自然资源遥感, 2021, 33(4): 121-129 doi: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2020399



李特雅,, 宋妍,, 于新莉, 周圆锈

中国地质大学(武汉)地理与信息工程学院,武汉 430000

Monthly production estimation model for steel companies based on inversion of satellite thermal infrared temperature

LI Teya,, SONG Yan,, YU Xinli, ZHOU Yuanxiu

School of Geography and Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences(Wuhan), Wuhan 430000, China

通讯作者: 宋 妍(1980-),女,博士,副教授,主要从事遥感算法及应用方面的研究。Email:songyan@cug.edu.cn

责任编辑: 李瑜

收稿日期: 2020-12-14   修回日期: 2021-03-30  

基金资助: 国防科工局民用“十三五”航天预先研究项目“星载高分辨率红外高光谱相机及应用技术”(D040104)

Received: 2020-12-14   Revised: 2021-03-30  

作者简介 About authors

李特雅(1996-),男,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为热红外遥感应用技术。Email: liteya@cug.edu.cn


钢铁业是国民经济发展中重要组成部分,掌握钢铁企业月产量有利于开展宏观调控及合理分配资源。以钢铁企业的月产量为研究对象,运用景观格局指数的理论和方法,利用卫星热红外遥感数据表面温度反演后的分级结果,结合厂房矢量数据来获取表面温度异常值和热力景观分布参数,以此提出并建立钢铁企业炼钢月产量估算模型。再结合华中和华北两个典型钢铁企业实际月产量数据,根据最小二乘拟合分别求估算模型,模型的决定系数(R2)大于0.9。分析后验差检验结果可知,该估算模型精度等级为二级; 且在95%的置信度下,实际产量值均落在估算值的置信区间内,综合反映本文提出的炼钢月产量估算模型精度较高。

关键词: 热红外遥感; 景观格局指数; 炼钢月产量估算模型; 后验方差检验


The iron and steel industry is a very important part in economic development. Obtaining the knowledge of the monthly production of steel companies is conducive to the macro control of the economy and the rational allocation of resources. In this paper, a monthly production estimation model for steel companies was proposed based on the grading results of the surface temperature obtained from the inversion of satellite thermal infrared data as well as the theory and method of landscape pattern indices. The surface temperature anomalous values and the thermal landscape distribution parameters of steel companies can be calculated according to the vector data of the spatial framework of steel companies. Based on this and the actual monthly production data of two typical steel companies in Central China and North China, the estimation model was established through the least-squares fitting, and the coefficient of determination (R2) of the model was greater than 0.9. According to the posterior variance test results, the accuracy of the estimation model proposed in this study is level 2. Meanwhile, the actual production values all fall within the 95% confidence interval of the estimation values. All these comprehensively reflect the monthly production model proposed in this paper are highly accurate.

Keywords: thermal infrared remote sensing; landscape pattern index; steelmaking monthly production estimation model; posterior variance test

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李特雅, 宋妍, 于新莉, 周圆锈. 卫星热红外温度反演钢铁企业炼钢月产量估算模型[J]. 自然资源遥感, 2021, 33(4): 121-129 doi:10.6046/zrzyyg.2020399

LI Teya, SONG Yan, YU Xinli, ZHOU Yuanxiu. Monthly production estimation model for steel companies based on inversion of satellite thermal infrared temperature[J]. Remote Sensing For Natural Resources, 2021, 33(4): 121-129 doi:10.6046/zrzyyg.2020399

0 引言

钢铁业是国民经济的基础,在工业化进程中起到不可替代的作用[1]。卫星热红外影像可以客观反映地表温度信息,已经广泛应用于城市热岛[2,3]、工业热污染[4]等热效应研究中。近年来,研究者提出运用卫星热红外数据中高温异常像素面积建立生产热辐射模型,来监测钢铁厂月度生产状态[5],初步证实了运用热红外遥感表面温度结果评价钢铁厂产能的可能性,为进一步建立实际产量的估算模型奠定了理论基础。但生产热辐射模型[5]只考虑高温像素面积,未考虑高温像素的分布情况及产生的原因,将所有高温像素纳入生产区面积中,可能对产量评价的结果产生影响。分析可知,钢铁厂区内高温像素分布模式反映生产情况不同。为此,本文提出基于热红外表面温度反演的钢铁企业炼钢月产量估算模型(steelmaking monthly production estimation model,SMPE),该模型结合景观指数[6]理论方法,依据卫星热红外表面温度反演结果和厂区矢量数据,分别得到炼钢生产表面温度异常值和热力景观分布参数,建立钢铁企业炼钢月产量估算模型。为提高精度,对表面温度分级结果中表面孤立温度区开展处理,去除噪声以保证模型的精度。最后,以华中地区某钢铁企业A及华北地区某钢铁企业B为研究对象开展钢铁企业炼钢月产量估算模型的验证。实验结果表明,本文构建的企业A估算模型的决定系数为0.903,后验差检验等级为二级; 企业B估算模型的决定系数为0.905,后验差检验等级为二级,模型拟合效果较好。


