自然资源遥感, 2023, 35(1): 205-212 doi: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2021427



代云豪,1, 管瑶1, 冯春涌2, 蒋敏1, 贺兴宏,1

1.塔里木大学水利与建筑工程学院,阿拉尔 843300

2.北京师范大学地理科学学部,北京 100088

Extraction and analysis of soil salinization information of Alar reclamation area based on spectral index modeling

DAI Yunhao,1, GUAN Yao1, FENG Chunyong2, JIANG Min1, HE Xinghong,1

1. College of Water Conservancy and Architecture Engineering, Tarim University, Alar 843300, China

2. Department of Geographical Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100088, China

通讯作者: 贺兴宏(1981-),男,教授,主要研究方向为水资源高效利用。Email:hexinghong0611@163.com

责任编辑: 李瑜

收稿日期: 2021-12-6   修回日期: 2022-04-4  

基金资助: 农业部作物需水与调控重点实验室开放课题“南疆极端干旱区不同土质点源滴灌入渗及水盐运移规律研究”(FIRI2019-03-0202)

Received: 2021-12-6   Revised: 2022-04-4  

作者简介 About authors

代云豪(1996-),男,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为3S技术在农业工程中的应用。Email: 917473073@qq.com


为了探究反演新疆维吾尔自治区阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化最优遥感盐分监测指数模型,以Landsat8 OLI遥感影像和野外实测数据为基础,通过盐分指数(salinity index,SI)、归一化植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)、修改型土壤调节植被指数(modified soil - adjusted vegetation index,MSAVI)、地表反照率(Albedo)构建遥感盐分监测指数模型(salinization detection index,SDI),提取阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化信息并验证模型精度,对比分析得出最优遥感盐分监测指数模型。结果表明: 4类遥感盐分监测指数模型中SDI1(SI-NDVI),SDI2(SI-MSAVI),SDI3(SI-Albedo)和SDI4(Albedo-MSAVI)总体分类精度为83.45%,69.78%,53.23%和71.94%; SDI1模型最适合反演阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化程度,SDI2和SDI4模型对阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化监测有一定参考意义; 利用SDI1模型反演阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化分布,垦区以非盐渍土和轻度盐渍土为主,重度盐渍土和盐土主要分布在垦区的东北和东南地区。由SI和NDVI构建SDI1对阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化信息提取精度较高,可作为反演垦区土壤盐渍化的遥感盐分监测指数模型,可为垦区土壤盐渍化治理和防治提供有效的技术参考。

关键词: 光谱指数; 阿拉尔垦区; 土壤盐渍化; 遥感盐分监测指数模型


This study aims to explore the optimal remote sensing salinization detection index (SDI) model for the inversion of soil salinization in the Alar reclamation area. Based on Landsat8 OLI remote sensing images and field measured data, this study built the remote sensing SDI models using the salinity index (SI), the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), the modified soil adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI), and the surface albedo. Then, using these models, this study extracted the soil salinization information on the Alar reclamation area and verified the model precision. Finally, this study determined the optimal remote sensing-based SDI model through comparative analysis. The results are as follows. The four types of remote sensing-based SDI models SDI1 (SI-NDVI), SDI2 (SI-MSAVI), SDI3 (SI-Albedo), and SDI4 (Albedo-MSAVI)had general classification precision of 83.45%, 69.78%, 53.23%, and 71.94%, respectively. Model SDI1 was the most suitable for the inversion of the degree of soil salinization in the Alar reclamation area. Models SDI2 and SDI4 can be utilized as a reference for soil salinization monitoring of the Alar reclamation area. As revealed by the inversion results of the SDI model, the reclamation area is dominated by non-saline and lightly saline soils, with heavily saline soil and saline soil primarily distributed in the northeast and southeast. Model SDI1 established based on SI and NDVI has high accuracy in extracting the soil salinization information of the Alar reclamation area and can be used as the remote sensing-based SDI model for the inversion of soil salinization in reclamation areas. This study can provide an effective technical reference for the control and prevention of soil salinization.

