自然资源遥感, 2023, 35(1): 231-242 doi: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2022042



张祯祺,1, 蔡惠文,1,2, 张平平1, 王泽琳1, 李婷婷2

1.浙江海洋大学海洋科学与技术学院,舟山 316022

2.国家海洋设施养殖工程技术研究中心,舟山 316022

A GEE-based study on the temporal and spatial variations in the carbon source/sink function of vegetation in the Three-River Headwaters region

ZHANG Zhenqi,1, CAI Huiwen,1,2, ZHANG Pingping1, WANG Zelin1, LI Tingting2

1. College of Marine Science and Technology, Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan 316022, China

2. NationalEngineering Research Center of Marine Aquaculture, Zhoushan 316022, China

通讯作者: 蔡惠文(1977-),女,博士,教授,研究方向为海洋碳汇。Email:caihuiwen1977@hotmail.com

责任编辑: 张仙

收稿日期: 2022-02-11   修回日期: 2022-07-16  

基金资助: 浙江省自然资源厅“浙江省贻贝资源碳汇调查试点项目”(CTZB-2021110396)

Received: 2022-02-11   Revised: 2022-07-16  

作者简介 About authors

张祯祺(1998-),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为海洋遥感。Email: zhangzhenqi1998@126.com


净生态系统生产力(net ecosystem productivity, NEP)表征了区域生态系统的固碳能力。文章利用谷歌地球引擎(Google Earth Engine, GEE)平台,基于MODIS和气候数据探讨了2001—2020年20 a间三江源地区NEP时空变化特征及其与气候因子的关系。结果表明: ①三江源区是重要的碳汇功能区,碳汇区占区域总面积的99.89%,碳源区主要分布在西北部,面积仅占0.11%,三江源生态系统NEP总体上呈现东南高西北低、从东南向西北逐渐递减的空间分布格局,且不同生态区之间差异显著; ②20 a间,三江源生态系统NEP总体呈增长趋势,年增长率为1.13 gC/(m2·a),具有巨大的固碳潜力; ③三江源生态系统NEP呈增长趋势的面积占总面积的95.05%,生态工程建设等对植被NEP的改善作用明显,碳汇功能逐步增强且稳定性较高; ④三江源生态系统NEP年平均值为120.93 gC/(m2·a),NEP与年降水量呈正相关,与年平均温度和年太阳辐射呈负相关。气候的暖湿化趋势和生态工程建设均促进了三江源地区植被的碳汇功能,这对于提高陆地生态系统碳汇价值,实现国家“双碳”目标意义重大。

关键词: 净生态系统生产力(NEP); 三江源; 碳源/汇; 时空变化; 气候变化


Net ecosystem productivity (NEP) represents the carbon sequestration capacity of a regional ecosystem. Based on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform, this study analyzed the temporal and spatial variations in the NEP of the Three-River Headwaters Region (TRHR) from 2001 to 2020 based on the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) and meteorological data and revealed their relationships with climate factors. The results are as follows: ① The TRHR had an important carbon sink function, with carbon sink areas accounting for 99.89%; The carbon source areas in the TRHR were primarily distributed in the northwest, accounting for only 0.11%. The NEP of the TRHR decreased gradually from the southeast to the northwest and differed significantly among different ecological areas; ② The NEP of the TRHR showed an upward trend overall in the past 20 years, with an annual increasing rate of 1.13 gC/(m2·a), indicating huge carbon sequestration potential; ③ The area of zones whose NEP showed an upward trend accounted for 95.05% of the total area. Ecological engineering construction significantly improved the NEP of vegetation. As a result, the carbon sink function gradually increased and was highly stable; ④ The TRHR had an annual average NEP of 120.93 gC/(m2·a), and the NEP was positively correlated with the annual precipitation but negatively correlated with average annual temperature and annual solar radiation. The warm, humid climate and the ecological engineering construction contributed to the carbon sink function of vegetation in the TRHR. This is of great significance for improving the carbon sink value of the terrestrial ecosystem and achieving the peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality of China.

