phenology and pixel-based paddy rice mapping,PPPM)算法,在GEE云平台绘制了东北亚地区的水稻分布图,整个过程全部在GEE中完成,精度验证的生产者和用户精度分别达到73%和92%,表明GEE可以在大区域作物管理方面发挥功效。

Lobell等[24]以美国中西部的玉米和大豆田为研究区,在GEE平台对2008—2013年所有Landsat TM/ETM+数据进行快速预处理、云掩模和计算叶绿素植被指数(green chlorophyll vegetation index,GCVI),利用农业生产系统模拟器作物模型训练农作物产量和GCVI的回归关系,提出一个估计作物产量而不需要地面校准数据的可扩展的卫星作物产量制图新方法,这对大尺度农业监测和可持续农业土地管理具有重要意义; Aneece等[25]以美国7个农业生态区为研究区,利用2008—2015年99幅EO-1 Hyperion高光谱影像,采用线性判别分析和支持向量机方法,根据30个最优光谱波段来对作物类型和生长阶段进行了分类,研究推动了基于Hyperion数据的全球农作物高光谱成像光谱库的建立,对于全球农作物分类和生长阶段识别具有重要意义。

本文查阅到的迄今为止发表的GEE农业遥感制图相关文献52篇,最常用数据源为Landsat,主要研究方向为基于机器学习和物候信息的作物提取和作物类型分类。随着研究的深入,作物识别向着高分辨率的小农田块尺度发展。前人通过两个方面提高制图精度: ①结合Landsat数据和Sentinel-1雷达数据生成10 m分辨率的水稻耕作范围产品[26],光学数据和雷达数据相结合,可以显著提高分类的准确性,尤其是多时相分析,SAR数据可以提供整个生长季节的影像,并消除雨季的云层覆盖; ②利用高分辨率影像(Sentinel-2或WorldView数据)提取小农灌溉农田[27,28]。为了提高作物产量估算的准确性,人们通过改善作物模型来提高产量估算的精度[29]。而农作物生长阶段分类的应用仍有待继续研究。

2.2 植被识别与监测


植物物候是植物应对节候的周期性变化,一定程度可以反映植物的生长状况和生产力,也是利用时间序列识别植物的重要依据。Workie等[32]以塞尔比亚所有生态区为研究对象,利用MODIS NDVI产品、MODIS地表温度数据以及2002—2015年14 a间的降水数据,在GEE云平台中为每个生态区生成各数据的时间序列产品,傅里叶平滑噪声,使用多元回归分析降水量和温度与NDVI的关系,利用NDVI的年际变化构建的植物物候,得到了气候变化对生态区内植被物候的影响。红树林是最具生物生产力的生态系统之一,对保护海岸线具有重要意义。Shrestha等[33]利用MODIS、Landsat和Sentinel-1数据对印度第二大红树林生态系统——Bhitarkanika野生动物保护区进行大区域多时相监测,采用叶绿素、叶面积指数和总初级生产力3个参数对红树林健康进行评估,得出该区域红树林呈现衰退趋势,为保护和恢复红树林生态系统提供依据。


2.3 建筑用地提取及城市化

城市化是目前全世界的趋势,城市化的程度可以反映该地区的发展速度和程度,将光学影像和夜间灯光DMSP-OLS数据相结合提取建筑用地逐渐成为热点。Goldblatt等[39]以印度、墨西哥和美国为研究区,利用Landsat和DMSP-OLS数据,通过将研究区划分为统一的六边形格网来减少如土地组成、土壤、植被等非均匀分布的参数影响,计算了Landsat各波段中值和6个光谱参数作为随机森林分类器参数,利用Otsu算法确定区分DMSP-OLS数据建筑用地和非建筑用地的阈值,在GEE平台刻画出研究区的城市界限,在植被覆盖地区效果较好,这对利用GEE平台高精度提取城市用地具有重要意义。Liu等[40]利用1990—2010年所有可用的Landsat数据,提出了基于归一化城市用地复合指数(normalized urban areas composite index,NUACI),在GEE平台得到了以5 a为间隔的全球多时相城市土地图,研究实现了利用GEE平台进行全球尺度的全球城市用地动态监测。