Keywords: spectral index; Alar reclamation area; soil salinization; remote sensing salinity detection index model

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代云豪, 管瑶, 冯春涌, 蒋敏, 贺兴宏. 基于光谱指数建模的阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化信息提取与分析[J]. 自然资源遥感, 2023, 35(1): 205-212 doi:10.6046/zrzyyg.2021427

DAI Yunhao, GUAN Yao, FENG Chunyong, JIANG Min, HE Xinghong. Extraction and analysis of soil salinization information of Alar reclamation area based on spectral index modeling[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2023, 35(1): 205-212 doi:10.6046/zrzyyg.2021427

0 引言


传统的土壤盐渍化监测需土壤采集和实验室测定,耗时费力。遥感技术的发展弥补了传统手段的缺陷,遥感技术凭借其独特优势被广泛应用于土壤盐渍化监测[5-6]。最便捷的土壤盐渍化反演多是采用相关的遥感光谱指数或构建遥感盐分监测指数模型对其评价,常用光谱指数有盐分指数(salinity index,SI)、归一化植被指数(normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)、修改型土壤调节植被指数(modified soil - adjusted vegetation index,MSAVI)、地表反照率(Albedo)、土壤亮度指数(brightness Index,BI)等[7-12]。新疆干旱区土壤盐渍化研究的热点区域主要集中在流域[13-15]和垦区[16-17]等地,研究方法为光谱指数构建遥感盐分监测指数(salinization detection index,SDI)模型,NDVI和SI构建遥感盐分监测指数模型能有效的反演其塔里木南缘于田绿洲土壤盐渍化[18]; MSAVI和SI构建的遥感盐分监测指数模型可作为玛纳斯河流域灌区土壤盐渍化信息提取指标[19]; Albedo与MSAVI构建遥感盐分监测指数模型能够较好地反映渭库绿洲土壤盐渍化情况[20]。因此,通过构建遥感盐分监测指数模型能较好反演干旱区土壤盐渍化信息。

以阿拉尔垦区Landsat8 OLI遥感影像数据和野外实测数据为基础,基于NDVI,Albedo,MSAVI和SI构建4类SDI1(SI-NDVI),SDI2(SI-MSAVI),SDI3(SI-Albedo)和SDI4(Albedo-MSAVI)遥感盐分监测指数模型,探究反演阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化最优遥感盐分监测指数模型,为垦区精准治理土壤盐渍化提供科学依据。

1 材料与研究方法

1.1 研究区概况

阿拉尔垦区是新疆维吾尔自治区直辖县级市(E80°30'~81°58',N40°22'~40°57'),属暖温带极端大陆性干旱荒漠气候,生态环境十分脆弱,傍依塔里木河,总面积4 197.58 km2[21](图1)。垦区内有胜利、上游、多浪水库,年均降水量40.1~82.5 mm,年均气温10~12 ℃,年均蒸发量1 876.6~2 558.9 mm,其蒸发量远大于降水量[22]。垦区土壤的有机质在表层集聚现象明显,土壤氮、磷含量偏低,土壤钾素含量较高[23]。野生木本植物以胡杨、红柳为主,主要经济农作物包括棉花、水稻、红枣、核桃等。


图1   阿拉尔垦区概况及采样点分布

Fig.1   General situation and sampling point distribution of Alar reclamation area

1.2 数据来源

遥感影像数据来源于地理空间数据云(http://www.gscloud.cn),选取云量小于10%的2021年9月8日Landsat8 OLI数据,影像空间分辨率为30 m,行列号为146/32。室外土壤样品采集时间为2021年3月、2021年8月底—9月初,采样点随机均匀分布在阿拉尔垦区。样点根据三角形采样法[24]对每个样点采集3份0~10 cm表层土壤样品,并利用GPS测定坐标(图1),室外采样点共139个,样品数量共计417个。

1.3 数据处理

遥感影像数据经过几何纠正、辐射定标、大气校正等预处理后裁剪得到研究区影像图,为避免水体和无植被覆盖的沙地对提取精度造成干扰,故利用归一化土壤湿度指数(normalized difference moisture index,NDMI)和SWIR波段对研究区水体和沙地掩模去除[25]

将土壤样品按标准规定在烘箱105 ℃烘干8 h,将烘干后同一样点的3份样品磨碎均匀混合为1份,剔除土壤中的植物根系、石子等后过2 mm筛,取蒸馏水100 ml,按水土比例5∶1配置溶液,充分均匀搅动后静止放置5~6 h过滤,用上海科佑电导仪DDS-11A测定土壤电导率。