Keywords: net ecosystem productivity (NEP); Three-River Headwaters Region; carbon source/sink; temporal-spatial variation; climate change

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张祯祺, 蔡惠文, 张平平, 王泽琳, 李婷婷. 基于GEE遥感云平台的三江源植被碳源/汇时空变化研究[J]. 自然资源遥感, 2023, 35(1): 231-242 doi:10.6046/zrzyyg.2022042

ZHANG Zhenqi, CAI Huiwen, ZHANG Pingping, WANG Zelin, LI Tingting. A GEE-based study on the temporal and spatial variations in the carbon source/sink function of vegetation in the Three-River Headwaters region[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2023, 35(1): 231-242 doi:10.6046/zrzyyg.2022042

0 引言

陆地生态系统大约可以吸收45%人为排放的CO2[1],是全球的第二大碳库,其碳收支及变化对全球气候变化的影响具有重要的意义,一直是热点研究问题[2]。增强陆地生态系统碳汇是控制大气CO2浓度和减缓全球变暖趋势的重要手段,也是我国实现“双碳”目标的关键环节[3]。定量研究陆地生态系统碳动态变化及影响因素对掌握研究区域的生态系统碳循环及变化极为重要。净生态系统生产力(net ecosystem productivity, NEP)这一概念最早是Woodwell等[4]在分析陆地生物圈到底是大气CO2之源还是汇的问题时提出的,代表着陆地生态系统和大气之间的净CO2交换量,当NEP > 0 时,表明该生态系统为汇,反之则为源。因此,NEP的定量化预测不仅有助于衡量植被生态系统健康程度,而且对定量分析区域植被生态系统的固碳状况与潜力也有重要价值。

三江源地区位于我国青藏高原腹地,属于典型的高原高寒地区,是我国江河中下游地区生态环境安全和区域可持续发展的重要生态屏障[5],同时,也是我国重要的陆地生态系统碳收支变化敏感区,因此,三江源地区生态系统的碳源/汇变化研究对于我国“双碳”战略目标的达成意义重大。国内外学者对三江源典型生态系统碳源/汇的变化[6-7]、植被碳利用率[8]、生态系统有机碳储量[9-10]、碳密度[11]、碳排放[12]等方面开展了许多研究,研究结果表明,三江源生态系统具有较强的碳汇功能。任小丽等[13]收集整理了2001—2010年青藏高原10个通量观测站点的观测数据估算了三江源区草地生态系统NEP,结果表明高寒湿地草甸碳汇能力最强,而高寒草甸草原为碳源,NEP变化主要受到气温和光合有效辐射(photosynthetic active radiation, PAR)影响; 陈雪娇等[6]基于BIOME-BGC模型,得出2001—2017年三江源草地群落NEP模拟值并发现三江源草地生态系统具有显著的碳汇贡献,且不同群落NEP对气温和降水的响应程度有所差异。这些研究主要是基于实测数据,仅对三江源地区单种生态系统的碳源/汇做出了定量化分析。然而,三江源地区生态系统涵盖了森林、草原、荒漠、湿地等多种生态系统,仅对单种生态系统的碳源/汇定量化分析不能代表整个区域的情况。同时,因三江源地区特殊的地理位置以及脆弱的生境使得实测数据的获取较为困难,所以,仅靠实测手段难以对整个三江源地区多种生态系统的碳源/汇空间格局实现全面的、定量化的研究。

基于此,为了定量化分析三江源地区的碳储存能力及其变化过程,本研究拟应用谷歌地球引擎(Google Earth Engine, GEE)作为数据云端运算平台[14],利用较高时空分辨率的MODIS数据,对整个三江源区域自2001—2020年共20 a间的森林、草地、荒漠、湿地等植被生态系统NEP进行模型计算,运用Slope一元线性回归分析方法对其长时间序列的动态变化特征进行分析,并采用偏相关分析法探讨降水、气温、太阳辐射等气候因素对不同生态系统植被NEP的综合影响。以期为该区域开展碳汇管理,制定有效的生态保护策略以及陆地生态修复工程的成效评估方法提供支撑。

