国土资源遥感, 2021, 33(1): 231-239 doi: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2020122



王佳新,1,3, 萨楚拉,1,3, 毛克彪2, 孟凡浩1,3, 罗敏1,3, 王牧兰1,3

1.内蒙古师范大学地理科学学院,呼和浩特 010022

2.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081

3.内蒙古自治区遥感与地理信息系统重点实验室,呼和浩特 010022

Temporal and spatial variation of soil moisture in the Mongolian Plateau and its response to climate change

WANG Jiaxin,1,3, SA Chula,1,3, MAO Kebiao2, MENG Fanhao1,3, LUO Min1,3, WANG Mulan1,3

1. School of Geographical Science, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot 010022, China

2. Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China

3. Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hohhot 010022, China

通讯作者: 萨楚拉(1977-),男,副教授,博士,主要从事遥感与地理信息系统应用研究。Email:sachulan@126.com

责任编辑: 李瑜

收稿日期: 2020-04-23   修回日期: 2020-12-10   网络出版日期: 2021-03-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目“基于多源遥感数据的蒙古高原积雪监测及草地植被生长影像机制研究”.  41861014
中国农业科学院草原研究所科技创新工程草原非生物灾害防灾减灾团队.  CAAS-ASTIP-2016-IGR-04
内蒙古科技计划项目共同资助.  201702116

Received: 2020-04-23   Revised: 2020-12-10   Online: 2021-03-15

作者简介 About authors

王佳新(1995-),女,硕士研究生,主要从事遥感与地理信息系统应用研究。Email: 2930361488@qq.com


土壤水作为一种重要的水资源,其时空分布和动态变化对植被的分布和生长状况具有显著影响。蒙古高原是典型的干旱-半干旱气候区,也是亚欧大陆温带草原的主要构成部分,气候变化导致的土壤含水量变化无疑会对草原生态系统健康及稳定产生直接影响; 厘清蒙古高原土壤湿度时空特征及其对气候变化的响应有助于为生态保护相关政策的制定提供科学支撑。本研究基于GLDAS-Noah土壤湿度数据,运用线性回归分析、相关分析和Mann-Kendall(M-K)检验等方法,分析1982—2018年不同深度土壤湿度的时空格局、变化趋势及突变性等特征,并与CRU温度、降水数据相结合探讨土壤湿度对气象因子变化的响应。结果表明: ①蒙古高原年均土壤湿度总体呈“东北高西南低”的空间分布格局,且有明显的高值区、过渡带和低值区; ②近37 a来,蒙古高原0~10 cm(SM1)土壤湿度整体呈现不显著上升趋势,变化速率为0.002 m3/m3/10 a,M-K结果显示在2012年前后发生突变; 10~40 cm(SM2)土壤湿度的下降趋势较显著,变化速率为-0.005 m3/m3/10 a,其突变发生在1996年左右; ③基于像元尺度的相关性分析表明不同季节土壤湿度整体上与降水呈显著正相关关系,与温度呈显著负相关关系。

关键词: 蒙古高原 ; 土壤湿度 ; 气候变化 ; GLDAS


As an important water resource, soil water has a significant impact on the distribution and growth of vegetation by its temporal and spatial distribution and dynamic changes. The Mongolian Plateau is a typical arid-semi-arid climate zone, and it is also a major component of the temperate grasslands of the Eurasian continent. Changes in soil water content caused by climate change will undoubtedly have a direct impact on the health and stability of the grassland ecosystem. Clarifying the soil moisture of the Mongolian Plateau as well as the temporal and spatial characteristics and their response to climate change helps provide scientific support for the formulation of ecological protection related policies. Based on GLDAS-Noah soil moisture data, the authors used linear regression analysis, correlation analysis, and Mann-Kendall (MK) test methods to analyze the temporal and spatial patterns, changing trends, and mutation characteristics of soil moisture at different depths from 1982 to 2018. Combined with CRU temperature and precipitation data, the authors explored the response of soil moisture to changes in meteorological factors. The results are as follows: ① The annual average soil moisture of the Mongolian Plateau is generally in a spatial distribution pattern of “high in the northeast and low in the southwest”, and there are obvious high-value areas, transitional zones and low-value areas. ② In the past 37 years, the soil moisture of 0~10 cm (SM1) in the Mongolian Plateau has shown an insignificant upward trend, with a rate of change of 0.002 m 3/m3/10 a. The results of MK showed that a sudden change occurred around 2012; soil moisture of 10~40 cm (SM2), the downward trend was more significant, the rate of change was -0.005 m3/m3/10 a, and its sudden change occurred around 1996. ③ The correlation analysis based on the pixel scale shows that the soil moisture in different seasons has a significant positive correlation with precipitation on the whole, and has a significant negative correlation with temperature.

