国土资源遥感, 2018, 30(3): 33-39 doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.03.05


李润生, 曹帆之,, 曹闻, 王淑香

信息工程大学数据与目标工程学院,郑州 450001

Extracting road networks from high-resolution remote sensing images using multi features and methods

LI Runsheng, CAO Fanzhi,, CAO Wen, WANG Shuxiang

Data and Target Engineering College, Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450001, China

通讯作者: 曹帆之(1992-),男,硕士,助理工程师,主要从事遥感图像处理方面的研究。Email:513572289@qq.com

责任编辑: 李瑜

收稿日期: 2017-02-24   修回日期: 2017-05-21   网络出版日期: 2018-09-15

基金资助: 地理信息工程国家重点实验室开放基金“高分辨率遥感影像道路提取技术研究”.  SKLGIE2016-Z-3-2

Received: 2017-02-24   Revised: 2017-05-21   Online: 2018-09-15

作者简介 About authors

李润生(1985-),男,博士,讲师,主要从事遥感技术应用方面的研究。Email:xdlxy2171li@163.com。 。


高分辨率影像上道路表现为宽度近似不变的条带状同质区域。根据此特征,提出了一种融合多特征、多方法的高分辨率影像道路网自动提取方法。该算法首先采用均值漂移聚类对图像稳态点图进行分类; 然后运用Gabor滤波及张量编码,以线性显著性最大为准则识别道路中心点类; 最后,运用张量投票和连通成分分析完成道路段连接及道路网组网。试验结果表明该方法能够准确、完整地提取高分辨率影像上道路网,提取的完备性和准确度优于对比算法。

关键词: 高分辨率 ; 遥感影像 ; 同质性 ; 均值漂移 ; 道路网组网


Roads on the high-resolution remote sensing images perform the stripe homogeneous region with ribbon-like shape and approximate width. According to these features, this paper presents a simple yet effective method of delineating road networks from high-resolution remote sensing images, which combines multi features and methods. The proposed method consists of three main steps. First, the mean shift algorithm is utilized to detect the modes of density of image points in spectral-spatial space which contain potential road center points and then detected mode points are classified into different classes by mean shift-based clustering on the basis of spectral information. Next, the combination of Gabor filtering and tensor encoding is used to identify the road class and to extract road center points. Lastly, road network is generated from detected road center points by means of tensor voting and connected component analysis. The experimental results demonstrate good performances of the proposed method in road network extraction, much better than the method proposed by Miao et al.

Keywords: high-resolution ; remote sensing image ; homogeneity ; mean shift ; road networks construction

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李润生, 曹帆之, 曹闻, 王淑香. 多特征、多方法融合的高分辨率影像道路网提取. 国土资源遥感[J], 2018, 30(3): 33-39 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.03.05

LI Runsheng, CAO Fanzhi, CAO Wen, WANG Shuxiang. Extracting road networks from high-resolution remote sensing images using multi features and methods. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES[J], 2018, 30(3): 33-39 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2018.03.05

0 引言

随着对地观测技术、传感器技术的飞速发展,遥感影像的空间分辨率逐步提高,如何在高分辨率遥感影像上自动获取地物信息(道路、居民地等)是高分影像处理领域需要重点解决的问题之一[1]。遥感影像道路网提取一直受测绘遥感和计算机视觉等领域学者的广泛关注,相关学者做了大量研究工作,多种道路网提取算法相继涌现[2,3,4,5,6]。Mean和Poullis对现有的遥感影像道路网提取算法进行了全面的分析总结,根据算法中信息利用的层次将道路提取方法分为3类: 基于像素的道路提取方法、基于区域的道路提取方法和基于知识的道路提取方法[7,8]


1 算法基本原理

本文综合利用道路呈现的光谱、空间、同质性、几何等多种特征,提出了一种高分辨率遥感影像道路网自动提取算法。算法运用非监督分类方法完成图像聚类,并利用Gabor滤波和张量编码实现道路类自动识别,因此不需要训练样本; 同时借助感知编组理论从道路类中生成光滑连续且不含毛刺的道路网。首先利用均值漂移算法对遥感影像进行预处理,生成包含道路中心点的稳态点图; 然后采用均值漂移聚类算法对稳态点图进行分类,并运用Gabor滤波和张量编码,以线性显著性最大为准则识别道路中心点类; 最后,运用张量投票和连通成分分析从道路中心点类中生成道路网。算法流程如图1所示。


