国土资源遥感, 2020, 32(3): 114-120 doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.03.15



张玲,, 刘斌, 葛大庆, 郭小方

中国自然资源航空物探遥感中心,北京 100083

Detecting tiny differential deformation of Tangshan urban active fault using multi-source SAR data

ZHANG Ling,, LIU Bin, GE Daqing, GUO Xiaofang

China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Natural Resources, Beijing 100083, China

责任编辑: 李瑜

收稿日期: 2019-07-26   修回日期: 2019-10-24   网络出版日期: 2020-09-15

基金资助: 中国地质调查局项目“京津冀地区地面沉降地裂缝调查及地质环境监测”.  DD20160237
“全国地面沉降遥感地质调查与监测”.  DD20190513

Received: 2019-07-26   Revised: 2019-10-24   Online: 2020-09-15

作者简介 About authors

张玲(1982-),女,硕士,高级工程师。主要从事InSAR地表形变监测理论与应用研究。 Email: zling127@qq.com



活动断裂活动特征存在明显的时空分异性,需要长期有效地进行监测。合成孔径雷达干涉测量(interferometric synthetic aperture Radar,InSAR)技术是近些年来地表形变调查监测的主要技术手段之一,具有覆盖范围广、信息获取效率高、成本低等优势。以InSAR技术为手段,采用相干目标点长时间序列分析方法,利用RADARSAT-2卫星Wide模式30 m空间分辨率和TerraSAR-X卫星Strip模式3 m空间分辨率这2种雷达数据,开展了唐山市城区主要活动断裂两侧微小差异性形变探测的应用研究。结果显示,城区内唐山—古冶断裂较为明显,最大的差异量在2 mm/a。以RADARSAT-2卫星C波段中等分辨率雷达数据为数据源的形变结果可以清晰地呈现出活动断裂两侧差异性形变; 而TerraSAR-X卫星X波段数据雷达波长较短,受地表覆被变化影响较大,且活动断裂的变化相对于该量值较小,较难从地表形变中分离出断裂两侧的差异性形变。

关键词: InSAR ; 活动断裂 ; 差异性形变 ; 微小形变


The active faults deformation, with distinct temporal and spatial variations, requires long-term and effective monitoring. InSAR (interferometry synthetic aperture Radar), with the advantages of high efficiency, wide coverage and low cost, is one of the main technical means for ground surface deformation survey in recent years. In this paper, the small differential deformation of the main active faults in Tangshan urban area was monitored by the interferometric point target analysis. Two kinds of radar data were used: the Wide strip mode of RADARSAT-2 C-band with 30m spatial resolution and the Strip mode of TerraSAR-X X-band with 3 m spatial resolution. The results show that the differential deformation of Tangshan-Guye active fault is obvious with the maximum differential velocity of 2 mm/a. In this case, the deformation results from RADARSAT-2 C-band medium resolution data can clearly show the tiny differential deformation between the two sides of the active faults. However, TerraSAR-X X-band data, with shorter wavelength, is more obviously affected by the change of surface cover. Compared with this deformation, the vertical differential deformation between the two sides of active faults is too small to be separated from the TerraSAR results.

Keywords: InSAR ; active fault ; differential deformation ; tiny surface deformation

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张玲, 刘斌, 葛大庆, 郭小方. 基于多源SAR数据唐山城区活动断裂微小差异形变探测. 国土资源遥感[J], 2020, 32(3): 114-120 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.03.15

ZHANG Ling, LIU Bin, GE Daqing, GUO Xiaofang. Detecting tiny differential deformation of Tangshan urban active fault using multi-source SAR data. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES[J], 2020, 32(3): 114-120 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.03.15

0 引言

合成孔径雷达干涉测量(interferometric synthetic aperture Radar,InSAR)技术是近20 a间快速发展起来的一门空间几何形态测量遥感技术,已成功应用于全球数字高程模型(digital elevation model,DEM)获取和各类地表形变场的监测工作,包括地震位移、地面沉降、山体滑坡、冰川移动和工程形变等。活动断裂的空间活动性在重大工程选址、城市规划和地震安全性评价等工作中有重要意义,常采用跨断层监测网、线开展三维向量(垂直、张压和错动)变化监测,为断层活动性分析提供精确资料。