Keywords: Mongolian Plateau ; soil moisture ; climate change ; GLDAS

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王佳新, 萨楚拉, 毛克彪, 孟凡浩, 罗敏, 王牧兰. 蒙古高原土壤湿度时空变化格局及其对气候变化的响应. 国土资源遥感[J], 2021, 33(1): 231-239 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2020122

WANG Jiaxin, SA Chula, MAO Kebiao, MENG Fanhao, LUO Min, WANG Mulan. Temporal and spatial variation of soil moisture in the Mongolian Plateau and its response to climate change. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES[J], 2021, 33(1): 231-239 doi:10.6046/gtzyyg.2020122

0 引言




1 研究区概况及数据源

1.1 研究区概况

蒙古高原地处东亚内陆中心, 位于37°46'~53°08'N, 87°40'~122°15'E之间, 面积 2.75×106 km2。高原四面环山,北起萨彦岭、雅布洛诺夫山及肯特山脉, 南至阴山山脉,东抵大兴安岭,西连萨彦岭、阿尔泰山。地貌类型以高平原和山地为主,平均海拔约1 580 m。研究区夏季短暂炎热,最高温达30~35 ℃,冬季漫长严寒,最低温达-40 ℃以下,多年均温约3.8 ℃,年降水量约200 mm [16]。由于受土壤、气候等因素影响,自然植被分带如图1所示。


图1   蒙古高原高程及土地覆盖类型图

Fig.1   Mongolian Plateau elevation and land cover types map

1.2 数据源及其预处理

本文选用全球陆面数据同化系统( global land data assimilation system,GLDAS)的土壤湿度产品数据[17] ,空间和时间分辨率分别为0.25°和3 h。垂直深度分别选取0~10 cm(SM1)和10~40 cm(SM2),单位为kg/m2,将站点数据与GLDAS数据的量纲统一转换为m3/m3。以0~10 cm土壤湿度值为参考,对10~40 cm土壤湿度值乘以1/3做归一化处理[12]。站点资料选用中国农作物生长发育和农田土壤湿度旬值数据集和国际土壤湿度网络 (International Soil Moisture Network,ISMN)提供的37个具有代表性的观测数据。

温度、降水数据采用East Anglia大学气候研究中心(Climatic Research Unit,CRU)集合全球4 000多个站点气象数据构建的一套覆盖面广、分辨率高且观测全面的月平均气象因子数据集,空间上以0.5°网格覆盖全球陆地。考虑到数据空间分辨率的一致性,对气象数据重采样为0.25°。并将四季划分为春季(3—5月),夏季(6—8月),秋季(9—11月)及冬季(12—次年2月)。

2 研究方法

2.1 突变分析

1) Mann-Kendall 方法。该方法常被用于分析气候要素趋势和突变,其优势在于适用范围较宽,人为影响因素较少,定量化程度较高。M-K方法通过构造一组序列来检验土壤湿度样本序列的趋势和突变,即

dk=j=1ki=1j-1aij, k = 1,2,3,…,n ,

式中, aij=1 xi>xj0 xixj, 1ji


UFK=(dk-E(dk))var(dk) , 1kn,

式中: Edk=kk-14; vardk=kk-12k+572,2kn

此时 UFK服从标准分布,样本反向序列 UBK,使 UFK=- UBKUFK值的正(负)说明序列呈上升(下降)趋势,当 UFKUBK超过临界线时,说明变化趋势显著,超出的范围就是突变发生的时间区间。若两条曲线存在交点且位于临界线之间,则对应于该点的时间就是突变开始的时刻。


