国土资源遥感, 2020, 32(4): 236-243 doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.04.29



王德军,1, 姜琦刚2, 李远华2, 关海涛1, 赵鹏飞1, 习靖2

1.黑龙江省第五测绘地理信息工程院,哈尔滨 150081

2.吉林大学地球探测科学与技术学院,长春 130026

Land use classification of farming areas based on time series Sentinel-2A/B data and random forest algorithm

WANG Dejun,1, JIANG Qigang2, LI Yuanhua2, GUAN Haitao1, ZHAO Pengfei1, XI Jing2

1. The Fifth Surveying Mapping and Geographic Information Engineering Institute of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150081, China

2. College of Geo-Exploration Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun 130026, China

责任编辑: 张 仙

收稿日期: 2020-02-7   修回日期: 2020-08-25   网络出版日期: 2020-12-15

基金资助: 中国地质调查局项目“辽吉黑区自然资源更新调查”.  3S2170124423
中国地质调查局资金资助项目.  GFZX0404130302

Received: 2020-02-7   Revised: 2020-08-25   Online: 2020-12-15

作者简介 About authors



农耕区土地覆被信息是土地资源管理与规划的基础,在合理开发土地资源,调整土地利用结构以及土地动态监测等方面起着重要作用。由于农耕区土地类型复杂并且具有高异质性的特点,土地覆被信息提取的精度一直面临着挑战。因此,以Sentinel-2A/B多光谱遥感数据作为数据源,首先构建归一化植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index, NDVI)时序数据集和缨帽-湿度分量(tasseled cap wetness, TCW)时序数据集; 其次,利用J-M (Jeffries-Matusita)距离对地物进行可分离性分析和挑选出NDVI和TCW最佳时序数据组合; 最后,结合随机森林(random forest, RF)、支持向量机(support vector machine, SVM)、最大似然分类(maximum likelihood classification, MLC)3种分类算法以及利用单时相遥感数据对农耕区典型地物进行分类研究。研究结果表明: 基于时间序列数据结合随机森林分类算法取得了较高的分类精度,其总体分类精度达到88.87%,Kappa系数达到0.855 7,与利用单时相影像数据分类结果的精度相比分别提高了10.05百分点和0.209 3,这充分说明利用时序数据结合RF分类算法在农耕地区能够有效提高典型地物的分类精度。

关键词: 时间序列 ; 随机森林 ; 土地利用分类 ; 农耕区 ; Sentinel-2A/B


Land cover information in farming areas is the basis of land resource management and planning, which plays an important role in the rational development of land resources, adjustment of land use structure, and dynamic monitoring of land. Due to the complex land types and high heterogeneity in farming areas, the accuracy of land cover information extraction has been facing challenges. Therefore, this study used Sentinel-2A/B remote sensing data as the data source. Firstly, a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series data set and tasseled cap wetness (TCW) time series data set were constructed; Secondly, the J-M (Jeffries-Matusita) distance was used to analyze the separability of the surface features and select the best time series data combination of NDVI and TCW; Finally, combined with random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM), maximum likelihood classification (MLC) and single phase remote sensing data, the classification of typical features in farming areas was studied, and the accuracy of classification results was evaluated and compared. The research results show that the classification accuracy of the time series data combined with the random forest classification algorithm is relatively high. The overall classification accuracy reaches 88.87%, and the Kappa coefficient reaches 0.855 7, which improves the classification accuracy by 10.05 percentage points and 0.209 3 respectively compared with that of the single remote sensing data. This fully demonstrates that the combination of time series data and random forest classification algorithm can effectively improve the classification accuracy of typical features in farming areas.

