国土资源遥感, 2020, 32(4): 172-181 doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.04.22



郑伯红,1, 王志远,1,2, 汪华1

1.中南大学建筑与艺术学院,长沙 410075

2.南华大学建筑学院,衡阳 421001

A study of the evolution characteristics of built-up areas in Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration based on DMSP/OLS data

ZHENG Bohong,1, WANG Zhiyuan,1,2, WANG Hua1

1. School of Architecture and Art, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China

2. School of Architecture, University of South China, Hengyang 421001, China

通讯作者: 王志远(1985-),男,博士研究生,讲师,主要研究方向为国土空间规划。Email:wzhiyuan2005@yeah.net

责任编辑: 李 瑜

收稿日期: 2020-01-15   修回日期: 2020-02-20   网络出版日期: 2020-12-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目“基于碳流情景模拟的低碳新城空间规划研究”.  51478470
湖南省社会科学基金项目“基于生态优先的洞庭湖地区城镇空间规划管控研究”.  18YBQ106
湖南省教育厅科学研究优秀青年项目“长株潭都市区城市空间增长模拟及管控研究”.  19B480

Received: 2020-01-15   Revised: 2020-02-20   Online: 2020-12-15

作者简介 About authors



长株潭城市群是长江中游经济带重要组成部分,研究利用DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据提取长株潭城市群1993—2013年建成区空间分布,采用空间扩张分析、标准差椭圆法、重心变动、景观格局指数、空间自相关等方法,定量分析20 a间长株潭城市群建成区空间演变时空特征,以期为长株潭城市群未来城镇空间发展提供决策依据。结果表明: 1993—2013年间长株潭城市群灯光总量呈现出长株潭3市相对密集,而周边5市相对稀疏的核心—边缘结构; 城市群各城市中心城区以面状发展模式为主,不规则圈层向外扩张。长株潭城市群向心力表现为“离散—向心”增强的趋势,建成区重心由长沙市岳麓区转移至望城区。长株潭城市群建成区分布不断集中,一体化程度不断提升; 建成区斑块数量减少,形状复杂程度降低,建成区由“斑块数量增长”到“斑块规模扩张”。长株潭城市群建成区空间分布呈现集聚特征,空间集聚热点区主要集中在长株潭3市市辖区以及外围的长沙县、望城县、湘潭县、韶山市、醴陵市、宁乡市、湘阴市和汨罗市,而冷点区为沅江市、南县。

关键词: DMSP/OLS数据 ; 建成区 ; 演变特征 ; 长株潭城市群


Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration is an important part of the economic belt in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. The DMSP/OLS night light data was used to extract the space of the built-up area of Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration from 1993 to 2013. The spatial expansion analysis, standard deviation ellipsoid method, center of gravity change, landscape pattern index, and spatial autocorrelation method were used to quantitatively analyze the space-time characteristics of the spatial evolution of the built-up area of Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration in the past 20 years. The result can provide decision-making basis for the future urban spatial development of Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration. The results are as follows: ① From 1993 to 2013, the total amount of lights in the Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration showed a relatively dense core edge structure, the three cities of Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan were relatively dense, while the surrounding five cities were relatively sparse. The central urban areas of urban agglomerations were dominated by the planar development mode, showing irregular circular expansion outwards. ② The centripetal force of the Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration showed an increasing trend of “discrete-centripetal”. The center of gravity of the built-up area shifted from Yuelu District of Changsha City to Wangcheng District. ③ There existed the continuous concentration of the built-up areas and the continuous improvement of the degree of integration in the Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration. The number of patches in the built-up area decreased and the complexity of the shape also decreased. The built-up area grew from “patch quantity increase” to “patch scale expansion”. ④ The spatial distribution of the built-up area of the Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration presented cluster features. The hot spots of spatial agglomeration were mainly concentrated in the districts of the three cities of Changsha, Zhuzhou, Xiangtan and the surrounding counties of Changsha, Wangcheng, Xiangtan, Shaoshan, Liling, Ningxiang, Xiangyin and Miluo, while the cold spot areas were Yuanjiang and Nanxian.