T= ( X1--X2-) /(S×1n1+1n2 ) ,

其中,S= (n1×S12+n2×S22)/(n1+n2-2) 

方程服从自由度V= n1+ n2-2T分布。 X1X2是交叉点两端子样本序列,数量分别为 n1n2,取 n1=n2; 子序列平均值为 X1-X2-; 方差为 S12S22。若 ti>tα(显著性水平 α),表示位于交叉点前后的两个子序列差异较显著,说明是突变点; 反之,则不是突变点[18]

2.2 趋势分析



式中: slope为土壤湿度的年际变化率; i为年份数量; n为时间序列长度; Wi为第 i年土壤湿度值。若斜率大于(小于)0,则说明土壤湿度较上一时间增加(减少); 若slope为0说明相比上一时间未发生变化。

2.3 相关分析


rxy=i=1n(xi-x-)(yi-y-)i=1n(xi-x-)2 i=1n(yi-y-)2 ,

式中: rxyxy的相关系数; xiyi分别为第 i年或 i月的土壤湿度值或气候要素值; x-,y-分别为多年或多月土壤湿度或气候要素的平均值。| rxy|≤ 0.3为弱相关,0.3<| rxy|≤0.5为低度相关,0.5< |rxy|≤0.8为显著相关,0.8<| rxy|≤1为高度相关[19]

3 结果与分析

3.1 数据精度验证

大尺度的土壤湿度地面测量相对困难,当前多选择地表类型单一,地势平坦观测站点的平均值作为主要数据源。为保证验证数据质量,剔除非晴空条件下的观测数据,共选取37个站点数据(图1),对不同季节0~10 cm GLDAS土壤湿度数据进行精度验证,如图2所示。不同站点平均相关系数R2为0.701 4,均方根误差(root-mean-square error,RMSE)为0.028 5,平均绝对误差(mean absolute error,MAN)为0.021 1。此结果与宋海清[20]对GLDAS土壤湿度数据在内蒙古的评估结果相近,这表明GLDAS数据可以较准确地模拟蒙古高原土壤湿度时空变异性。


图2   GLDAS土壤湿度数据与观测站点土壤湿度数据精度验证

Fig.2   Accuracy verification of GLDAS soil moisture data and soil moisture data at measured sites

3.2 土壤湿度的时间变化分析

图3可知,1982—2018年蒙古高原不同深度年均土壤湿度的变化趋势不同,可看出SM1以0.002 m3/m3/10 a的速率呈微弱上升趋势(p>0.05),年均值介于0.142 6~0.164 4 m3/ m3之间。而研究区SM2以-0.005 m3/ m3/10a的速率呈下降趋势(p<0.05),年均值介于0.151 7~0.197 5 m3/ m3之间。说明近37 a高原表层土壤湿度变湿趋势不显著,深层土壤湿度呈显著变干趋势,这种差异是因为表层土壤对短期气候要素响应较快,而深层土壤受长期气候变化的影响较大。


图3   1982—2018年蒙古高原土壤湿度的年际变化

Fig.3   Inter-annual changes in soil moisture in the Mongolian Plateau from 1982 to 2018