城市化使得建筑表面代替了地表植被,减少了蒸发冷却,改变了地表能量收支,城市蓄热增加,城市与周围非城市区域出现地表温度差,即地表城市热岛(surface urban heat island,SUHI)。Parastatidis等[41]通过GEE 直接访问庞大卫星图像目录及其行星尺度分析功能,开发了不需要任何预处理或安装软件的Web应用程序,采用SC算法处理Landsat的热红外观测值,估算出从1984年至今的全球地表温度产品; Chakraborty等[42]以全球9 500个城市为研究区,利用MODIS数据,采用SUE算法,在GEE中表征了全球的SUHI强度,并估计每个气候区的日、月、季SUHI模式,探讨各因素对SUHI的影响,并发现地表植被对SUHI季节性变化具有较强的控制作用。

气候引擎(climate engine,CE)是一个GEE提供支持的第三方Web应用程序,能够处理、可视化、下载和共享多个实时的全球和区域性的气候和遥感数据集及产品。Ravanelli等[43]选取美国6个大都市(亚特兰大、波斯顿、芝加哥、休斯顿、菲尼克斯和旧金山)为研究区,利用从1992—2011年间采集的6 000多景Landsat图像,在GEE平台结合CE工具提取地表温度,对SUHI变化以及SUHI与地表覆盖之间关系进行了长期而大区域的时空研究,也验证了全球SUHI变化监测的可行性。

本文查阅到的迄今为止已发表的GEE建筑用地提取及城市化相关文献32篇,目前主要研究内容是建筑用地的提取和变化监测,在2018年出现城市生态系统相关研究。Huang等[44]在GEE中基于Landsat数据生成了中国262个城市的土地覆被图,将城市绿地景观结构和城市形态指标分别作为响应变量和预测变量,利用改进的回归树分析方法来确定城市形态对绿地景观结构的影响。为了确定城市景观为居民带来的健康效益,Huang等[45]又在GEE中使用10 823幅Landsat图像和随机森林分类器,绘制了全球28个特大城市的地表覆盖图,通过城市绿地可用性和可达性两个指标评估了2005—2015年城市绿地健康效益的规模和时空变化情况。

2.4 水文信息提取

伴随工业化和现代化,水资源面临着严重的短缺和污染的危险,水资源的遥感提取和监测对于水资源的保护和合理利用具有重要意义。Busker等[46]以全球137个湖泊和水库容量为研究对象,利用Joint Research Centre的全球地表水分布数据集和卫星测高数据库(Database for Hydrological Time Series over Inland Waters,DAHITI),应用GEE云平台动态监测了1984—2015年间水库和湖泊容量变化。



水蒸发是水循环的一个重要环节,水库蒸发量过大会影响饮用水和灌溉的供应,大大减少水库储水的作用。Zhang等[50]对得克萨斯州200个水库进行了研究,利用Landsat影像,在GEE平台上大空间和时间尺度地估算了水库32 a间水面蒸发量,研究对维持水库周围生态平衡和保障河口渔业生产具有重要意义。


2.5 土地覆被分类制图

分析土地覆被类型及其动态监测是土地管理的重要方法,也是环境监测的重要方法。北京作为政治文化中心,随着经济快速发展,土地覆盖类型发生了明显变化。Huang等[54]利用30 a的Landsat 5,7,8影像数据,利用NDVI的轨迹表征北京市土地覆盖变化,在GEE云计算平台得到了2015年北京土地覆被分类图,得出30 a间北京土地覆被动态变化及其空间格局。伴随卫星和图像处理水平的不断进步,对高精度的区域/全球覆盖需求不断迫切; 宫鹏等[6]依据“有限全球样本稳定地表覆盖分类”理论,指出了全球训练样本迁移到其他年份或不同传感器获取的遥感数据对最少样本数量和误差限度的要求。按照这一理论,将2015年的30 m分辨率的训练样本转移至2017年10 m分辨率的Sentinel影像中得到10 m分辨率的全球土地覆被图FROM-GLC10(如图4所示)。迄今为止,已发表GEE土地覆被分类制图相关文献39篇,研究内容是土地覆被和土地覆被变化。目前研究常用数据源仍是Landsat影像,随着影像获取技术和处理技术的进步,分类产品也向着更加精细的时间和空间分辨率的全球尺度发展。


图4   10 m空间分辨率的全球土地覆被产品(FROM-GLC10)

Fig.4   Global land cover products(FROM-GLC10) with 10 m spatial resolution

3 总结与展望


GEE扩展了处理和分析海量数据的潜力,基本解决了大数据海量性、高速性、多样性和易变性带来的挑战。一方面,95%以上的GEE相关研究使用了多时相数据提高了数据的可用性,通过强大的机器学习算法提高了数据挖掘的潜力; 另一方面,GEE作为存储、共享和处理地理大数据的云平台,提供了具有不同空间、光谱和时间分辨率的即用型产品和遥感图像,符合遥感大数据处理的外在要求。