图1   道路网提取流程

Fig.1   Flow chart of road networks extraction

1.1 图像稳态点图生成


均值漂移最初由Fukunaga等人在1975年研究概率密度函数的梯度估计时提出[15]。经过30 a的发展,已被广泛应用于图像平滑、图像分割和目标追踪等领域。Cheng对均值漂移算法进行了扩展使得其适用范围大大扩充[16]。改进后的均值漂移数学形式为

Mx= i=1nGH(xi-x)w(xi)(xi-x)i=1nGH(xi-x)w(xi),

式中,w(xi)≥0为权重函数; GH(xi-x)为核函数,即

GH(xi-x)= H-1/2G(H-1/2xi-x),

式中,G(x)是一个单位核函数; H是一个d×d的正定带宽矩阵。


K(x)= 1H-12x10H-12x>1,




图2   带状区域的稳态点图示

Fig.2   Steady-state point map of strip-shaped region

根据这一特性,遥感影像上的道路中心点可通过均值漂移算法寻找图像点所对应概率密度函数的稳态点来提取。具体计算过程为: 设xi=( xis, xir)zi=( zis, zir),i=1,...,n,分别为5维图像点和其对应概率密度函数的稳态点,其中 xis, zis分别表示点xizi的空间坐标, xir, zir表示光谱坐标。对于图像上每一个点: 首先,初始化j=1并且yi,j=xi; 再根据式(1)计算m(i,j),令yi+j=yi,j+m(yi,j); 最后,重复上一步骤,直到算法收敛,则zi=yi,j

1.2 基于均值漂移算法的道路中心点聚类



2)对任意两个稳态点zizj,当其平面空间距离小于空间带宽参数hs并且其光谱距离小于光谱距离hr时,合并这两个稳态点,即 zi'=(zi+zj)/2。其中,空间带宽参数hs和光谱距离hr为经验值,选取方法可参考文献[18]。


4)将剩余稳态点zi作为聚类中心 {Cp}p=1,2...,m,m为聚类中心个数。对于每一个像素点xi,赋值Li={p|xiCp}。


1.3 道路中心点类自动识别


1.3.1 Gabor滤波

Gabor滤波起源于傅里叶变换,由物理学家Dennis Gabor在1946年提出,用于解决傅里叶变换无法分析局部信息的问题[17]。Daugman在他的基础上,将1维Gabor函数扩展至2维,并证明了2维Gabor滤波能够很好地模拟人类视觉单细胞的感受野函数[18]。2维Gabor滤波便被广泛应用于图像处理、特征提取、纹理分析等领域。



式中,σxσy分别高斯椭圆函数沿着x轴和y轴方向的标准差; fθ分别为滤波器的频率和旋转角。由式(4)可知,Gabor滤波实质是关于参数fθ的函数。通过选择不同参数fθ,Gabor滤波能够运用卷积运算提取图像上不同朝向的频率信息。因此,Gabor滤波被视为尺寸和角度可调的线或边缘检测器,广泛用于图像处理领域。本文运用一组Gabor滤波器提取稳态点分类图中的线状高频信息,选择均匀分布在区间[0,π]的8个角度θi和5种频率fi作为滤波器参数,总共40个滤波器。

1.3.2 张量编码


T=[ e1e2] λ100λ2e1e2=λ1e1e1T+λ2e2e2T,

式中,λi表示2阶张量的特征值(降序排列); ei表示与λi相应的特征向量。对于朝向响应图上的每一个像素,首先将其编码为一个线张量,并且该张量的特征向量 ei的方向与响应图对应的Gabor滤波器的朝向一致,特征值λi正比于滤波响应的幅值; 然后通过张量加法整合每个像素的朝向信息,得到了一个2阶对称张量T; 最后通过分析张量T便可推断每一个像素的几何类型。具体来说,2阶对称张量T可被分解成为如下形式,即

T=(λ1-λ2) e1e1T+λ2( e1e1T+ e2e2T),

在式(6)中,(λ1-λ2) e1e1T是一个显著性为(λ1-λ2)的线张量,表示一个以 ei作为其切线的曲线点; 而λ2( e1e1T- e2e2T)表示一个显著性为λ2的球张量,描述了图像上一个没有朝向的点。如果一个像素点,它的线显著性大于球显著性,即(λ1-λ2)>λ2,则认为该点为某曲线上的一点,且该点切线方向为 ei; 如果(λ1-λ2)<λ2时,则表明该点位于某一区域内或者是的两曲线的交叉点,没有朝向。

