国土资源遥感, 2019, 31(2): 1-9 doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2019.02.01



韩衍欣1,2, 蒙继华,1

1.中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所数字地球重点实验室,北京 100101

2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049

A review of per-field crop classification using remote sensing

HAN Yanxin1,2, MENG Jihua,1

1.Key Laboratory for Digital Earth Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China

2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

通讯作者: 蒙继华(1977-),男,研究员,主要从事作物遥感监测及精准农业遥感应用方面的研究。Email:mengjh@radi.ac.cn

责任编辑: 张仙

收稿日期: 2018-01-24   修回日期: 2018-03-23   网络出版日期: 2019-06-15

基金资助: 高分辨率对地观测系统重大专项项目“GF-6卫星宽幅相机作物类型精细识别与制图技术”.  09-Y20A05-9001-17/18
“GF-6卫星宽幅相机影像植被参数定量反演技术”.  30-Y20A03-9003-17/18
国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于作物模型与遥感数据同化的农田土壤速效养分反演方法研究”共同资助.  41871261

Received: 2018-01-24   Revised: 2018-03-23   Online: 2019-06-15

作者简介 About authors

韩衍欣(1994-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事农作物遥感分类及长势监测方面的研究。Email:hanyx@radi.ac.cn。 。


农作物遥感分类是农作物面积监测的核心问题,对于进一步开展农作物长势、产量等专题监测具有重要意义。与同质像元聚类得到的对象相比,地块数据包含了更为精确的位置和面积信息,被越来越多地应用于农作物遥感分类。首先,系统总结了面向地块农作物遥感分类在理论、方法和实践中取得的进展; 然后,分析了该方法目前存在的问题; 最后,对未来的发展趋势进行了展望。研究认为,数字化和影像分割是获取地块数据的主要途径,陆续发布的全国地块数据集也给面向地块农作物遥感分类带来了新的契机; 将面向地块的农作物遥感分类策略分为考虑地块整体特征和以像元为基础2种,并总结了遥感分类特征和分类方法取得的进展; 在未来一段时间,多源数据的应用、地块边界检测技术的发展、分类特征的挖掘以及遥感分类运行化能力的提高将是面向地块农作物遥感分类的重要研究内容。

关键词: 面向地块 ; 农作物 ; 遥感 ; 分类


Crop classification using remote sensing is the key to monitoring crop planting acreage and has great significance in further thematic monitoring. As field contains more accurate information of location and acreage than object which is the result of clustering similar pixels, it has been applied to crop classification using remote sensing increasingly. This paper summarizes the progress of per-field crop classification using remote sensing systematically, including its theories, methods and applications. Furthermore, a series of problems are analyzed and future study directions are viewed. Studies show that digitalization and image segmentation are the main approach to obtaining field boundary and more nationwide field database and bringing per-field classification a new opportunity. The strategies of per-field classification can be divided into two categories:using field features as input for the classifier and assigning field class based on per-pixel classification. The progress of features and classifiers in classification with remote sensing data are summarized further. It is indicated that combined application of multi-source data, development of field boundary detection, new features selection and improving implementation capacity of remote sensing image classification will be the crucial issues in per-field classification using remote sensing.

Keywords: per-field ; crop ; remote sensing ; classification

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韩衍欣, 蒙继华. 面向地块的农作物遥感分类研究进展. 国土资源遥感[J], 2019, 31(2): 1-9 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2019.02.01

HAN Yanxin, MENG Jihua. A review of per-field crop classification using remote sensing. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES[J], 2019, 31(2): 1-9 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2019.02.01

0 引言




本文对面向地块农作物遥感分类的研究进展进行总结,首先,介绍了地块数据获取的现状; 其次,对面向地块分类的分类策略、分类特征和分类方法进行综述和分析,同时指出该方法存在的问题和面临的挑战; 最后,对未来发展趋势进行了展望。

1 地块数据获取的现状

1.1 地块的定义与特点

地块是指具有同一权属主的完整封闭的农田,是农户生产经营的最小单位,是实现农作物生产规划、管理和效益评价的基本单元[22,23]。一般来说,一个地块只种植一种农作物,其边界具有长期稳定性,可以重复多次使用,有利于开展基于地块的农作物遥感分类。地块是一种特殊的对象,面向地块分类正是将遥感影像分为一个个地表真实的“地块”对象并将其作为基本单元进行分类,根据地块内像元的特性统计赋予地块农作物类型,而不只是确定每个像元的类型。地块与普通对象又有所区别,对象是通过对高空间分辨率遥感影像进行分割得到的,它的实质是相对同质像元的集合; 而地块作为一种典型的地理对象,内部除了农作物纯像元外,还可能存在一些混合像元和内部变异。地块与普通对象的另一个区别是边界,对象边界为了与像元边缘保持一致往往呈锯齿状,而现实中的地块边界更加平滑。最后,对象仅针对像元间的同质性进行聚类,是自然的; 而地块经过人工勾绘,与农作物种植实际情况相符,同时也被赋予了更多的社会属性。总的来说,地块在参考像元间关系的基础上,更多地考虑了农作物种植的真实情况,提供了更为准确的边界、地理位置以及面积信息。因此,以地块为基本单元的农作物遥感分类与面积监测在精度和效率上都有很大优势,可以服务于农业普查和农业保险等领域。

1.2 现有的地块提取方法


影像分割技术是获取地块边界的另一种方式,它基于相邻像元之间的光谱异质度及设定的光谱异质阈值对像元进行合并和分割,形成由多个同质像元组成的目标对象[25]。对于同一景影像,通过选择最优分割尺度可以较为准确地提取地块边界,但最优分割尺度的选取比较复杂,它主要受地物类型、周围环境对比度和内部异质性影响[26]。在众多分割算法中,多尺度分割(multiresolution segmentation,MRS)算法应用最为广泛[27,28,29,30],其中由eCognition软件提供的分型网络演化方法(fractal net evolution approach,FNEA)在视觉和数量方面都优于其他MRS算法[31,32]。但是MRS算法中,每一类只能选择一个尺度,它忽略了周围环境和内部异质性的影响,因此还不足以生产出精确的分割结果。另外,用户还需手动选择最优分割参数(包括定义斑块大小的“分割尺度”、多光谱波段“颜色/形状”的权重和斑块紧密程度的“平滑/紧密”)来提升分割效果,而这一过程需要一定的经验,且是相当费时费力的[33]。尽管影像分割技术已有了较大发展,但仍不能像目视解译般准确获取所有地物边界[34],因此自动分割得到的地块边界往往仍需要手动修正才能与实际边界吻合。

1.3 已有的全国地块数据


第二次全国土地调查于2009年完成,利用现有土地调查成果和3S技术,以1∶10 000比例尺和5 m图斑采集精度对农村土地进行调查,确定了每块土地的地类、面积、权属和分布信息,形成了最小图斑面积为600 m2的全国各级基本农田的分布数据[35]。2013—2015年第一次全国地理国情普查基于覆盖全国的空间分辨率优于1 m的多源遥感影像数据,开展了地表覆盖调查(包括植被、水体、建筑物及地理单元等的普查),查清了我国农田植被分布情况,地块图斑采集精度和最小图斑面积分别为2.5 m和400 m2[36,37]。第三次全国农业普查的重要内容之一是农作物种植面积遥感测量,查清了我国农村土地利用和流转情况[38]。农村土地确权是指土地所有权、土地使用权和其他项权利的确认、确定,全面开展农村土地确权登记颁证工作,有利于掌握农用地的空间信息和权属信息[39]。在开展普查工作的同时,国家也在建立健全数据共享机制,加强对普查成果的及时转化和广泛利用。随着普查成果的不断发布,越来越多的地块数据实现了共享,将为面向地块的农作物遥感分类提供重要数据支撑。

2 面向地块农作物遥感分类研究进展

面向地块的农作物分类思想最早由Derenyi[40]提出,它为解决像元分类面临的光谱变异和光谱混合问题提供了一个简单有效的解决方案,之后国内外学者开展了大量研究,在面向地块农作物分类领域取得了较大进展。Wit等[34]研究了面向地块思想在运行化农作物遥感监测的精度和效率,结果表明地块边界有效降低了分类误差,总体精度可达85%以上,但是地块边界数字化效率较低; Conrad等[41]利用影像自动分割技术勾绘地块数据,在中亚干旱区开展了面向地块的灌溉作物分类,实现了80%的分类精度; 顾晓鹤等[19]使用不同特征和不同分类器进行面向地块的冬小麦种植面积估算,结果表明基于地块分类的冬小麦总量精度和位置精度均高于像元分类; Löw等[42]根据前人研究选取了多种农作物分类特征,研究了特征选择对面向地块农作物分类精度和空间不确定性的影响。以上研究表明,面向地块的农作物遥感分类切合实际,能够实现较高的分类精度。

