国土资源遥感, 2020, 32(2): 251-258 doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.02.32




西南石油大学土木工程与建筑学院,成都 610500

Spatial-temporal dynamics of ecosystem health in Sichuan Province based on PSR model

XU Zhouyang

School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500,China

责任编辑: 张仙

收稿日期: 2019-05-17   修回日期: 2019-08-15   网络出版日期: 2020-06-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目“基于人类动力学的面向震后救援的人员在地理建筑空间的分布规律研究”.  51774250
四川省科技计划项目“基于移动终端的室内定位技术的面向地震救援的人群在地理空间分布规律研究”.  2019JDR0112

Received: 2019-05-17   Revised: 2019-08-15   Online: 2020-06-15

作者简介 About authors

徐洲洋(1994-),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为地理信息技术的应用。Email:787090191@qq.com。 。


四川省快速的经济发展和城镇化进程,引发了许多生态环境问题,评价其生态健康状况对区域可持续发展具有重要的意义。基于2000—2016年间四川省社会、经济、农业、生态等市级数据,以及降尺度模型获取的县级数据,建立压力-状态-响应模型,分市级和县级2种尺度对四川省区域的生态系统健康进行综合评价和分析。结果表明: 在2000—2016年间,四川省生态系统健康状况整体得分从0.610上升到0.687,整体的生态状况越来越好,但区域之间的发展极不平衡,东部地区优于西部地区,成都市的优势突出,与其他地区的差距明显; 对各县的生态系统健康状况评价等级为“不健康”及“病态”的县占总数的27.9%,一半左右的县在“正常”等级以上, 等级为“病态”的县主要集中在甘孜藏族自治州和阿坝藏族羌族自治州,应对川西北部的生态健康状况引起足够的重视。

关键词: 生态系统健康 ; 压力 ; 状态 ; 响应 ; 四川省


A great many ecological and environmental problems have been caused in the course of rapid economic development and urbanization in Sichuan Province. Evaluating ecosystem health condition is of significant importance for regional sustainable development. Based on relevant city-level data in social, economic, agricultural and ecological aspects from 2000 to 2016 as well as county-level data obtained through the downscaling model, the authors built the pressure-status-response model to make comprehensive evaluation and analysis of ecosystem health of studied regions in Sichuan Province on city-level and county-level scales. The results show that the overall score of ecosystem health in Sichuan increased from 0.610 to 0.687 in 2000—2016, but the spatial distribution shows that the eastern part of Sichuan was better than the western part. The development between studied regions is extremely unbalanced. Chengdu had outstanding advantages in comparison other regions. The results of ecosystem health assessment in each county shows that 27.9% of the total counties are “unhealthy” and “sick”, while about half of the counties are above the “normal” level. The counties whose evaluation results are “sick” are mainly concentrated in Garze and Aba prefectures. The ecological health status in northwest Sichuan deserves much more attention.

Keywords: ecosystem health ; pressure ; state ; response ; Sichuan Province

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徐洲洋. 基于PSR模型的四川生态系统健康时空动态研究. 国土资源遥感[J], 2020, 32(2): 251-258 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.02.32

XU Zhouyang. Spatial-temporal dynamics of ecosystem health in Sichuan Province based on PSR model. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES[J], 2020, 32(2): 251-258 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.02.32

0 引言


自生态系统健康的概念[4]提出以来,国内外的学者围绕生态系统健康的问题开展了一系列的研究,都取得了显著的效果。目前,针对城市[5]、湿地[6]、森林[7]、海洋[8]和农业[9]等不同类型的生态系统,已有不同的模型来对其生态系统健康状况进行评价。1979年,Murray等[10]对海洋生态系统受放射性辐射影响进行评估,并研究出了一种可行的方法; Spiegel等[11]在对城市生态系统健康评估的过程中使用了驱动力-压力-状态-响应模型来进行研究,取得了不错的效果; 江香梅等[12]对鄱阳湖湿地生态系统进行了研究分析,并根据目前所面临的问题(如水域面积减小、生物多样性降低、水质水量下降等),对鄱阳湖湿地生态系统恢复从多个方面提出了可行的建议。遥感(remote sensing, RS)和地理信息系统(geographic information system,GIS)技术在生态系统健康研究方面的运用[13]推动了生态监测的发展。汪阳等[14]基于GIS系统对洪泽湖生态系统健康状况进行了综合评估; 陈鹏[15]利用压力-状态-响应(pressure-state-response,PSR)模型,在RS和GIS技术支持下获取厦门新区(翔安区)的生态健康评价指标,定量地评价了城市新区生态健康状况。


