国土资源遥感, 2018, 30(2): 223-230 doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.02.30



林璐,1, 许章华,1,2,3,4, 黄旭影1, 吕福康5, 王前锋1,4, 林倩5

1.福州大学环境与资源学院,福州 350116

2.福州大学信息与通信工程博士后科研流动站,福州 350116

3.空间数据挖掘与信息共享教育部重点实验室,福州 350116

4.福州大学区域与城乡规划研究中心,福州 350116

5.福州大学至诚学院, 福州 350002

Study of water storage effect of roof greening in the construction of Fuzhou sponge city

LIN Lu,1, XU Zhanghua,1,2,3,4, HUANG Xuying1, LYU Fukang5, WANG Qianfeng1,4, LIN Qian5

1. College of Environment and Resources,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350116,China

2.Postdoctoral Research Station of Information and Communication Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China

3. Key Lab of Spatial Data Mining and Information Sharing, Ministry of Education, Fuzhou 350116, China

4.Center for Region and Urban and Rural Planning,Fuzhou 350116,China

5.Zhicheng College,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350002,China

通讯作者: 许章华(1985-),男,副教授,博士,在站博士后,硕士研究生导师,研究方向为资源环境遥感、城乡规划与GIS应用。Email:fafuxzh@163.com


第一作者: 林 璐(1994-),女,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为环境与资源遥感。Email: n160620002@fzu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2016-11-15   修回日期: 2016-12-29   网络出版日期: 2018-06-15

基金资助: 福建省自然科学基金面上项目“福州新区生态本底遥感调查及控制线划定研究”.  编号: 2016J01188
国家自然科学基金项目“刚竹毒蛾危害下的毛竹林遥感响应机理研究”.  编号: 41501361

Received: 2016-11-15   Revised: 2016-12-29   Online: 2018-06-15

Fund supported: .  编号: 2016J01188
.  编号: 41501361


城市屋顶绿化具有截留水分、改善生态环境等作用,可作为海绵城市建设的重要内容。以福州市的鼓楼、台江和仓山3区为研究对象,选取Landsat8 OLI遥感影像为主要数据,基于连续最大角凸锥(sequential maximum angle convex cone,SMACC)方法提取屋顶绿化率,建立其与全局植被湿度指数(global vegetation moisture index,GVMI)的关系模型,并对屋顶绿化率进行模拟与分析。结果显示,福州市3区屋顶绿化率总体较低,平均值仅17.34%,绿化率为10%~20%的比例为66.55%,而绿化率高于50%的仅占5.11%; 绿化率不同,湿度亦有变化,表明屋顶植被具备不可忽视的截水能力。通过构建屋顶湿度h与绿化率r的关系模型发现二次曲线模型拟合优度最佳; 当屋顶绿化率高于16.30%时,截水效果开始明显; 而在绿化率从30%升至60%过程中,截水能力提高速率最快,平均可达57.9%。选取2个典型小区对屋顶绿化率进行模拟分析,进一步证明该模型的合理性。研究成果证实了屋顶绿化的截水功能,并确定了截水目标下的屋顶绿化率阈值,可为海绵城市建设提供重要参考。

关键词: 海绵城市 ; 屋顶绿化率 ; 湿度 ; 全局植被湿度指数(GVMI) ; 模拟 ; 福州市


The urban roof greening has the effects such as water interception and ecological environment improvement, and can be an important part of sponge city construction. Taking Gulou, Taijiang, Cangshan Districts of Fuzhou City as the study objects and the remote sensing image of Landsat8 OLI as the main data, the authors extracted the roof greening rate based on sequential maximum angle convex cone(SMACC), constructed the relational models of roof greening rate and global vegetation moisture index(GVMI) humidity indicator, and then simulated and analyzed the roof greening rates. The results show that the roof greening rate in the three districts of Fuzhou is overall low, with an average of only 17.34%; the proportion of greening rate of 10%~20% is 66.55%, and only 5.11% is higher than 50%. The greening rates are different, and there are also changes in humidity, indicating that the roof vegetation has remarkable water interception capacity. The quadratic fumction model of roof humidity h and greening rate r is the optimization model. When the roof greening rate is higher than 16.30%, the intercepting effect begins to be obvious. In the process of greening rate increasing from 30% to 60%, the increasing speed of intercepting capacity becomes the fastest, with an average of up to 57.9%. Two typical blocks were selected and the roof greening rates were simulated and analyzed, which further proves the rationality of the above model. The result confirms the intercepting capacity of roof greening and determines the roof greening threshold under the target of water interception, which provides important reference for sponge city construction.

Keywords: sponge city ; roof greening rate ; humidity ; global vegetation moisture index(GVMI) ; simulation ; Fuzhou City

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林璐, 许章华, 黄旭影, 吕福康, 王前锋, 林倩. 福州海绵城市建设中屋顶绿化的截水作用研究. 国土资源遥感[J], 2018, 30(2): 223-230 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.02.30

LIN Lu, XU Zhanghua, HUANG Xuying, LYU Fukang, WANG Qianfeng, LIN Qian. Study of water storage effect of roof greening in the construction of Fuzhou sponge city. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES[J], 2018, 30(2): 223-230 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.02.30

0 引言

近年来,城市内涝问题日益突出,人们开始重新思考既定的城市规划思路及其对环境、生态和社会等要素的多重影响。对此,学者们提出了“海绵城市”的规划理念,即打造具有“海绵”特性的绿色城市,既能吸纳、净化雨水,又可在缺水时将收集的雨水释放出来。Dietz[1]利用低影响开发(low impact development,LID)技术增强城市在应对气候变化时维持生态的能力; Church[2]认为雨水花园是城市水资源管理的最佳设施; 海绵城市的规划理念使人们进一步意识到城市绿地、城市湿地和雨水资源的利用潜力[3]; 俞孔坚[4,5]用“让水流慢下来”的思想对六盘水明湖湿地公园的建设进行了研究; 刘昌明等[6]则认为城市规划需要多考虑生态容纳能力等问题。