采用M-K方法对蒙古高原不同层土壤湿度的年均变化进行趋势分析和突变检验,如图4所示。SM1呈上升的年份有1982—1986年、1990—1992年、1993—1996年、2013—2018年,其余年份呈下降趋势。SM2除1982—1986年、1993—1997年呈上升趋势外其余年份均为下降趋势。2002—2018年期间, UFdk>1.96,表明土壤湿度下降趋势明显。由于表层土壤湿度更易受到降水、温度、风速及光照等外界因素影响,土壤湿度发生变化的概率较大。进一步探究高原近37 a各层土壤湿度发生突变的开始时间。由图4(b)可知UF与UB在临界线间于1996年有1个交点(临界值 u0.05=±1.96),说明1996年为SM2开始突变的时间。SMI的两条曲线在临界线间有5个交点,分别为1984年、2012年、2014年、2016年和2018年(图4(a))。为判断真假突变点,采用滑动T检验再次验证,当 α=0.05时, t0.05=±2.145,2012年t=-2.682,通过显著性检验。综上所述,近37 a研究区SM1和SM2的突变时间分别发生在2012年和1996年左右。


图4   1982—2018蒙古高原年平均土壤湿度变化趋势显著性检验

Fig.4   Significance test of annual mean soil moisture variation trend in the Mongolian plateau from 1982 to 2018

3.3 土壤湿度的空间格局及变化分析

从1982—2018年蒙古高原多年平均土壤湿度的空间分布看出(图5(a)和(b)),土壤湿度总体分布表现为由北向南,由东北向西南逐渐减少的趋势,且呈现出高原外围土壤湿度相对较高,内部相对较低的空间格局。SM1高值区主要分布于蒙古国阿尔泰山、杭爱山以北,萨彦岭东部山间盆地以及肯特山的森林草原地区; 内蒙古东部从大兴安岭森林覆盖区一直向南延伸到科尔沁沙地以及南部的河套平原灌溉区。这些地区土壤湿度介于0.15~0.29 m3/m3。SM1过渡带,蒙古国主要分布于科布多省-后杭爱省-中央省-肯特省-东方省-苏赫巴托尔省北部; 内蒙古主要分布在阿拉善腾格里沙漠绿洲-鄂尔多斯高原-锡林郭勒草原。低值区蒙古国主要分布于戈壁阿尔泰山地-巴彦洪戈尔省-南戈壁省-中戈壁省及东戈壁省的荒漠草原区; 内蒙古分布于西部的巴丹吉林沙漠,最小值出现在阿拉善荒漠区,这些区域的值介于0.05~0.08 m3/m3。SM2与SM1在空间分布表现基本一致,高原中部的典型和荒漠草原区SM2值较低,可能由于这些地区土壤质地与周边区域不同导致的。蒙古高原土壤湿度空间分布格局受到不同土地覆盖类型的影响很大(图1),同时也可能受高原四面环山,海拔因素或下垫面的影响[14]


图5   1982—2018蒙古原高多年平均土壤湿度的空间分布及年际变化

Fig.5   Spatial distribution and interannual variation of average soil moisture in Mongolia’s original high during 1982—2018


3.4 土壤湿度对气候要素的响应

分析蒙古高原降水量、温度的距平变化(图6),发现近37 a来降水量以-5.251 mm/10 a的速率呈下降趋势(p>0.05),1998年降水量最大,2017年最小。研究区多年来温度以0.363 ℃/10 a呈上升趋势(p<0.05),1984年温度最低,2007年最高。气候要素的年际变化与丹丹[21]分析的1975—2010年期间蒙古高原气候变化研究结果类似。探究研究区长时序气候变化特征既可作为短期气候变化的参考,也可为未来气候的预测提供科学依据。


图6   蒙古原高年平均温度、降水量距平变化

Fig.6   Anomalies of the original high annual average temperature and precipitation in Mongolia


表1   不同季节各层土壤湿度与降水相关系数面积占比

Tab.1  Area ratio of correlation coefficient between soil moisture and precipitation in different seasons