1 研究方法

首先基于资源三号卫星2.1 m空间分辨率全国无缝覆盖真彩色正射卫星影像库[7](ZY-3影像库)来获取钢铁企业炼钢厂区及厂房的矢量数据。在依据辐射传输方程法[8]对卫星热红外遥感数据进行表面温度反演之前,先将空间分辨率为30 m的Landsat数据与ZY-3影像库的影像进行空间配准,选取25对同名点,配准均方根误差为0.580 m; 根据均值和标准差结果对表面温度进行分级,得到高温区、中温区和低温区3类表面温度区域。为防止噪声干扰,开展表面孤立温度区的四邻域箱线图[9]分析,去除表面孤立温度噪声。

根据作业功能的不同,炼钢厂房存在多个区域: 包括监控室、休息室等[10]非高温热源区(图1中背景区),此外,还有铁水转运与预处理区、转炉炼钢区等[10]高温热源区(图1中工作区)。铁水与钢水温度均在1 000 ℃以上,会引起厂房内工作区显著升温[5],造成高温异常的出现。目前Landsat系列热红外数据已被应用于含有钢铁厂的工业城市热岛效应的研究中[11,12],在针对工业区的研究中,表面温度反演结果显示夏季时工业区温度为50~55 ℃,钢铁厂的温度超过了60 ℃[13],但均未超过Landsat的饱和温度[14]


图1   炼钢厂厂房热辐射示意图

Fig.1   Schematic diagram of thermal radiation of steelmaking workshop


进一步,利用厂房矢量数据将表面温度分级结果分割为高温工作斑块、高温非工作斑块、中温斑块及低温斑块4种类型,统计上述4类斑块数量及面积,组合得到热力景观分布参数。最后,结合表面温度异常值与热力景观分布参数,建立SMPE。收集整理钢铁企业炼钢月产量实际数据用于计算SMPE的参数; 针对实际产量数据获取困难的问题,运用后验差检验法[18,19]对模型精度及估算能力进行评价,同时计算SMPE的置信区间。

1.1 卫星热红外遥感数据

本文综合Landsat5,Landsat7及Landsat8卫星获取的热红外数据来对钢铁企业厂区的表面温度进行反演。值得注意的是,Landsat7热红外波段中的低增益波段数据(B6L)具有更高的饱和值,可以避免在高温区产生温度过饱和的问题[20],因此在本次研究中选用B6L的数据进行厂区表面温度反演。由于Landsat8的TIRS(thermal infrared sensor)传感器视域外杂散光的影响,第11波段定标不确定性较大[21,22],因此本文采用Landsat8第10波段进行表面温度反演。

1.2 钢铁企业SMPE模型



图2   炼钢月产量估算模型建模流程图

Fig.2   The modeling workflow of steelmaking monthly production estimation model

1.2.1 表面温度分级


TTmean-SD       低温区Tmean-SD<TTmean+SD 中温区T>Tmean+SD       高温区,

式中: T为像元温度,℃; Tmean为研究区表面温度均值,℃; SD为研究区表面温度标准差值,℃。

1.2.2 表面孤立温度区处理



1.2.3 表面温度异常值



式中: Thigh为工作区表面温度均值,℃; Tback为背景区的表面温度均值,℃。

1.2.4 热力景观分布参数

景观格局指数可定量描述热力景观格局[22],也可以对热力景观格局中温度变化的原因进行表述[25]。斑块是景观格局的基本组成单元,是指不同于周围背景的、相对均质的区域[26]。剔除噪声后,以表面温度分级结果为基础,统计研究区内高温(high temperature,h)、中温(middle temperature,m)、低温(low temperature,l)3类斑块。进一步利用厂房矢量数据将企业内部的高温斑块分为高温工作斑块(high temperature production,hp)和高温非工作斑块(high temperature non-production,hnp)2类(高温非工作斑块主要包括停车场等易产生高温的场所)。通过各参数与实际产量的相关性分析结果来确定热力景观分布参数。表1为钢铁企业各类斑块的数量与月产量实际值的相关性。