屋顶绿化能截留、净化雨水,可逐步改善城市水环境,且工程量小,与海绵城市的LID及最佳管理设施(best management facilities,BMFs)设计理念相吻合[7,8]。仇保兴[9]将屋顶绿化建设定义为改善城市环境工程中不可缺少的项目之一,认为屋顶绿化应被广泛应用于公共建筑,以使海绵城市变得更加灵动; 不仅如此,屋顶绿化还有净化城市空气、缓解热岛效应、增加生物多样性的作用[10]; 邵天然等[11]亦强调屋顶绿化能带来良好的生态效益。然而,屋顶不同于森林、草地等自然地物,其连续面积虽小,但数量庞大,且大小、形状各异,实地调查难度大。国际上对屋顶绿化的研究方法趋于多样化,如利用数学模型、计算机软件建模等方法从城市、社区和建筑区等多尺度开展相关研究 [12-15]。Getter等[16]结合遥感和GIS技术调查雨水在绿色屋顶上的滞留情况; 李沛鸿等[17]指出利用遥感技术调查屋顶绿化能节约时间、降低经济成本。本文以福州市鼓楼、台江和仓山3区为例,分析海绵城市建设中屋顶绿化率对水分的影响机制,研究绿化率处于何种水平时具有明显的截水作用。

1 研究区概况及数据源

福州市为福建省省会,地处东南沿海,地理范围在E118°08'~120°31',N25°15'~26°39'之间,属典型的河口盆地地貌,地势西高东低,森林覆盖率为57.8%; 年均气温为19~21℃,降雨充足,但四季分布不均,暴雨洪水和台风活动强烈。福州市在福建省发展与海西建设中发挥着带头作用,是国家第二批海绵城市建设试点,虽已开展了多项建设,但城市内涝问题依然严峻,不仅影响市民生活与工作,还造成重大经济损失,使城市形象受损。福州市的鼓楼区、台江区和仓山区经济繁荣,建筑物与人口密度大。本文选择此3区作为研究区。

收集的主要数据有: ①Landsat8 OLI多光谱遥感影像1景,获取时间为2015年9月27日,轨道号/行号为119/42; ②气象数据,包括温度和湿度等; ③典型小区的Google Earth高空间分辨率影像。利用ENVI对Landsat8 OLI多光谱影像进行辐射校正、融合、几何纠正及裁剪等预处理,得到覆盖研究区的基础影像(图1)。


图1   预处理后的福州市3区OLI影像(OLI B4(R),B3(G),B2(B)假彩色合成)

Fig.1   Processed OLI image of three districts in Fuzhou City

2 研究方法

2.1 建筑区提取

不少学者基于遥感影像开展了建筑区提取技术研究。沈小乐等[18]基于建筑物方向性的纹理特征实现对建筑区的提取; 强永刚等[19]将数学形态学与小波变换结合,成功提取出建筑物信息; 乔伟峰等[20]则利用单景影像中的特征线实现对无参数高空间分辨率影像建筑区的快速提取; 杨山[21]发现,建筑物的短波红外与近红外波段的反射率与其他地物有明显差异,依此构建出仿归一化差值植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI); 查勇等[22]将其改称为归一化差值建筑指数(normalized difference building index,NDBI); 徐涵秋[23]基于影像的土壤调节植被指数(soil adjustment vegetation index,SAVI)、改进的归一化差值水体指数(modified normalized difference water index,MNDWI)和NDBI,提出了建筑用地指数(index-based built-up index,IBI),计算公式为



2.2 屋顶绿化率提取

崔一娇等[24]通过探究植被的光谱特征来提取绿化率; 崔天翔等[25]则通过建立植被端元模型实现绿化信息的提取。本文采用混合像元分解的思维提取屋顶绿化率。

混合像元的分解方法一般有模型法和端元提取法等。Roberts等[26]从光谱数据库中获取混合像元的端元,实现对地物信息的提取; Ichoku等[27]则用线性波谱分离法来研究混合像元。连续最大角凸锥(sequential maximum angle convex cone,SMACC)可从影像中提取纯净像元与各类地物的丰度图像,在节约时间成本的情况下得出屋顶上像元的植被丰度[28]。本文选用此法进行混合像元分解。

2.3 屋顶湿度提取

湿度反映了植被对水分的截留能力。张雪红等[29]为提高红树林的提取精度,将地物的温度与湿度信息相结合,提出温湿度指数; 徐涵秋[30]在生态评价指数构建研究中,采用缨帽变换的湿度指标; 周秉荣等[31]沿袭了K-T变换的思想,利用归一化算法辅以实地调查,从MODIS影像中提取数据,建立湿度模型; 谷松岩等[32]利用低频波段反演地表层的湿度信息; Ceccato等[33]提出全局植被湿度指数(global vegetation moisture index,GVMI),GVMI基于比值计算,提取湿度效果好。本文采用GVMI提取屋顶湿度信息,其计算公式为

GVMI= (NIR+0.1)-(SWIR+0.02)(NIR+0.1)+(SWIR+0.02), (2)


2.4 模型构建

在研究区范围内随机生成11 573个样本点,获取各样本点对应的屋顶绿化率rGVMI。采用线性模型、对数模型、倒数模型、二次曲线模型、三次曲线模型、复合模型、成长模型以及指数模型构建屋顶湿度h与屋顶绿化率r的关系,并统计其确定性系数R2和拒绝原假设的值P,P值越小,代表模型拟合越好。

3 结果与分析

3.1 建筑区提取效果



图2   福州市3区IBI及建筑物信息提取

Fig.2   IBI and building information extracted with IBI of three districts in Fuzhou City