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SM1在春、夏、秋季有超过99.6%的地区与降水量呈正相关,这些区域包括高原东北部和中部的大部分地区(图7(a)-(c))。夏季,分别有60%和14.7%的地区与降水量呈显著正相关和高度正相关,呈高度相关的地区主要包括蒙古国的杭爱山和肯特山森林草原区及内蒙古东北部的西乌珠穆沁草原和呼伦贝尔草原(图7(b))。冬季,呈正相关的地区占67.7%,主要分布于通辽科尔沁沙地和阿拉善巴丹吉林-腾格里沙漠(图7(d)),该区域虽降水少,但因荒漠区相比其他地区地表反射率强,下垫面吸收能量较多,积雪融化后土壤湿度随之增加[22]。相比之下, SM2与降水量的相关性有所不同。春季,有84.3%的区域土壤湿度与降水量呈负相关,主要因为3,4月份降水较少,而高原积雪和冻土不断消融,土壤湿度增加。夏季,呈正相关的地区占99.3%(70.4%为显著和高度相关)。秋季,有91.6%的地区与降水量呈正相关(28.7%为显著相关)。冬季,呈正相关的地区占18.8%,由于受蒙古高压及西伯利亚寒潮的影响,高原整体干燥寒冷,深层土壤出现回冻。研究发现,土壤湿度与降水量相关性会随土壤层加深而减小。


图7   1982—2018年蒙古高原不同季节0~10 cm土壤湿度与降水量(P)、温度(T)的相关性

Fig.7   Correlation between 0~10 cm soil moisture and precipitation (P) and temperature (T) in different seasons of Mongolian Plateau from 1982 to 2018

通过相关性分析发现: 土壤湿度与温度以显著负相关关系为主(表2)。SM1在春季有64.6%的地区土壤湿度与温度呈正相关,3,4月份气温回升,高原内部的冻土消融、积雪融化导致土壤湿度增大(图7(e))。夏季,呈负相关的地区占92.2%(30.3%为显著和高度相关),主要分布于蒙古国西北部的阿尔泰山、杭爱山、萨彦岭的森林草原区及内蒙古东部大兴安岭和科尔沁沙地等地区(图7(f))。夏季炎热干燥,植被生长茂盛,温度升高导致土壤湿度被大量蒸发。秋季和冬季分别有55.6%和86.4%的地区与温度呈负相关(图7(g)和图7(h)),秋冬季温度降低,表层土壤湿度主要受到降水的影响较大。研究区SM2与SM1在空间分布上也有较好的一致性。春夏秋季分别有60.1%,82.1%和68.2%的地区土壤湿度与温度呈负相关。冬季,83.6%的地区土壤湿度与温度呈正相关,由于温度降低导致深层土壤出现回冻现象,土壤湿度也随之降低。结果表明,土壤湿度与温度的相关性会随土壤层的加深而减小。

表2   不同季节各层土壤湿度与温度相关系数面积占比

Tab.2  Area ratio of correlation coefficient between soil moisture and temperature in different seasons


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图8   不同层土壤湿度对降水量、温度响应滞后时间空间分布

Fig.8   The spatial distribution of the lag time of the response of different layers of soil moisture to precipitation and temperature

4 结论与展望



2)从时间变化来看,0~10 cm土壤湿度以0.002 m3/m3/10 a的速率呈不显著上升趋势,显著增加地区占21.88%,这与土壤湿度对降水的快速响应以及气候变暖导致的积雪融化加快和冻土消融有密切联系。10~40 cm土壤湿度以-0.005 m3/m3/10 a的速率呈显著下降趋势,有52.39%区域表现为显著降低,地表温度上升,降水量减少和潜在蒸发的加剧是使土壤湿度降低的重要原因[24]

3)近37 a来,年降水量整体上以5.251 mm/10 a的速率下降,减少趋势不显著。而年均温度以0.363 ℃/10 a上升,增加趋势较为显著。过去40 a蒙古高原平均温度上升幅度大于全球的平均值,而降水量则呈下降的趋势,区域气候的变化会导致水资源短缺、草原荒漠化及植被生产力降低等生态环境问题[25]

4)不同季节土壤湿度与降水量主要呈正相关关系,而与温度以负相关关系为主,并且土壤湿度与二者的相关性会随土壤层加深逐渐变小。表层土壤湿度对温度有明显的滞后现象,有83.6%的地区滞后6—7个月; 而深层土壤湿度对降水的滞后效应更显著,约占总面积的91.5%。