Keywords: DMSP/OLS data ; built-up area ; evolution characteristics ; Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration

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郑伯红, 王志远, 汪华. 基于DMSP/OLS数据的长株潭城市群建成区演变特征研究. 国土资源遥感[J], 2020, 32(4): 172-181 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.04.22

ZHENG Bohong, WANG Zhiyuan, WANG Hua. A study of the evolution characteristics of built-up areas in Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration based on DMSP/OLS data. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources[J], 2020, 32(4): 172-181 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.04.22

0 引言


1 研究区概况及数据源

1.1 研究区概况

长株潭城市群由湖南省长沙、株洲、湘潭、衡阳、岳阳、常德、益阳及娄底8市组成,研究区总面积为9.68万 km2,占湖南省的45.8%; 人口为4 106万,占湖南省的61%; 经济总量占湖南省的80%,是长江中游经济社会和城镇化高度发展地区及全国资源节约和环境友好型社会建设综合配套改革试验区。

1.2 数据源

研究利用DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据和相关辅助数据。DMSP/OLS数据来源于美国国家地球物理数据中心,全分辨率数据的地面采样距离为0.56 km,地面分辨率为0.008 333 3°,研究区图像在3 000 km整体图像中裁取。研究所采集的1993—2013年灯光数据均为栅格灰度遥感影像,该数据灰度值范围0~63,空间分辨率为1 km×1 km[31]。同时为了提高空间计算精度,研究用Landsat系列卫星同期数据进行校正,并进行抽样检验精度,卫星数据来源于地理空间数据云。辅助数据包括《中国城市统计年鉴》统计数据和全国1∶400万数据库中的市县(区)级面状数据。

2 研究方法

2.1 灯光阈值-辅助资料对比法提取城市群建成区


2.2 建成区扩张规模分析



式中: A为建成区扩张速度; ΔS为建成区扩张面积; Δt为时间间隔; S为研究初期建成区总面积。



式中: I为建成区扩张强度指数; ΔU为不同时期扩张面积差; T为区域总面积。

2.3 建成区重心变动与扩张方向分析



式中:xtiyti为第t年第i个像元的平均中心坐标; Mti为第t年该像元的灰度值; XtYt分别为第t年研究区域平均中心的经纬度坐标。


ΔX=(Xti+1-Xti)2+(Yti+1-Yti)2 ,

式中: 平均偏移速度Vt为重心在某一研究时期内的平均移动速度; 偏移角度αt为建成区空间重心在某一研究时期内移动的方向与正东的夹角; XtiYti分别为某一时刻区域建成区空间的平均重心坐标; ti+1-ti为建成区空间重心转移研究测度的时间差值。


δt1,2=i=1nxti2+i=1nyti2±i=1nxti2-i=1nyti22+4i=1nxtiyti2 2n12,

式中 δt1,2为第tX轴和Y轴的标准差。

2.4 建成区景观格局指数变化分析

为更好地反映城市群建成区空间格局演变特征,运用景观生态学中的景观格局指数进行分析。选取景观总面积(total landscape area,TA)、连接度指数(connectivity index,COHESION)、聚集度指数(aggregation index,AI)、斑块密度(patch density,PD)、最大斑块面积比(largest patch index,LPI)、斑块总数(number of patches,NP)、景观形状指数(landscape shape index,LSI)、香农多样性指数(shannon’s diversity index,SHDI)、平均边界密度(edge density,ED)、蔓延度指数(contagion index,CONTAG)和周长面积分维数(perimeter area fractal dimension,PAFRAC)等11个指标,利用 Fragstats4.2软件对长株潭城市群建成区景观格局变化进行定量计算。

2.5 建成区空间自相关分析

通过空间自相关模型Moran’s I指数进一步分析建成区空间集聚和扩张情况,采用Moran散点图、LISA集聚图和热点图等来表示空间相关性情况,即


式中: m为建成区斑块数量; Wij为空间邻接情况,Wij=1为邻接状态,Wij=0为不邻接状态; Si为第i个建成区斑块空间扩张面积; Morans I取值为(-1,1),值越接近1空间越聚集,值越接近-1空间越离散。

3 结果与分析

3.1 长株潭城市群夜间灯光变化

从1993—2013年长株潭城市群灯光分布时空特征来看,城市群灯光总量呈现出长株潭3市地区相对密集,而其他地区相对稀疏的核心—边缘结构。城市群建成区在时间尺度上表现为长株潭3市核心向外拓展,逐渐融合成一个整体的趋势。城市群灯光密度呈现出显著的差异性,其中1993年长株潭城市群整体灯光密度为0.258 6/km2,长株潭3市灯光密度为0.578 9/km2,其余5市灯光密度为0.127 7/km2,约为长株潭3市的1/5; 2013年长株潭城市群整体灯光密度为2.469 2/km2,长株潭3市灯光密度为6.502 5/km2,其余5市灯光密度为0.820 5/km2,约为长株潭3市的1/8。可以看出,长株潭3市是明显的 “高密度” 集聚区,其余5市是相对“低密度”区域,而且这种差距在不断扩大,城市群集聚发展趋势明显。