利用精度评估法对提取结果进行评价,结果如表1所示。结果表明,IBI的建筑物提取精度为91.00%,Kappa系数为0.902 3。

表1   基于IBI提取的建筑物信息精度

Tab.1  Accuracy assessment of building information extracted with IBI

总体精度=91.00%Kappa=0.902 3

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图3   福州市3区建筑区OLI影像(OLI B4(R),B3(G),B2(B)假彩色合成影像)

Fig.3   Building OLI image of three districts in Fuzhou City

3.2 屋顶绿化率与湿度提取效果



图4   福州市3区绿化丰度

Fig.4   Greening abundance of three districts in Fuzhou City

应注意的是,由于建筑物与植被混合的情况不仅限于屋顶绿化,故在进行混合像元分解时,应尽量保证屋顶绿化信息的提取精度,并通过人机交互剔除非屋顶绿化信息。为验证绿化丰度与屋顶绿化率的对应关系,收集相近时期的Google Earth高空间分辨率遥感影像,随机选取屋顶绿化率分布范围在10%~80%的8个(片)屋顶,用CAD勾绘并计算15 m×15 m范围内的植被覆盖比例(与融合后的Landsat8 OLI影像空间分辨率一致),将其作为屋顶的实际绿化率数据,并评价绿化丰度对屋顶绿化率的估测精度(表2)。从表2可以看出,绿化丰度与屋顶实际绿化率差异小于5.5%,平均估测精度达90.8%,表明可用混合像元分解后的绿化丰度代表屋顶绿化率。

表2   绿化丰度对屋顶绿化率的估测效果评价

Tab.2  Estimation accuracy evaluation of green abundance on roof greening rate(%)


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图5   福州市3区GVMI

Fig.5   GVMI of three districts in Fuzhou City

对随机点进行统计(表3)发现,福州市3个区的平均屋顶绿化率为17.34%。将其值按[0%,20%),[20%,50%)和[50%,80%]分为低、中和高3个等级,比例依次为66.55%,28.34%和4.93%,表明福州市3个区的屋顶绿化亟待提升。湿度代表了屋顶植被截留水分的能力,植被截水能力随着屋顶绿化率的增高而变化,当屋顶绿化率很低时,植被的截水作用不太明显; 当屋顶绿化率提升至40%时,植被的截水能力提升显著。

表3   屋顶绿化率与湿度的对应关系

Tab.3  Correspondence relationship between roof greening rate and humidity

[0,10)4 39537.896.44
[10,20)3 32328.666.14
[20,30)2 00717.316.15
合计11 573100.00

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3.3 屋顶湿度-绿化率模型建立与截水作用分析

基于11 573个随机点数据,建立屋顶湿度h与绿化率r的线性模型、对数模型、倒数模型、二次曲线模型、三次曲线模型、复合模型、成长模型及指数模型等8种模型(图6),并统计各模型的R2P(表4)。


图6   屋顶湿度-绿化率关系模型

Fig.6   Relational models of roof humidity and greening rate

表4   屋顶湿度-绿化率模型拟合度与参数估计

Tab.4  Fit goodness and parameters of roof humidity and greening rate

对数模型h=b1ln r+c0.05700.1090.015

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h=1.014r2-0.327r+0.081 。 (3)

经计算可知模型的极值点为(0.163,0.053),表明当屋顶绿化率高于16.30%时,植被截水效果开始显现,亦即在截水目标下,屋顶绿化率的阈值为16.30%; 当绿化率小于16.30%时,植被对于水分的截留作用不明显甚至呈负相关,这可能是由于截留的水分不足以弥补植被蒸腾、生长消耗的水分[27],以及自然环境中蒸发的水分。曲线斜率即湿度增长率在极值点后逐渐增大; 在绿化率从30%升至60%过程中,截水能力提高速率最快,平均可达57.9%(图7)。


图7   二次曲线模型的湿度增长速率

Fig.7   Humidity growth rate of quadratic curve model

3.4 典型小区验证与模拟

3.4.1 屋顶湿度-绿化率模型的反验证

以凯旋花园和新农村公寓小区为例,对其屋顶绿化率与湿度的关系进行分析,反向验证模型的合理性。基于绿化丰度与GVMI,提取2个小区的屋顶绿化率和湿度; 将屋顶绿化率代入二次曲线模型,计算屋顶湿度值; 比较GVMI提取湿度与模型估测湿度的吻合度(表5)。表5显示,2个小区屋顶湿度值的差异均控制在1%左右,模型平均估测精度达79.29%,进一步证明了二次曲线模型的合理性。

表5   典型小区屋顶湿度-绿化率模型验证

Tab.5  Verification of roof humidity and greening rate mode in typical blocks(%)


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3.4.2 屋顶绿化截水作用的模拟与分析

以10%为步长,模拟2个典型小区不同绿化率下的屋顶湿度。如图8所示,随着屋顶绿化率的提高,屋顶湿度亦在上升,反映屋顶绿化的截水效果更为显著。对模型的增长速率进行分析(表6),湿度的增长速率反映了屋顶植被截水能力强弱的变化; 2个典型小区的屋顶绿化率为30%~60%时,平均增长率分别为50.63%和48.12%,与二次曲线模型计算的湿度增长率接近。


图8   典型小区屋顶绿化率模拟

Fig.8   Roof greening rate simulation for typical blocks

表6   典型小区屋顶湿度增长率与绿化率的对应关系

Tab.6  Correspondence relationship between roof humidity growth rate and greening rate in typical blocks(%)


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4 结论

本文以福州市鼓楼区、台江区和仓山区为研究对象,利用遥感与GIS技术提取Landsat8 OLI影像的建筑物信息; 基于SMACC提取屋顶绿化率,建立其与湿度指标GVMI的关系模型,确定截水目标下的屋顶绿化率阈值; 选取2个典型小区对屋顶绿化率进行模拟与分析,验证了上述模型的合理性。得出如下结论:

1)利用IBI指数提取建筑物信息,提取精度为91%,Kappa为0.902 3。


3)屋顶湿度反映植被的截水能力,绿化率r不同时,湿度h亦有所变化。两者的二次曲线模型的拟合优度最佳。该模型的极值点为(0.163,0.053),表明当屋顶绿化率高于16.30%时,植被截水效果开始显现,亦即在截水目标下,屋顶绿化率的阈值为16.30%; 而在绿化率从30%升至60%过程中,截水能力提高速率最快,平均可达57.9%

4)据计算,福州市3个区的平均屋顶绿化率为17.34%,略高于16.3%; 将其值按照[0%,20%),[20%,50%),[50%,80%]分为低、中、高3个等级,比例依次为66.55%,28.34%和4.93%,低绿化屋顶占比过大,表明福州市屋顶绿化亟待加强。


本文证实了屋顶绿化的截水能力,确定了截水目标下的屋顶绿化率阈值,对屋顶绿化建设具有指导价值; 并借此文强调,应多方面挖掘海绵城市内涵,多角度思考海绵城市建设问题,将屋顶绿化作为海绵城市建设的重要内容。本文仅研究了像元内屋顶绿化对湿度的影响机制,而对于邻近像元的影响,则可作为未来研究的方向。


Dietz M E .

Low impact development practices:A review of current research and recommendations for future directions

[J]. Water,Air,and Soil Pollution, 2007,186(1/4):351-363.

DOI:10.1007/s11270-007-9484-z      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The low impact development (LID) approach has been recommended as an alternative to traditional stormwater design. Research on individual LID practices such as bioretention, pervious pavements, and grassed swales has increased in recent years. Bioretention cells have been effective in retaining large volumes of runoff and pollutants on site, and consistently reduced concentrations of certain pollutants such as metals. However, retention of certain pollutants such as nitrate itrogen and phosphorus has been problematic. Porous pavements have been extremely effective in infiltrating stormwater runoff. Concerns have been raised about groundwater contamination, but research has shown that this is not a problem in most settings. Green roofs have been found to retain a large percentage of rainfall (63% on average) in a variety of climates. A common thread across bioretention, green roofs and grassed swales was found: the export of phosphorus. The issue appears to be linked to high phosphorus levels in the soil media, or possibly to fertilization of turf or planted areas. Solutions to this problem have been recommended. Contrary to popular belief, research has shown that bioretention and pervious pavements continue to infiltrate even with frost in the ground. Although issues have been identified with retention of certain pollutants, the LID approach has been found to result in increased retention of stormwater and pollutants on site, mimicking pre-development hydrologic function. Future research needs have also been identified.

Church S P .

Exploring Green Streets and rain gardens as instances of small scale nature and environmental learning tools

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2015,134:229-240.

DOI:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2014.10.021      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Sustainable stormwater management facilities such as bioswales and rain gardens are one way in which cities are simultaneously addressing the need to replace or repair stormwater infrastructure while also meeting regulatory obligations. Retrofitting patterns of neighborhood development through the implementation of infrastructure like bioswales is localized solution to stormwater management. Such infrastructure addresses sustainability and resilience goals while reflecting the city as part of rather than separate from the ecosystem. This article presents results of a subset of 42 semi-structured interviews collected through an exploratory qualitative case study of Portland Oregon's Tabor to the River program. These findings focus on Green Streets (bioswales), asking whether participants consider them small scale nature, and whether stormwater visibility fosters environmental learning. Results suggest that sustainable stormwater management facilities have potential toward aiding in stormwater awareness, particularly if combined with additional ways of learning (e.g., informational signs). Participant perceptions of Green Streets as small scale nature are less straight forward. This study gives some insight into the subtleties of human experiences with sustainable stormwater infrastructure, giving a glimpse into the potentials of Green Streets, and other educational inputs, in contributing to increased understanding of Portland's stormwater system. Building upon this first attempt at discovering the potential for environmental learning through sustainable stormwater infrastructure, or in their capacity in fostering connectedness with nature, could be instructive for future infrastructure planning and policy development that seeks to foster human ature connectedness and ecological understanding within our communities.

Akbari H, Rose L S, Taha H .

Analyzing the land cover of an urban environment using high-resolution orthophotos

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2013,63(1):1-14.

DOI:10.1016/S0169-2046(02)00165-2      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Land-use/land cover (LULC) data from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) was used to extrapolate these results from neighborhood scales to metropolitan Sacramento. Of an area of roughly 80002km 2 , defining most urban areas of the metropolitan Sacramento, about half is residential. The total roof area comprises about 15002km 2 and the total paved surfaces (roads, parking areas, sidewalks) are about 31002km 2 . The total vegetated area covers about 23002km 2 . The remaining 11002km 2 consist of barren land and miscellaneous surfaces.

俞孔坚 .


[J].南方建筑, 2015(3):4-7.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-0232.2015.03.004      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Yu K J .

Three key strategies to achieve a sponge city:Retention,slow down and adaptation

[J].South Architecture, 2015(3):4-7.

[本文引用: 1]

俞孔坚 .


[J].建筑技艺, 2015(2):92-101.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-6635.2015.02.014      URL     [本文引用: 1]

2013年中国环境艺术设计金奖问题和挑战 贵州六盘水是一个在20世纪60年代中期建立起来的工业城市,以其凉爽的高原气候而著称,城市被石灰岩的山丘环抱,母亲河——水城河穿城而过。城市人口密集,在60平方千米的土地上,居住了约60万的人口。作为改善环境的重要举措之一,市政府委托景观设计师制定一个整体方案以应对城市所面临的多项挑战,

Yu K J .