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利用2001~2010年间MODIS NDVI数据、同期气象数据和MODIS土地覆盖分类产品,探讨蒙古高原植被覆盖变化趋势及其对气温和降水量的季节响应特征。结果表明,10 a来,蒙古高原植被覆盖度呈增加趋势和呈下降趋势的面积基本持平;春季和夏季植被覆盖度呈下降趋势,而秋季呈上升趋势,降水量是最主要的影响因子;在秋季5种植被类型均呈增加趋势,而在春季和夏季不同植被类型的增减趋势因植被类型而异。

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2012年夏季,研究人员对蒙古高原长约1100km的乌兰巴托-锡林浩特草地样带开展考察,获取了46个样地的物种数量、地上生物量等数据;基于全球GHCN(全球历史气象网络)数据集,提取了样带夏季(6-8月)月均温度和降水总量;继而根据自然地理和行政区边界,将草地样带大致分成北部(蒙古国乌兰巴托-蒙古国艾日格)、中部(蒙古国艾日格-中国苏尼特左旗)和南部(中国苏尼特左旗-中国锡林浩特),开展了分析。研究表明:(1)样带夏季平均温度的空间分布形态呈现明显的倒"U" 型分布,南北两端温度较低,中部温度较高;夏季降水量在空间上的分布形态则与之相反,呈现南北两端降水量较高,中部降水量较低的正"U"型分布;(2)样带上植物物种数量、地上生物量的空间分布形态均呈现正"U" 型分布,即在生态景观类型为典型温性草原的样带南部和北部地区,其生物多样性、地上生物量明显好于呈现为温性荒漠草原、温性荒漠景观的样带中部地区。(3)相关分析体现了大尺度(高原样带尺度)上植被特征与水热环境因子间的关系:植物物种数量、地上生物量与夏季月均温度均呈现负相关,而与夏季降水总量则呈现正相关关系。(4)偏相关分析反映了局地小尺度上植被特征与水热环境因子间的关系:温度和降水要素对于植物物种数量、地上生物量均呈现正相关。

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P2/10 a,年降水量呈不显著增加趋势,而年平均气温呈显著的增加趋势(P

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[J]. 地理学报, 2018,73(9):1778-1791.

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R、RMSE、Bias),对多套遥感反演和同化数据(ECV、ERA-Interim、MERRA、Noah)进行全面评估。结果表明:① 除ERA外,其他数据均能反映青藏高原土壤水变化,且与降水量变化一致。而在那曲地区,遥感反演和同化数据均明显低估实测土壤水含量。从空间分布来看,MERRA和Noah与植被指数最为一致,可很好地反映土壤水空间变化特征;② 青藏高原大部分地区土壤水变化主要受降水影响,其中青藏高原西部边缘与喜马拉雅地区土壤水变化则受冰雪融水和降水的共同影响;③ 除阿里地区外,大部分遥感反演和同化数据在融化期与实测土壤水相关性高于冻结期,其中在那曲地区,遥感反演和同化数据均高估冻结期土壤含水量,却低估融化期土壤含水量。另外,遥感反演和同化数据对中大空间尺度土壤水的估计要好于对小空间尺度土壤水的估计。本研究为青藏高原土壤水研究的数据集选择提供重要理论依据。]]>

Fan K K, Zhang Q, Shi P J, et al.

Evaluation of soil moisture data on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau based on satellite remote sensing and reanalysis data