2.1 面向地块分类策略


2.2 分类特征选择

2.2.1 分类特征


光谱特征作为农作物遥感分类的物理基础,是农作物生理生化参数和环境因子共同作用的结果,但是农作物遥感识别中普遍存在“同物异谱”和“异物同谱”问题[45]。如图1所示,农作物光谱受叶片内部各种色素(叶绿素为主)和水分含量等因素的影响,呈现出区别于水体、土壤和建筑物等其他地物的独特反射特征。刘亮等[46]充分利用高光谱数据丰富的光谱特征,采用分层分类的方法对北京市顺义区农作物进行了精细识别,各种农作物分类精度达到了95%以上; Löw等[42]通过分析不同特征对面向地块农作物分类精度的影响发现,包含RapidEye红边信息的特征能够有效提高农作物的识别精度; 刘佳等[47]在研究中引入RapidEye红边波段后提高了不同农作物的可分性,总体识别精度提高了6.7%。另外,通过对多波段运算获得的多种指数,如归一化植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)、归一化水体指数(normalized difference water index,NDWI)和三角植被指数(triangular vegetation index,TVI)等特征在面向地块的农作物遥感分类中的应用也很广泛[28]。微波数据可以提供农作物几何特征和土壤水分信息,在农作物生长发育不同时期呈现不同的散射特性,被较多地应用于识别水稻等农作物[48]。Kussul等[44]在开展面向地块分类时,综合使用了Landsat8多光谱数据和Sentinel-1A合成孔径雷达数据,取得了较高的分类精度。


图1   农作物反射光谱特征

Fig.1   Reflectance spectra of crop

时相特征是指农作物在不同时相遥感影像上的变化规律,主要反映了农作物在不同物候阶段的生理生化差异。通过捕获关键物候期的遥感数据,分析农作物不同时期的特征,可以提高目标识别能力和精度。参考时相特征的农作物遥感分类,根据遥感影像数量的多少,主要分为基于单一时相、多时相和时间序列遥感影像3种。Arikan[49]选取多时相Landsat7 ETM+影像,采用先面向像元再面向地块的分类策略进行农作物识别,识别精度比使用单景8月份影像提高了10%以上; Kussul等[50]使用6景Landsat8 OLI影像进行面向地块的分类,在分类时去除云像元的影响,有效提高了分类精度。

此外,遥感影像还可以提供空间特征,最常用的方法是提取影像的纹理特征,例如通过灰度共生矩阵计算的同质性和差异性等。研究表明,地形(高程、坡度、坡向等)和气象(日照、积温、风速、降水量等)等各类专题信息也可以作为辅助数据特征应用到农作物遥感识别中[51]。Bolstad等[52]发现综合利用Landsat TM影像、土壤和地形信息可以获得较基于光谱数据分类更高的精度; 吴炳方等[53]通过将Landsat TM数据划分为各个小区进行局部光谱训练和监督分类,将早稻面积提取精度提高到85%以上,将中稻面积提取精度提高到80%以上。

2.2.2 特征选择

随着遥感技术的不断发展,高时间、高空间分辨率卫星不断涌现,提供了更丰富的地物分类特征,使农作物精细识别成为可能。但在实际应用中,训练样本有限,特征维数并不是越高越好,特征数量增加到某一临界点后,继续增加反而会导致分类精度变低,这种现象被称为“休斯”现象或“休斯”效应[54]。因此,评价各种特征对分类的影响,从大量特征中优选出对分类贡献最大的特征,从而使用最优特征或特征组合识别农作物,可以降低特征提取和分类器的计算复杂度,降低分类结果的不确定性,显著提高农作物分类的效率。根据特征集合与学习算法结合方式的不同,特征选择策略可以分为3类: 过滤式、封装式和嵌入式[55]



嵌入式特征选择是一种基本的归纳算法,从根本上说是封装式的发展和延伸。嵌入式特征选择是在机器学习的过程中进行的,实现特征分类的方法是增加特征或者减少特征,也可以将不同特征组合。典型的嵌入式特征选择算法主要有支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)递归特征消除算法以及随机森林算法等。Löw等[42]将随机森林算法作为特征选择策略,通过计算特征重要性得分对71个光谱特征和地学统计特征进行优选,并研究了不同特征对面向地块农作物分类的贡献大小。

2.3 分类方法


2.3.1 传统分类器

监督分类是计算机自动进行农作物遥感分类经常使用的一种手段,如美国LACIE计划使用Landsat MSS数据,其中部分结合航空影像,在已知地面样方小麦种植情况和位置的前提下,采用分层监督分类的方法提取小麦的种植面积,达到90%以上的提取精度[57]; Yang等[58]使用SPOT5数据,比较了最小距离、马氏距离、最大似然和光谱角制图等传统监督分类法在农作物分类和面积提取效果上的差异,结果表明最大似然的精度高于其他3种分类方法,最高可达91%。非监督分类方法不需要人工选择训练样本,仅需极少的人工初始输入,计算机自动根据像元光谱或空间等特征组成集群组,然后分类者将每个组与参考数据比较,将其划分到某一类中[59]。长期以来,已经发展了很多非监督分类方法,常用的有ISODATA和K-means分类。Turker等[18]使用非监督分类方法开展面向地块的农作物遥感识别,对比了不同传感器数据下的分类效果,对不同传感器数据的适用场景进行了总结。

2.3.2 决策树与随机森林




2.3.3 SVM

SVM是一种非参数分类器,能够解决复杂的分类问题。由于它具有适用于高维特征空间、小样本统计学习、抗噪声影响能力强等特点,因而在遥感分类中得到了广泛应用[65]。如果采取考虑地块整体特征的策略进行面向地块的分类,训练样本会大大减少,这时SVM就可以发挥很大优势。Löw等[42]综合利用随机森林和SVM进行分类,首先根据随机森林重要性得分评价特征,然后选取不同特征进行SVM分类,研究了不同特征对面向地块农作物分类的影响; Gu等[66]对比了SVM和最大似然法的面向地块冬小麦面积监测情况,结果显示SVM分类精度为97%,高于最大似然法的90%,而且面向地块比面向像元能够获得更高、更稳定的分类精度。

3 存在问题

3.1 地块数据获取技术


3.2 地块内部不均一性

地块内部不均一性会对面向地块的农作物遥感分类产生干扰,主要包括2点问题: ①地块与对象的主要区别是地块内部不仅包含同质像元,还存在一些其他像元(地块边界处的混合像元、由长势差异等原因引起的内部变异像元以及受云覆盖影响的像元等),无论采取何种面向地块分类的策略,这些干扰像元都将增加分类的不确定性; ②虽然大多数地块数据常年不变,但由于农作物轮作与生产计划改变,仍有部分地块边界会发生变化。如果这部分地块数据更新不及时,可能出现一个地块种植多种农作物的情况。如何解决干扰像元与地块混合的问题,最大程度发挥地块数据在分类中的优势,亟需进一步研究。

3.3 遥感数据空间分辨率


3.4 分类特征


3.5 样本数量


4 研究展望



2)地块边界获取技术有待进一步发展。尽管未来越来越多的地块数据将实现共享,但部分地区在初次绘制地块边界时仍存在一些问题。在获取大范围地块边界数据时,矢量化方式精度较高,但耗费大量人力、时间; 影像分割虽然大大提高了效率,但其分割对象往往与实际地块不符。这些问题很大程度上影响了面向地块分类的实际应用。因此,应进一步研究影像分割技术,尽可能保证分割对象与地理实体的一致性,或者发展新的地块边界检测技术。




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介绍了遥感监测粮食作物播种面积的理论和现实意义,回顾了国内外基于常规方法、线状框架采样、面积框架采样、光谱混合模型(spectral mixture model , SMA)等方法进行植被制图和进行粮食作物识别研究的现状和存在的问题, 并对基于波谱库的农作物播种面积监测提出了建议。

Chen S S, Liu Q H, Chen L F , et al.

Review of research advances in remote sensing monitoring of grain crop area

[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2005,21(6):166-171.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

宋茜, 周清波, 吴文斌 , .