Slow down:Liupanshui Minghu wetland park

[J].Architecture Technique, 2015(2):92-101.

[本文引用: 1]

刘昌明, 张永勇, 王中根 , .


[J]. 自然资源学报, 2016,31(5):719-731.

[本文引用: 1]

Liu C M, Zhang Y Y, Wang Z G , et al.

The LID pattern for maintaining virtuous water cyclein urbanized area:A preliminary study of planning and techniques for sponge city

[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2016,31(5):719-731.

[本文引用: 1]

明冬萍, 骆剑承, 沈占锋 , .


[J]. 测绘科学, 2005,30(3):18-20.

DOI:10.3771/j.issn.1009-2307.2005.03.004      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Ming D P, Luo J C, Shen Z F , et al.

Research on information extraction and target recognition from high resolution remote sensing image

[J]. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 2005,30(3):18-20.

[本文引用: 1]

Huston R, Chan Y C, Chapman H , et al.

Source apportionment of heavy metals and ionic contaminants in rainwater tanks in a subtropical urban area in Australia

[J]. Water Research, 2012,46(4):1121-1132.

DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2011.12.008      URL     PMID:22196953      [本文引用: 1]

Due to prolonged droughts in recent years, the use of rainwater tanks in urban areas has increased in Australia. In order to apportion sources of contribution to heavy metal and ionic contaminants in rainwater tanks in Brisbane, a subtropical urban area in Australia, monthly tank water samples (24 sites, 31 tanks) and concurrent bulk deposition samples (18 sites) were collected during mainly April 2007–March 2008. The samples were analysed for acid-soluble metals, soluble anions, total inorganic carbon and total organic carbon, and characteristics such as total solid and pH. The Positive Matrix Factorisation model, EPA PMF 3.0, was used to apportion sources of contribution to the contaminants. Four source factors were identified for the bulk deposition samples, including ‘crustal matter/sea salt’, ‘car exhausts/road side dust’, ‘industrial dust’ and ‘aged sea salt/secondary aerosols’. For the tank water samples, apart from these atmospheric deposition related factors which contributed in total to 65% of the total contaminant concentration on average, another six rainwater collection system related factors were identified, including ‘plumbing’, ‘building material’, ‘galvanizing’, ‘roofing’, ‘steel’ and ‘lead flashing/paint’ (contributing in total to 35% of the total concentration on average). The Australian Drinking Water Guideline for lead was exceeded in 15% of the tank water samples. The collection system related factors, in particular the ‘lead flashing/paint’ factor, contributed to 79% of the lead in the tank water samples on average. The concentration of lead in tank water was found to vary with various environmental and collection system factors, in particular the presence of lead flashing on the roof. The results also indicated the important role of sludge dynamics inside the tank on the quality of tank water.

仇保兴 .


[J].城市规划学刊, 2010(3):1-13.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-3363.2010.03.001      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Qiu B X .

Key techniques in classification and reconstruction of ecological cities

[J].Urban Planning Forum, 2010(3):1-13.

[本文引用: 1]

Oberndorfer E, Lundholm J, Bass B , et al.

Green roofs as urban ecosystems:Ecological structures,functions,and services

[J]. BioScience, 2007,57(10):823-833.

DOI:10.1641/B571005      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Green roofs (roofs with a vegetated surface and substrate) provide ecosystem services in urban areas, including improved storm-water management, better regulation of building temperatures, reduced urban heat-island effects, and increased urban wildlife habitat. This article reviews the evidence for these benefits and examines the biotic and abiotic components that contribute to overall ecosystem services. We emphasize the potential for improving green-roof function by understanding the interactions between its ecosystem elements, especially the relationships among growing media, soil biota, and vegetation, and the interactions between community structure and ecosystem functioning. Further research into green-roof technology should assess the efficacy of green roofs compared to other technologies with similar ends, and ultimately focus on estimates of aggregate benefits at landscape scales and on more holistic cost-benefit analyses.

邵天然, 李超骕, 曾辉 .


[J]. 生态学报, 2012,32(3):4852-4860.

DOI:10.5846/stxb201110261592      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Shao T R, Li C S, Zeng H .

Resource potential assessment of urban roof greening and development strategies:A case study in Futian central district,Shenzhen,China

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2012,32(3):4852-4860.

[本文引用: 1]

Niu H, Clark C, Zhou J T , et al.

Scaling of economic benefits from green roof implementation in Washington, DC

[J]. Environmental Science and Technology, 2010,44(11):4302-4308.

DOI:10.1021/es902456x      URL     PMID:20462260     

Abstract Green roof technology is recognized for mitigating stormwater runoff and energy consumption. Methods to overcome the cost gap between green roofs and conventional roofs were recently quantified by incorporating air quality benefits. This study investigates the impact of scaling on these benefits at the city-wide scale using Washington, DC as a test bed because of the proposed targets in the 20-20-20 vision (20 million ft(2) by 2020) articulated by Casey Trees, a nonprofit organization. Building-specific stormwater benefits were analyzed assuming two proposed policy scenarios for stormwater fees ranging from 35 to 50% reduction for green roof implementation. Heat flux calculations were used to estimate building-specific energy savings for commercial buildings. To assess benefits at the city scale, stormwater infrastructure savings were based on operational savings and size reduction due to reduced stormwater volume generation. Scaled energy infrastructure benefits were calculated using two size reductions methods for air conditioners. Avoided carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide (NO(x)), and sulfur dioxide emissions were based on reductions in electricity and natural gas consumption. Lastly, experimental and fugacity-based estimates were used to quantify the NO(x) uptake by green roofs, which was translated to health benefits using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency models. The results of the net present value (NPV) analysis showed that stormwater infrastructure benefits totaled $1.04 million (M), while fee-based stormwater benefits were $0.22-0.32 M/y. Energy savings were $0.87 M/y, while air conditioner resizing benefits were estimated at $0.02 to $0.04 M/y and avoided emissions benefits (based on current emission trading values) were $0.09 M-0.41 M/y. Over the lifetime of the green roof (40 years), the NPV is about 30-40% less than that of conventional roofs (not including green roof maintenance costs). These considerable benefits, in concert with current and emerging policy frameworks, may facilitate future adoption of this technology.