相对于广泛应用InSAR开展监测工作的其他形变,活动断裂本身变化非常小,大陆内部断层的滑动速率以2~5 mm/a最为典型[1]。开展活动断裂InSAR监测的研究较少,但在已有研究中均体现了InSAR空间采样密度高、空间连续性好、覆盖面积大的优势[2,3],且已有研究的试验区主要分布在受人为活动较少的地区。活动断裂活动表现为水平(张压)方向、水平(走滑)方向和垂直(升降)方向。唐山断裂近些年来整体在水平方向呈现微弱的右旋张性活动,垂直方向呈正断层活动,不同时段的运动状况有所不同[4]。目前,InSAR技术在覆盖范围上可以实现数百km的连续覆盖,监测精度为mm级,视线向监测灵敏度优于1~2 mm。在满足相干性要求的条件下,采用InSAR技术可以探测到断裂两侧垂向相对活动性较大的差异性形变。


1 InSAR相干目标时序分析

InSAR技术的核心是利用雷达数据的干涉相位获取目标的几何特征及变化信息。2幅影像干涉纹图的相位 φint包含: ①地形相位 φtop; ②平地相位 φflat; ③2幅影像间隔时间内地形雷达视线向(line of sight,LOS)变化引起的相位 φdef; ④大气波动带来的延迟相位差 δφatm; ⑤2幅影像噪声相位差 δφn。由此干涉相位可以表示为:


式中: φtop是由地形的高程带来的干涉相位,可以通过外部DEM计算; φflat由成像几何关系推算。经过差分干涉处理,即去除 φtopφflat后得到差分相位 φdiff,可以表示为:


式中 φtopoerror为高程误差引起的相位。

干涉处理过程中受卫星轨道、地形误差、大气和噪声等的影响,2期雷达数据的差分干涉测量精度往往达不到预期,不能满足生产需要。而永久散射体方法[5](permanent scatterer InSAR,PSInSAR)和相干目标时间序列分析[6]等方法,是将获取的多期(往往大于20期)图像内质量可靠的相干点目标进行时间序列的回归分析,以提取相干点目标高精度形变信息。意大利TRE公司曾利用丰富的测量数据统计出了InSAR各类测量值的测量精度,即1个标准差(σ) [7],如表1所示,其中典型测量值精度仅以PS点距离参考点小于4 km,C波段数据为例。本研究将相干目标时序分析与小基线集技术(small baseline subsets,SBAS)方法[8]相结合,将满足时空基线要求的图像对两两干涉,通过对相干目标干涉相位的时间序列回归分析,获取地面沉降信息。总体处理流程如图1所示。相干目标时间序列分析方法以差分干涉图上相干特性保持良好的相干目标为研究对象,避免了相干性降低造成的相位误差在解算过程中的传播。基于大量的合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture Radar,SAR)数据(20~30景,甚至更多),从中筛选出具有稳定散射特性的点目标: 一是散射强度稳定,统计强度离散性方差; 二是将单视复数据(single look complex,SLC)图像作反变换,生成若干个子视图,对子视图作谱相关分析,将满足离散方差或谱相关要求的像元作为待分析的相干目标。

表1   InSAR典型测量值精度[7]

Tab.1  Typical values of precision


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图1   处理基本流程

Fig.1   Data processing chart

则第 i幅差分干涉图相邻2相干目标xy的相位差可以表示为:


式中: λ为雷达波长; δv为2点线性形变速率; Tii幅差分干涉图的时间间隔; Bi为第 i幅差分像对的空间垂直基线; r为传感器到目标的距离; θ为雷达波入射角; δh为DEM高程误差; δφresi(x,y)为大气和噪声残余相位; δφnonlineari(x,y)为非线性形变相位。式(3)时间分析模型中将 δvδh设为待求参数,将 δφresi(x,y)δφnonlineari(x,y)设为随机误差,通过构建离散点观测网络,利用Delaunay三角剖分使得所有相邻相干目标互相关联,基于三角网之间的相互联系展开相位迭代处理,经过迭代处理得到每个“弧段”上的相对速率、高程改正和残余误差等。对满足阈值条件的弧段进行积分,得到绝对变化量,即每个相干目标的形变速率和高程误差。