表1   参数与月产量实际值相关性

Tab.1  Correlation between parameters and actual monthly production

|NPhp- NPhnp- NPl |/NP-0.920
|NPhp- NPl |/NP-0.841
|NPhp- NPhnp |/NP0.816
|NPhp- NPhnp- NPm |/NP0.420
|NPhp- NPm |/NP0.403

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炼钢厂中,hp越多,说明处于工作状态的区域越多,但一般来说,hp与其他类型的斑块相比更为集中,钢铁厂区hp数量越多时,hp与hnp,l之间数量的差值越小,说明企业内部生产场所越多,因此月产量值则越高。因此,hp与其他类型斑块差值为负数,|NPhp- NPhnp- NPl |/NP与月产量实际值呈现强的负相关(-0.920)。综合表1的结果,选用Shp/S及|NPhp- NPhnp- NPl |/NP作为热力景观分布参数来参与炼钢月产量估算模型的构建。

1.2.5 模型建立



式中: Tα为钢铁企业内的表面温度异常值,℃; β1,β2bM为需要拟合的参数值,万t。

1.3 精度验证与置信区间

1.3.1 SMPE精度验证




式中: yi为第i月的月产量实际值; yi0为由1.2节中提出的模型计算的第i月的月产量值; m为用来计算后验差参数的样本数量(企业A中m=8,企业B中m=5); K=0.674 5[28]为评定参数; ei为残差; S1为月产量实际值标准差; S2为残差标准差; y-为月产量实际值均值; e-为残差均值。


表2   拟合精度等级

Tab.2  Grade of fitting accuracy


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1.3.2 SMPE结果置信区间



式中: Yi0SMPE模型计算第i月的月产量值; Xi=(Tα|NPhp-NPhnp-NPl|NP,TαShpS),为第i月对应的自变量矩阵; B=(β1, β2)T; bM为常数项; Yi为第i月炼钢月产量实际值; n为参与模型拟合的样本数(企业A中n=17,企业B中n=12); kSMPE中自变量的数目,k=2; X为参与模型拟合的自变量矩阵,矩阵大小为n×2; ej=Yj- Yj0为产量实际值与产量估算值的残差值。

2 钢铁企业结果分析

本文选取华中地区某钢铁企业A及华北地区某钢铁企业B为研究对象。企业A为一所典型大型钢铁企业; 企业B为一所典型的小型钢铁企业。

2.1 企业A研究区结果分析

2.1.1 企业A研究区模型参数获取

得到企业A表面温度反演结果后,利用公式(1)计算企业A的表面温度分级结果。然后提取表面温度分级后的孤立温度区及其四邻域的温度值,利用箱线图方法来判断表面孤立温度区是否为噪声(表3图3)。图3(c)为图3(a)中提取的表面温度值的箱线图分析结果,该表面孤立温度区及其四邻域表面温度值均在箱线图的上-下限范围内,因此判断此表面孤立温度区不是噪声,应予以保留; 图3(e)为图3(d)中提取的表面温度值的箱线图分析结果,可以发现表面孤立温度区的温度值为45.191 ℃,低于箱线图的下限值,因此判断此表面孤立温度区为噪声需要予以剔除(表3)。基于剔除噪声后的表面温度分级结果,利用厂房矢量获得工作区与背景区,然后利用式(2)计算得到表面温度异常值Tα。同时,将厂区分为高温工作斑块、高温非工作斑块、中温斑块以及低温斑块这四种类型,统计斑块的数量及面积来计算出热力景观分布参数。

表3   表面孤立温度区及其四邻域表面温度值

Tab.3  Isolated temperature region and four-neighborhood temperature


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图3   表面孤立温度区箱线图分析

Fig.3   Boxplot analysis of surface isolated temperature region

2.1.2 研究区企业A的模型构建及验证


获取Tα及热力景观分布参数后,结合17个月份月产量实际数据,采用最小二乘法[31,32]拟合模型的参数,求解得β1=-16.751万t/℃,β2=79.613万t/℃,bM= 97.097 万t。分别代入式(3)得到企业A炼钢月产量估算模型,计算得知SMRE为0.903,公式为:


利用拟合后的炼钢月产量估算模型计算后8个月的SMPE,然后通过后验差检验方法来说明模型的精度等级。得到残差计算表(表4)及变化曲线图(图4)。计算得出企业A的SMPE精度验证参数见表5。表中,指标C=0.388,<0.5,评定结果为2级(合格); 指标P=1,>0.95,评定结果为1级(良好),说明模型拟合效果好。然后利用式(11)—(15)计算出SMPE的置信区间。显著性水平α取为0.05,样本数n=17,查找t界值表可知 tα/2=2.145,因此在1-α=0.95的置信度下(表示实际值有95%的概率落在计算出的估算值的置信区间内),后8个月份SMPE值置信区间如图5所示,其中Low为置信区间下限,Up为置信区间上限。