Morales-Pinzón T, Rieradevall J, Gasol C M , et al.

Modelling for economic cost and environmental analysis of rainwater harvesting systems

[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015,87:613-626.

DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.10.021      URL    

61Plugrisost is a good tool for urban planning of RWH.61Environmental indicators are more conservative than the financial indicators.61Economic and environmental analysis can help avoid oversizing tanks.61The scale of analysis is a main factor.61Rainfall simulation using stochastic models is a factor that must be analysed.

García-Montoya M, Bocanegra-Martínez A, Nápoles-Rivera F , et al.

Simultaneous design of water reusing and rainwater harvesting systems in a residential complex

[J]. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2015,76:104-116.

DOI:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2015.02.011      URL    

This paper introduces an optimization formulation to design residential water systems that satisfy the water demands in a housing complex involving rainwater harvesting, storage and distribution as well as the simultaneous design of water networks for recycling, reusing, regenerating and storing reclaimed water. The design task is considered as a multi-objective optimization problem where one objective is the minimization of the fresh water consumption and the other objective is the minimization of the total annual cost. The proposed model accounts for the variability in the water demands through the different hours of the day and for the different seasons of the year. The seasonal dependence of the rainwater has also been considered in the optimization model. A case study for the city of Morelia in Mexico is presented. The results show that significant reductions can be obtained in the total fresh water consumption and in the total cost.

Ward S, Memon F A, Butler D .

Performance of a large building rainwater harvesting system

[J]. Water Research, 2012,46(16):5127-5134.

DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2012.06.043      URL     PMID:22840659     

Rainwater harvesting is increasingly becoming an integral part of the sustainable water management toolkit. Despite a plethora of studies modelling the feasibility of the utilisation of rainwater harvesting (RWH) systems in particular contexts, there remains a significant gap in knowledge in relation to detailed empirical assessments of performance. Domestic systems have been investigated to a limited degree in the literature, including in the UK, but there are few recent longitudinal studies of larger non-domestic systems. Additionally, there are few studies comparing estimated and actual performance. This paper presents the results of a longitudinal empirical performance assessment of a non-domestic RWH system located in an office building in the UK. Furthermore, it compares actual performance with the estimated performance based on two methods recommended by the British Standards Institute - the Intermediate (simple calculations) and Detailed (simulation-based) Approaches. Results highlight that the average measured water saving efficiency (amount of mains water saved) of the office-based RWH system was 87% across an 8-month period, due to the system being over-sized for the actual occupancy level. Consequently, a similar level of performance could have been achieved using a smaller-sized tank. Estimated cost savings resulted in capital payback periods of 11 and 6 years for the actual over-sized tank and the smaller optimised tank, respectively. However, more detailed cost data on maintenance and operation is required to perform whole life cost analyses. These findings indicate that office-scale RWH systems potentially offer significant water and cost savings. They also emphasise the importance of monitoring data and that a transition to the use of Detailed Approaches (particularly in the UK) is required to (a) minimise over-sizing of storage tanks and (b) build confidence in RWH system performance.

Getter K L, Rowe D B, Andresen J A .

Quantifying the effect of slope on extensive green roof stormwater retention

[J]. Ecological Engineering, 2007,31(4):225-231.

DOI:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2007.06.004      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Impervious surfaces, such as rooftops, parking lots, and roads, increase runoff and the potential for flooding. Green roof technologies, which entail growing plants on rooftops, are increasingly being used to alleviate stormwater runoff problems. To quantify the effect that roof slope has on green roof stormwater retention, runoff was analyzed from 12 extensive green roof platforms constructed at four slopes (2%, 7%, 15%, and 25%). Rain events were categorized as light (<2.0 mm) (0.08 in.), medium (2.0–10.0 mm) (0.08–0.39 in.), or heavy (>10.0 mm) (>0.39 in.). Data demonstrated an average retention value of 80.8%. Mean retention was least at the 25% slope (76.4%) and greatest at the 2% slope (85.6%). In addition, runoff that did occur was delayed and distributed over a long period of time for all slopes. Curve numbers, a common method used by engineers to estimate stormwater runoff for an area, ranged from 84 to 90, and are all lower than a conventional roof curve number of 98, indicating that these greened slopes reduced runoff compared to traditional roofs.

李沛鸿, 张晓玉 .


[J]. 江西理工大学学报, 2011,32(5):16-18.

URL     [本文引用: 1]


Li P H, Zhang X Y .

Research on remote sensing application in the investigation of green roof

[J]. Journal of Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, 2011,32(5):16-18.

[本文引用: 1]

沈小乐, 邵振峰, 田英洁 .


[J]. 测绘学报, 2014,43(8):842-847.

DOI:j.cnki.11-2089.2014.0131      Magsci     [本文引用: 1]


Shen X L, Shao Z F, Tian Y J .

Build-up areas extraction by textural feature and visual attention mechanism

[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2014,43(8):842-847.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

强永刚, 殷建平, 祝恩 , .


[J]. 中国图象图形学报, 2008,13(8):1459-1464.

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Qiang Y G, Yin J P, Zhu E , et al.

Extraction of building area from remote sensing images based on wavelets transformation and mathematical morphology

[J]. Journal of Image and Graphics, 2008,13(8):1459-1464.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

乔伟峰, 刘彦随, 项灵志 , .