[J]. 中国农业科学, 2015,48(6):1122-1135.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.06.09      URL     [本文引用: 1]

农作物遥感识别是地理学和生态学研究的前沿和热点,多源数据在农作遥感识别中日益发挥重要作用。笔者从多源数据融合的角度,归纳了2000年后多源数据在农作物遥感识别中应用的总体概况,系统梳理并提炼了当前多源数据融合的主要融合技术和融合模式。围绕与多源数据融合和农作物遥感识别相关的关键词,在Google学术、ISI Web of Knowledge和中国知网中对2000—2014年间国内外发表的论文进行检索,并统计不同传感器的使用频率及结合方式。研究表明,以提高空间分辨率为目标的多源数据融合和以提高时间分辨率为目标的多源数据融合技术是当前的两种主要方式,可以在一定程度上实现时空尺度的扩展。前者的融合技...

Song Q, Zhou Q B, Wu W B , et al.

Recent progresses in research of integrating multi-source remote sensing data for crop mapping

[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2015,48(6):1122-1135.

[本文引用: 1]

Atzberger C .

Advances in remote sensing of agriculture:Context description,existing operational monitoring systems and major information needs

[J]. Remote Sensing, 2013,5(2):949-981.

DOI:10.3390/rs5020949      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Wardlow B D, Egbert S L, Kastens J H .

Analysis of time-series MODIS 250 m vegetation index data for crop classification in the U.S. Central Great Plains

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2007,108(3):290-310.

DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2006.11.021      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The global environmental change research community requires improved and up-to-date land use/land cover (LULC) datasets at regional to global scales to support a variety of science and policy applications. Considerable strides have been made to improve large-area LULC datasets, but little emphasis has been placed on thematically detailed crop mapping, despite the considerable influence of management activities in the cropland sector on various environmental processes and the economy. Time-series MODIS 250 m Vegetation Index (VI) datasets hold considerable promise for large-area crop mapping in an agriculturally intensive region such as the U.S. Central Great Plains, given their global coverage, intermediate spatial resolution, high temporal resolution (16-day composite period), and cost-free status. However, the specific spectral emporal information contained in these data has yet to be thoroughly explored and their applicability for large-area crop-related LULC classification is relatively unknown. The objective of this research was to investigate the general applicability of the time-series MODIS 250 m Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) datasets for crop-related LULC classification in this region. A combination of graphical and statistical analyses were performed on a 12-month time-series of MODIS EVI and NDVI data from more than 2000 cropped field sites across the U.S. state of Kansas. Both MODIS VI datasets were found to have sufficient spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions to detect unique multi-temporal signatures for each of the region's major crop types (alfalfa, corn, sorghum, soybeans, and winter wheat) and management practices (double crop, fallow, and irrigation). Each crop's multi-temporal VI signature was consistent with its general phenological characteristics and most crop classes were spectrally separable at some point during the growing season. Regional intra-class VI signature variations were found for some crops across Kansas that reflected the state's climate and planting time differences. The multi-temporal EVI and NDVI data tracked similar seasonal responses for all crops and were highly correlated across the growing season. However, differences between EVI and NDVI responses were most pronounced during the senescence phase of the growing season.

Yu K, Wang Z, Sun L, et al.

Crop growth condition monitoring and analyzing in county scale by time series MODIS medium-resolution data

[C]//Second International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics, 2013: 1-6.

[本文引用: 1]

韩衍欣, 蒙继华, 徐晋 .


[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017,33(2):177-182.

DOI:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.024      URL     [本文引用: 1]

及时、准确的作物长势监测可以为宏观决策和农田生产提供作物生长信息,便于及时采取各种田间管理措施,达到科学管理和作物增产的目的。归一化植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)与植被的叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)和叶片叶绿素含量关系极为密切,可以用来评价作物的生长状况。为了降低主观因素及物候差异对大豆长势监测的影响,该研究以黑龙江红星农场主要农作物大豆为例,基于历史NDVI数据建立了该区域大豆长势评价的标准。利用NDVI时间序列拟合法提取大豆关键物候期,结合物候监测结果对大豆长势进行修正,最后利用41个地块的单产数据对长势评价结果进行了验证。物候修正前后长势与单产的一致性分别为58.5%、75.6%,容差为1个等级时分别为87.8%、95.1%,表明历史NDVI对大豆长势评价有一定参考意义,但简单同期对比不能完全反映大豆长势真实情况,物候修正可以进一步改善长势评价效果。研究可以为利用遥感进行大豆长势评价提供参考依据。

Han Y X, Meng J H, Xu J .

Soybean growth assessment method based on NDVI and phenological calibration

[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2017,33(2):177-182.

[本文引用: 1]

Islam A S, Bala S K .

Assessment of potato phenological characteristics using MODIS-derived NDVI and LAI information

[J]. GIScience and Remote Sensing, 2008,45(4):443-453.

DOI:10.2747/1548-1603.45.4.443      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Land use and land cover changes have as consequences several social, economic, and environmental impacts. The understanding of these changes allows a better planning of public policies in order to map and monitor areas more susceptible to environmental problems. This research presents an analysis of the land use and land cover changes of a watershed region located in the Brazilian Amazon, and an evaluation of their impacts on sediment yield. Land use/land cover maps for each of the analyzed time periods (1973, 1984, and 2005) were compiled using images obtained by MSS/Landsat-1, TM/Landsat-5, and the MODIS/Terra sensors. The sediment yield modeling was performed by dividing the watershed into homogeneous subregions. Each of the subregions received average attributes that were used as input parameters for the Universal Soil Loss Equation. The results revealed that up to 2005, around 40% of the study area was already deforested, replaced by agricultural activities. In some parts of the watershed these changes were responsible for an increase of up to 7 ton/ha in annual average sediment yield. This study was successful in providing an assessment of the magnitude and spatial distribution of the changes.

Cheng Z, Meng J, Wang Y .

Improving spring maize yield estimation at field scale by assimilating time-series HJ-1 CCD data into the WOFOST model using a new method with fast algorithms

[J]. Remote Sensing, 2016,8(4), 303.

DOI:10.3390/rs8040303      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Field crop yield prediction is crucial to grain storage, agricultural field management, and national agricultural decision-making. Currently, crop models are widely used for crop yield prediction. However, they are hampered by the uncertainty or similarity of input parameters when extrapolated to field scale. Data assimilation methods that combine crop models and remote sensing are the most effective methods for field yield estimation. In this study, the World Food Studies (WOFOST) model is used to simulate the growing process of spring maize. Common assimilation methods face some difficulties due to the scarce, constant, or similar nature of the input parameters. For example, yield spatial heterogeneity simulation, coexistence of common assimilation methods and the nutrient module, and time cost are relatively important limiting factors. To address the yield simulation problems at field scale, a simple yet effective method with fast algorithms is presented for assimilating the time-series HJ-1 A/B data into the WOFOST model in order to improve the spring maize yield simulation. First, the WOFOST model is calibrated and validated to obtain the precise mean yield. Second, the time-series leaf area index (LAI) is calculated from the HJ data using an empirical regression model. Third, some fast algorithms are developed to complete assimilation. Finally, several experiments are conducted in a large farmland (Hongxing) to evaluate the yield simulation results. In general, the results indicate that the proposed method reliably improves spring maize yield estimation in terms of spatial heterogeneity simulation ability and prediction accuracy without affecting the simulation efficiency.

覃志豪, 高懋芳, 秦晓敏 , .


[J]. 自然灾害学报, 2005,14(4):64-71.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-4574.2005.04.011      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Qin Z H, Gao M F, Qin X M , et al.

Methodology to retrieve land surface temperature from MODIS data for agricultural drought monitoring in China

[J]. Journal of Natural Disasters, 2005,14(4):64-71.

[本文引用: 1]

Wu B, Li Q .

Crop planting and type proportion method for crop acreage estimation of complex agricultural landscapes

[J]. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2012,16(1):101-112.

DOI:10.1016/j.jag.2011.12.006      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This study presents a crop planting and type proportion (CPTP) method for crop acreage estimation of complex and diverse agricultural landscapes. CPTP has three major components: (1) Crop planting proportion (CPP), estimated with wide-swath satellite remote sensing data to completely cover the monitoring area by segmenting cropped and non-cropped areas through unsupervised classification. (2) Crop type proportion (CTP), estimated by transect sampling and a special GPS-Video-GIS instrument (GVG) and a visual interpretation of crop type proportion in collected pictures for different strata. (3) Multiplication of CPP and CTP with arable land area at the strata level, summed to the province and national level. Validation has been done with in situ data for different agricultural landscapes over China. Both CPP estimation with remote sensing data and CTP estimation through ground survey have a high accuracy with average relative error (RE) and root mean square error (RMSE) equal to 1.42% and 1.67% for CPP and to 2.63% and 2.25% for CTP. The RE for crop acreage estimation equals to 4.09%. The CPTP method thus has a high accuracy, yields timely information at low costs, and is robust and provides objective results. The study concludes that the CPTP method can be used for large area crop acreage estimation of complex agriculture landscapes.