在本文中,算法根据以下规则检测每一类样本点中的曲线点: ①对于每一个曲线点,它的线显著性(λ1-λ2)应该大于它的球显著性λ2; ②对于每一个曲线点,它的线显著性(λ1-λ2)应该是沿着其法线方向的局部极大值点。

1.4 道路网组网


在2维张量投票中,几何信息可通过棍投票(stick voting)进行传递和精炼,而在投票结束之后,便通过投票分析推断几何结构特征(点或线)。图3介绍了棍投票过程,图中O点为投票点,P点为信息接收点,C点为一个同时经过点P和点O的圆的圆心。


图3   棍投票过程

Fig.3   Process of stick voting


DF(s,k,σ)= e-(s2+ck2σ2),
c= -16ln(0.1)×(σ-1)π2

式中,s表示点O,P之间的弧长; k表示曲率,σ为尺度因子,决定了投票的大小。

2 试验及分析

2.1 道路网提取试验



图4   道路网提取试验1

Fig.4   The first experiment of road networks extraction

为了进一步测试算法的性能,挑选2幅影像进行测试(见图5(a)和图5(c)),其中,图5(a)为0.61 m分辨率的QuickBird的卫星彩色影像,影像区域为国外某城市,影像大小为754像元×387像元。图5(c)为1.65 m分辨率GeoEye-1卫星彩色影像,影像区域为加拿大滑铁卢地区,影像大小为1 276像元×1 261像元。测试结果如图5(b)和图5(d)所示。


图5   道路网提取试验2

Fig.5   The second experiment of road networks extraction


图5(c)整幅影像道路场景复杂,影像上道路宽度变化较大,主干道宽度较大,附属小路宽度较小。另外,道路材质包括柏油路面、水泥路面以及土质小路。道路边界特征较弱,路面干扰因素种类较多。提取过程中认为设定的空间带宽参数为: 两条主干道hs=27。从图5 (d)提取结果看,本文算法能够较完整地提取复杂场景中的道路网,而图中绿线为未能提取的道路段,这主要是由于当部分道路宽度突然变小时,均值漂移算法自适应性较差,无法准确检测这部分道路段的中心点,最终导致这部分道路提取失败。

2.2 对比试验



图6   道路提取对比实验

Fig.6   Comparative experiment of road extraction


完备性=TP/(TP+FN) ,
准确度=TP/(TP+FP) ,
提取精度=TP/(TP+FP+FN) ,

式中: TP为正确提取的道路长度; FP为被错误提取的道路长度; FN为未能提取的道路长度。2种方法的评判结果如表1所示。

表1   道路提取精度评判结果

Tab.1  Evaluation results of road extraction accuracy(%)


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图6可知,相比Miao等人所提出的算法,本文算法提取的道路中心线更加光滑,准确地位于道路中心处。从表1可知,本文算法展示了良好的道路提取性能,在道路提取的完备性和精度上优于Miao的算法。另外,从算法计算效率看,本文算法与Miao等所提算法基本持平,在试验环境为CPU速度2.5 GHz,8 G内存条件下,计算图4图5中3幅影像的时间分别为70 ms,78 ms和102 ms。处理时间与影像场景复杂度有关,另外,算法计算过程中耗时较长的步骤为中心点自动识别步骤,约占整个处理过程的2/3。后续可围绕如何优化识别算法进行深入研究。

3 结论





4)但本文算法还存在2个局限: ①当道路网的光谱特征发生变化或者当其他地物具有和道路相似的光谱特性和几何形状时,算法无法准确地提取完整的道路网。②算法需要提前设置带宽参数。



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<p>针对遥感影像道路提取问题,探索了一种基于道路条带自动检测道路中心线的方法。首先基于概率增进树算法获取道路候选点,并通过形态学运算得到光滑和完整的道路条带; 然后结合细化运算自动检测道路中心线。但检测的中心线存在&quot;毛刺&quot;且局部曲率变化过大,不符合道路的形状特征。针对该问题,引入了测地距离理论,并用迭代方法去除&quot;毛刺&quot;,获得初始道路中心线; 再通过Dijkstra最短路径算法优化初始结果; 最后根据方向一致性和道路连续性获取最终的道路中心线。采用高分辨率航空影像对上述方法的实验结果证明了该方法的有效性和可行性。</p>