[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2015,17(8):995-1000.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.00995      Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

无参数高分辨率遥感影像快速提取建筑高度,在城市建设和土地管理中有重要的现实意义。当前的研究多以已知参数的遥感影像获取,但其提取方法受限制条件多。本文提出以无参数高分辨率遥感影像,综合利用单张影像上的特征点所构成的4类特征线换算建筑高度的方法。4类特征线包括屋顶位移点与其阴影点的连线、建筑高差引起的屋顶像点位移、阴影全长和建筑遮挡后的阴影长。通过已知的少量建筑的实际高度和推导出的4类特征线换算建筑高度的计算模型,可对大量建筑进行快速、精确地高度量算。结合南京市的Google Earth影像进行了验证,结果表明,该方法采用的影像易于获得,综合量算方法大大增加了单张影像上提取建筑高度的可操作性,并解决了量算建筑高度时无相关参数的问题。该方法精度较高,可大面积、快速提取建筑高度,在生产实践中有较大的实用价值。

Qiao W F, Liu Y S, Xiang L Z , et al.

Research on extracting building height rapidly based on high-resolution remote sensing images without parameters

[J]. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2015,17(8):995-1000.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

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[J]. 地理学报, 2000,55(6):671-678.

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On extraction and fractal of urban and rural residential spatial pattern in developed area

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2000,55(6):671-678.

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查勇, 倪绍祥, 杨山 .


[J]. 遥感学报, 2003,7(1):37-40.

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Zha Y, Ni S X, Yang S .

An effective approach to automatically extract urban land-use from TM imagery

[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2003,7(1):37-40.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

徐涵秋 .


[J]. 遥感技术与应用, 2007,22(3):301-308.

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<p>城市建筑用地是一种复杂的土地利用类型,在电磁波反射光谱上表现出明显的异质性。因此,很难用简单的方法将其从遥感影像中准确地提取出来。在详细研究了城市建筑用地的光谱特征以后,创建了一种不直接采用影像的原始波段,而是采用由它们衍生的3个指数波段来构成新型建筑用地指数(IBI)。通过对ASTER和Landsat ETM+两种多光谱影像进行的实验表明,新指数除了能够有效地增强影像中的建筑用地信息外,还能和植被指数、水体指数一样,用于进行数值运算,从而实现了建筑用地对城市生态环境影响的定量研究。对厦门、福州两城市的实例分析表明,新的建筑指数与地表温度呈正相关关系,而与植被指数、水体指数呈负相关关系。研究进一步发现,建筑指数与地表温度的关系不是简单的线性关系,而是一种指数函数关系,说明高建筑用地比例地区的升温效应要明显高于低建筑用地比例地区,因此,对城市热岛的形成起着更大的作用。</p>

Xu H Q .

A new index-based built-up index(IBI) and its eco-environmental significance

[J]. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 2007,22(3):301-308.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

崔一娇, 朱琳, 赵力娟 .


[J]. 生态学报, 2013,33(3):867-875.

DOI:10.5846/stxb201204110510      URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]


Cui Y J, Zhu L, Zhao L J .

Abstraction and analysis of vegetation information based on object-oriented and spectra features

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2013,33(3):867-875.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

崔天翔, 宫兆宁, 赵文吉 , .


[J]. 生态学报, 2013,33(4):1160-1171.

DOI:10.5846/stxb201204270604      URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

植被覆盖度作为反映湿地植物生长状况的重要生态学参数,在评估和检测湿地生态环境方面起着关键的作用。以华北内陆典型的淡水湿地——北京市野鸭湖湿地自然保护区为研究对象,中等分辨率的Landsat TM影像为数据源,基于线性光谱混合模型(LSMM)对研究区的植被覆盖度进行了估算。针对湿地植被类型丰富、土地利用类型多样化的特点,利用归一化植被指数(NDVI)在反映植物生长状况、覆盖程度以及区分地表覆盖类型方面的优势,通过对原始Landsat TM影像增加NDVI数据维对影像进行维度扩展,克服了传统研究中通常从Landsat TM影像上提取3-4种端元的局限,经最小噪声分离变换(MNF变换)、纯像元指数(PPI)计算以及人机交互端元选取等一系列运算,构建以陆生植物、水生植物、高反射率地物、低反射率地物、裸露土壤为组分的五端元模型来反映研究区的地物组成;同时,以原始Landsat TM影像为基础,构建植物、高反射率地物、低反射率地物、裸露土壤为组分的四端元模型。针对两种端元模型,采用全约束下的LSMM算法进行混合像元分解以获取研究区的植被覆盖度,其次辅以研究区的纯水体信息对其进行优化。精度检验采用相同时期的高分辨率WorldView-2多光谱影像来进行。研究表明:虽然四端元模型与五端元模型对植被覆盖度的估算结果在空间上具有基本一致的分布趋势,但是前者的估算结果在数值上要普遍低于后者,在研究区的水体及其附近,四端元模型难以体现水生植物的植被覆盖信息;另外,五端元模型的估算结果与检验数据的相关系数<em>R</em>达到0.9023,均方根误差(RMSE)为0.0939,明显优于四端元模型的<em>R</em>=0.8671和RMSE=0.1711。这反映了通过对影像进行维度扩展的方法来改进端元提取的数量是可行的,而由此构建的五端元模型可以更充分的反映研究区地物之间的光谱差异,从而获得更好的估算精度。

Cui T X, Gong Z N, Zhao W J , et al.

Research on estimating wetland vegetation abundance based on spectral mixture analysis with different endmember model:A case study in Wild Duck Lake wetland,Beijing

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2013,33(4):1160-1171.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

Roberts D A, Gardner M, Church R , et al.

Mapping chaparral in the Santa Monica Mountains using multiple endmember spectral mixture models

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 1998,65(3):267-279.