1.4 光谱指数及模型


表1   遥感光谱指数及模型

Tab.1  Remote sensing spectral index and model


①式中: B,R,NIR,SWIR1,SWIR2分别为Landsat8 OLI影像中的蓝波段、红波段、近红外波段、短红外波段1、短红外波段2的反射率。

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1.5 归一化处理



式中: Xi为各指数归一化后的值; X为各光谱指数; XmaxXmin分别为各指数最大值和最小值。

2 结果与分析

2.1 二维散点图

为直观了解各光谱指数之间存在的相关性,以归一化后的SI作为坐标横轴,归一化后的NDVI,MSAVI及Albedo分别作为坐标纵轴建立 SI-NDVI,SI-MSAVI和SI-Albedo二维散点图; 以归一化Albedo作为坐标横轴,归一化MSAVI作为坐标纵轴建立Albedo-MSAVI二维散点图(图2)。利用ENVI5.3中新版2D散点图插件计算各光谱指数构建的二维散点拟合度(见表2)。


图2   二维散点图

Fig.2   Two dimensional scatter diagram

表2   二维散点图模型拟合性

Tab.2  Goodness of fit of two-dimensional scatter diagram model

线性: Y=0.942 6-3.063X
二次: Y=1.165 1-6.570X+9.859 7X2
几何: Y=-2.918X0.2594+2.201 5
双曲: Y=1.0/(0.425 2+14.226X)
对数: Y=-0.670 2-1.565lgX-0.297 7lg(X)2
R2=0.867 7
R2=0.929 6
R2=0.915 3
R2=0.872 4

R2=0.916 5
线性: Y=1.053 5-3.087X
二次: Y=1.198 9-5.384X+6.475 4X2
几何: —
双曲: Y=1.0/(0.550 6+9.570 0X)
对数: Y=-0.834 3-2.241lgX-0.677 6lgX2

R2=0.888 6
R2=0.914 3

R2=0.859 0
R2=0.909 7
线性: Y=0.282 8+0.185 9X
二次: Y=0.363 2-1.085X+3.583 5X2
几何: —
双曲: Y=1.0/(3.556 1-2.169X)
对数: —
R2=0.097 5
R2=0.336 1

R2=0.115 3
线性: Y=0.677 6-0.237 9X
二次: Y=-0.800 5+9.844 8X-16.65X2
几何: Y=0.254 5X-0.064 5+0.3284
双曲: Y=1.0/(1.500 1+0.504 1X)
对数: Y=-1.022-6.013lgX-5.416lgX2

R2=0.001 9
R2=0.050 5
R2=0.000 2
R2=0.001 5
R2=0.033 3

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图2表2可知,归一化植被指数、地表反照率、修改型土壤调节植被指数、盐分指数构建的SI-NDVI,SI-MSAVI,SI-Albedo及MSAVI-Albedo二维散点拟合度较好的分别为0.929 6,0.914 3,0.336 1及0.050 5,初步表明盐分指数和植被指数更适合构建遥感盐分监测指数模型,具体4类遥感盐分监测指数模型对阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化反演则需要进一步精度验证。

2.2 盐分反演


表3   阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化分类

Tab.3  Classification of soil salinization in Alar reclamation area


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图3   不同模型下的阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化等级分布

Fig.3   Distribution of soil salinization grade in Alar Reclamation Area under different models


2.3 精度评价

查阅南疆地区遥感盐渍土相关研究,参考王遵亲等[29]的干旱区土壤盐渍化分级指标,按土壤盐渍化等级标准[30]所对应的土壤电导率值进行盐渍化等级划分[31]: 非盐渍土含盐量<2 mS·cm-1; 轻度盐渍土含盐量[2,4) mS·cm-1; 中度盐渍土含盐量[4,8) mS·cm-1; 重度盐渍土含盐量[8,16) mS·cm-1; 盐土含盐量≥16 mS·cm-1。按此标准测定土壤采样数据的电导率并进盐渍化分级,判定遥感盐分监测指数模型SDI1,SDI2,SDI3和SDI4精度,结果如表4图4所示。

表4   模型样点精度验证

Tab.4  Accuracy verification of model sample points


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图4   模型与实测电导率拟合

Fig.4   Fitting between model and measured conductivity


由遥感盐分监测指数模型与实测电导率拟合效果可知(图4),SDI模型、SDI2模型、SDI3模型、SDI4模型的拟合度分别为0.757 9,0.822 7,0.503 4和0.740 0,SDI模型、SDI2模型、SDI3模型与实测电导率呈正相关,SDI4模型与实测电导率呈负相关。

综上,SI和NDVI光谱指数构建遥感盐分监测指数模型SDI1其分类总体精度达83.45%,模型与实测电导率拟合R2=0.757 9,综合对比选择SDI1模型对阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化信息提取较好,更适合反演垦区土壤盐渍化程度。

2.4 阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化时空分布



图5   2011、2021年阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化等级分布

Fig.5   Distribution of soil salinization grade in Alar reclamation area in 2011 and 2021