3.1 存在的问题





3.2 展望




3)伴随着GEE的不断发展,土地覆被研究精度更加精确。GEE中存储了完整的、不断更新的预处理Sentinel系列数据,使得全球尺度的高时间分辨率土地覆被产品得以高效开发。同时研究也不仅仅局限于GEE本身的数据库与函数库,而是与第三方应用相结合,如评估土地利用变化的Collect Earth,使GEE的应用更加全面、精确和实时。

4)虽然深度学习分类器在GEE中并未得到直接支持,但正在进行的整合深度学习技术和研究,也可以促进轻松访问其他可扩展的基础框架,如Google Compute Engine和BigQuery[55]



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Quantification of global forest change has been lacking despite the recognized importance of forest ecosystem services. In this study, Earth observation satellite data were used to map global forest loss (2.3 million square kilometers) and gain (0.8 million square kilometers) from 2000 to 2012 at a spatial resolution of 30 meters. The tropics were the only climate domain to exhibit a trend, with forest loss increasing by 2101 square kilometers per year. Brazil's well-documented reduction in deforestation was offset by increasing forest loss in Indonesia, Malaysia, Paraguay, Bolivia, Zambia, Angola, and elsewhere. Intensive forestry practiced within subtropical forests resulted in the highest rates of forest change globally. Boreal forest loss due largely to fire and forestry was second to that in the tropics in absolute and proportional terms. These results depict a globally consistent and locally relevant record of forest change.

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Weather extremes and extreme climate events, like late spring frosts, are expected to increase in frequency and duration during the next decades. Although spring phenology of European beech is well adapted to escape freeze damages on longer time scales, the effects of occasional late spring frosts (LSF) are among the main climatic damages to these forests to such an extent that they limit beech distribution and elevation range, especially at its southern margin. The aim of this work was to evaluate the short-term effects of two consecutive LSF events occurred in 2016 and 2017 in Italy on the beech forest vegetation activity. Remotely sensed land surface temperature (LST) data were used to detect the pixels where LSF occurred, while enhanced vegetation index (EVI) data were used to quantify LSF effects by computing a spring vegetation activity anomaly index (sAI). In 2016 and 2017, the LSF covered, respectively, about 29% and 32% of the total Italian beech-dominated area. The two LSF widely differed in their spatial patterns and their effects. In 2016, the pixels belonging to the sAI classes with the highest spring anomalies were also those where prolonged LSF occur, while, in 2017, the pixels belonging to the highest sAI classes were those that underwent the shorter (but probably more intense) LSF events. Under scenarios of increased frequency risk of repeated LSF, the proposed methodology may represent an automatic and low-cost tool both for monitoring and predicting European beech growth patterns.

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Leveraging the Google Earth Engine for drought assessment using global soil moisture data

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Accuracies achieved in classifying five leading world crop types and their growth stages using Optimal Earth Observing-1 Hyperion hyperspectral narrowbands on Google Earth Engine

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Mapping up-to-date paddy rice extent at 10 m resolution in China through the integration of optical and synthetic aperture Radar images

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Spatio-temporal patterns of smallholder irrigated agriculture in the horn of Africa using GEOBIA and Sentinel-2 imagery

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Mapping plantations in Myanmar by fusing Landsat-8,Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 data along with systematic error quantification

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Mapping vegetation and land use types in Fanjingshan national nature reserve using Google Earth Engine

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Assessing pasture degradation in the Brazilian cerrado based on the analysis of MODIS NDVI time-series

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Cao B, Domke G M, Russell M B, et al.

Spatial modeling of litter and soil carbon stocks on forest land in the conterminous United States

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High-resolution multi-temporal mapping of global urban land using Landsat images based on the Google Earth Engine platform

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A simplified urban-extent algorithm to characterize surface urban heat islands on a global scale and examine vegetation control on their spatiotemporal variability

[J]. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2018, 74:269-280.

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Monitoring the impact of land cover change on surface urban heat island through Google Earth Engine:Proposal of a global methodology,first applications and problems

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Assessing impacts of urban form on landscape structure of urban green spaces in China using Landsat images based on Google Earth Engine

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Green spaces as an indicator of urban health:Evaluating its changes in 28 mega-cities

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A global lake and reservoir volume analysis using a surface water dataset and satellite altimetry

[J]. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2019, 23(2):669-690.