DOI:10.1016/S0034-4257(98)00037-6      URL     [本文引用: 1]

A new technique, called multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA), was developed and tested in the Santa Monica Mountains, using Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data acquired in the fall of 1994 to map California chaparral. The technique models remotely measured spectra as linear combinations of pure spectra, called endmembers, while allowing the types and number of endmembers to vary on a per pixel basis. In this manner, vegetation is characterized by a unique set of endmembers as well as by the fractions. Reference endmembers were selected from a library of field and laboratory measured spectra of leaves, canopies, nonphotosynthetic materials (e.g., stems), and soils and used to develop a series of candidate models. Each candidate model was applied to the image, then, on a per pixel basis, assessed in terms of fractions, root mean squared (RMS) error, and residuals. If a model met all criteria, it was listed as a candidate for that pixel. For this study, selection criteria included fractions between 0.01 and 1.01, an RMS less than 0.025 and a residual less than 0.025 in seven or more contiguous bands. A total of 889 two-endmember models were evaluated and used to generate 276 three-endmember models. To facilitate model selection from a large pool of candidates, an optimal set was selected to provide maximal areal coverage. A total of 24 two-endmember and 12 three-endmember models were chosen. These models were used to generate fraction images and vegetation maps showing evergreen and drought deciduous or senesced vegetation. We found that a majority of the image could be modeled as two-endmember models. Three-endmember models provided greater areal coverage, yet provided poorer vegetation discrimination due to an increase in model overlap (two or more model candidates modeling the same pixel). The vegetation maps demonstrate that the technique is capable of discriminating a large number of spectrally distinct types of vegetation while capturing the mosaic-like spatial distribution typical of chaparral. However, additional research is required to fully evaluate the technique and validate the vegetation maps that were produced.

Ichoku C, Karnieli A .

A review of mixture modeling techniques for sub-pixel land cover estimation

[J]. Remote Sensing Reviews, 1996,13(3/4):161-186.

DOI:10.1080/02757259609532303      URL     [本文引用: 2]

ABSTRACT Five different types of mixture models are reviewed. These are: linear, probabilistic, geometric‐optical, stochastic geometric, and fuzzy models. A summary of the conception and formulation of each of these types of models is presented. A comparative analysis of the different attributes of the models is made. In a general sense, the linear, probabilistic, and fuzzy models are relatively simple while the geometric (geometric‐optical and stochastic geometric) models are complicated, involving the incorporation of parameters of scene geometry. There is some difference in the number and nature of components that can be resolved with the different models. Available information is insufficient to categorize the models in terms of accuracy levels, but it is evident that mixture models produce more accurate land‐cover estimation than conventional classification.

杨苏新, 张霞, 帅通 , .


[J]. 遥感技术与应用, 2014,29(5):823-832.

DOI:10.11873/j.issn.10040323.2014.5.0823      Magsci     [本文引用: 1]


Yang S X, Zhang X, Shuai T , et al.

Estimating Karst rocky desertification feature abundance by pixel unmixing

[J]. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 2014,29(5):823-832.

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张雪红, 田庆久 .


[J]. 国土资源遥感, 2012,24(3):65-70.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2012.03.13.

URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

针对使用TM图像 反射波段信息难以将红树林与陆地植被、尤其是与水体&mdash;植被混合像元有效区分的问题,结合不同潮位的TM图像,基于反射波段信息,引入TM6热红外波段信息,提出了温湿度指数(temperature-moisture index,TMI)。分析结果表明,综合潮位信息、热红外波段信息及温湿度指数能显著提高红树林与其他地物之间的可分性。采用光谱角度制图(spectral angle mapping,SAM)监督分类法对红树林进行分类识别,较之其他研究者所采用的分类特征,热红外波段信息及温湿度指数能使红树林分类精度明显提高(<em>Kappa</em>系数提高了0.14,错分率降低了19.9%),说明利用潮位信息、热红外波段信息及温湿度指数可以提高红树林的遥感识别精度。

Zhang X H, Tian Q J .

Application of the temperature-moisture index to the improvement of remote sensing identification accuracy of mangrove

[J]. Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 2012,24(3):65-70.doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2012.03.13.

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徐涵秋 .


[J]. 中国环境科学, 2013,33(5):889-897.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6923.2013.05.019      URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]


Xu H Q .

A remote sensing index for assessment of regional ecological changes

[J]. China Environmental Science, 2013,33(5):889-897.

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周秉荣, 李凤霞, 申双和 , .


[J]. 应用气象学报, 2009,20(1):114-118.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-7313.2009.01.015      URL     [本文引用: 1]

沿袭了遥感地物分类中K-L变换思想,以归一化处理后的遥感数据,结合地面土壤湿度观测数据,应用主成分分析方法,采用MODIS不同红外波段数据,通过相关关系计算,在监测结果中融合MODIS具有250 m分辨率的第2波段数据,建立了青海省多维特征空间土壤湿度监测模型。模型的建立克服了热惯量法监测干旱需多时相遥感数据的缺陷,经初步检验,此模型可以在一定精度范围之内监测表层土壤湿度,具有业务应用潜力。

Zhou B R, Li F X, Shen S H , et al.

Principal component analysis method acquiring soil moisture information from MODIS data

[J]. Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 2009,20(1):114-118.

[本文引用: 1]

谷松岩, 李万彪, 张文建 .


[J]. 遥感学报, 2005,9(2):166-175.

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:1007-4619.2005.02.009      URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]


Gu S Y, Li W B, Zhang W J .

Retrieving soil moisture from TRMM/TMI

[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2005,9(2):166-175.

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Ceccato P, Flasse S, Grégoire J M .

Designing a spectral index to estimate vegetation water content from remote sensing data:Part 2.Validation and applications

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2002,82(2/3):198-207.

DOI:10.1016/S0034-4257(02)00036-6      URL     [本文引用: 1]


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