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In this work we present a novel vision-based system for automatic detection and extraction of complex road networks from various sensor resources such as aerial photographs, satellite images, and LiDAR. Uniquely, the proposed system is an integrated solution that merges the power of perceptual grouping theory (Gabor filtering, tensor voting) and optimized segmentation techniques (global optimization using graph-cuts) into a unified framework to address the challenging problems of geospatial feature detection and classification. Firstly, the local precision of the Gabor filters is combined with the global context of the tensor voting to produce accurate classification of the geospatial features. In addition, the tensorial representation used for the encoding of the data eliminates the need for any thresholds, therefore removing any data dependencies. Secondly, a novel orientation-based segmentation is presented which incorporates the classification of the perceptual grouping, and results in segmentations with better defined boundaries and continuous linear segments. Finally, a set of gaussian-based filters are applied to automatically extract centerline information (magnitude, width and orientation). This information is then used for creating road segments and transforming them to their polygonal representations.

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This paper surveys the state of the art on automatic road extraction for GIS update from aerial and satellite imagery. It presents a bibliography of nearly 250 references related to this topic. The work includes main approaches on general methods of road network extraction and reconstruction, road tracking methods, morphological analysis, dynamic programming and snakes, methods multi-scale and multi-resolution, stereoscopic and multi-temporal analysis, hyper-spectral experiments, and other techniques for road extraction. Likewise, other approaches related in any way with the road extraction topic are also considered. Between them different papers on segmentation, vectorization, optimization, evaluation, semantic nets and neural networks, fusion techniques, fuzzy logic, and other methods are discussed. A novel classification of road extraction methods according to our criteria is included in order to provide a significant contribution to research in this topic.

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In this paper, a unique approach for road extraction utilizing pixel spectral information for classification and image segmentation-derived object features was developed. In this approach, road extraction was performed in two steps. In the first step, support vector machine (SVM) was employed merely to classify the image into two groups of categories: a road group and a non-road group. For this classification, support vector machine (SVM) achieved higher accuracy than Gaussian maximum likelihood (GML). In the second step, the road group image was segmented into geometrically homogeneous objects using a region growing technique based on a similarity criterion, with higher weighting on shape factors over spectral criteria. A simple thresholding on the shape index and density features derived from these objects was performed to extract road features, which were further processed by thinning and vectorization to obtain rood centerlines. The experiment showed the proposed approach worked well with images comprised by both rural and urban area features.

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This letter presents a two-step method for urban main road extraction from high-resolution remotely sensed imagery by integrating spectral-spatial classification and shape features. In the first step, spectral-spatial classification segments the imagery into two classes, i.e., the road class and the nonroad class, using path openings and closings. The local homogeneity of the gray values obtained by local Geary's C is then fused with the road class. In the second step, the road class is refined by using shape features. The experimental results indicated that the proposed method was able to achieve a comparatively good performance in urban main road extraction.

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This study presents an automatic method for accurate road centreline extraction from classified images. Unlike earlier methods that have mainly relied on the thinning algorithm, the proposed automatic method selects end points from a classified image and then connects them using the geodesic method to formulate the road network. As the proposed method generates the road centreline by tracing along the ridge line of the optimally oriented flux (OOF) measure, this method is able to eliminate undesired spurs while retaining the correct road network topology. Three test images are used to quantitatively evaluate the proposed method. Experiments show that the proposed method yields a substantial improvement over the thinning algorithm.

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Abstract We present a unified computational framework which properly implements the smoothness constraint to gen- erate descriptions in terms of surfaces, regions, curves, and labelled junctions, from sparse, noisy, binary data in 2-D or 3-D. Each input site can be a point, a point with an associated tangent direction, a point with an associated normal direction, or any combination of the above. The methodology is grounded on two elements: tensor calculus for representation, and linear voting for communication: each input site communicates its infor- mation (a tensor) to its neighborhood through a pre- defined (tensor) field, and therefore casts a (tensor) vote. Each site collects all the votes cast at its location and encodes them into a new tensor. A local, parallel marching process then simultaneously detects features. The proposed approach is very different from traditional variational approaches, as it is non-iterative. Further- more, the only free parameter is the size of the neigh- borhood, related to the scale. We have developed several algorithms based on the proposed methodology to address a number of early vision problems, including perceptual grouping in 2-D and 3-D, shape from stereo, and motion grouping and segmentation, and the results are very encouraging.

Mordohai P, Medioni G .

Tensor Voting:A Perceptual Organization Approach to Computer Vision and Machine Learning

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