2 研究区概况及数据源

2.1 研究区概况


2.2 数据源


表2   RADARSAT-2数据列表

Tab.2  Data list of RADARSAT-2


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表3   TerraSAR-X数据列表

Tab.3  Data list of TerraSAR-X


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RADARSAT-2数据为Wide成像模式,C波段,波长5.6 cm; TerraSAR-X数据为Strip成像模式,X波段,波长3.2 cm。采用SRTM DEM为辅助高程数据,空间分辨率30 m。采用多主影像相干目标分析方法,干涉像对空间基线小于300 m,时间间隔为360 d,图2为干涉图像对时空基线分布情况。


图2   干涉图像对组合时空基线

Fig.2   Baseline graph of interferometric images combination

3 InSAR区域形变分析

基于上述2类雷达数据,均采用空间基线300 m,时间基线360 d进行干涉图像对组合,利用SRTM 30 m空间分辨率DEM作为高程信息,分别生成RADARSAT-2和TerraSAR-X差分干涉图集; 通过散射强度和谱相关选择相干目标,开展相干目标的差分相位时序列分析,2种数据采用了相同的图像对选择参数和处理方法,获取了完整覆盖唐山市主城区的地面沉降信息; 通过相干目标时序分析时间基线的控制,分别得到了各年度地面沉降速率。图3为利用RADARSAT-2和TerraSAR-X这2种雷达数据获取的2013年地面沉降速率信息。图3显示了2013年唐山市主城区地面沉降总体沉降状况与唐山市主城区内活动断裂的分布状况。InSAR形变测量对垂向最为敏感,该处描述的InSAR形变信息即为垂向形变,以雷达强度为底图信息,图中采用相干目标点的颜色表现地面沉降的严重程度,负值表示远离雷达视线方向,转为垂向形变后对应地面沉降。对于唐山市而言,主要地表形变为煤矿塌陷,城区大部分地区基本稳定年沉降速率小于15 mm/a。但受唐山矿和马家沟矿的影响,矿区及周边地区存在严重的地面沉降现象,特别是唐山矿所在的南湖地区,形变中心地面塌陷一直持续,塌陷中心形成的水域失相干严重。由图3可以看出,矿区失相干区无法选取有效的相干点目标,但在矿区形变范围外围地面沉降最大速率达到60 mm/a以上。市区内唐山矿和马家沟矿开采造成的沉降影响范围位于陡河断裂与唐山—古冶断裂之间。活动断裂两侧的差异性形变较矿区开采带来的形变量可以忽略不计,在平面图上无明显现象。


图3   2013年唐山市主城区地面沉降速率

Fig.3   Subsidence velocity map of Tangshan urban area in 2013

4 微小差异形变差异分析

由于市区南部唐山矿和北部马家沟矿造成了大范围的地面沉降与塌陷,为尽可能地避免2个矿区开采带来的地面沉降影响(如图3紫色框所示位置),并保证有较充足的相干目标条件下建立了剖面线及其缓冲区,长度19.8 km,缓冲区宽度200 m。对TerraSAR-X Strip模式3 m空间分辨率雷达数据和RADARSAT-2 wide模式30 m雷达数据获取的形变信息分别开展了近似垂直于断裂的剖面分析。通常在其他地表形变调查中多采用剖面线直接分析,故RADARSAT-2数据直接利用剖面线进行分析; 但是由于在本次数据处理过程中发现单一的剖面线差异表现不突出,且TerraSAR-X数据剖面没有差异性趋势,进而对其采用剖面线缓冲区内相干点目标集的方法进行分析。