图1   长株潭城市群1993—2013年夜间灯光变化

Fig.1   Night light changes of Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration in 1993—2013

3.2 长株潭城市群建成区提取与扩张变化

研究利用统计年鉴中长株潭城市群各城市建成区面积信息和DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据,采用二分阈值法获取每个城市不同年份的最佳阈值,利用最佳阈值提取建成区面积与统计年鉴数据对比,在1993年、1995年、1997年、1999年、2001年、2003年、2005年、2007年、2009年、2011年和2013年平均误差率分别为1.64%,-0.10%,2.27%,0.54%,-0.85%,0.27%,0.05%,-0.22%,0.50%,1.19%和-0.88%,都在3%以内。根据每个城市最佳阈值提取建成区空间信息,提取的城市群建成区面积分别为832.59 km2,927.15 km2,1 068.35 km2,1 199.94 km2,1 323.62 km2,1 501.43 km2,1 636.49 km2,1 860.59 km2,2 024.76 km2,2 198.97 km2和2 361.23 km2。再选择城市群30 m×30 m空间分辨率Landsat影像作为验证数据,评价提取建成区信息的相对精度。抽样选取2005年和2013年数据,将样本点与相对应的TM影像进行数据验证,Kappa系数为0.804 3。可以看出灯光阈值-辅助资料对比法提取的建成区数据样本精准度较高,提取结果可用来研究城市群建成区空间演变分析。



图2   长株潭城市群建成区空间扩张演变(1993—2013年)

Fig.2   Spatial expansion evolution of the built-up area in Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration (1993—2013)

在获取建成区面积的基础上分析建成区扩张速度和强度,得到长株潭城市群建成区空间扩张在时间尺度上整体呈现W型(图3),1993—1999年扩张面积、扩张速度和扩张强度3个指标都不断降低; 1999—2005年3个指标不断上升,扩张面积和扩张速度快速增加,并在2005年达到最大值,分别为380.44 km2和190.22 km2·a-1; 随后2005—2009年3个指标下降,扩张面积和扩张速度不断减少; 2009—2013年又开始缓慢增加。其中,扩张强度在1999—2003年快速增加,2003年达到最大值13.78%; 2003—2009年快速减少,2009年达到最小值1.31%。


图3   长株潭城市群建成区扩张分析(1993—2013年)

Fig.3   Expansion analysis of built-up area of Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration(1993—2013)


3.3 长株潭城市群建成区重心变动与扩张方向

长株潭城市群建成区标准差椭圆在1993—2001年长轴略长于短轴,总体呈现“东南—西北”格局,说明“东南—西北”方向的建成区发展略强于“东北—西南”方向,常德、益阳、株洲地区建成区扩张较岳阳、衡阳明显。2001—2013年,标准差椭圆空间范围明显缩小,椭圆长短轴明显缩短,说明长株潭城市群向心集聚发展,长株潭3市核心区扩张快于城市群边缘地区。建成区空间演化向心力在1993—2013年20 a间表现为“离散—向心”增强的趋势。

长株潭城市群1993—2013年建成区重心由长沙市岳麓区转移至望城区,1993年重心始于岳麓区,1993—1995年向西北部移动,并且偏移速度为20 a间最快,达到5 432.41 m·a-1。1995—1997年转向东南方向,1997—2001年持续向西移动。这段时间重心虽然在南北方向上来回波动,但整体逐渐向西移动,说明城市群西部区域扩张快于东部区域,其中常德、益阳、娄底等地区建成区扩张较为显著。2001—2003年重心急速向南移动,偏移角度达到-95.83°,偏移距离达到10 438.88 m。2003—2011年重心转向东部,并且整体趋势为东南方向,说明这段时期长沙、株洲建成区扩张更为明显。而重心在2011—2013年又出现一次波动,从东南转向西北方向转移10 265.13 m,角度达到126.09°,2013年重心落在望城区。具体见图4表1