表5   2011年、2021年阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化面积统计

Tab.5  Statistics of soil salinization area in Alar reclamation area in 2011 and 2021(km2)


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2011—2021年,垦区土壤盐渍化面积呈现出非盐渍土、轻度盐渍土面积增加,中度、重度盐渍土面积下降,盐土面积增加。其中,非盐渍土面积增加210.08 km2,增加的区域主要分布在垦区北部、南部和东部地区,由中度盐渍土和重度盐渍土转入为主; 轻度盐渍土面积增加82.49 km2,增加的区域以零散化分布在垦区; 中度盐渍土、重度盐渍土面积分别减少109.12 km2和31.51 km2,减少的区域主要在垦区南部和东部地区; 盐土面积增加42.31 km2,增加的区域则主要位于垦区东北和东南地区。近10 a间,垦区的北部、南部和东部地区非盐渍土明显增加,土壤盐渍化程度有所改善。

3 讨论




土壤盐渍化反演精度一定程度上受遥感影像数据分辨率影响,本研究选取Landsat8卫星数据,空间分辨率30 m,故分类精度只能是一个近似区域,若进一步提高土壤盐渍化反演精度,可采用高分辨率的遥感影像数据,如国产高分系列、WorldView系列、GeoEye系列、IKONOS系列等。

4 结论

研究利用Landsat8 OLI遥感影像,通过盐分指数(SI)、归一化植被指数(NDVI)、地表反照率(Albedo)、修改型土壤调节植被指数(MSAVI)构建遥感盐分监测指数模型SDI1,SDI2,SDI3及SDI4对阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化进行信息提取,结合实测电导率进行精度评价,得出以下结论:

1)遥感盐分监测指数模型SDI1,SDI2,SDI3及SDI4与实测电导率的拟合度分别为0.757 9,0.822 7,0.503 4和0.740 0,样点总体分类精度为83.45%,69.78%,53.23%和71.94%,综合比较,阿拉尔垦区土壤盐渍化信息提取的模型精度依次是SDI1>SDI2>SDI4>SDI3。




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Modeling soil salinity in an arid salt-affected ecosystem is a difficult task when using remote sensing data because of the complicated soil context (vegetation cover, moisture, surface roughness, and organic matter) and the weak spectral features of salinized soil. Therefore, an index such as the salinity index (SI) that only uses soil spectra may not detect soil salinity effectively and quantitatively. The use of vegetation reflectance as an indirect indicator can avoid limitations associated with the direct use of soil reflectance. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), as the most common vegetation index, was found to be responsive to salinity but may not be available for retrieving sparse vegetation due to its sensitivity to background soil in arid areas. Therefore, the arid fraction integrated index (AFII) was created as supported by the spectral mixture analysis (SMA), which is more appropriate for analyzing variations in vegetation cover (particularly halophytes) than NDVI in the study area. Using soil and vegetation separately for detecting salinity perhaps is not feasible. Then, we developed a new and opera-tional model, the soil salinity detecting model (SDM) that combines AFII and SI to quantitatively estimate the salt content in the surface soil. SDMs, including SDM1 and SDM2, were constructed through analyzing the spatial characteristics of soils with different salinization degree by integrating AFII and SI using a scatterplot. The SDMs were then compared to the combined spectral response index (COSRI) from field measurements with respect to the soil salt content. The results indicate that the SDM values are highly correlated with soil salinity, in contrast to the performance of COSRI. Strong exponential relationships were observed between soil salinity and SDMs (<em>R</em><sup>2</sup>&gt;0.86, RMSE&lt;6.86) compared to COSRI (<em>R</em><sup>2</sup>=0.71, RMSE=16.21). These results suggest that the feature space&nbsp; related to biophysical properties combined with AFII and SI can effectively provide information on soil salinity.

哈学萍, 丁建丽, .


[J]. 土壤学报, 2009, 46(3):381-390.

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Remote sensing inversion of saline soil salinity based on modified vegetation index in estuary area of Yellow River

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陈实, 高超, 徐斌, .


