Assessing the soil erosion control service in the typical area of Loess Plateau |
Riping ZHOU |
Beijing Dadi High-Tech Geology Exploration Co., Ltd., China Coal Geology Group, Beijing 100040, China |
Abstract The Loess Plateau ecological barrier area is an important part of the “ two screens and three belts” in China. It not only has an important barrier effect on local residents, but also has an important impact on the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. This paper is based on the typical area in Loess Plateau as the research object, takes the soil conservation quantity as the evaluation index and uses the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) as the evaluation method. Meanwhile, It uses the data of land use/cover change, meteorological observation, MODIS data and some other data to assess the effect function of the grain for green and the conservation of soil and water of the typical area in Loess Plateau from 2000 to 2010. The results showed that the land use/cover type changed sharply in the study area in nearly 10 years. A large number of arable land became the forest and grassland, the vegetation coverage had increased apparently and the service function of the conservation of soil and water rose linearly. The soil erosion modulus was close to 1 986.66 t·km -2·a -1 in 2010. These data show that the ecological environment has improved and the function of the conservation of soil and water have enhanced significantly since the government implemented the grain for green.
Loess Plateau
soil conservation
ecosystem services
Issue Date: 23 May 2019
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