图4   长株潭城市群建成区扩张标准差椭圆及重心变动(1993—2013年)

Fig.4   Standard deviation ellipse and center of gravity change of the built-up area in Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration(1993—2013)

表1   1993—2013年长株潭城市群建成区重心偏移轨迹

Tab.1  Center of gravity migration track of built-up area of Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration from 1993 to 2013

1993—1995年10 864.825 432.41121.81
1995—1997年5 458.412 729.20-29.17
1997—1999年7 373.873 686.94-153.75
1999—2001年6 723.053 361.53114.45
2001—2003年10 438.885 219.44-95.83
2003—2005年3 772.901 886.4566.13
2005—2007年1 332.19666.1024.04
2007—2009年6 873.973 436.99-59.40
2009—2011年1 847.86923.93-86.29
2011—2013年10 265.135 132.56126.09

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3.4 长株潭城市群建成区景观格局变化

从1993—2013年长株潭城市群建成区景观格局指标变化可知(表2),11个指标变化可归纳为3种类型: ①整体增长类型。TA,COHESION,AI,PD和LPI这5个指标呈现出整体增长特征。TA逐年不断增加,表明长株潭城市群建成区面积不断增大; COHESION,AI和PD在1993—2013年间呈现出整体不断增长的态势,在2013年均达到最大值,分别为57.71,30.98和0.52个/km2,表明长株潭城市群建成区用地不断扩张,景观分布不断集中,一体化程度不断提升; LPI在1993—2001年稍微下降,随后不断增加,在2007—2013年基本维持稳定,达到最大值0.35,表示中心城市长沙在城市群发展过程中起到了核心带动和辐射周边的作用,在自身不断发展过程中带动城市群的整体发展更加均衡化。②先增后减类型。NP,LSI,SHDI和ED这4个指标呈现出先增后减的趋势,1993—2005年间呈增长上升趋势,2005—2013年呈减少下降趋势。2005年达到最大值,NP最大值为113.73,LSI最大值为24.79,SHDI最大值为3.62,ED最大值为17.68 m/km2。表明在1993—2005年期间,城镇增长点不连续扩张,斑块数量增加,形态复杂程度越来越高; 随着时间推移,2005—2013年城镇继续扩张,独立的城镇斑块趋于融合连通成片,斑块数量减少,形状复杂程度降低,城镇发展更加紧凑,符合建成区扩张由“斑块数量增长”到“斑块规模扩张”的一般规律。③波动类型。CONTAG和PAFRAC在1993—2013年间呈现出波动状态,表明城镇发展是一个复杂的扩张过程,破碎化和城镇建设用地之间融合是一个相互独立而又不断相互影响的过程。

表2   1993—2013年长株潭城市群建成区景观格局指标

Tab.2  Landscape pattern indicators of built-up area of Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration from 1993 to 2013

1997年1 068.3525.3114.780.330.2950.2016.973.3116.9420.361.57
1999年1 199.9423.4212.490.350.2849.0016.423.5217.4516.291.61
2001年1 323.6225.4114.440.360.2871.3319.863.4717.0818.681.56
2003年1 501.4324.7112.700.440.2896.3322.973.5917.4917.131.59
2005年1 636.4926.8113.960.450.31113.7324.793.6217.3817.621.57
2007年1 860.5935.7118.390.430.35102.8723.653.4616.6016.281.57
2009年2 024.7637.9219.380.440.3599.8721.083.3416.7620.371.61
2011年2 198.9742.3721.090.450.3595.8723.653.3116.1918.941.59
2013年2 361.2357.7130.980.520.3490.4023.062.9613.7318.291.55

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3.5 长株潭城市群建成区空间集聚演化与分异

通过Moran’s I指数计算,Moran’s I数值均在0.3~0.5之间,表现出正相关特征,反映出长株潭城市群建成区空间分布呈现集聚特征(图5)。1993—2001年Moran’s I值逐渐降低,由0.368 6降至0.306 3,说明此期间长株潭城市群建成区空间集聚有弱化趋势。2001—2013年Moran’I值在波动中提高,由0.306 3增加至0.418 5,说明长株潭城市群建成区空间集聚特征有增强趋势。长株潭城市群建成区分布散点表明,1993—2013年整体集聚态势在增强,少量建成区表现出离散状态。


图5   长株潭城市群建成区Moran’s I指数和散点图(1993—2013年间)

