[an error occurred while processing this directive]
胡盈盈1,2(), 戴声佩1,2(), 罗红霞1,2, 李海亮1,2, 李茂芬1,2, 郑倩1,2, 禹萱1,2, 李宁3
Spatio-temporal change characteristics of rubber forest phenology in Hainan Island during 2001—2015
HU Yingying1,2(), DAI Shengpei1,2(), LUO Hongxia1,2, LI Hailiang1,2, LI Maofen1,2, ZHENG Qian1,2, YU Xuan1,2, LI Ning3

图1. 研究区域示意图

Fig.1. The map of study area