刘庆生, 黄翀, 刘高焕 , .


[J]. 中国农学通报, 2014,30(26):284-290.

DOI:10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-3313      URL     [本文引用: 1]

To explore the feasibility of quickly extracting planting area using HJ satellite CCD data acquired at the main crop key growth periods, a quick and easy crop planting area extraction method was presented. The author took Wudi County of Shandong Province as a study area, 3 HJ remote sensing images acquired at the main crop key growth periods were selected based on the main crop cultivation technique calendar. Through the EVI time-series data analysis and regions of interesting (ROI) creations, the support vector machine (SVM) was used for extracting the main crop planting area. The results showed that: the EVI data of the crop key growth periods in combination with the SVM method could more accurately estimate the winter wheat, corn and cotton planting area of Wudi County, and overall accuracy of total planting area extraction and spatial distribution location was more than 93% and 75% respectively. Through using the remote sensing data acquired at a crop key growth period, time and labor for remote sensing data processing was reduced greatly, and it was easy to visualize the choice of ROI. Only used SVM could guarantee the regional crop planting area extraction accuracy, which greatly simplified the operation process and provided a reference for other regions to use HJ satellite data to extract crop planting area.

Liu Q S, Huang C, Liu G H , et al.

Planting area extraction of a crop key growth period in Wudi County based on HJ satellite data

[J]. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2014,30(26):284-290.

[本文引用: 1]

王立辉, 黄进良, 孙俊英 .


[J]. 世界科技研究与发展, 2009,31(6):1029-1032.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6055.2009.06.014      URL     [本文引用: 1]

环境减灾卫星作为我国自主研制 发射的环境与灾害监测预报卫星,要发挥它的作用就是要更好的使用其数据源。支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)是一种卓越的分类方法,本文通过SVM方法对环境减灾卫星HJ-1B星CCD影像数据进行作物分类识别实验并将结果与最大似然法 分类结果进行比较。结果表明:利用SVM方法进行遥感图像分类,精度优于传统的最大似然法分类精度;Hj-1 A/1B星CCD数据对于农作物具有较好的指示效果,可应用于作物识别等农业领域。

Wang L H, Huang J L, Sun J Y .

Study of crop classification by support vector machine on HJ-1B image

[J]. World Sci-Tech R and D, 2009,31(6):1029-1032.

[本文引用: 1]

Lu D, Weng Q .

A survey of image classification methods and techniques for improving classification performance

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2007,28(5):823-870.

DOI:10.1080/01431160600746456      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Image classification is a complex process that may be affected by many factors. This paper examines current practices, problems, and prospects of image classification. The emphasis is placed on the summarization of major advanced classification approaches and the techniques used for improving classification accuracy. In addition, some important issues affecting classification performance are discussed. This literature review suggests that designing a suitable image‐processing procedure is a prerequisite for a successful classification of remotely sensed data into a thematic map. Effective use of multiple features of remotely sensed data and the selection of a suitable classification method are especially significant for improving classification accuracy. Non‐parametric classifiers such as neural network, decision tree classifier, and knowledge‐based classification have increasingly become important approaches for multisource data classification. Integration of remote sensing, geographical information systems (GIS), and expert system emerges as a new research frontier. More research, however, is needed to identify and reduce uncertainties in the image‐processing chain to improve classification accuracy.

Blaes X, Holecz F ,Leeuwen H J C V ,et al.

Regional crop monitoring and discrimination based on simulated ENVISAT ASAR wide swath mode images

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2007,28(2):371-393.

DOI:10.1080/01431160600735608      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The current paper investigates the potential contribution of ENVISAT wide swath (WS) images for discrimination and monitoring of crops at a regional scale. The study was based on synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images acquired throughout an entire growing season. Advanced synthetic aperture radar sensor (ASAR) images in both narrow swath (NS) and WS modes were simulated based on 15 European Remote Sensing (ERS) satellite images recorded over Belgium. Unlike ‘real’ ASAR imagery, this exercise provided a consistent data set (i.e. same incidence angle, same acquisition date, same acquisition hour) to study the impact of spatial resolution on the SAR signal information content. A quantitative approach using 787 parcels of medium field size and various data combinations assessed monitoring and discrimination capabilities for six crop types: wheat, barley, grasses, sugar beet, maize and potato. The spatial resolution impact of the ASAR sensor was discussed with respect to the field size by comparing the results obtained from NS (3002m) and WS (15002m) mode images. WS temporal profiles were able to discriminate the various crops of interest and were representative of the crop development observed in the region. Furthermore, parcel‐based unsupervised classifications successfully discriminated between grass, wheat, barley and other crops of large parcels (success rate of 83%). Dedicated interpretation schemes were developed in order to discriminate between cereal crops.

Mariotto I, Thenkabail P S, Huete A , et al.

Hyperspectral versus,multispectral crop-productivity modeling and type discrimination for the HyspIRI mission

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2013,139(4):291-305.

DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2013.08.002      URL     [本文引用: 1]

61Narrowbands explained ~25% greater variability than broadbands in crop modeling.61Narrowbands provided ~20% greater accuracies than broadbands in crop discrimination.613–7 narrowbands explained over 90% variability in crop models.61Highly informative and redundant narrowbands helped overcome Hughes phenomenon.6129 key Hyperion hyperspectral narrowband centers in crop studies were identified.

Turker M, Ozdarici A .

Field-based crop classification using SP-OT4,SPOT5,IKONOS and QuickBird imagery for agricultural areas:A comparison study

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2011,32(24):9735-9768.

DOI:10.1080/01431161.2011.576710      URL     [本文引用: 2]

A comparison of agricultural crop maps from independent field-based classifications of the Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre (SPOT) 4 multispectral (XS), SPOT5 XS, IKONOS XS, QuickBird XS and QuickBird pan-sharpened (PS) images is presented. An agricultural area within the north-west section of Turkey was analysed for field-based crop identification. The SPOT4 XS, SPOT5 XS, IKONOS XS and QuickBird images were collected in similar climatic conditions during July and August 2004. The classification of each image was carried out separately on a per-field basis on all bands and the coincident bands that are green, red and near-infrared (NIR). To examine the effect of filtering on field-based classification, the images were each filtered using the 365×653, 565×655, 765×657 and 965×659 mean filter and the filtered bands were also classified on per-field basis. For the unfiltered images, IKONOS XS provided the highest overall accuracies of 88.9% and 88.1% for the all-bands and the coincident bands classifications, respectively. On average, IKONOS XS performed slightly better than QuickBird XS and QuickBird PS, while it outperformed SPOT4 XS and SPOT5 XS. The use of filtered images in field-based classification reduced the accuracies for SPOT4 XS, SPOT5 XS, IKONOS XS and QuickBird XS. The results of this study indicate that smoothing images prior to classification does not improve the accuracies for the field-based classification. On the contrary, the accuracies for the filtered QuickBird PS images indicated a slight improvement. On the whole, both IKONOS and QuickBird images produced quite promising results for field-based crop mapping, yielding overall accuracies above 83%.

顾晓鹤, 潘耀忠, 何馨 , .


[J]. 遥感学报, 2010,14(4):789-805.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1011.2010.01138      URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 4]


Gu X H, Pan Y Z, He X , et al.

Measurement of sown area of winter wheat based on per-field classification and remote sensing imagery

[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010,14(4):789-805.

Magsci     [本文引用: 4]

张雨果, 王飞, 孙文义 , .


[J]. 水土保持研究, 2016,23(6):345-351.

URL     [本文引用: 1]


Zhang Y G, Wang F, Sun W Y , et al.

Terrace information extraction from SPOT remote sensing image based on object-oriented classification method

[J]. Research of Soil and Water Conservation, 2016,23(6):345-351.

[本文引用: 1]

Smith G M, Fuller R M .

An integrated approach to land cover classification:An example in the island of Jersey

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2001,22(16):3123-3142.