Fig.5   Moran’s I index and scatter plot of the built-up area in Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration(1993—2013)

通过长株潭城市群建成区空间集聚和热点分析(图6),建成区空间集聚和热点主要集中在长株潭3市,外围5市并不明显。空间集聚方面,1993年高集聚区主要为长株潭3市中心城区,2013年高集聚区向外围扩张,基本覆盖长株潭3市市辖区和长沙县。空间热点方面,1993年热点区主要为长株潭3市市辖区以及外围的长沙县、望城区、湘潭县、韶山市和醴陵市,2013年热点区进一步扩大,在1993年基础上增加了宁乡市、湘阴市和汨罗市; 而1993年和2013年冷点区为沅江市、南县。


图6   1993年、2013年长株潭城市群建成区空间集聚和热点图

Fig.6   Agglomeration and hot spots of the built-up area of Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration in 1993 and 2013

4 结论与讨论



2)长株潭城市群在1993—2001年“东南—西北”方向的建成区发展略强于“东北—西南”方向,常德、益阳、株洲建成区扩张较岳阳、衡阳明显; 2001—2013年,长株潭3市核心区扩张快于城市群边缘地区。向心力在1993—2013年间表现为“离散—向心”增强的趋势。建成区重心由长沙市岳麓区转移至望城区。



利用DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据监测和评价城市群建成区空间扩张是一种较好的技术方法,尤其对于地理空间较大区域的动态监测有技术优势。但是对于区域内小城镇灯光数据捕捉精确度一般,需要加以卫星影像数据斧正。今后的研究方向建议,一是利用多源遥感数据和土地调查数据相结合,进一步改善研究精细度; 二是加强新技术在国土空间规划中的运用,如建成区现状评价与增长模拟预测。


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[J]. 地理科学进展, 2002,21(1):43-50.

DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2002.01.005      URL     [本文引用: 1]

本文通过系统地评析国外不同学术派系对城市土地利用扩展的空间模式、动力机制及管理政策的研究进展 ,指出其研究重点已从归纳空间演替模式深化到探究城市土地开发过程中的决策过程与动力机制 ,从崇尚土地市场的自由运作转向对其进行精明管理。

Liu S H.

Spatial patterns and dynamic mechanisms of urban land use growth

[J]. Progress in Geography, 2002,21(1):43-50.

DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2002.01.005      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Through carrying out a systematical review on the research progress of various Western academic schools on spatial patterns and dynamic mechanisms of urban land use growth, this paper highlights that its focus has shifted from summarizing spatial evolutionary models to exploring dynamic mechanisms during the decision making process of land development, from free land market to smart growth management. Historical experiences at home and aboard demonstrate that, while the monopoly administrative allocation system would force urban land use development to become an affiliated part of administrative powers and result in inefficiency and inequality, the free market mechanism would probably push urban land development to become an growth machine solely controlled by the motivation of profit making and deliberately destroy un renewable resources and amenable ecological environment. Therefore, in order to realize sustainable urban development and coordinate the conflicts among urban development, conservation of cultivated land, and construction of ecological environment, China should, on one side, continue to accelerate its reform on urban land use system to significantly increase the importance of the market mechanism on urban land development, and establish an equal and efficient supervising mechanism on the operation of urban land market, on the other side, strengthen the macro management function of the Governmental agencies and rationally control urban land use growth motivated by the market mechanism through various growth management policies.

李晓文, 方精云, 朴世龙.


[J]. 自然资源学报, 2003,18(4):412-422.

DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2003.04.004      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Li X W, Fang J Y, Piao S L.

The intensity and modes of urban landuse growth in Shanghai

[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2003,18(4):412-422.

DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2003.04.004      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Based on the multi-temporal remotely sensed data of TM&ETM,the magnitude,in-tensity and spatial heterogeneity of urban growth in Shanghai region were studied by integrating the urbanization index with GIS gridding analysis,the results indicate that:1)The urban landuse growth relatively centralized along the directions represented by Baoshan-Minhang,and Jiading-Pudong,which also formed south-north and east-west axis of urban growth respectively.The ur -ban landuse composition(i.e.,residential&industrial landuse)and growth rate differed much in each stage,which led to the urban growth dominated by different urban landuse types and thus pre sented different performance.The urban landuse growth were controlled by the residential lan- duse from1987to1990firstly,and then transformed being composed of residential and in dustri-al landuse from1990~1995.Finally,the industrial landuse acted as the key contributor to the ur -ban landuse growth,2)The urban growth modes were distinct in each stage,and showed the gen-eral trend from"single core growing"(urbanization is organized by single large city central)to the modes of"multi-core growing"and"point-axis growing"(urbanization are co-launched by city cen-tral,satellite towns and main traffic lines),thus the whole urbanization network has been setup and upgraded greatly,followed by the urban landuse function changed to be more complicated and multi-use oriented,3)the magnitude,rate and contribution to urban landuse growth showed strong difference for the landuse of city growing and developing zone.The city growing landuse dominated by the residential area decreased sharply in contrast with the rapidly increased trend for the landuse of developing zones,which manifest that the establishment and expansion of de-veloping zones played a key role in urban landuse growth in the past decade.

王海军, 张彬, 刘耀林, .


[J]. 地理学报, 2018,73(6):1076-1092.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201806007      URL     [本文引用: 1]

城镇用地扩展格局及驱动力研究对城市群发展规划与决策具有重要意义。以京津冀地区为例,基于城镇用地扩展强度指数、城镇用地扩展差异指数、分形维数、土地城镇化率和重心转移模型,多维解析了城市群城镇用地扩展格局特征,并耦合重心转移模型和时空地理加权回归(GTWR)模型构建重心-GTWR模型,在对空间格局进行长时间序列多维度指标分析的基础上,运用该模型依序对其特征进行驱动力解读,进而总结凝练京津冀区域发展的主导模式与城市核心驱动力。主要结论为:① 1990-2015年,京津冀城市群城镇用地扩展强度呈现“下降—上升—下降”的趋势,高峰时期在2005-2010年,在2005年之前高速发展城市集中在北京、天津、保定和廊坊,2005年之后集中在邢台和邯郸;② 城市群城镇用地重心虽呈现出发散态势,但城市之间的局部相互作用力逐渐增强,城镇用地扩展驱动力表现出空间溢出特征;③ 京津冀城市群空间发展模式由以北京和天津为中心的双核发展模式向多核发展模式转变,并出现北部资源运输核心、中部经济发展核心和南部投资发展核心三大功能核心组团,城市群趋向于多核功能协同发展模式;④ 重心-GTWR模型结合了时空非平稳性和城市空间相互作用,将城市群城镇用地扩展作为一个时空变化系统进行分析,经验证,该模型在城镇用地扩展格局驱动力分析研究中具有可行性。

Wang H J, Zhang B, Liu Y L, et al.

Multi-dimensional analysis of urban expansion patterns and their driving forces based on the center of gravity-GTWR model:A case study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018,73(6):1076-1092.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201806007      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Research into urban expansion patterns and their driving forces is of great significance. Under the background of the integrated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (Jing-Jin-Ji) urban agglomeration, it is important to study the temporal and spatial patterns of urban land expansion and the driving forces development. This paper uses land-use data of the Jing-Jin-Ji urban agglomeration from 1990 to 2015 and reveals the multi-dimensional characteristics of the urban land expansion patterns. We then combine the urban spatial interaction and the spatial and temporal nonstationarity of the urban land expansion process and build the center of gravity-geographically and temporally weighted regression (GTWR) model by coupling the center of gravity model with the GTWR model. Using the center of gravity-GTWR model, we analyze the driving forces of urban land expansion at the city scale, and summarize the dominant mode and core driving forces of the Jing-Jin-Ji urban agglomeration. The results show that: (1) Between 1990 and 2015, the expansion intensity of the Jing-Jin-Ji urban agglomeration showed a down-up-down trend, and the peak period of expansion was in 2005-2010. Before 2005, high-speed development was seen in Beijing, Tianjin, Baoding, and Langfang, which were then followed by rapid development in Xingtai and Handan. (2) Although the center of gravity of cities in the Jing-Jin-Ji urban agglomeration showed a divergent trend, the local interaction between cities was enhanced, and the driving forces of urban land expansion showed a characteristic of spatial spillover. (3) The spatial development mode of the Jing-Jin-Ji urban agglomeration changed from a dual-core development mode to a multi-core development mode, which was made up of three function cores: the transportation core in the northern part, the economic development core in the central part, and the investment core in the southern part. The integrated development between functional cores led to the multi-core development mode. (4) The center of gravity-GTWR model analyzes urban land expansion as a space-time dynamic system. The model proved to be feasible in the analysis of the driving forces of urban land expansion.