Keywords: time series ; random forest ; land use classification ; farming area ; Sentinel-2A/B

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王德军, 姜琦刚, 李远华, 关海涛, 赵鹏飞, 习靖. 基于Sentinel-2A/B时序数据与随机森林算法的农耕区土地利用分类. 国土资源遥感[J], 2020, 32(4): 236-243 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.04.29

WANG Dejun, JIANG Qigang, LI Yuanhua, GUAN Haitao, ZHAO Pengfei, XI Jing. Land use classification of farming areas based on time series Sentinel-2A/B data and random forest algorithm. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources[J], 2020, 32(4): 236-243 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.04.29

0 引言


目前,针对农耕区土地利用分类一直是遥感领域的研究热点。在以往的研究中,由于中高分辨率数据对植被具有较高的识别精度,继而被广泛用于分类研究。例如,林楠等[3]利用单时相资源一号02C遥感数据,结合最小二乘支持向量机(support vector machine, SVM)分类法,快速提取了农耕区土地信息; 王月如等[4]以Landsat8 OLI为数据源,采用一种新的网体水体差异增强指数,获得研究区内的富贵竹信息。但由于时间分辨率较低和气候因素的影响,很难获取植被关键时期的影像和构建时序数据集。为了解决时间分辨率低的问题,有学者便利用高时间分辨率数据进行土地利用分类研究。例如,Wardlow等[5]结合MODIS数据,创建归一化植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index, NDVI)时间序列对农业区典型地物信息进行提取; Vintrou等[6]采用MOD13Q1时间序列数据对马里南部农耕区进行分类研究; 朱永森等[7]以HJ-1A/B为数据源,创建NDVI和PC1时序数据,提取长株潭城市群的土地利用信息。以上虽然解决了时间分辨率较低的问题,但是空间分辨率的限制使得在随季节更替地物类型变化明显的农耕地区地物分类精度较低。为了具有高时空分辨率的特点,有学者采用多源遥感数据融合的方法。例如,张猛等[8]利用MODIS数据和Landsat数据,提取了洞庭湖区水稻的种植面积; 郝鹏宇等[9]同样结合MODIS和Landsat数据,进而提取作物面积。上述融合方法虽然具备了高时空分辨率的特点,提高了分类精度,但是不同数据源的归一化问题依然很难解决。

随着各国大力发展遥感事业,中高分辨率的卫星数据突破了重访周期较长的困境,这为农耕地区土地利用分类提供了更多的数据源。欧洲航天局分别在2015年6月和2016年7月发射了Sentinel-2A/B 2颗卫星,每颗卫星都具有13个光谱波段,其空间分辨率最高可达10 m,2颗卫星协同工作可使重访周期缩短至5 d,这便可利用同一数据源构建高时空分辨率时序数据,对于土地利用分类研究具有重要意义[10,11,12]。而目前如何充分利用高时空分辨率的Sentinel-2A/B数据实现农耕地区的土地利用分类研究还很少。鉴于此,本研究选取吉林省大安市舍力镇农耕区为研究区,充分利用Sentinel-2A/B具有高时空分辨率的优势,分别构建NDVI指数和缨帽-湿度分量(tasseled cap wetness,TCW)时序数据,并结合随机森林(random forest, RF)、SVM和最大似然分类(maximum likelihood classification, MLC)3种分类算法识别农耕区不同地物类型,为农耕地区的土地覆被信息提取提供有效的技术方法和途径[13,14,15]

1 研究区概况及数据源

1.1 研究区概况

研究区选取吉林省西北部大安市舍力镇农耕区,地处松嫩平原腹地,坐标范围N45°32'28.17″~45°36'15.20″,E123°20'7.23″~123°27'1.47″,如图1所示。该区为中温带季风气候,四季分明,年平均气温为4.3 ℃,年平均降雨量为413.7 mm。研究区内主要土地利用类型包括林地、草地、旱田(玉米)、水体、建设用地、盐碱地及裸地。


图1   研究区Sentinel-2A B4(R),B3(G),B2(B)波段合成影像

Fig.1   Image of Sentinel-2A B4(R), B3(G), B2(B) bands in the study area

1.2 数据源及其预处理

本研究选取Sentinel-2A/B影像共计12景,时相分别为2017年3—12月10景和2018年1—2月2景,时间跨度满1 a。影像数据为Level-1C级别,质量较好,清晰无云,无条带噪声且覆盖整个研究区,均由欧洲航天局官网下载。获取到的12景影像数据如表1所示。