DOI:10.1080/01431160152558288      URL     [本文引用: 1]

A land cover map of Jersey was created using remotely sensed images recorded by satellite. This map brought together a range of disparate techniques, developed in isolation and mostly applied experimentally, integrating multisensor, multitemporal, enhanced spatial resolution data within an object-oriented integrated Geographical Information System (GIS) for an applications-driven, operational programme. It was developed under the Classification of Environment with Vector- and Raster-Mapping (CLEVER-Mapping) project: this improved approach to operational land cover mapping used information on the subdivision of the landscape into land parcels to help classify remotely sensed images on a per-parcel basis. The object-oriented approach allowed the use of remotely sensed information which relates directly to ground features, and the application of improved knowledge-based corrections using a range of external data. Unlike a conventional map, the parcel-based approach produced a GIS database containing classified land parcels which could also be used as a storage framework and analysis tool for other datasets in later analyses. The GIS recorded 21 land cover types. Validation against reference land parcel data gave a correspondence of between 85% and 95% depending on the level of class aggregation.

潘瑜春, 黄兴荣, 马景宇 , .


[J].农机化研究, 2006(8):77-81.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-188X.2006.08.027      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Pan Y C, Huang X R, Ma J Y , et al.

Field parcel information collection and update system forprecision agriculture

[J].Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research, 2006(8):77-81.

[本文引用: 1]

李琴, 李大胜, 陈风波 .


[J].农业经济问题, 2017(7):43-52.

URL     [本文引用: 1]


Li Q, Li D S, Chen F B .

Analysis of the effect of plot characteristics on the utilization of agricultural machinery:Based on the rice plots data of south China

[J].Issues in Agricultural Economy, 2017(7):43-52.

[本文引用: 1]

Turker M, Arikan M .

Sequential masking classification of multi-temporal Landsat7 ETM+ images for field-based crop mapping in Karacabey,Turkey

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2005,26(17):3813-3830.

DOI:10.1080/01431160500166391      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Three Landsat7 ETM+ images acquired in May, July and August during the 2000 crop growing season were used for field‐based mapping of summer crops in Karacabey, Turkey. First, the classification of each image date was performed on a standard per pixel basis. The results of per pixel classification were integrated with digital agricultural field boundaries and a crop type was determined for each field based on the modal class calculated within the field. The classification accuracy was computed by comparing the reference data, field‐by‐field, to each classified image. The individual crop accuracies were examined on each classified data and those crops whose accuracy exceeds a preset threshold level were determined. A sequential masking classification procedure was then performed using the three image dates, excluding after each classification the class properly classified. The final classified data were analysed on a field basis to assign each field a class label. An immediate update of the database was provided by directly entering the results of the analysis into the database. The sequential masking procedure for field‐based crop mapping improved the overall accuracies of the classifications of the July and August images alone by more than 10%.

范磊, 程永政, 王来刚 , .


[J]. 中国农业资源与区划, 2010,31(6):44-51.

DOI:10.7621/cjarrp.1005-9121.20100610      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Fan L, Cheng Y Z, Wang L G , et al.

Estimation of winter wheat planting area using object-oriented method based on multi-scale segmentation

[J]. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planting, 2010,31(6):44-51.

[本文引用: 1]

Zhang X, Du S .

Learning selfhood scales for urban land cover mapping with very-high-resolution satellite images

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2016,178:172-190.

DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2016.03.015      URL     [本文引用: 1]

61The proposed selfhood scales can measure local contexts of pixels.61Self-adaptive segmentation with selfhood scales outperforms multiresolution segmentation.61The proposed multi-level classifier excels in using multiscale features.61Selfhood scales can improve both per-pixel and object-based classifications.61The proposed methods produce urban land cover maps with larger accuracy.

Long J A, Lawrence R L, Greenwood M C , et al.

Object-oriented crop classification using multitemporal ETM+ SLC-off imagery and random forest

[J]. GIScience and Remote Sensing, 2013,50(4):418-436.

DOI:10.1080/15481603.2013.817150      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The utility of Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) has been diminished since the 2003 scan-line corrector (SLC) failure. Uncorrected images have data gaps of approximately 22% and gap-filling schemes have been developed to improve their usability. We present a method to classify a northeast Montana agricultural landscape using ETM+ SLC-off imagery without gap-filling. We use multitemporal data analysis and employ an object-oriented approach to define objects, agricultural fields, with cadastral data. This approach was assessed by comparison to a pixel-based approach. Results indicate that an ETM+ SLC-off image can be classified with better than 85% overall accuracy without gap-filling.

Peña-Barragán J M, Ngugi M K, Plant R E , et al.

Object-based crop identification using multiple vegetation indices,textural features and crop phenology

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2011,115(6):1301-1316.

DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2011.01.009      URL     [本文引用: 2]

78 Decision tree modeling is suitable to identify crops at different field conditions. 78 Consideration of intra-class variations is required to improve classifications. 78 Textural features improve discrimination among heterogeneous permanent crops. 78 Information from NIR and SWIR bands is needed for detailed crop identification. 78 Crop identification requires the study of field status in distinct growing seasons.

Peña J, Gutiérrez P, Hervásmartínez C , et al.

Object-based image classification of summer crops with machine learning methods

[J]. Remote Sensing, 2014,6(6):5019-5041.

DOI:10.3390/rs6065019      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The strategic management of agricultural lands involves crop field monitoring each year. Crop discrimination via remote sensing is a complex task, especially if different crops have a similar spectral response and cropping pattern. In such cases, crop identification could be improved by combining object-based image analysis and advanced machine learning methods. In this investigation, we evaluated the C4.5 decision tree, logistic regression (LR), support vector machine (SVM) and multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network methods, both as single classifiers and combined in a hierarchical classification, for the mapping of nine major summer crops (both woody and herbaceous) from ASTER satellite images captured in two different dates. Each method was built with different combinations of spectral and textural features obtained after the segmentation of the remote images in an object-based framework. As single classifiers, MLP and SVM obtained maximum overall accuracy of 88%, slightly higher than LR (86%) and notably higher than C4.5 (79%). The SVM+SVM classifier (best method) improved these results to 89%. In most cases, the hierarchical classifiers considerably increased the accuracy of the most poorly classified class (minimum sensitivity). The SVM+SVM method offered a significant improvement in classification accuracy for all of the studied crops compared to the conventional decision tree classifier, ranging between 4% for safflower and 29% for corn, which suggests the application of object-based image analysis and advanced machine learning methods in complex crop classification tasks.

Stumpf A, Kerle N .

Object-oriented mapping of landslides using random forests

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2011,115(10):2564-2577.

DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2011.05.013      URL     [本文引用: 1]

78 Image segmentation and the Random Forest framework are combined for landslide mapping from different VHR remote sensing images. 78 Newly introduced object features and feature selection enhance the classification accuracy. 78 A scheme to account for unbalanced error rates is proposed and tested. 78 The algorithm performs robustly with different types of input datasets. 78 Employing 20% of the data for training, mapping accuracies between 73% and 87% were achieved.

Silveira M, Nascimento J C, Marques J S , et al.

Comparison of segmentation methods for melanoma diagnosis in dermoscopy images

[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2009,3(1):35-45.

DOI:10.1109/JSTSP.2008.2011119      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In this paper, we propose and evaluate six methods for the segmentation of skin lesions in dermoscopic images. This set includes some state of the art techniques which have been successfully used in many medical imaging problems (gradient vector flow (GVF) and the level set method of Chan et al.[(C-LS)]. It also includes a set of methods developed by the authors which were tailored to this particular application (adaptive thresholding (AT), adaptive snake (AS), EM level set (EM-LS), and fuzzy-based split-and-merge algorithm (FBSM)]. The segmentation methods were applied to 100 dermoscopic images and evaluated with four different metrics, using the segmentation result obtained by an experienced dermatologist as the ground truth. The best results were obtained by the AS and EM-LS methods, which are semi-supervised methods. The best fully automatic method was FBSM, with results only slightly worse than AS and EM-LS.

Meinel G, Neubert M .

A comparison of segmentation programs for high resolution remote sensing data

[J]. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing XXXV, 2004: 1097-1105.

[本文引用: 1]

Zhou W, Huang G, Cadenasso M L .

Does spatial configuration matter? Understanding the effects of land cover pattern on land surface temperature in urban landscapes

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2011,102(1):54-63.