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Night\|light data from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS) has been widely utilized to derive the urban built\|up areas.Four major methods,including Empirical Thresholding,Sudden Change Detection,Statistics\|assisted Thresholding,and TM\|assisted Thresholding,have been proposed to determine the threshold value for separating the illuminated urban areas from the dark background of rural areas in DMSP/OLS night\|light images.This paper makes a comprehensive assessment of those methods through a case study of Shanghai,China.The methods are implemented to extract the urban built\|up area for Shanghai using DMSP/OLS stable light data acquired in 2003.Then,the same threshold values obtained from 2003 DMSP/OLS night\|light data are applied respectively to the 2000 and 2006 DMSP/OLS data,resulting in a significant error in urban built\|up area detection.This analysis result suggests that the threshold value determined for a specific year cannot be extended and transferred to other years.The failure in temporal extensibility of threshold value means that an appropriate threshold value has to be determined for every year when a time series of DMSP/OLS nigh\|light data need to be processed.Therefore,the method that determines threshold value independent of reference data is more suitable for processing time series DMSP/OLS data.The Sudden Change Detection method does not require ancillary reference data and is the best choice of those methods considering the convenience,accuracy,and automated data processing,and it is then adopted to derive the urban built\|up areas of Shanghai from 2000 to 2006.

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DMSP/OLS nighttime light data is effective and economical for mapping urban land on a large scale. Based on conventional dichotomy method, Layered Threshold Method (LTM) was developed to extract the urban land using the DMSP/OLS stable nighttime light data. The administrative regions with close thresholds were divided into the same set by LTM continually. The process was ended until the thresholds in one set were selfsame. The urban land of Chinese mainland in 2002 was extracted based on LTM using the DMSP/OLS stable nighttime light data. Compared to the traditional inefficient dichotomy method, whose efficiency depended on the amount of administrative regions, LTM searched the thresholds of the sets instead of each administrative region, optimizing the previous method. The performance of the LTM was evaluated to be credible and valuable according to statistical data and Landsat ETM+ data.

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以浙江省为研究区,利用收集到的Landsat TM图像、DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据及其他辅助数据,开展区域城镇扩张监测方法的研究,并在此基础上分析了浙江省1995—2010年间城镇扩张的时空特征。结果表明:基于分类回归树算法,综合利用TM数据和DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据,可精确稳定地提取城镇信息;1995—2010年间,浙江省城镇用地持续增加,除洞头县、庆元县、文成县、云和县、兰溪市、龙泉市和绍兴市等7个县市扩张加速度有所减缓外,全省其余市、县均处于加速扩张阶段;浙江省城镇扩张地域差异明显,表现为沿海地区的城市化水平整体高于内陆地区,地势平坦地区高于地形复杂地区,从而形成了杭州、绍兴、温州3大沿海城市群和以金华为中心的内陆地区中小城市带。

Chen Z, Hu D Y, Zeng W H, et al.

TM image and nighttime light data to monitoring regional urban expansion:A case study of Zhejiang Province

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The study on the spatial distribution of population is a fundamental determinant of region development. To aaccurately obtain the global and local spatial information has important significance to formulate reasonable regional development policies. Based on the quantitative association between DMSP/OLS nighttime lights data and population- data, this study simulated grid scale population density of Jiangsu Province in 2012. With the use of population concentration index and spatial variogram analysis, population space structural features and spatial variation have been identified. The results can further explain the microscopic scales of population space differentiation characteristics. Studies have shown the results showed that: 1) At the Rregional level, there is a significant population spatial differentiation phenomenon in Jiangsu province. In northern Jiangsu, it acts as "low-density dot" distribution characteristics, while in south of Jiangsu it acts as "high-density surface-shaped " distribution. 2) At the Urrban level, The spatial distribution of population structure of Jiangsu Province has four types: H-H type has the strongest anisotropic difference, with the minimum random variation within the grid; H-L type has the smallest anisotropic difference, but the random variation within the grid is large; L-L type has obviously axial homogenization characteristics, and the random variation of grid unit is small; L-H type's space anisotropy is small, and it has the maximum grid cell random variation. The results showed that the non-radiance calibrated DMSP / OLS nighttime lights image has the potential to provide population density estimation at grids units, combined with the use of fitted variogram can quantitatively present inside spatial heterogeneity of urban population distribution.

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