表4   验证用实际值与SMPE值残差及残差百分比

Tab.4  The residual and residual percentage between actual values for validation and SMPE values

Yj0)/ Yj×100%

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图4   验证用实际值与SMPE值曲线

Fig.4   The curves of actual values for validation and SMPE values

表5   企业A的SMPE精度验证参数

Tab.5  The SMPE precision verification parameters of enterprise A


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图5   SMPE值置信区间(置信度=95%)

Fig.5   Confidence interval of SMPE (Confidence level = 95%)


2.2 企业B研究区结果分析

2.2.1 企业B研究区模型参数获取



图6   表面孤立温度区箱线图分析

Fig.6   Boxplot analysis of surface isolated temperature region

2.2.2 企业B研究区模型构建及分析


采用最小二乘法拟合炼钢月产量估算模型中参数值,得: β1= -8.672 万t/℃,β2= 16.916 万t/℃,bM= 86.501 万t。



利用拟合后的模型计算后5个月的SMPE值,然后通过后验差检验方法来说明模型的精度等级。得到残差计算表(表6)及变化曲线图(图7)。计算出企业B的SMPE精度验证参数见表7。指标C为0.438<0.5,评定结果为2级(合格); 指标P为1>0.95,评定结果为1级(良好),说明模型拟合效果好。

表6   验证用实际值与SMPE残差及残差百分比

Tab.6  The residual and residual percentage between actual values for validation and SMPE values

Yj0)/ Yj×100%

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图7   验证用炼钢月产量实际值与SMPE曲线

Fig.7   The curves of actual values for validation and SMPE values

表7   企业B SMPE模型精度验证参数

Tab.7  The SMPE precision verification parameters of enterprise B


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然后利用式(11)—(15)计算出SMPE的置信区间。显著性水平α取为0.05,样本数n=12,查找t界值表可知 tα/2=2.262,因此在1-α=0.95的置信度下。企业B的SMPE值置信区间如图8所示。


图8   SMPE值置信区间(置信度=95%)

Fig.8   Confidence interval of SMPE (Confidence level = 95%)


3 结论







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The studies on spatial and temporal variations of Land Surface Temperature (LST) is very essential for understanding the heat energy balance and thermal flux of urban areas. They are also useful for making urban heat transfer models, water resource management, climate change modelling and environmental studies. The present study is to analyze the spatial and temporal variations of the LST of Jubail Industrial City, one of the biggest industrial area in the world. The surface temperature has been estimated by using Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Remote Sensor (TIRS) satellite data through the single-channel (SC) method. The study provides the variations of surface temperature of the industrial city and reveals that the temperature is relatively low ranging from 10 to 26 degrees C during the winter month of January and February. However, some parts of the residential area and the industrial of the city have more temperature than the rest of the area. From the month of March, the temperature increases gradually and reaches high in the summer of month of June and July. During this summer period, the surface temperature in the residential area of the city is high around 40 - 50 degrees C. The temperature in the sub urban areas are moderate, however high temperature (50 - 55 degrees C) have been recorded in the industrial area of the city. The surface temperature gradually decreases from the month of September up to the peak winter period. However, significant heat islands of temperature more than 60 degrees C have been noted near the iron and steel factories of the industrial area in all the periods. Correlation analysis has also been carried out to assess relationship between the seasonal changes of the land surface temperature and air temperature of the city. There is no significant strong relationship has been is noticed to correlate the LST and air-temperature throughout the entire period of the study, however the LST and air-temperature shows good relationship during the summer period than the winter season.

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The estimation of lava fow temperatures using Landsat night-time images:Case studies from eruptions of Mt. Etna and Stromboli (Sicily,Italy),Kīlauea (Hawaii Island),and Eyjafallajökull and Holuhraun (Iceland)

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Exploratory data analysis involves the use of statistical techniques to identify patterns that may be hidden in a group of numbers. One of these techniques is the "box plot," which is used to visually summarize and compare groups of data. The box plot uses the median, the approximate quartiles, and the lowest and highest data points to convey the level, spread, and symmetry of a distribution of data values. It can also be easily refined to identify outlier data values and can be easily constructed by hand. We apply box plots to tabular data from two recently published articles to show how readers can use box plots to improve the interpretation of data in complex tables. The box plot, like other visual methods, is more than a substitute for a table: It is a tool that can improve our reasoning about quantitative information. We recommend that the box plot be used more frequently.

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