邱磊, 张学志, 郝大为

VideoSAR moving target detection and tracking algorithm based on deep learning
QIU Lei, ZHANG Xuezhi, HAO Dawei
表6 阴影目标检测定量评价结果比较
Tab.6 Comparison results of shadow targets detection(%)
网络模型 准确率 召回率 F1指标
Faster RCNN 90.11 89.65 89.88
特征金字塔网络 92.44 92.26 92.35
RetinaNet 96.99 94.39 95.67
轻量EfficentDet 97.92 96.37 97.14
多特征输入+轻量EfficentDet 98.85 97.80 98.32