1 研究区概况及数据源

1.1 研究区概况

本文研究区四川省位于我国西南部,地理范围在N26°03'~34°19',E92°21'~108°12'之间(图1),面积约为48.6万km2; 共包含21个地市级行政区划单位和183个县级行政区划单位。区域内环境复杂,物种多样性高; 地势呈西高东低特点,包括山地、丘陵、平原盆地和高原等不同的地形,不同地区之间的气候、自然环境和社会经济差异较大。省会成都市地处成都平原,自然资源和环境条件优越,人口众多,在省内经济发展状况一直处于领先地位。


图1   研究区地理位置

Fig.1   Location of the study area

1.2 数据源及其预处理

四川省2000—2016年间市县级相关社会经济数据来源于《四川省统计年鉴》和《区域经济统计年鉴》,少量缺失的市县级数据从《中国县级统计年鉴》中补充,最后通过拟合各指标时间序列趋势对异常和遗漏数据(其占比仅为0.72%)进行了矫正和补充。气象站站点数据从中国气象局网站下载(http://data.cma.cn/)。为获取平面上的栅格数据,在ArcGIS10.4软件中利用克里金法对站点数据进行了插值,空间分辨率为5 km,并统计各区域的平均值,与统计数据做散点图验证,拟合决定系数R2>0.93。此外,归一化差分植被指数(normalized differential vegetation index,NDVI)数据为从美国国家航空航天局网站(http://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov)下载的MODIS产品,数据间隔为16 d,空间分辨率为1 km。30 m空间分辨率土地覆盖数据集由国家综合地球观测数据共享平台(http://www.chinageoss.org/dsp/home/index.jsp)提供。

2 研究方法

2.1 PSR评价模型与框架

由于生态系统的复杂性,有效地评估生态系统健康需要结合自然和人为因素来综合构建评估生态系统健康的体系和模型 [17,18]。PSR模型不仅考虑生态系统的自然因素,还充分考虑人类活动对生态系统的影响,从压力、状态和响应3个方面进行评估,更加综合、动态及信息化[16,19]。本文根据大量的相关研究成果[16,20-22]和指标体系的选择原则,构建了应用于研究区的PSR模型指标体系(如表1)。

表1   生态系统健康评价指标

Tab.1  Ecosystem health assessment indicators

状态经济人均国内生产总值(gross domestic product,GDP)0.197

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Si= j=1ki(WijFij)2,
Q= i=13Si2,

式中: ki为第i种一级指标(压力、状态、响应)内的三级指标总个数; Si为压力、状态和响应的得分值; Wij为第i种一级指标内第j个三级指标的权重; Fij为第i种一级指标内第j个三级指标的归一化值; Q为区域生态系统健康综合得分。

2.2 空间演变分析

2.2.1 区域生态系统健康的全局特征



Cv=σ/u ,

式中: σ为各地区生态系统健康得分的标准差; u为各地区生态系统健康得分的平均值。

2.2.2 区域生态系统健康的局部演化特征

本文中生态系统健康状况在空间中的迁移过程可以利用重力模型进行分析[27]。设大区域由n个小区域组成,而(Xi,Yi)为第i个小区域的重心坐标,Hi为其属性值,则大区域的重心坐标( X̅, Y̅)为:

X̅=( i=1nHiXi)/i=1nHi ,
Y̅=( i=1nHiYi)/i=1nHi


tanθ= i=1nHi'2Xi'2-i=1nHi2Yi'2+i=1nHi2Xi'2-i=1nHi2Yi'22+4i=1nHi2Xi'2Yi'222i=1nHi2Xi'2Yi'2,
δx= i=1nHiXi'cosθ-HiYi'sinθ2i=1nHi2,
δy= i=1nHiXi'sinθ-HiYi'cosθ2i=1nHi2,