DOI:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2011.03.009      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The effects of land cover composition on land surface temperature (LST) have been extensively documented. Few studies, however, have examined the effects of land cover configuration. This paper investigates the effects of both the composition and configuration of land cover features on LST in Baltimore, MD, USA, using correlation analyses and multiple linear regressions. Landsat ETM + image data were used to estimate LST. The composition and configuration of land cover features were measured by a series of landscape metrics, which were calculated based on a high-resolution land cover map with an overall accuracy of 92.3%. We found that the composition of land cover features is more important in determining LST than their configuration. The land cover feature that most significantly affects the magnitude of LST is the percent cover of buildings. In contrast, percent cover of woody vegetation is the most important factor mitigating UHI effects. However, the configuration of land cover features also matters. Holding composition constant, LST can be significantly increased or decreased by different spatial arrangements of land cover features. These results suggest that the impact of urbanization on UHI can be mitigated not only by balancing the relative amounts of various land cover features, but also by optimizing their spatial configuration. This research expands our scientific understanding of the effects of land cover pattern on UHI by explicitly quantifying the effects of configuration. In addition, it may provide important insights for urban planners and natural resources managers on mitigating the impact of urban development on UHI.

Wit A J W D, Clevers J G P W .

Efficiency and accuracy of per-field classification for operational crop mapping

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2004,25(20):4091-4112.

DOI:10.1080/01431160310001619580      URL     [本文引用: 3]

A crop map of The Netherlands was created using a methodology that integrates multi-temporal and multi-sensor satellite imagery, statistical data on crop area and parcel boundaries from a 165:651065000 digital topographic map. In the first phase a crop field database was created by extracting static parcel boundaries from the digital topographic map and by adding dynamic crop boundaries using on-screen digitizing. In the next phase the crop type was determined from the spectral and phenological properties of each field. The resulting crop map has an accuracy larger than 80% for most individual crops and an overall accuracy of 90%. By comparing cost and man-hours it was demonstrated that per-field classification is more efficient than per-pixel classification and decreased the effort for classification from 1500 to 500 man-hours, but the effort for creating the crop field database was estimated at 2300 man-hours. The use of image segmentation techniques for deriving the crop field database was discussed. It was concluded that image segmentation cannot replace the use of a large-scale topographic map but, in the future, image segmentation may be used to map the dynamic crop boundaries within the topographic parcels.

苏春梅, 曹殿才, 金成范 .


[J].测绘与空间地理信息, 2015(9):100-102.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-5867.2015.09.033      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Su C M, Cao D C, Jin C F .

Study on comparative analysis of the data between the first geographical conditions census and the second national land cover census

[J].Geomatics and Spatial Information Technology, 2015(9):100-102.

[本文引用: 1]

陈俊勇 .


[J].地理空间信息, 2014(2):1-3.

DOI:10.11709/j.issn.1672-4623.2014.02.001      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Chen J Y .

Reflections on the national geographic conditions census

[J].Geospatial Information, 2014(2):1-3.

[本文引用: 1]

吴琼 .


[J].测绘与空间地理信息, 2015(10):106-108.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-5867.2015.10.034      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Wu Q .

Application of the result of general survey of national geographic condition

[J].Geomatics and Spatial Information Technology, 2015(10):106-108.

[本文引用: 1]

张亚亚 .


[D]. 长春:吉林大学, 2017.

[本文引用: 1]

Zhang Y Y .

Research on the Method of Crop Area Measurement Based on GF-1 Remote Sensed Data

[D]. Changchun:Jilin University, 2017.

[本文引用: 1]

张水华 .


[J].测绘与空间地理信息, 2014(2):148-150.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-5867.2014.02.043      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Zhang S H .

3S technology in the application of rural collective land counterpoising truly

[J].Geomatics and Spatial Information Technology, 2014(2):148-150.

[本文引用: 1]

Derenyi E.

A small crop information system

[C]//Proceedings of Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 1979: 78-87.

[本文引用: 1]

Conrad C, Fritsch S, Zeidler J , et al.

Per-field irrigated crop classification in arid central asia using SPOT and ASTER data

[J]. Remote Sensing, 2010,2(4):1035-1056.

DOI:10.3390/rs2041035      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The overarching goal of this research was to explore accurate methods of mapping irrigated crops, where digital cadastre information is unavailable: (a) Boundary separation by object-oriented image segmentation using very high spatial resolution (2.5 5 m) data was followed by (b) identification of crops and crop rotations by means of phenology, tasselled cap, and rule-based classification using high resolution (15 30 m) bi-temporal data. The extensive irrigated cotton production system of the Khorezm province in Uzbekistan, Central Asia, was selected as a study region. Image segmentation was carried out on pan-sharpened SPOT data. Varying combinations of segmentation parameters (shape, compactness, and color) were tested for optimized boundary separation. The resulting geometry was validated against polygons digitized from the data and cadastre maps, analysing similarity (size, shape) and congruence. The parameters shape and compactness were decisive for segmentation accuracy. Differences between crop phenologies were analyzed at field level using bi-temporal ASTER data. A rule set based on the tasselled cap indices greenness and brightness allowed for classifying crop rotations of cotton, winter-wheat and rice, resulting in an overall accuracy of 80 %. The proposed field-based crop classification method can be an important tool for use in water demand estimations, crop yield simulations, or economic models in agricultural systems similar to Khorezm.

Löw F, Michel U, Dech S , et al.

Impact of feature selection on the accuracy and spatial uncertainty of per-field crop classification using support vector machines

[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2013,85(6):102-119.

DOI:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2013.08.007      URL     [本文引用: 4]

Crop mapping is one major component of agricultural resource monitoring using remote sensing. Yield or water demand modeling requires that both, the total surface that is cultivated and the accurate distribution of crops, respectively is known. Map quality is crucial and influences the model outputs. Although the use of multi-spectral time series data in crop mapping has been acknowledged, the potentially high dimensionality of the input data remains an issue. In this study Support Vector Machines (SVM) are used for crop classification in irrigated landscapes at the object-level. Input to the classifications is 71 multi-seasonal spectral and geostatistical features computed from RapidEye time series. The random forest (RF) feature importance score was used to select a subset of features that achieved optimal accuracies. The relationship between the hard result accuracy and the soft output from the SVM is investigated by employing two measures of uncertainty, the maximum a posteriori probability and the alpha quadratic entropy. Specifically the effect of feature selection on map uncertainty is investigated by looking at the soft outputs of the SVM, in addition to classical accuracy metrics. Overall the SVMs applied to the reduced feature subspaces that were composed of the most informative multi-seasonal features led to a clear increase in classification accuracy up to 4.3%, and to a significant decline in thematic uncertainty. SVM was shown to be affected by feature space size and could benefit from RF-based feature selection. Uncertainty measures from SVM are an informative source of information on the spatial distribution of error in the crop maps.

Blaes X, Vanhalle L, Defourny P .

Efficiency of crop identification based on optical and SAR image time series

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2005,96(3):352-365.

DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2005.03.010      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This paper assessed the use of optical and SAR imagery for crop identification in an operational context with a particular emphasis on actual crop diversity and information delivery time. Fifteen ERS and Radarsat and 3 optical images were used to discriminate agricultural crop types based on dedicated per-parcel classification and photo interpretation schemes. For crop area control, the efficiency concept was introduced as a complementary indicator of classification performance. A set of 6571 parcels were classified into 39 crop types from various combinations of images. The efficiency computed from an independent set of 899 parcels peaked based on a combination of optical images and 3 to 5 SAR images. Moreover, the delivery time of the relevant information was improved when SAR data was included. The hierarchical classification strategy based on nested classifications also improved the operational crop control system for all image combinations. Finally, this research documented the respective contributions of optical and SAR time series for any control system of agricultural land.

Kussul N, Lemoine G, Gallego F J , et al.

Parcel-based crop classification in Ukraine using Landsat-8 data and Sentinel-1A data

[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2017,9(6):2500-2508.

DOI:10.1109/JSTARS.2016.2560141      URL     [本文引用: 2]

For many applied problems in agricultural monitoring and food security, it is important to provide reliable crop classification maps. Satellite imagery is extremely valuable source of data to provide crop maps in a timely way at moderate and high spatial resolution. Information on parcel boundaries that takes into account the spatial context may improve the quality of maps compared to pixel-based classification approaches. In general, parcels may contain several plots with different crops and such situations should be taken into account when using parcel boundaries. In this paper, we aim to compare pixel-based and parcel-based approaches to crop classification from multitemporal optical (Landsat-8) and synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) Sentinel-1 imagery. For this, we propose a parcel-based approach that involves a pixel-based classification map and specifically designed rules to account for several plots within parcel. The study is carried out for the Joint Experiment of Crop Assessment and Monitoring test site in Ukraine covering the Kyiv oblast (North of Ukraine) in 2013-2015, and the Odessa oblast (South of Ukraine) in 2014-2015. We found that pixel-based overall classification accuracy can be increased from 85.32% to 89.40% when using parcel boundaries. Among tested parcel-based approaches, the one that relied on pixel-based classification map and a procedure to select multiple plots within the parcel yielded the best performance.