图4   2013年不同剖面分析数据比较

Fig.4   Comparison of different profile data in 2013

在缓冲区内点目标集分析中,横坐标为点目标在剖面线的垂足距剖面线起始点的距离,纵坐标为各点目标的形变速率,负数代表点目标为沉降,通过点集数据的快速傅立叶变换(fast Fourier transform,FFT)滤波,得到缓冲区内相干点目标集在距离向的趋势线(图4(a)和(b)中红色曲线),在图4(a)中,RADARSAT-2数据的相干点目标集趋势线较好地呈现出活动断裂两侧形变的微小差异。剖面线分析中,将整个地区相干点沉降信息插值为面,再提取剖面线上的形变信息。

通过图4比较可以看出,利用RADARSAT-2 卫星wide雷达数据获取的地面沉降信息能够反映出断裂两侧的差异性形变,缓冲区内相干点目标集的分析比直接获取的剖面线趋势更加明显,故推测可能因为RADARSAT-2 卫星雷达数据为C波段中等空间分辨率数据更能代表一定区域内地表的综合形变,而TerraSAR-X卫星X波段数据雷达波长较短,受地表覆被变化影响较大,而活动断裂形变过小,剖面差异形变不明显。此外,缓冲区内相干点目标集的分析也比直接获取的剖面线趋势更加明显。

因此,选择RADARSAT-2 卫星wide雷达数据提取的缓冲区相干点目标集来分析2013—2016年4个年度活动断裂两侧的微小差异形变特征,2013—2016年4期剖面缓冲区内相干点目标集形变信息如图5所示。


图5   2013—2016年研究区微小差异性形变

Fig.5   Tiny differential deformation of active fault in the study area from 2013 to 2016


唐山—古冶断裂两侧的差异性最为明显,断裂西盘相对东盘沉降速率略小,各年度形变差异均在2 mm/a左右,两侧差异性沉降在2015年最为显著。唐山—古冶断裂晚第四纪活动性强,构成了唐山断裂带中规模最大的一条断裂,错断了第四系内各层位地层界面,1976年唐山地震发震层就位于该断裂南段。据跨唐山—古冶断裂的监测台站水准显示该断裂1997年以前断层垂直方向活动速率较高,东盘相对于西盘下降[4],此次结果也显示出东盘下降速率较快。

陡河断裂剖面位置西盘相对东盘沉降速率略大,在1~2 mm/a,2014年度差异不明显。该断裂北起陡河水库东岸,东盘上升形成一基岩陡坎,西盘下落300 m,浅层地震勘查显示断层两侧第四纪厚度相差70 m[11],西盘较厚的第四纪地层更易发生垂向压缩形变。

巍山—长山南坡断裂由一些断断续续及平行的NE向断层组成,多为倾向NW的逆断层,1993年在凤凰山公园内和北新东道浅层地震勘探中提示上断点在第四系地层中埋深10 m,为前更新世晚期断层,晚更新世以来未见明显活动[12]。在2013—2016年间的监测周期内未发现明显差异性形变。


5 结论



2)沿断裂近似垂向做剖面分析发现了断裂两侧的微小差异形变,唐山—古冶断裂较为明显,多年间的监测显示最大的差异量在2 mm/a左右。




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基于大量SAR数据的时序InSAR技术已被广泛应用于断裂带震间长期缓慢地壳形变的观测研究,文中对现有多种时序InSAR方法(如Stacking,PSInSAR,SBAS等)的基本原理和技术特点进行了概括总结。采用PSInSAR技术,利用2003—2010年的17景降轨ENVISAT/ASAR数据,在海原断裂带中段开展了震间地壳形变观测的实验研究,获得了海原断裂中段的跨断层InSAR形变速率场整体图像,显示了约5mm/a的左旋走滑运动速率,与GPS和地质学研究基本一致。在此基础上,对时序InSAR断层活动性观测研究中的若干问题,如LOS形变速率与目标断层走向的关系、LOS 形变速率与跨断层观测宽度的关系、LOS 形变速率与GPS等其他形变速率的关系以及LOS 形变速率场揭示的断层相互作用及断层滑动方式等进行了分析探讨。这些将为进一步推进InSAR构造变形监测研究提供参考。