式中 Xi'Yi'分别为各点距离区域重心的相对坐标, Xi'= X̅- Xi2, Yi'= Y̅- Yi2

2.3 县级指标数据获取方法



Y=a1x1+a2x2+…+amxm ,
YX=(Y·YS)/i=1nY ,

式中: Y为推算农业机械总动力和农林牧渔业总产值的县级指标系数; ai(i=1,2,…,m)为系数; xm为第m个与该指标极其相关的推算因子,例如,Y表示农业机械总动力时,通过与已有数据的相关性分析,得相关因子分别为不透水面面积、耕地面积、荒地面积和第一产业产值; YX为推算的某指标各个县的值; YS为各个市的实际值; n为该市的县级行政区的个数。


表2   推算数据与原始数据拟合结果

Tab.2  Fitting results between calculated data and original data

农业机械总动力y = 0.787x+5.2500.82
农林牧渔总产值y = 0.989x+0.3490.98

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3 结果与讨论

3.1 市级生态系统健康的整体特征



图2   2000—2016年四川省生态系统健康状况

Fig.2   Ecosystem health in Sichuan Province from 2000 to 2016

图3显示了生态系统健康的首位度在2005年以后呈现出增长的趋势,而在2005年之前呈现下降趋势。2005年以后,首位度平均每年增长0.001 5,且2011—2012年间增长最快,2012年的首位度较2011年增长了56.3%。变异系数在2005年之前略有下降,之后整体上也呈现平稳向上增长的状态,个别年份有所波动。


图3   生态系统首位度和变异系数变化

Fig.3   Change of ecosystem primacy and coefficient of variation

图2中可以看出,2000—2016年间,四川省整体的生态系统的压力得分变化不大,状态和响应得分持续增长。进入21世纪后,西部大开发政策为四川引入了大量的国有资本投资,促进了地区经济发展,使得状态得分和反应得分都取得了显著进步。因此,即使整体的压力得分变化不大,四川省生态系统的综合健康得分也稳步增加。另一方面,由于2006 年《四川省“十一五”规划纲要(草案)》的出台,规划重点将成都发展成为带动四川经济发展的龙头[29]。这使得成都市在2006年以后迅速拉开与其他城市之间的差距,首位度值大幅提升(图3),区域之间的发展越来越不平均(变异系数不断增大)。

3.2 市级生态健康的空间格局演化

通过计算2000—2016年间各市级区域的压力得分、状态得分、响应得分和健康得分,采用自然断点法[30]将数据分为5类。如图4所示,压力得分在整个研究区域的空间分布为东部、南部较高,西北部得分较低,绵阳、南充、达州和凉山彝族自治州的压力得分最高; 状态得分也主要表现为东部高西部低的状况,成都、德阳和攀枝花得分较高,甘孜藏族自治州和阿坝藏族羌族自治州的得分较低; 响应得分没有明显的空间分布特征,除个别地区(内江、自贡、遂宁、广安和巴中)得分较低外,整体得分较好。


图4   四川省市级生态系统健康评价压力,状态和响应得分

Fig.4   City ecosystem health assessment pressure, state and response scores in Sichuan Province



图5   2000年与2016年四川省市级生态系统健康状况

Fig.5   Ecosystem health status of Sichuan municipal level in 2000 and 2016




图6   生态系统健康标准差椭圆及重心分布

Fig.6   Standard deviation ellipse and center of gravity distribution of ecosystem health

图6可知,四川省生态系统健康重心位于资阳市(简阳市、雁江区)与眉山市(仁寿县)交界处,并在一定范围内波动(简阳市在2016年5月由成都市代管,而本文研究时间为2000—2016年,所以文中按照资阳市进行描述)。状态得分整体重心大致向西南方偏移,而压力得分则没有明显的变化趋势。响应得分的重心逆时针向西北方向移动了3 km左右。图6(e)显示每年的标准偏差椭圆都以该年的重心为中心,标准差椭圆呈NE-SW分布,西部比其他地区变化更为明显。