1 研究区域概况与数据源

1.1 研究区域概况

三江源地区(E89°45'~102°23',N31°39'~36°12')平均海拔3 500~4 800 m,总面积为30.25万km2,其大部分隶属于青海省,约占青海省总面积的43%(图1),是我国典型的高寒地区。三江源地区河流密布、湖泊、沼泽众多,雪山冰川广布,是世界上海拔最高、面积最大、湿地类型最丰富的地区,被誉为“中华水塔”。该地区属高原大陆性气候,虽无四季之分,但干湿两季分明、冷热两季交替,日照时间久、太阳辐射强烈[15]。为了研究三江源地区不同生态区的碳源/汇状况,本文依据中国科学院傅伯杰院士及其团队开发的中国生态区划方案[16]将三江源区分为6个生态分区,分别为: Ⅲ3(2)可可西里半荒漠、荒漠生态区; Ⅲ3(1)柴达木盆地荒漠、盐壳生态区; Ⅲ2(5)羌塘高原高寒草原生态区; Ⅲ2(3)江河源区高寒草甸生态区; Ⅲ2(2)青海东部农牧生态区; Ⅲ1(2)青藏高原东部暗针叶林、高寒草甸生态区。


图1   三江源区生态区划及高程示意图

Fig.1   Ecological regions and elevation in the Three-River Headwaters region

1.2 数据来源及处理

本文所采用的遥感数据均基于GEE平台获取(见表1)。NPP资料来源于MOD17A3HGF V6产品提供的500 m空间分辨率的年度NPP数据。气温和太阳辐射数据采用ERA5-Land Hourly - ECMWF Climate Reanalysis逐小时数据集,空间分辨率为 0.1°; 降水数据采用气候危害组红外降水与站点数据(CHIRPS)准全球降水数据集,空间分辨率为0.05°。土地覆盖率和数字高程模型(digital elevation model,DEM)数据分别来自GlobeLand30: 全球地理信息公共产品和地理空间数据云平台,空间分辨率均为30 m。

表1   基于GEE平台的数据清单

Tab.1  Data list based on GEE platform

NPPMOD17A3HGF V6Npp500 mkg·C/m2NASA LP DAAC at the USGS EROS Center
气温ERA5-Landtemperature_2m0.1°Climate Data Store
太阳辐射ERA5-Landsurface_net_solar_radiation0.1°J/m2Climate Data Store

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GEE是由Google提供的基于云计算的行星级地理空间分析平台,存储着海量公开的地理空间数据集,具有强大的计算力,为较大时空尺度的研究提供便捷[17]。为了保证不同数据源之间的几何匹配精度,本文在GEE平台中对研究区NPP、气温、降水和太阳辐射等数据进行预处理。利用Reproject算法将投影转化为EPSG: 4326并设置scale为500,将影像转换到GCS_WGS_1984地理坐标系,采用最邻近插值法对影像进行重采样至500 m。

2 研究方法

2.1 NEP估算模型

NEP的定义为生态区内植被NPP与土壤微生物呼吸碳排放 (RH) 的差值[18-20],即:




式中: RH为年土壤微生物呼吸碳排放量,gC/(m2·a); T为年平均气温,℃; R为年平均降水量,mm。

2.2 趋势分析和稳定性分析

为反映三江源地区生态系统20 a间碳汇/源的时空演变特征,采用趋势分析法对随时间变化的序列数据进行回归分析,从而预测其长期变化态势[24]。趋势斜率公式[25]为:


式中: n为总年份数,本文中n=20; Slope为NEP在这n年间的变化趋势值; NEPi为第i年的NEP值。当Slope>0时,表示NEP值在所研究的时间段内是增加的,反之则减少,Slope数值的大小表示增加(或减小)的幅度大小。