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018,73(9):1778-1791.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201809013      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Soil water is the key link between land surface and atmosphere in water-heat exchange and it is the key element of water cycle. It is also the key control factor affecting the process of surface runoff. The Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau (HTP), also known as the "Asian Water Tower", is the source region of many Asian rivers. Meanwhile, HTP has direct impacts on its surrounding climate via hydro-meteorological processes, and on establishment and maintenance of Asian monsoon. This study collected observed soil moisture data from 100 in-situ soil moisture observatory stations and evaluated applicability of the available remote sensing and reanalysis soil moisture datasets such as ECV, ERA-Interim, MERRA, and Noah at different spatial resolutions (0.25&#x000b0;&#x000D7;0.25&#x000b0;, 0.5&#x000b0;&#x000D7;0.5&#x000b0;, 1&#x000b0;&#x000D7;1&#x000b0;) during different time intervals such as non-freezing and freezing periods. Statistical indicators such as R, RMSE and Bias were used to evaluate the performances of these remote sensing and reanalysis soil moisture datasets. The results indicated that: (1) All remote sensing and reanalysis soil moisture datasets except ERA can well estimate soil moisture changes of the Tibetan Plateau and the soil moisture changes are in generally good line with precipitation changes. In the Naqu region, however, the remote sensing and reanalysis soil moisture datasets substantially underestimate observed soil moisture. In space, MERRA and Noah are mostly consistent with the change of vegetation index, and can well estimate spatial distribution of soil moisture changes. (2) Soil moisture changes across most parts of the Tibetan Plateau are greatly influenced by precipitation changes. In addition, soil moisture changes in the western flank of the Tibetan Plateau and Himalayas are the combined results of melting snow/glaciers and precipitation. (3) Except in the Ngari region, soil moisture during non-freezing period is usually higher than that during freezing period. In the Naqu region, all remote sensing and reanalysis soil moisture datasets overestimate soil moisture amount during freezing periods, while they underestimate it during non-freezing periods. Besides, from a spatial scale viewpoint, at medium and large scales, remote sensing and reanalysis soil moisture datasets can better evaluate soil moisture availability compared with at small scale. This study provides a theoretical basis for selection of the right remote sensing and reanalysis soil moisture datasets for evaluation and analysis of soil moisture of the Tibetan Plateau.

张翀, 雷田旺, 宋佃星.


[J]. 生态学报, 2018,38(6):2128-2138.

DOI:10.5846/stxb201703050361      URL     [本文引用: 1]


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Time-dependent and spatial-temporal characteristics of vegetation cover and soil moisture on the Loess Plateau

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2018,38(6):2128-2138.

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3.cm-3, 反演结果明显优于JAXA提供的AMSR-2土壤水分产品数据(RMSE=0.044 1 cm3.cm-3)。2)TRMM 3B43降雨数据与实测降雨量线性拟合, 其判定系数为0.859 8, 直线拟合斜率K=0.941 5, 在数值上较站点实测值略微偏低, 表明TRMM 3B43数据精度较高, 在蒙古高原具有很好的适用性。3)蒙古高原植被生长期土壤水分、植被指数及降水量在空间格局上均表现出由北向南、由东北向西南逐渐减少的趋势。干旱区, 土壤水分对气温变化最敏感, 二者表现出显著正相关关系, 其次为降水和植被; 半干旱区, 植被是影响土壤水分的关键因子, 而气温与降水对土壤水分影响呈现出季节性变化; 半湿润区3个因子对土壤水分的影响程度表现为植被>降水>气温。总之, 利用土壤水分对气象因子和植被的响应特性, 可以采取适当措施降低蒙古高原灾害发生风险, 为区域生态环境建设提供科学依据。]]>

Wei B C, Yu S, Jia X, et al.

Soil moisture retrieval and response to meteorological factors in the Mongolian Plateau based on AMSR-2

[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2016,24(6):837-845.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

3.cm-3. The retrieval result was much better than soil moisture product data of JAXA (RMSE = 0.044 1 cm3.cm-3). 2) The developed model had a high accuracy and was applicable in surface soil moisture estimation. The regression coefficient of the linear fit of the TRMM 3B43 precipitation measure (rainfall) was 0.859 8 and with a slope line of 0.941 5, which suggested that TRMM 3B43 data were applicable in the Mongolia Plateau. 3) Total precipitation, mean NDVI and soil moisture during the growing season decreased gradually from north to south and from northeast to southwest. In the arid region of the study area, soil moisture was significantly and positively correlated with temperature, followed by precipitation and vegetation. In the semi-arid region of the study area, vegetation was the key factor driving soil moisture, and the effects of temperature and precipitation on soil moisture showed seasonal variations. The response of soil moisture to the three factors was in the order of vegetation > precipitation > temperature in the semi-humid region of the study area. In conclusion, the response of soil moisture to both environmental factors and vegetation could provide scientific basis for constructing healthy regional eco-environments with reducing disasters risk.]]>