3.3 县级生态系统健康



图7   县级生态系统压力、状态和响应得分

Fig.7   Scores of pressure, state and response of county-level ecosystem

结合前人的研究结果[31,32] 和实际状况,在市级评价等级的基础上,加上“正常”等级,用以细化区分各个县之间的差距。由图8可知,四川东部盆地内的各县健康状况普遍较好,大部分健康等级都在“正常”以上。评价等级为“健康”的区县共有8个,占总数的4.4%。四川西部山区得分普遍不高,绝大多数的区县得分都在“临界健康”等级以下。


图8   县级生态系统健康状况

Fig.8   Ecosystem health status at county level

由于丰富的自然资源和良好的经济基础,成都平原的区县基本保持着较为健康的经济生态环境状态。虽然这些区域面临着密集的人口、过度的资源消耗和环境污染等问题,但整体上健康状况较好(图8)。与之相反,四川西部地区虽然在人口、资源消耗和环境污染等方面的压力较小,但该地区的生态系统较为脆弱,自然环境恶劣,导致其整体的得分偏低。总的来说,虽然自然环境较差的地区会受到较多的社会关注,但是由于自身生态的脆弱,整体生态系统得分一直不高; 四川东部地区虽然面临人口密集、环境污染和资源消耗等压力,但由于自身良好的自然环境,整体的生态系统健康状况依然较好。

4 结论

1)对2000—2016年间四川省区域生态系统健康状况的时空格局进行了深入分析,生态系统健康整体得分在16 a间从0.610提高至0.687,得分年平均增长0.005左右,大部分地区生态系统状况随时间推移越来越健康。



4)从全省县级评价结果来看,评价等级为“健康”的地区主要集中在东部; 而西部甘孜藏族自治州和阿坝藏族羌族自治州各区县的整体生态系统健康状况都较差,这些地区的生态系统健康状况需要重点的关注和保护。


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Ecological health is a new goal for environment management and sustainable development.Diagnosis of ecological health associated with spatial distribution analysis can provide a reference for landscape ecological restoration and pattern optimizing.In this study,an assessment system of ecological health on the landscape scale is established according to a pressure-state-response(PSR) conceptual model.These correlative ecological indices for ecological health assessment are extracted using SPOT5 images(from 2004) and its derivative data as basic information resources,with the support of remote sensing(RS) and geographical information system(GIS) data.Accordingly,the index system is classified into five grades,"I,II,III,IVand V".Spatial unit grids(2 km×2 km) were selected as assessment units,and the spatial analysis? function of GIS was applied to create a spatial distribution map of each single index and general indices.Therefore,an overall evaluation of regional ecological health is realized,and the spatial distribution pattern of regional ecological health is also revealed.General evaluation results are classified into five different grades(including very healthy,healthy,sub-healthy,unhealthy,sick).When applied assess the health of Xiang’an district,the results indicated that 52.76% of the whole area were classified as sub-healthy or below,and ecological degradation is spreading over the whole study area.

Maga$\bar{n}$a P, López-Ruiz,Lira A, et al.

A public, open Western Europe database of shoreline undulations based on imagery

[J]. Applied Geography, 2014,55:278-291.

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Frashure K M, Bowen R E, Chen R F.

An integrative management protocol for connecting human priorities with ecosystem health in the Neponset River Estuary

[J].Ocean and Coastal Management, 2012(69):255-264.

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Dereynier Y L, Levin P S, Shoji N L.

Bringing stakeholders,scientists,and managers together through an integrated ecosystem assessment process

[J]. Marine Policy, 2010,34(3):534-540.

DOI:10.1016/j.marpol.2009.10.010      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Pirrone N, Trombino G, Cinnirella S, et al.

The driver-pressure-state-impact-response (DPSIR) approach for integrated catchment-coastal zone management:Preliminary application to the Po catchment-Adriatic Sea coastal zone system

[J]. Regional Environmental Change, 2005,5(2-3):111-137.

DOI:10.1007/s10113-004-0092-9      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Liang P, Du L, Yue G.

Ecological security assessment of Beijing based on PSR model

[J]. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2010,2(2):832-841.

DOI:10.1016/j.proenv.2010.10.094      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Ye H, Ma Y, Dong L.

Land ecological security assessment for Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Dali based using PSR model-with data in 2009 as case

[J]. Energy Procedia, 2011,5(22):2172-2177.