DOI:10.5194/hess-23-669-2019      [本文引用: 2]

Lakes and reservoirs are crucial elements of the hydrological and biochemical cycle and are a valuable resource for hydropower, domestic and industrial water use, and irrigation. Although their monitoring is crucial in times of increased pressure on water resources by both climate change and human interventions, publically available datasets of lake and reservoir levels and volumes are scarce. Within this study, a time series of variation in lake and reservoir volume between 1984 and 2015 were analysed for 137 lakes over all continents by combining the JRC Global Surface Water (GSW) dataset and the satellite altimetry database DAHITI. The GSW dataset is a highly accurate surface water dataset at 30 m resolution compromising the whole L1T Landsat 5, 7 and 8 archive, which allowed for detailed lake area calculations globally over a very long time period using Google Earth Engine. Therefore, the estimates in water volume fluctuations using the GSW dataset are expected to improve compared to current techniques as they are not constrained by complex and computationally intensive classification procedures. Lake areas and water levels were combined in a regression to derive the hypsometry relationship (dh/dA) for all lakes. Nearly all lakes showed a linear regression, and 42% of the lakes showed a strong linear relationship with a R-2>0.8, an average R-2 of 0.91 and a standard deviation of 0.05. For these lakes and for lakes with a nearly constant lake area (coefficient of variation <0.008), volume variations were calculated. Lakes with a poor linear relationship were not considered. Reasons for low R-2 values were found to be (1) a nearly constant lake area, (2) winter ice coverage and (3) a predominant lack of data within the GSW dataset for those lakes. Lake volume estimates were validated for 18 lakes in the US, Spain, Australia and Africa using in situ volume time series, and gave an excellent Pearson correlation coefficient of on average 0.97 with a standard deviation of 0.041, and a normalized RMSE of 7.42%. These results show a high potential for measuring lake volume dynamics using a pre-classified GSW dataset, which easily allows the method to be scaled up to an extensive global volumetric dataset. This dataset will not only provide a historical lake and reservoir volume variation record, but will also help to improve our understanding of the behaviour of lakes and reservoirs and their representation in (large-scale) hydrological models.

Zhang M M, Chen F, Tian B S.

An automated method for glacial lake mapping in high mountain Asia using Landsat 8 imagery

[J]. Journal of Mountain Science, 2018, 15(1):13-24.

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Beaton A, Whaley R, Corston K, et al.

Identifying historic river ice breakup timing using MODIS and Google Earth Engine in support of operational flood monitoring in Northern Ontario

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2019, 224:352-364.

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River ice breakup and resulting flood risk is a nearly annual concern for communities along the five major rivers draining to the James and Hudson Bay Coasts in Ontario (Moose, Albany, Attawapiskat, Winisk and Severn Rivers). Ice breakup within this region has historically been monitored using flight reconnaissance supplemented by assessment of hydrometric data. More recently, remote sensed imagery have been used to monitor near real-time ice breakup and flood risk. However, the near real-time remotely sensed breakup information was found to have limited utility in the absence of a broader spatial and temporal understanding of breakup progression. The primary purpose of this study was to develop a method for generating a dataset of breakup dates. A secondary objective was to calculate statistics from this dataset that can be used to provide context to operational near real-time imagery analysis and improve understanding of ice processes in the study area. An automated method for detecting river ice breakup dates from 2000 to 2017 using MODIS imagery was developed. This method uses a threshold-based technique that aims to maximize river coverage and minimize effects of cloud obstruction. Image processing was completed in the high-performance Google Earth Engine application which enabled iterative classification and model calibration. The breakup date dataset was used to calculate statistics on breakup timing, duration, annual variability and breakup order. An assessment of patterns within these data is discussed, relationships between breakup timing, duration and highwater years is explored and the operational utility of these statistics is described. The classification compared well with Water Survey of Canada derived breakup dates with mean bias ranging from -2.0 days to 6.7 days and mean absolute error of 3.4 days to 6.9 days across the rivers. Latitude and distance upstream were found to be primary controls on breakup timing with drainage network configuration and reach morphology also having an influence. No relationships between highwater years and calculated breakup statistics were found. It is recommended that future studies use the dataset developed in this study in combination with hydrometric and remotely sensed data to improve prediction of highwater and understanding of breakup processes within these rivers.

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