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0.0005 NDVI/a(增加),6%地区NDVI年变化率0.05=0.001),0.0009 NDVI/a(p0.05=0.001),落叶林、草原、作物、草原化荒漠NDVI没有显著变化(p0.05>0.05);②年均NDVI与降水、温度相关性分析结果表明,49.00%的地区年均NDVI与年降水量呈正相关,52.33%的地区NDVI与春季降水量正相关,33.69%的地区NDVI与夏季降水量正相关,70.00%的地区年均NDVI与各季气温弱相关,仅17.78%的地区年均NDVI与年均气温正相关;6种植被类型NDVI与降水、气温相关关系为,常绿林、高山草甸年均NDVI与年均气温分别低度、显著正相关性,相关系数分别为0.432(p0.05=0.05)、0.557(p0.05=0.009);草原、作物与年降水量分别显著、低度正相关,相关系数分别为0.511(p0.05=0.018)、0.476(p0.05=0.029);落叶林NDVI与夏、冬季降水量低度正相关,相关系数分别为0.415(p0.05=0.061)、0.461(p0.05=0.035);草原化荒漠NDVI与春季降水量正相关但不显著,相关系数为0.415(p0.05=0.061)。]]>

Suo Y X, Wang Z X, Liu C, et al.

Analysis of the correlation between vegetation index and temperature and precipitation in Central Asia from 1982 to 2002

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URL     [本文引用: 1]

The five countries in Middle Asia lie in the center of Eurasia. Most part of this region is arid and semi-arid zone with sparse vegetation cover. The study of the vegetation dynamics and environmental change in this region is important to the research of environment and climate in China. This paper explored the vegetation dynamics and its relationship with major climatic factors in middle Asia by using AVHRR-NDVI dataset at 8km spatial resolution and CRU climate data set at 0.5° spatial resolution between 1982 and 2002. These two datasets were unified to the same spatial resolution of 8km and Alberta geographic projection. The trend analysis showed that 53 percent of the land cover was relatively stable, with a very small NDVI change of ±0.005 NDVI per year. These regions, especially the two large deserts, were mainly in the center of Middle Asia. Forty percent of the land had a NDVI up-trend of more than 0.0005 NDVI per year, which was mainly in the north and south of Middle Asia, while only 6 percent of the land had a NDVI down-trend of less than 0.0005 NDVI per year. The analysis on land cover types indicated that evergreen forest and alpine grass (steppe) were among the best up-trend group with NDVI gains more than 0.0014 and 0.0009 per year, while the p values are 0.001 and 0.001 respectively. There were no obvious changes in deciduous forest, grass, crop and steppified desert. To investigate the possible driving forces, correlation analysis was conducted between AVHRR-NDVI and major climatic factors, which are precipitation and temperature. In 49 percent of the area, especially in the forest steppe in north Middle Asia, annual average AVHRR-NDVI was closely related to the annual precipitation, especially that in spring and summer. Only 17.78 percent of the area is related to the annual average temperature with a validation coefficient of more than 0.05. Annually speaking, the positive correlation coefficient of evergreen forest, alpine grass with the annual average temperature is relatively low, with the correlation coefficients of 0.432 and 0.557 as well as p value of 0.052 and 0.009 respectively. The positive correlation coefficient of crop and grass with annual precipitation are comparatively low with R values of 0.511and 0.476 as well as p values of 0.018 and 0.029 respectively. The R value between NDVI and precipitation for deciduous forest was 0.415 in summer and 0.461 in winter, while the p value was 0.01 in summer and 0.461 in winter. The positive correlation coefficient of re-vegetated desert cover with precipitation in spring is relatively lower with the R value of 0.415 and the p value of 0.0061.

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