DOI:10.1016/j.egypro.2011.03.375      URL    

史永亮, 杨东峰, 王如松, .


[J].环境科学与技术, 2008(2):120-123.

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Shi Y L, Yang D F, Wang R S, et al.

Ecosystem health assessment based on PSR model:A case study of Dafeng City in Jiangsu Province

[J].Environmental Science and Technology, 2008(2):120-123.

[本文引用: 1]

Jin Y, Lu Z, Tan F, et al.

Assessment of ecological carrying capacity on the typical resources-based cities:A case study of Tangshan City

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2015,35(14).

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贾艳红, 赵军, 南忠仁, .


[J]. 干旱区资源与环境, 2007,21(1):17-21.

[本文引用: 1]

Jan Y H, Zhao J, Nan Z R, et al.

The application of entropy-right method to the study of ecological security evaluation of grassland:A case study at the ecological security evaluation of grassland to pastoral area of Gansu

[J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2007,21(1):17-21.

[本文引用: 1]

Mayor M, López A J.

Spatial shift-share analysis versus spatial filtering:An application to Spanish employment data

[J]. Empirical Economics, 2008,34(1):123-142.

DOI:10.1007/s00181-007-0167-9      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The aim of this work is to analyse the influence of spatial effects in the evolution of regional employment, thus improving the explanation of the existing differences. With this aim, two non-parametric techniques are proposed: spatial shift-share analysis and spatial filtering. Spatial shift-share models based on previously defined spatial weights matrix allow the identification and estimation of the spatial effects. Furthermore, spatial filtering techniques can be used in order to remove the effects of spatial correlation, thus allowing the decomposition of the employment variation into two components, respectively related to the spatial and structural effects. The application of both techniques to the spatial analysis of regional employment in Spain leads to some interesting findings and shows the main advantages and limitations of each of the considered procedures, together with the quantification of their sensitivity with regard to the considered weights matrix.]]>

方叶林, 黄震方, 陈文娣.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 2013,32(5):831-839.

DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2013.05.014      URL     [本文引用: 1]

G指数、经济重心、标准差椭圆以及灰色G(1, 1)模型对县域经济的空间演化进行分析预测,最后结合位序规模原理,对空间差异的机理进行分析.总体上安徽县域经济表现出微弱的空间集聚分布态势,呈现出“南北低中间高”、“西低东高”的空间分布格局.县域经济重心在117.57°~117.6°E,31.67°~31.76°N之间变动,有向东南方向移动的趋势.标准差椭圆总体上变化幅度不大,基本上以省会经济圈为核心,范围覆盖了皖江城市带大部分地区,县域经济的空间分布呈现出西北—东南格局,并且这种格局有向正北—正南方向转变的趋势.安徽县域经济满足位序规模原理,其发展状况呈低水平分散均衡型.资源禀赋与交通区位、中心城市发展状况、区域政策是导致安徽省县域经济空间差异的主要原因.]]>

Fang L Y, Huang Z F, Chen W D.

Spatial evolution of county economy in Anhui Province during 2001—2010

[J]. Progress in Geography, 2013,32(5):831-839.

DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2013.05.014      URL     [本文引用: 1]

G index, economic gravity centre, standard deviational ellipses and G(1, 1) prediction model, this article analyzes and forecasts the evolution of county economy, and, combined with the rank-size principle, analyzes the mechanism of spatial differences. Generally speaking, the county economy of Anhui Province presents a weak clustering distribution trend and shows a spatial pattern of "low in the north and south but high in the middle" and "low in the west but high in the east". The scope of economic gravity centre is 117.569°~ 117.598°E, 31.672°~31.760°N, and has the trend moving to the southeast. The change of standard deviational ellipses is very small; basically the core is capital economic circle, covering the most areas of Wanjiang City Belt. The spatial distribution of county economy presents a "northwest-southeast" pattern, and has the trend changing to "north-south" pattern. The county economy meets the rank-size principle and performs a low-level decentralized equilibrium pattern. Regional resources endowments and location, the development of central cities, and policies are the main reasons that cause the spatial differences.]]>

Zhou L, Zhou C, Yang F, et al.