表1   Sentinel-2A/B影像数据列表

Tab.1  Sentinel-2A/B images data list


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下载到的Sentinel-2A/B原始影像数据为Level-1C级别,已经过系统几何精纠正处理,并且均方根误差(root mean square error,RMSE)控制在1个像元内,所以只需要对其进行大气校正,进而得到Level-2A级别数据产品。根据欧洲航天局发布的独立式遥感影像处理模块Sen2Cor(Sentinel-2 Sen2Cor processor),对遥感影像进行大气校正。最后,利用研究区矢量边界裁剪影像数据。

根据研究区内部各种地类的分布情况,均匀选取各地类样本。以基于GF-1影像的2016年大安市自然资源调查成果数据和Google Earth高分辨率遥感影像数据作为本次研究的地面验证数据。

2 研究方法

本研究利用多时相Sentinel-2A/B影像数据,首先构建NDVI和TCW时序数据集,通过分析NDVI和TCW时间序列曲线寻找不同地物之间的差异特征,再计算J-M距离(Jeffries-Matusita)分析典型地物类型之间的可分离性; 其次,确定研究区内部用于土地利用类型分类的最佳时序数据组合,分别采用RF,SVM和MLC 3种分类器对其进行分类研究; 最后,对比分析3种分类结果以及利用单一时相分类结果的精度,研究过程如图2所示。


图2   土地利用分类流程

Fig.2   Technology flowchart for the land use classification

2.1 NDVI时序数据集的构建



式中 ρnirρred分别为近红外和红光波段的反射率值。根据式(1)得到农耕区不同地物类型的NDVI时序集,如图3所示。


图3   典型地物NDVI时间序列曲线

Fig.3   NDVI time series curve of typical features

通过典型地物的NDVI时间序列曲线可以发现: 林地的NDVI值从5月逐渐上升,7月达到峰值,并且NDVI值高于其他地物,这主要是因为林地在5—7月正处于旺盛生长阶段,植被生长较快,冠幅大,易于遮盖其他植被; 草地各期的NDVI值略低于林地,但整体趋势与林地保持一致,5月NDVI值逐渐上升,并在8月达到峰值; 根据我国东北地区主要农作物的物候特征,旱田等作物主要集中在4—5月开始播种,6月出苗,此时NDVI值略有增加,但是整体NDVI值低于草地,7—9月为快速生长期,NDVI值持续增加,超过草地NDVI值,并在8月份达到峰值,10月份完成收割,其NDVI值急剧下降; 此外,水体的NDVI值均小于0,而其他地物类型的NDVI值均大于0,可见水体的差异性特征显著; 建设用地、裸地和盐碱地3类地物的NDVI值变化不明显,曲线形状特征相似,利用NDVI时间序列区分该3类地物存在困难。因此,根据林地、草地、旱田和水体NDVI值的变化情况,构建的NDVI时间序列数据集可以作为区分林地、草地、旱田和水体的有效分类特征,而想要区分出建设用地、裸地和盐碱地,必须对Sentinel-2A/B时序数据集进一步处理。

2.2 TCW时序数据集的构建

建设用地、裸地和盐碱地3种地物类型的湿度会随着季节的变化而不同,因此可尝试构建湿度分量的时序数据集来区分此3类地物。对12景Sentinel-2A/B影像进行缨帽变换,变换后可将原始影像的10个波段,转换为亮度、绿度和湿度3个分量。其中亮度分量(tasseled cap brightness, TCB)代表整体的反射率值,绿度分量(tasseled cap greenness, TCG)代表了植被覆盖情况,湿度分量TCW则代表土壤湿度情况。依据传感器的差异,缨帽变换的计算公式也不同,本文对Sentinel-2A/B影像进行缨帽变换,计算公式为[17,18]:


式中 ρi为Sentinel-2A/B影像中第i波段反射率值。图4为构建的TCW时间序列数据集曲线。


图4   典型地物TCW时间序列曲线

Fig.4   TCW time series curve of typical features

从构建的典型地物TCW时间序列曲线可以发现: 各类型地物的曲线形态和反射率值都有明显的差异,并且随着地物含水量的增加TCW值越低; 盐碱地的TCW值高于其他地物类型,这主要是因为盐碱地土壤蓄水能力差,含水量较低; 建设用地1—4月随着积雪融化,TCW值逐渐升高,在4月达到峰值,5—10月陆续出现降雨,TCW值又逐渐降低,介于盐碱地和其他地类之间; 裸地具有较好的储水能力,在6—8月期间因为降雨作用,其TCW值低于建设用地,但高于林地、草地和旱田,可见利用TCW可以有效地区分裸地和植被。因此,在NDVI时序数据集中较难区分的建设用地、裸地和盐碱地,在TCW时序数据集中却较容易区分。

2.3 地物可分离性分析及选择最佳时序数据组合



式中: B为基于某一特征2种地类的距离; mi为某类特征的均值; σi为某类特征的标准差,(i=1,2)。J的取值为[0,2],其值大小代表2种地类间的可分离程度。当J=0时,表明2种地类在所选特征上无法区分,当J=2时,表明2种地类在所选特征上完全分离[20]

表2   Sentinel-2A/B不同时间序列数据组合的6种典型地物间的J-M距离

Tab.2  J-M distance of six typical features under different time series combination of Sentinel-2A/B data

6 7 81.997 81.882 71.999 91.552 71.861 4
5 6 7 81.999 91.964 11.999 91.761 51.971 6
4 5 6 7 81.999 91.989 91.999 91.883 41.992 1
4 5 6 7 8 91.999 91.998 61.999 91.966 71.997 0
4 5 6 7 8 9 102.000 01.999 11.999 91.994 31.999 0
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 102.000 01.999 52.000 01.999 71.999 8
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 102.000 01.999 72.000 01.999 91.999 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 112.000 01.999 92.000 01.999 91.999 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 122.000 01.999 92.000 01.999 91.999 9

注: Sentinel-2A/B数据组合包括每月的NDVI和TCW,Sentinel-2A/B数据组合方式为不同月份组合。

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本文以2016年大安市自然资源调查成果数据和Google Earth高分辨率遥感影像数据作为后期验证数据。根据典型地物的生长周期规律和物候特征,首先选择NDVI和TCW特征明显的月份进行组合,再逐次增加不同月份数据,分别计算不同月份数据组合下的J-M距离,如表2所示。通过表2可知: 典型地物之间的可分离程度随着不同时相数据组合会存在很大差异; 9种不同的组合方式均能很好地区分旱地、林地和盐碱地; 当利用3个时相数据时,旱地与草地、盐碱地与建设用地和建设用地与裸地区分效果不佳,J-M距离均未超过1.9; 随着不同时相数据个数的增加,可分性效果越来越好,尤其是盐碱地与建设用地的可分性明显增加; 当不同时相数据个数为7及以上时,典型地物之间的可分性不再随着不同时相个数的增加而增大,如图5所示。因此,根据典型地物的NDVI和TCW时间序列曲线特征,选取4—10月7个时相的NDVI和TCW共计14个波段作为此次农耕区土地利用分类研究的最佳时序组合数据。


图5   不同时相数据个数的典型地物之间J-M距离变化曲线

Fig.5   J-M distance variation curve of typical features with different time phase data

2.4 基于RF的遥感分类与精度评价


为了与RF分类器进行对比分析,再选取SVM和MLC 2种分类器结合相同的时序数据,分别对影像进行分类。最后通过混淆矩阵获取的总体精度、Kappa系数、生产者精度和用户精度对3种分类器的分类结果进行定量评价。