Kuenzer C, Knauer K .

Remote sensing of rice crop areas:A review

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2013,34(6):2101-2139.

DOI:10.1080/01431161.2012.738946      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Rice means life for millions of people and it is planted in many regions of the world. It primarily grows in the major river deltas of Asia and Southeast Asia, such as the Mekong Delta, known as the Rice Bowl of Vietnam, the second-largest rice-producing nation on Earth. However, Latin America, the USA, and Australia have extensive rice-growing regions. In addition, rice is the most rapidly growing source of food in Africa. Rice is therefore of significant importance to food security in an increasing number of low-income food-deficit countries. This review article gives a complementary overview of how remote sensing can support the assessment of paddy rice cultivation worldwide. This article presents and discusses methods for rice mapping and monitoring, differentiating between the results achievable using different sensors of various spectral characteristics and spatial resolution. The remote sensing of rice-growing areas can not only contribute to the precise mapping of rice areas and the assessment of the dynamics in rice-growing regions, but can also contribute to harvest prediction modelling, the analyses of plant diseases, the assessment of rice-based greenhouse gas (methane) emission due to vegetation submersion, the investigation of erosion-control-adapted agricultural systems, and the assessment of ecosystem services in rice-growing areas.

刘亮, 姜小光, 李显彬 , .


[J]. 中国科学院大学学报, 2006,23(4):484-488.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1002-1175.2006.04.008      URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]


Liu L, Jiang X G, Li X B , et al.

Study on classification of agricultural crop by hyperspectral remote sensing data

[J]. Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2006,23(4):484-488.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

刘佳, 王利民, 滕飞 , .


[J]. 农业工程学报, 2016,32(13):140-148.

DOI:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.13.020      URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

在传统的可见光与红外波段基础上增加红边波段(690~730 nm),是当前高分辨卫星传感器研制的明显趋势。德国RapidEye卫星携带有红边波段传感器,该文基于黑龙江省北安市东胜乡2014年7月27日的RapidEye遥感数据,采用监督分类的方法,通过计算有红边参与条件下、无红边参与条件下,玉米、大豆及其他3种地物类型的可分性测度、分类精度及景观破碎度等指标,比较分析了2种波段组合方式下的红边波段对农作物面积提取精度的影响。其中,监督分类的训练样本是以覆盖研究区的2 km×2 km格网为基本单元,在玉米和大豆面积比例等概率原则下,选取了10个网格作为训练样本,样方内作物的识别采用目视解译的方式完成。精度验证是采用覆盖研究区的农作物面积本底调查结果评价的,本底调查数据是在5 m空间分辨率Rapideye数据初步分类基础上,根据多时相Landsat8/OLI(Operational Land Imager)数据季节变化规律,结合地面调查,采用目视修正的方法完成。结果表明,有红边参与的玉米、大豆和其他3种地物类型识别的总体精度为88.4%,Kappa系数为0.81,玉米、大豆和其他3种地物类型的制图精度分别为93.1%,86.0%和87.3%;没有红边参与的3种地物识别的总体精度为81.7%,Kappa系数为0.71,玉米、大豆和其他3种地区类型的制图精度分别为83.9%,73.4%和84.6%;通过引入红边波段,3种地物的总体识别精度提高了6.7百分点,玉米、大豆和其他3种地物类型的识别精度分别提高了9.2百分点,12.6百分点和2.7百分点。利用JeffriesMatusita方法计算了3种地物的可分性测度,玉米-大豆、玉米-其他、大豆-其他的可分性测度分别由0.84变为1.73、1.37变为1.81、1.27变为1.29;采用破碎度指数计算了景观破碎度,地块数量减少了69.2%,平均地块面积增加了2.2倍,平均地块周长增加了60.50%,地块面积与周长比增加了1.0倍。由上述研究结果可以看出,通过红边波段的引入,增加了地物的间的可分性测度,减少了“椒盐”效应造成的景观破碎度的增加,农作物面积识别整体精度得到了提高。目前搭载红边波段的卫星载荷越来越多,即将发射的国产卫星也拟增加红边波段提高作物识别能力,该文研究结果将为国产红边卫星数据在农业上的应用提供参考。

Liu J, Wang L M, Teng F , et al.

Impact of red-edge waveband of RapidEye satellite on estimation accuracy of crop planting area

[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2016,32(13):140-148.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

Shao Y, Fan X, Liu H , et al.

Rice monitoring and production estimation using multitemporal RADARSAT

[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2001,76(3):310-325.

DOI:10.1016/S0034-4257(00)00212-1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Rice monitoring and production estimation has special significance to China, as rice is the staple grain and accounts for 42% of the crop production in this country. Radar remote sensing is appropriate for monitoring rice because the areas where this crop is cultivated are often cloudy and rainy. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is thus anticipated to be the dominant high-resolution remote sensing data source for agricultural applications in tropical and subtropical regions. It also provides revisit schedules suitable for agricultural monitoring. This paper presents the results of a study examining the backscatter behavior of rice as a function of time using multitemporal RADARSAT data acquired in 1996 and 1997. A rice-type distribution map was produced, showing four types of rice with different life spans ranging from 80 days to 120 125 days. The life span of a rice crop has significant impact on the yield, as well as on the taste and quality of the rice, with the longer growing varieties having the best taste and the highest productivity. The rice production of three counties and two administrative regions, totaling 5000 km 2, was estimated in this study. The accuracy of the rice classification was found to be 91% (97% after postclassification filtering) providing confidence that multitemporal RADARSAT data is capable of rice mapping. An empirical growth model was then applied to the results of the rice classification, which related radar backscatter values to rice life spans. These life spans could then be used to sum up the production estimates, which were obtained from agronomic models already in use for rice by local agronomists. These models related the yield of rice to their life span based on empirical observations for each type of rice. The resulting productivity estimate could not be compared to any other existing data on yield production for the study-area, but was well received by the local authorities. Based on the studies carried out in the Zhaoqing test site since 1993, it is suggested that rice production estimates require three radar data acquisitions taken at three different stages of crop growth and development. These three growth stages are: at the end of the transplanting and seedling development period, during the ear differentiation period, and at the beginning of the harvest period. Alternatively, if multiparameter radar data is available, only two data acquisitions may be needed. These would be at the end of the transplanting and seedling development period, and at the beginning of the harvest period. This paper also proposes an operational scenario for rice monitoring and production estimation.

Arikan M.

Parcel based crop mapping through multi-temporal masking classification of Landsat7 images in Karacabey,Turkey

[C]//Proceedings of the ISPRS Symposium.ISPRS, 2011.

[本文引用: 1]

Kussul N, Lemoine G, Gallego J, et al.

Parcel based classification for agricultural mapping and monitoring using multi-temporal satellite image sequences

[C]//Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.IEEE, 2015: 165-168.

[本文引用: 1]

贾坤, 李强子 .


[J]. 资源科学, 2013,35(12):2507-2516.

URL     [本文引用: 2]


Jia K, Li Q Z .

Review of features selection in crop classification using remote sensing data

[J]. Resources Science, 2013,35(12):2507-2516.

[本文引用: 2]

Bolstad P V, Lillesand T M .

Rule-based classification models:Flexible integration of satellite imagery and thematic spatial data

[J]. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 1992,58(7):965-971.

DOI:10.1109/36.158881      URL     [本文引用: 1]

A framework for automated land-cover classification based on a concept of a classification model was developed and tested. The framework employs a user-specified rule base to describe a classification model, defined as the series of spatial data operations and decisions used in landcover classification. Both evidential and hierarchical inference are supported utilizing a set of spatial data operators. The concept was tested through the development and application of a set of computer programs which support classification models. A rule base, thematic spatial data, and satellite image data were then used to define a classification model for conditions in northeastern Wisconsin. The test model incorporated Landsat Thematic Mapper data, soil texture data, and topographic position data. Classification accuracies and efficiencies using the developed system were then compared to those for supervised maximum-likelihood classifications. The classification model approach resulted in statistically significant, 15 percent improvements in classification accuracy when averaged across different analysts, geographic areas, and years.

吴炳方, 刘海燕 .


[J]. 遥感学报, 1997,1(1):58-63.

DOI:10.11834/jrs.19970109      URL     Magsci     [本文引用: 1]


Wu B F, Liu H Y .

The operational methods for rice area estimation using remote sensing

[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 1997,1(1):58-63.

Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

Hughes G .