CV=i=1nNi2-i=1nNi2/n ×NEP¯n

式中: CV为变异系数; NEP¯为研究时间段内NEP多年平均值; Ni为第i年的NEP值; n为20。

2.3 偏相关性分析





3 结果与讨论

3.1 三江源NEP的时空变化分析

3.1.1 年际变化分析

通过对三江源区NEP均值的年际变化分析(图2)可以看出,自2001年来,三江源区年均NEP呈波动上升趋势,年际变化率为1.13 gC/(m2·a),其中,2010年达到最大值139.92 gC/(m2·a),而在2008年出现最小值104.68 gC/(m2·a),碳循环总体以碳汇为主(图3)。2001—2020年共20 a间,三江源区碳源区(NEP<0)的面积占三江源区总面积的比重呈波动下降的趋势,其中2002年碳源区面积占比最大。研究资料发现,三江源地区在21世纪初气温发生了突变,年平均气温增温现象显著,三江源地区生态环境不断恶化[15]; 同时,受到过度放牧、垦殖和采矿等人类活动的影响,三江源区地区出现较为严重的水土流失[29],多种原因导致植被总体固碳量较少,土壤呼吸排放碳量大于植被固定碳量,碳源能力增强。近20 a来,碳汇区(NEP>0)的面积呈波动上升趋势,并在2014年以后变化趋于平稳。自2014年实施三江源区生态保护和建设二期工程以来,退牧还草、退耕还林、恶化退化草场治理、水土保持[30]等政策的积极实施,大大改善了区域的整体生态环境,三江源区生态系统的植被覆盖度、生产力明显提高,碳吸收量逐步增加,碳汇功能显著增强,NEP呈显著上升趋势。与之相反,碳源区的面积明显减少且变化趋于稳定。


图2   2001—2020年三江源区年NEP均值年际变化

Fig.2   Interannual variation of annual average NEP in the Three-River Headwaters region from 2001 to 2020


图3   三江源区碳源/汇面积占比变化趋势

Fig.3   Carbon source/sink area variation in the Three-River Headwaters region

为了解各个不同生态区NEP的变化状况,对6个生态区NEP20 a间的变化分别进行了计算分析,可以看出三江源区6个生态区的NEP均呈现增加趋势,但增加速度存在一定差异(图4)。


图4   不同生态区年均NEP年际变化趋势

Fig.4   The interannual variation trend of annual average NEP in different ecological regions

1)20 a间,可可西里半荒漠、荒漠生态区的植被生态系统NEP值一直偏低(图4(a)),在11.22~25.27 gC/(m2·a)之间变化,年际变化率为0.65 gC/(m2·a),最低值出现在2003年,最大值出现在2020年。该生态区NEP的平均值为17.94 gC/(m2·a),累积NEP为358.88 gC/(m2·a),虽然生态区的NEP一直维持在较低的水平,但仍然表现为弱碳汇区。

2)柴达木盆地荒漠、盐壳生态区因植被覆盖稀少,土壤沙化、盐渍化严重,气候干燥少雨,植被的总体固碳量较少。由图4(b)可知,该地区是三江源6个生态区中NEP最低的区域,累积NEP仅为234.70 gC/(m2·a),20 a间的NEP平均值为11.73 gC/(m2·a),年际变化率为0.47 gC/(m2·a)。在2001年该生态区气温较低,太阳辐射较弱,NEP仅为6.65 gC/(m2·a),2020年达到最大值,为18.54 gC/(m2·a)。虽然NEP值很低,但仍属于弱碳汇区。

3)羌塘高原高寒草原生态区位于青海高原西北部,地势偏高,降水少、气温低,气候条件恶劣,仅适合高寒草原植被生长,植被覆盖度总体偏低,牧草分布稀疏。20 a间,该生态区NEP在17.26~33.46 gC/(m2·a)之间(图4(c)),平均值为25.08 gC/(m2·a),累积NEP为501.55 gC/(m2·a),年际变化率为0.6 gC/(m2·a)。2008年该生态区的NEP到达最小值,可能是气温的突然降低导致的; 在2018年达到最大值。虽然高寒草原生态区的碳汇能力有限,但属于明显的弱碳汇区。

4)随着地理位置的变化,江河源区高寒草甸生态区NEP明显增高(图4(d))。20 a间的NEP在97.23~132.78 gC/(m2·a)之间变化,平均值为114.01 gC/(m2·a),累积NEP达到为2 280.24 gC/(m2·a),年际变化率为1.07 gC/(m2·a)。虽然2008年该生态区NEP的最小值为97.23 gC/(m2·a),但已远高于高寒草原区、柴达木盆地荒漠区和可可西里荒漠区,2010年则达到20 a间的最大值。该地区植被覆盖类型以草地为主,低、中等覆盖度草地占绝对优势,降水充足、气温适宜,水热耦合作用良好,植被固碳能力显著增强,属于显著的碳汇区。