[J]. 地理研究, 2014, 33(11):2135-2144.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201411013      [本文引用: 1]

盐渍化严重威胁着土地持续耕作和粮食生产安全,土壤含盐量的快速反演和及时监测,对新疆石河子农区农业可持续发展有着重大意义。以Landsat-8 OLI遥感影像与野外采样测定的72个样点土壤含盐量为数据基础,引入土壤亮度指数、土壤湿度指数、土壤盐盖度指数和土壤辐射水平指数等构建的特征遥感指数定量反演新疆石河子农垦区土壤含盐量,并对其空间布局进行了分析。研究表明:① 利用遥感影像像元特征遥感指数值反演地面对应土壤含盐量的精度较好,反演方法可行,反演精度为66%;② 反演得到土壤含盐量空间分布图在空间上等级明显,层次分明,呈现出&#x0201c;一带一区&#x0201d;的格局,&#x0201c;一带&#x0201d;是玛纳斯流域形成的盐渍化程度较高的条带,&#x0201c;一区&#x0201d;是内在土质形成的严重盐渍化区域;③ 在新疆石河子农区中,35.40%的棉田适合耕作,64.60%的棉田耕地需要进行改良,农区土壤盐渍化治理仍十分紧迫。

Chen S, Gao G, Xu B, et al.

Quantitative inversion of soil salinity and analysis of its spatial pattern in agricultural area in Shihezi of Xinjiang

[J]. Geographical Research, 2014, 33(11):2135-2144.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201411013      [本文引用: 1]

Salinization has been a serious threat to continuous farming and grain production security, therefore, the rapid inversion of soil salinity is particularly important. The monitoring and prevention of soil salinization are of great significance to agricultural sustainable development in Shihezi, Xinjiang. In this study, we took the remote sensing image of Landsat-8 OLI and the soil salinity of 72 samples measured in the field as a data base. Then we introduced the soil brightness index, soil moisture index, soil cover degree index and soil radiation level index. Finally we built feature remote sensing index to invert quantitatively the soil salinity of Land Reclamation District of Shihezi in Xinjiang, and analyzed the spatial pattern of it. The results showed that: ① The accuracy of characteristic remote sensing index value of image pixel to invert soil salinity which corresponded to the ground was better. The inversion method was feasible. REE and RMSM, the precision validation index of inversion model were 3.07 and 0.34 respectively, and retrieval accuracy was 66%; ② The distribution map of soil salinity with obvious grades and clear levels presented the pattern of 'one stripe and one region'. One stripe referred to the stripe with high salinization formed by Manas basin, mostly located in the alluvial plains, low-lying area, and reservoir areas. And one region referred to the region with serious salinization caused by soil texture. ③ In the farming areas, the non-salinization cotton area accounted for 14.02%, the mild salinization cotton area accounted for 21.38%, the moderate salinization cotton area accounted for 21.27%, severe salinization cotton area accounted for 29.99%, and saline accounted for 13.30% in cotton area. Some 35.40% of the cotton field was suitable for cultivation and 64.60% of the cotton field which needed to be improved. It is urgent to control soil salinization of farming areas.

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基于MODIS数据,利用归一化植被指数和盐分指数的二维特征空间关系建立土壤盐渍化遥感监测模型,对北疆农区2000年以来的土壤盐渍化状况及其空间动态变化进行了监测分析,并探讨了典型区土壤盐渍化的主要驱动因素。结果表明:① 土壤盐渍化遥感监测指数可以从宏观上定量刻画北疆农区的土壤含盐量;② 北疆农区土壤盐渍化空间特征呈现出总体上逆转、局部严重发展的态势;③ 土壤盐渍化等级在不同时间段的发展或逆转的方向主要由中度向重度及重度向盐土间的相互转化,其中重度盐渍化农用地的转化幅度最大;④ 不同土壤盐渍化等级中盐土的形成与农区降水量和干燥程度具有较好的相关性,未盐渍化(正常)和中度盐渍化与农区有效灌溉面积和农作物播种面积分别呈相关系数较高的正相关和负相关。

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选取新疆塔里木河流域渭库绿洲为研究区,以landsat8 OLI和野外调查为基础数据,分析盐渍化土壤与反照率(Albedo)和修改型土壤调节植被指数(MSAVI)的关系,并提出Albedo-MSAVI特征空间概念,构建监测土壤盐渍化不同指数模型SDI。结果表明:1、Albedo-MSAVI特征空间分布呈现明显的规律性,即地表反照率与修改型土壤调节植被指数在第一象限呈双曲线分布,且盐渍化与非盐渍化土壤分异明显;2、SDI模型与土壤含盐量的决定系数为0.96,能够较好的反应绿洲盐渍化情况;3、不同盐渍化程度的SDI平均差异与非盐渍化SDI平均差异特征明显,其差值在0.12~0.34之间,因此SDI指数可以作为盐渍化信息快速提取的指标,且SDI模型的构建有利于干旱区大尺度定量监测和评价土壤盐渍化工作。

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