3 结果与分析

3.1 典型地物分类结果



图6-1   分类结果对比

Fig.6-1   Comparison of classification results


图6-2   分类结果对比

Fig.6-2   Comparison of classification results

图6(c)观察到林地与旱地、盐碱地与建设用地以及耕地与建设用地之间存在严重的错分现象,分类结果较为破碎,“椒盐”现象也比较明显,因此利用单时相数据区分光谱相近的2类地物时,存在一定难度,分类结果的准确性也较低。在充分考虑地物的时序变化趋势基础上,加入时序数据能够有效地解决同谱异物的问题。从视觉上观察,图6(b)和(d)都能够很好地区分林地与旱地、盐碱地与建设用地,并且其分类结果与各地物类别的分布范围基本保持一致,“椒盐”现象也得到改善; 图6(e)显示盐碱地与建设用地区分效果明显,但是依然存在将部分水体错分成建设用地的现象。

3.2 分类精度评价与分析

结合基于GF-1影像的2016年大安市自然资源调查成果数据和Google Earth高分辨率遥感影像数据,在研究区内部随机选择500个地面验证点,均匀分布在整个研究区范围内,其中水体7个、草地94个、林地18个、盐碱地4个、旱地232个、建设用地102、裸地43个,并应用混淆矩阵方法对不同分类结果进行精度评价,其分类精度指标如表3所示。

表3   分类精度指标对比

Tab.3  Comparison of classification accuracy index

Kappa系数0.855 70.802 30.783 20.646 4

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表3中可以看出,基于单时相数据分类的总体精度为78.82%,Kappa系数为0.646 4,而利用时序数据结合3种不同的分类方法获得的分类结果均优于基于单时相的分类结果,其中利用时序数据结合RF分类法的分类效果最佳,总体分类精度达到88.87%,Kappa系数达到0.855 7。将时序数据结合RF分类法与单时相数据结合RF分类法的分类结果进行对比分析,发现除水体外各地物类型的生产者精度均有所提高,其中草地、林地和旱地的生产者精度提高幅度最大,分别提高了22.98,27.94和21.94百分点,而盐碱地、建设用地和裸地的生产者精度提高幅度较小,这充分说明时序数据能更好地区分具有物候规律的地物,能够客观真实地反映各地物类型之间的差异。此外,RF分类法与SVM分类法和MLC分类法相比,RF分类法的结果总体精度最高,并且具有分类速度快,处理时间短,能够有效地处理高维度数据等优点。以上结果说明,基于时序数据结合RF分类法在农耕地区能够有效地区分典型地物,其分类结果精度较高,在农耕地区具有很好的适用性。

4 结论


2)本研究选取最佳的Sentinel-2A/B时间序列组合数据,分别采用RF分类法、SVM分类法和MLC分类法,以及利用单时相影像数据分别对大安市舍力镇农耕区土地覆被信息进行提取,发现基于时间序列数据结合RF分类法取得了较高的分类精度和准确度,其总体分类精度达到88.87%,Kappa系数达到0.855 7。

3)将时序数据结合RF分类法与单时相数据结合RF分类法对比分析发现,利用时序数据结合RF分类法分类结果的总体精度和Kappa系数较后者分别提高了10.05百分点和0.209 3,其中草地、林地和旱地的生产者精度提高幅度最大,分别为22.98,27.94和21.94百分点,这充分说明时序数据能更好地区分具有物候规律的地物,能够客观真实地反映各地物类型之间的差异。