On the mean accuracy of statistical pattern recognizers

[J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1968,14(1):55-63.

DOI:10.1109/TIT.1968.1054102      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Guyon I, Elisseeff A .

An introduction to variable and feature selection

[J]. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2003,3(6):1157-1182.

DOI:10.1063/1.106515      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Variable and feature selection have become the focus of much research in areas of application for which datasets with tens or hundreds of thousands of variables are available. These areas include text processing of internet documents, gene expression array analysis, and combinatorial chemistry. The objective of variable selection is three-fold: improving the prediction performance of the predictors, providing faster and more cost-effective predictors, and providing a better understanding of the underlying process that generated the data. The contributions of this special issue cover a wide range of aspects of such problems: providing a better definition of the objective function, feature construction, feature ranking, multivariate feature selection, efficient search methods, and feature validity assessment methods.

王娜, 李强子, 杜鑫 , .


[J]. 遥感学报, 2017,21(4):519-530.

DOI:10.11834/jrs.20176373      URL     [本文引用: 1]

遥感识别多源特征综合和特征优选是提高遥感影像分类精度的关键技术。农作物遥感识别中,识别特征的相对单一和数量过多均会导致作物识别精度不理想。随机森林(random forests)采用分类与回归树(CART)算法来生成分类树,结合了bagging和随机选择特征变量的优点,是一种有效的分类方法。单变量特征选择(univariate feature selection)能够对每一个待分类的特征进行测试,衡量该特征和响应变量之间的关系,根据得分舍弃不好的特征,优选得到的特征用于分类。本文基于随机森林和单变量特征选择,利用多时相光谱信息、植被指数信息、纹理信息及波段差值信息,设计多组分类实验方案,对江苏省泗洪县的高分一号(GF-1)和环境一号(HJ-1A)影像进行分类研究,旨在选择最佳的分类方案对实验区主要农作物进行识别和提取。实验结果表明:(1)多源信息综合的农作物分类精度明显高于单一的原始光谱特征分类,说明不同类型特征的引入能改善分类效果;(2)基于单变量特征选择算法的优选特征分类效果最佳,总体精度97.07%,Kappa系数0.96,表明了特征优选在降低维度的同时,也保证了较高的分类精度。随机森林和单变量特征选择结合的方法可以提高遥感影像的分类精度,为农作物的识别和提取研究提供了有效的方法。

Wang N, Li Q Z, Du X , et al.

Identification of main crops based on the univariate features selection in Subei

[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2017,21(4):519-530.

[本文引用: 1]

王乃斌 . 中国小麦遥感动态监测与估产[M]. 北京: 中国科学出版社, 1996.

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Wang N B. Winter Wheat Dynamic Monitoring and Yield Estimation with Remote Sensing in China[M]. Beijing: Chinese Science and Technology Press, 1996.

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Yang C, Everitt J H, Murden D .

Evaluating high resolution SPOT5 satellite imagery for crop identification

[J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2011,75(2):347-354.

DOI:10.1016/j.compag.2010.12.012      URL     [本文引用: 1]

High resolution satellite imagery offers new opportunities for crop monitoring and assessment. A SPOT 5 image with four spectral bands (green, red, near-infrared, and mid-infrared) and 10-m pixel size covering intensively cropped areas in south Texas was evaluated for crop identification. Two images with pixel sizes of 20 m and 30 m were also generated from the original image to simulate coarser resolution satellite imagery. Two subset images covering a variety of crops with different growth stages were extracted from the satellite image and four supervised classification techniques, including minimum distance, Mahalanobis distance, maximum likelihood, and spectral angle mapper, were applied to the 10-m subset images and the two coarser resolution images to identify crop types. The effect of the mid-infrared band on classification was also studied. Accuracy assessment showed that the 10-m, four-band images based on maximum likelihood resulted in the best overall accuracy values of 91% and 87% for the two sites. The 20-m and 30-m images had essentially the same accuracy values as the 10-m images, though the inclusion of the mid-infrared band significantly increased classification results. These results indicate that SPOT 5 multispectral imagery can be a useful data source for identifying crop types and estimating crop areas.

赵英时 . 遥感应用分析原理与方法[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2003.

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Zhao Y S. The Principal and Method of Analysis of Remote Sensing Application[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2003.

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Li Q, Wang C, Zhang B , et al.

Object-based crop classification with Landsat-MODIS enhanced time-series data

[J]. Remote Sensing, 2015,7(12):16091-16107.

DOI:10.3390/rs71215820      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Cropland mapping via remote sensing can provide crucial information for agri-ecological studies. Time series of remote sensing imagery is particularly useful for agricultural land classification. This study investigated the synergistic use of feature selection, Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) segmentation and decision tree classification for cropland mapping using a finer temporal-resolution Landsat-MODIS Enhanced time series in 2007. The enhanced time series extracted 26 layers of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and five NDVI Time Series Indices (TSI) in a subset of agricultural land of Southwest Missouri. A feature selection procedure using the Stepwise Discriminant Analysis (SDA) was performed, and 10 optimal features were selected as input data for OBIA segmentation, with an optimal scale parameter obtained by quantification assessment of topological and geometric object differences. Using the segmented metrics in a decision tree classifier, an overall classification accuracy of 90.87% was achieved. Our study highlights the advantage of OBIA segmentation and classification in reducing noise from in-field heterogeneity and spectral variation. The crop classification map produced at 30 m resolution provides spatial distributions of annual and perennial crops, which are valuable for agricultural monitoring and environmental assessment studies.

Breiman L .

Random forests

[J]. Machine Learning, 2001,45(1):5-32.

DOI:10.1023/A:1010933404324      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Miao X, Heaton J S, Zheng S F , et al.

Applying tree-based ensemble algorithms to the classification of ecological zones using multi-temporal multi-source remote-sensing data

[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2012,33(6):1823-1849.

DOI:10.1080/01431161.2011.602651      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The decision tree method has grown fast in the past two decades and its performance in classification is promising. The tree-based ensemble algorithms have been used to improve the performance of an individual tree. In this study, we compared four basic ensemble methods, that is, bagging tree, random forest, AdaBoost tree and AdaBoost random tree in terms of the tree size, ensemble size, band selection (BS), random feature selection, classification accuracy and efficiency in ecological zone classification in Clark County, Nevada, through multi-temporal multi-source remote-sensing data. Furthermore, two BS schemes based on feature importance of the bagging tree and AdaBoost tree were also considered and compared. We conclude that random forest or AdaBoost random tree can achieve accuracies at least as high as bagging tree or AdaBoost tree with higher efficiency; and although bagging tree and random forest can be more efficient, AdaBoost tree and AdaBoost random tree can provide a significantly higher accuracy. All ensemble methods provided significantly higher accuracies than the single decision tree. Finally, our results showed that the classification accuracy could increase dramatically by combining multi-temporal and multi-source data set.

张晓羽, 李凤日, 甄贞 , .


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Zhang X Y, Li F R, Zhen Z , et al.

Forest vegetation classification of Landsat8 remote sensing image based on random forests model

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贾坤, 李强子, 田亦陈 , .


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A review of classification methods of remote sensing imagery

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Gu X, Pan Y, He X .

Measurement of sown area of winter wheat based on per-field classification and remote sensing imagery

[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010,14(4):789-805.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1011.2010.01138      URL     [本文引用: 1]

With the significantly improved data availability in remote sensing technology,mid-resolution images have become the primary data source for crop sown area estimation in large scale.However,it is still difficult to solve the problems of spectrum heterogeneity in one field and spectra similarity between fields,especially in transitional region by using mid-resolution images.In order to maximally avoid above motioned problems and accurately measure the sown area of winter wheat,this paper developed per-field classification method and tested the method in an urban agriculture region with complex planting structure through several steps:first,digitalizing field boundary from QuickBird image;second,extracting characteristic index including spectrum and texture information as well as vegetation index for each field from the multi-temporal TM images;third,operating support vector machine(SVM) and maximum likelihood classification(MLC) with different field characteristic index;finally,estimating the accuracy of our method.Results show that the per-field classification method has a higher accuracy than per-pixel classification both in amount(estimated sown area of winter wheat divide by reference sown area of winter wheat,Kr) and position(equal to product accuracy,Kp).Although both SVM and MLC could get very high amount and position accuracy(97% and 90% respectively),the estimations of SVM are more stable.The errors of per-field classification mainly happened at the fragmentized parcels.Additionally,characteristic information could enhance the performance of per-field classification.Our method also has an outstanding advantage that no optimum period requires on satellite imagery which could enhance practicability and operationality of our method.


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