Spatio-temporal evolution and the influencing factors of PM_(2.5) in China between 2000 and 2011

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017,72(11):2079-2092.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201711012      URL     [本文引用: 1]

2.5 has been universally considered as a main cause for haze formation. Therefore, it is important to identify the spatial heterogeneity and influencing factors of PM2.5 concentration for the purpose of regional air quality control and management. Using PM2.5 data from 2000 to 2011 that is inversed from NASA atmospheric remote sensing images, and employing the methods in geo-statistics, geographic detectors and geo-spatial analysis, this paper reveals the spatio-temporal evolution patterns and driving factors of PM2.5 concentration in China. The main findings are as follows: (1) In general, the average concentration of PM2.5 in China has increased quickly and reached its peak value in the year of 2006; after that, it has been maintained at around 22.47-28.26 μg/m3. (2) PM2.5 is strikingly uneven in China, with a higher concentration in North and East than in South and West, respectively. In particular, the areas with a relatively high concentration of PM2.5 are mainly the four regions including the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, the Lower Yangtze River Delta Plain, the Sichuan Basin, and the Taklimakan Desert. Among them, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region has the highest concentration of PM2.5. (3) The center of gravity of PM2.5 has shown an overall eastward movement trend, which indicates an increasingly serious haze in eastern China. Particularly, the center of gravity of high-value PM2.5 is kept on moving eastward, while that of the low-value PM2.5 moves westward. (4) The spatial autocorrelation analysis indicates a significantly positive spatial correlation. The "High-High" PM2.5 agglomeration areas include the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, Fenhe-Weihe River Basin, Sichuan Basin, and Jianghan plain regions. The "Low-Low" PM2.5 agglomeration areas include Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang to the north of the Great Wall, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and Taiwan, Hainan and Fujian and other southeast coastal and island areas. (5) Geographic detection analysis indicates that both natural and human factors account for the spatial variations of PM2.5 concentration. In particular, factors such as natural geographical location, population density, automobile quantity, industrial discharge and straw burning are the main driving forces of PM2.5 concentration in China.]]>

侯光雷, 张洪岩, 郭聃, .


[J]. 地理科学进展, 2012,31(3):285-292.

DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.03.003      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Hou G L, Zhang H Y, Guo D, et al.

Spatial-temporal variation of NDVI in the growing season and its sensitivity to climatic factors in Changbai Mountains

[J]. Progress in Geography, 2012,31(3):285-292.

DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.03.003      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In order to reveal the response of mountain ecosystem to climate change, the spatial-temporal distribution of vegetation variation in the Changbai Mountains was investigated by using the 10-day SPOT/VGT NDVI data from 2000 to 2009. Combining the meteorological data, we discussed the relationship between NDVI and climatic factors and time lags of vegetation variation response to climate change. The results are shown as follows. 1) NDVI increased from 2000 to 2009 in Changbai Mountains. The NDVI increased and decreased area covered about 83.91% and 16.09% of the whole study area respectively. The increased area was mainly distributed on the northern and western slopes, while the decreased area was distributed on the southern slope. The growth rate of NDVI centralized 0 - 0.006 /a. 2) The change rate of NDVI varied by seasons and vegetation types. The peak of NDVI slope appeared in May and September, but no increase, even a little decrease was observed in July; 3) There was a significantly positive correlation between NDVI and climatic factors (temperature and precipitation), and NDVI had a closer correlation with temperature than with precipitation for the three vegetation types. The results also revealed that a correlation between NDVI and temperature in tundra zone was stronger than that in the Korean pine-broadleaved mixed forest (700-1100 m) and coniferous forest (1100-1700 m), which indicated that vegetation at higher elevation is more sensitive to temperature change; 4) The correspondence between NDVI and climatic factors had a marked time lag for 10-20 days for the whole study area. Different vegetation types had different time lags. The response of NDVI in tundra zone to climatic factors had a time lag of about 10 days, while in the two forests mentioned above, the response had a time lag of about 20 days.



[D]. 成都:西南交通大学, 2018.

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Wang J C.

The construction and application of economic gravity model in Chengdu economic zone from the perspective of spatial economics

[D]. Chengdu:Southwest Jiaotong University, 2018.