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In the past few years, the improved InSAR technology based on time series analyses to many SAR images has been used for measurement of interseismic deformation along active fault. In the paper, we first made a summary and introduction to the basic principle and technical characteristics of existing Time Series InSAR methods(such as Stacking, PSInSAR, SBAS). Then we presented a case study on the central segment of Haiyuan Fault in west China. We attempt to use the PS-InSAR(Permanent Scatter InSAR)technique to estimate the motion rate fields of this fault. We processed and analyzed 17 scenes of ENVISAT/ASAR images in descending orbits from 2003-2010 using the PS-InSAR method. The results reveal the whole movement pattern around the Haiyuan Fault and a remarkable velocity gradient of about 5mm/a across the central segment of the fault. The motion scenes are consistent with left-lateral strike-slip. On this basis, we make a discussion on some issues about observation of fault activity using Time Series InSAR methods, such as the changes of LOS deformation rates with fault strike and region width observed across a fault, fault reciprocity and motion style indicated by Time Series InSAR rate map and the relationship between the InSAR LOS deformation and the ones from other methods. All these studies will benefit the promotion of InSAR application in detection of tectonic movement.

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Interferometric point target analysis for deformation mapping

[J].IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2003(7):4362-4364.

[本文引用: 1]

Ferretti A, Tamburini A, Novali F, et al.

Impact of high resolution radar imagery on reservoir monitoring

[J]. Energy Procedia, 2011,(4):3465-3471.

DOI:10.1016/j.egypro.2011.02.272      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Depending on reservoir characteristics and depth, oil or gas production can induce surface subsidence or, in the cases of EOR and CCS, ground heave, potentially triggering fault reactivation and in some cases threatening well integrity.Mapping the surface effects of fault reactivation, due to either fluid extraction or injection, usually requires the availability of hundreds of measurement points per square km with millimeter-level precision, which is time consuming and expensive to obtain using traditional monitoring techniques, but can be readily obtained with InSAR data. Moreover, advanced InSAR techniques developed in the last decade are capable of providing millimeter precision, comparable to optical leveling, and a high spatial density of displacement measurements over long periods of time, without the need for installing equipment or otherwise accessing the study area.Until recently, a limitation to the application of InSAR was the relatively long revisiting time (24 or 35 days) of the previous generation of C-band satellites (ERS1-2, Envisat, Radarsat). However, a new generation of X-band radar satellites (TerraSAR-X and the COSMO-SkyMed constellation), which have been operational since 2008, are providing significant improvements. TerraSAR-X has a repeat cycle of 11 days, while the joint use of two sensors of the COSMO-SkyMed constellation have an effective repeat cycle of just 8 days. With the launch of the fourth satellite of the constellation, in 2010, COSMO-SkyMed will have an effective revisiting time of just 4 days, allowing "near real-time" applications. Indeed, by combining two acquisition geometries (e. g. data acquired along ascending and descending orbits), it will be possible, on average, to have a new scene over the area of interest every other day.Additional advantages of the new X-band satellites are: a higher sensitivity to target displacement and a higher spatial resolution (the density of measurement points can be increased by an order of magnitude, possibly exceeding 2,500 PS/km(2)).In this paper, we present some examples of the application of X-band SAR data to reservoir monitoring. Special attention will be given to CCS projects where InSAR data could become a "standard" monitoring tool. The paper will highlight the technical features of the new sensors, the possible synergy between TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed data, as well as the importance of a careful analysis of atmospheric disturbances affecting SAR data covering the area of interest, in order to retrieve high quality displacement data. Finally, some conclusions will be drawn supporting recommendations about future CCS monitoring programs. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.]]>

Berardino P, Fornaro G, Lanari R, et al.

A new algorithm for surface deformation monitoring based on small baseline differential SAR interferograms

[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2002,40(11):2375-2383.

DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2002.803792      URL     [本文引用: 1]



[J]. 地震地质, 2002,24(4):601-605.

URL     [本文引用: 2]


Deng Q D.

Exploration and Seismic hazard assessment of active faults in urban areas

[J]. Seismology and Geology, 2002,24(4):601-605.