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Multi-temporal vegetation index (VI) reflects phonological calendar feature, which is one of the most distinguishing features between different crops. It has been widely used in detecting the dynamics of vegetation characteristics over time and land cover classification. However, medium to high spatial resolution time series VI data (spatial resolution > 30m) has not been utilized because single sensor cannot provide the images of all time phrases. In addition, the comprehensive utilization of multi-source images is limited as the difference between sensors. The objective of this research was to evaluate the applicability of crop mapping using multi-source medium resolution time series VI data (TM + HJ-1) based on reference historical time series VI profiles in Bole County. Since all of MODIS, TM and HJ-1 have red band and NIR band, three VIs: NDVI, EVI2 and WRDVI calculated from these two bands were employed in this paper. Then, MODIS and field-plot data were utilized to build annual time series VI profiles of different crops between 2006 and 2010, and the historical references profiles by iteratively calculating the weighted average of annual VI profiles were got. Therefore, to reduce VI difference among TM, HJ-1 and MODIS, TM/HJ-1 VI to MODIS VI using linear regression method, and got medium spatial resolution time series VI data composed of TM and HJ-1 in 2011. To extract crop patterns were translated, historical reference profiles were interpolated by time phrases of TM/HJ-1, Euclidean distance between time series VI data and reference profiles was computed and threshold of crop mapping using field samples between 2006 and 2010 was calculated. Nevertheless, as reference time series VI profiles of cotton and corn were similar (correlation coefficient > 0.99), the sixth time phrase (DOY=253) where cotton and corn reference profiles had the largest difference was utilized to distinguish cotton and corn. Finally, the crop mapping accuracy was compared with supervised classification, the result showed that crop mapping accuracy based on historical profiles using NDVI, EVI2 and WRDVI were 90.53%, 91.35% and 90.83%, and Kappa coefficient were 0.78, 0.81 and 0.80, which were better than that of supervised classification. It was concluded that crop mapping based on historical reference time series VI profiles omitted choosing training sites procedure, and interfaced the automatic crop mapping. What is more, this paper also offered a new method to comprehensive utilization of multi-source remote sensing data.



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With the development of imaging spectrometer technology,the ground objects' consecutive information from it makes it possible to identify different vegetation types,though some relevant research was carried out in the past few years,most are about forestry,yet few about crops.Further,there exist strong correlation between bands of imaging spectrometer,so how to reduce as much as possible the redundant information and reserve useful information appear much more important.This paper first did feature selection based on genetic algorithm(GA) and wheat biophysical characteristics.In feature selection using GA,for the training samples,when combined bands reach 4,the JM distance of optimal combination reach much high level,when bands go on increasing,the average JM distance increases slowly until when bands reach 8,the distance does not increase further,so the optimal bands combination can be obtained.In feature selection using wheat biophysical characteristics,we found that there appear strong correlative bands for wheat protein and dry gluten with spectra,so the sensitive bands can be obtained.Combining these two feature selection steps,the ultimate optimal bands combination was given.After feature selection,we use the selected bands and classifier Fuzzy-Artmap to classify the imaging spectrometer data.It showed that for 4 wheat types,they can be identified clearly,the average classification accuracy is above 90%.

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Due to the suitable hydrothermal conditions, vigorous vegetation growth, high land use intensity and complex spatiotemporal variation of spectral characteristics of surface cover types, it is difficult to guarantee the accuracy of remote sensing classification using traditional spectral characteristics in tropical and subtropical regions. Multi-spectral, high spatial resolution Sentinel-2A imageries provide a new source of data for land-cover classification. In order to improve the speed and accuracy of land-cover classification using Sentinel-2A images, we propose a classification method with feature-optimized random forests. In this study, we took the Mun River Basin of Indo-China Peninsula as our research area and made full use of the rich spectral characteristics, normalized vegetation index (NDVI), ratio vegetation index (RVI), difference vegetation index (DVI), normalized water body index (NDWI), and texture features including contrast, correlation, energy, mean, and entropy, of Sentinel-2A images for the analyses. We used the average impurity reduction method in random forests to evaluate the importance of different spectral features, indices, and texture features. Combining the out-of-bag (OOB) error to select features, the results of land-cover classification with feature-optimized random forests were obtained. They show that the spectral features and texture features of Sentinel-2A images play an important role in our classification compared with the original random forest land-cover classification results. The short-wave infrared, visible, and vegetation red-edge bands are of greater importance in spectral features, and the mean and energy are of high importance in texture features.The accuracy of OOB is the highest when the top 9 important features are selected. Sentinel-2A images have good adaptability in tropical and subtropical region land-cover classification. It can effectively improve the accuracy of land-cover classification in tropical and subtropical regions. The accuracy of our classification method reaches 87.53%, and the Kappa coefficient reaches 0.8461, better than the original random forest method. The random forest method based on feature optimization not only has a fast classification speed, but also can guarantee high classification accuracy under the condition that the sample is representative, especially suitable for the land-cover classification of medium and high spatial resolution images of Sentinel-2A.


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