[本文引用: 1]

Raskie J.

Geospatial analysis of fisheries to improve federal enforcement

[D]. Durham:Duke Vniversity, 2013.

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何新, 姜广辉, 张瑞娟, .


[J]. 自然资源学报, 2015,30(12):2057-2068.

[本文引用: 2]

He X, Jiang G H, Zhang R J, et al.

Temporal and spatial variation of land ecosystem health based on the pressure-state-response model:A case study of Pinggu District,Beijing

[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2015,30(12):2057-2068.

[本文引用: 2]

洪惠坤, 廖和平, 魏朝富, .


[J]. 生态学报, 2015,35(24):8016-8027.

DOI:10.5846/stxb201406301353      URL     [本文引用: 2]

土地利用系统健康评价研究能够有效引导土地合理利用,协调城市发展与自然生态保护之间的矛盾。构建基于PSR 模型的土地利用系统健康评价指标体系,并采用改进TOPSIS方法对三峡库区生态敏感区的典型区域-重庆市进行实证分析。结果表明:1)研究区土地利用系统健康综合分值整体呈现T型带状分布格局,可分为四个健康等级,即健康、临界健康、不健康、病态。2)渝东北、渝东南和重庆市西南片区部分地区因其土地生态系统脆弱敏感,土地利用风险性大和生态系统稳定性差,土地生态系统呈现病态和不健康状态,属于高风险-高压力区域;重庆市主城区环线区域因其属于城市核心拓展区和人类活动频繁区域,人口压力指数和土地利用压力指数较大,土地利用风险性较小,健康度较为良好,是低风险-中度压力区域。3)PSR模型能够较好地改变现有研究主要关注自然资源环境的状况,更准确地反映土地利用系统健康的各要素之间的关系和影响土地生态系统健康的关键因素,为三峡库区生态敏感区土地利用系统健康状态起到一定的预警作用。4)以改进TOPsis方法计算土地利用系统健康指数,消除了不同指标量纲的影响,并能充分利用原始数据的信息,能充分反映各方案之间的差距,客观真实的反映实际情况。5)为保障三峡库区生态敏感区土地利用系统的健康发展,应加强土地利用规划与调整,控制人类过度开发,维持生态系统正常功能。

Hong H K, Liao H P, Wei C F, et al.

Health assessment of a land use system used in the ecologically sensitive area of the Three Gorges reservoir area,based on the improved TOPSIS Method

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2015,35(24):8016-8027.

[本文引用: 2]

Wang L, Cao L, Deng X, et al.

Changes in aridity index and reference evapotranspiration over the central and eastern Tibetan Plateau in China during 1960—2012

[J]. Quaternary International, 2014,349:280-286.

DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2014.07.030      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Based on climate data from 68 meteorological stations over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) observed by the China Meteorological Administration in 1960-2012, temporal and spatial variations in aridity index (AI) and reference evapotranspiration (ET0) were comprehensively investigated. The abrupt change and the period in AI and ET0 were characterized using a comprehensive time series analysis conducted with Mann-Kendall test and Morlet wavelet. The results indicated that the regionally averaged value of AI significantly decreased by 0.04/decade during 1960-2012 period, with the maximum observed in 1972. Similarly, the regional trend for ET0 was at the rate of -9.6 mm/decade with statistically significant at the 0.01 level. Most of these stations with positive value for AI were primarily distributed at the northern southwestern TP. Moreover, a majority of stations with low values of ET0 were substantially distributed at the central and eastern TP, and amounts of the stations with high values of ET0 were mainly located at a lower elevation. Abrupt changes of both AI and ET0 primarily happened in 1980s. The major cycles of AI and ET0 were 15 y and 17 y scale over the study period with apparent periodic oscillation characteristics, respectively, and together with other different scale cycles co-existing. The significant correlations between AI and East Asian Summer Monsoon Index (EASMI) indicated that AI over the TP was related to the EASMI. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA.

Vuuren D P V, Smith S J, Riahi K.

Downscaling socioeconomic and emissions scenarios for global environmental change research:A review

[J]. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Climate Change, 2010,1(3):393-404.

DOI:10.1002/wcc.50      URL     [本文引用: 1]


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