URL     [本文引用: 2]

Displacements along active faults buried directly beneath major cities create devastating earthquakes that seriously threaten the safety of human lives and properties. Exploration and seismic hazard assessment of active faults in urban areas are thus an important systematic engineering for disaster mitigation in major cities. It is also a new field for active tectonic studies. The kernel of this work includes determining of the exact location of active faults, dating the ages of last tectonic activity, relating the shallow level faults to structures in the crustal depth, assessing seismic hazard and potential for surface offsets, and formulating countermeasures for disaster mitigations. We use the following simple phrases to express these key scientific problems: Where are the faults? Are they active? How deep are they? Will they create earthquake? Will they form surface offsets? What are the countermeasures? This paper explains these key scientific problems in detail.

李传友, 汪一鹏, 王志才.


[J]. 地震地质, 2007,29(2):431-445.

URL     [本文引用: 1]


Li C Y, Wang Y P, Wang Z C.

Some analyses on the relation between the upper offset point and the latest activity times of buried faults in cities of eastern China:Taking the Xingtai and Tangshan earthquake regions as an example

[J]. Seismology and Geology, 2007,29(2):431-445.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

The urban area in the eastern China region is mostly covered by the relatively thick loose Quaternary deposits,below which,in many cities,there exist many considerably large buried faults.In these thick-Quaternary-covering areas,does the date of the upper layers dislocated by the buried faults represent the latest faulting? In this paper,based on the integrated analysis on the data of geology,geophysics and earthquakes of cities in the east of China,including Xingtai and Tangshan,we discussed the relation between the upper offset point and the latest activity times of the buried faults in these areas covered by thick Quaternary.Our study shows,in the area with very thick recent deposits in East China,one should not determine the latest faulting of one fault fully according to the younger layers displaced by the fault.To a fault running through the area covered with thick young deposits,its latest active period should be determined comprehensively by the tectonic settings,the controlling of the fault to the young strata,the youngest layer displaced by the fault,the thickness of the young deposits,seismicity and modern tectonic stress field,etc.

王景明, 王文秋, 苏幼坡.


[J]. 河北理工学院学报, 1998,20(1):75-83.

[本文引用: 1]

Wang J M, Wang W Q, Su Y P.

The fracture activities and geological calamity in Tangshan City

[J]. Journal of Hebei Institute of Technology, 1998,20(1):75-83.

[本文引用: 1]

Liu K, Qu G S, Chen J Q, et al.

Recurrence characteristics of major earthquakes in the Tangshan area,north China

[J]. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 2013,87(1):254-271.

DOI:10.1111/1755-6724.12046      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The Tangshan area lies in the North China plain where an Ms 7.8 earthquake occurred in 1976, which is associated with a hidden active fault. To reveal the recurrence characteristics of major quakes in this area over a relatively long time, we have conducted a comprehensive study using geological investigations, shallow seismic exploration, boreholes, trench observations and geological dating. Five paleoearthquakes were recognized in a 6.4m-deep trench west to the Tangshan Asylum. Among them, the former three events occurred between 56.78 +/- 4.83ka and 89.39 +/- 7.60 ka, and the fourth event occurred around 6.9 ka, respectively, and then followed by the fifth in 1976. Seven boreholes were deployed crossing the ground fissure formed by the 1976 Tangshan earthquake at the site of No. 10 Middle School, where we have identified 25 liquefaction events in the boreholes TZC65 and 67. By the comprehensive analysis of the trench, the liquefaction events from the boreholes and the depth-time curves of drill cores, we suggest a new recurrence model of major quakes in this area. It is not a constant recurring cycle since 210 ka, instead consisting of six alternating seismically quiet and active stages. Of them, stage I (>177 ka) was a quiescent period in seismicity, stage II (from 143 ka to 177 ka) was an active one, stage III (from 102 ka to 143 ka) was quiescent again, stage IV (from 56 ka to 102 ka) had many quakes, stage V (from 6.9 ka to 56 ka) became quiet, and stage VI (from 6.9 ka to now) was the beginning of a new seismically active period.


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