5)青海东部农牧生态区位于青海高原东部,地处河湟谷地,是三江源区重要的耕地分布区,该地区气候温暖湿润,有利于植被生长。由图4(e)可知,20 a间,NEP在190.5~267.93 gC/(m2·a)之间变化,平均值为227.25 gC/(m2·a),累积NEP为4 545.28 gC/(m2·a),年际变化率为2.54 gC/(m2·a)。2001年水热条件较差,该生态区NEP到达最小值; 2018年降水丰富,NEP达到最大值。根据生态区平均NEP和累积NEP来看,青海东部农牧生态区是重要的碳汇生态区。

6)青藏高原东部暗针叶林、高寒草甸生态区20 a间NEP在230.42~295.36 gC/(m2·a)间变化(图4(f)),平均值为258.91 gC/(m2·a),累积NEP平均值为5 178.46 gC/(m2·a),年际变化率为0.94g C/(m2·a),在2004年到达最小值,在2006年达到最大值。该区草地和森林资源较为丰富,水热组合条件良好,是三江源区最为重要的碳汇贡献区域。

3.1.2 空间变化分析

2001—2020年三江源区地区NEP的空间格局存在明显的空间异质性(图5),其变化梯度由东南向西北递减,与区域高程变化相反。三江源区NEP多年平均值为120.93 gC/(m2·a),累积NEP平均值为2 418.51 gC/(m2·a)。其中,碳汇区(NEP>0)面积约为39.56万km2,占总面积的99.89%,年平均固碳量为188.43 gC/(m2·a); 碳源区(NEP<0)面积约为14.55万km2,占总面积的0.11%,年碳排放量平均值为-61.70 gC/(m2·a)。因此,三江源区是明显的碳汇区,具有非常重要的二氧化碳吸收价值。


图5   三江源区2001—2020年年均NEP空间分布

Fig.5   Spatial distribution of annual average NEP in the Three-River Headwaters region from 2001 to 2020


3.1.3 三江源NEP趋势变化和稳定性变化


根据对三江源区20 a间的NEP变化趋势分析结果发现,三江源区地区大部分地区的NEP是增加的,平均趋势系数为1.29,表明2001—2020年三江源区地区植被碳汇功能总体呈增强趋势(表2,图6)。

表2   三江源区2001—2020年NEP趋势变化统计

Tab.2  Statistical analysis of NEP variation in the Three-River Headwaters region from 2001 to 2020

[-1,-0.477)明显变差6 335.172.09
[-0.477,0)轻微变差8 635.272.85
[0,0.484)基本稳定42 243.8513.96
[0.484,0.813)轻微好转44 727.2614.79
[0.813,1]明显好转200 558.4566.30

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图6   三江源区2001—2020年NEP变化趋势空间分布

Fig.6   Spatial distribution of NEP variation trend in the Three-River Headwaters region from 2001 to 2020




稳定性分析结果表明,2001—2020年,三江源区NEP变异系数存在明显的空间差异,总体呈现出从东南向西北递增的趋势,变异系数以低、较低波动居多,仅在有限地区呈现高波动,稳定性较高(表3,图7)。NEP波动低、较低、中等、较高、高区域占总面积的比例分别为36.76%、38.00%、18.51%、4.57%和2.16%。低波动区主要分布于青藏高原东部暗针叶林、高寒草甸生态区、青海东部农牧生态区东南部和江河源区高寒草甸生态区东南部。结合图5可以看出,低波动区域的分布与NEP高值区分布基本一致,表明这些地区20 a间持续且稳定地发挥着碳汇功能。高波动区主要分布在三江源区西部,包括可可西里半荒漠、荒漠生态区和江河源区高寒草甸生态区西部。这些区域荒漠、半荒漠化严重,气候严寒,生态环境极其脆弱,植被覆盖度较低,生态敏感性高,降水、温度等气候因子的任何异常均会导致该生态区植被及植被NEP的变化,植被碳汇功能不稳定。

表3   三江源区2001—2020年NEP稳定性变化统计

Tab.3  NEP stability analysis in the Three-River Headwaters Region from 2001 to 2020

[-0.078,0.138)111 203.0936.76
[0.138,0.219)较高114 947.6138.00
[0.219,0.339)中等56 001.2518.51
[0.339,0.559)较低13 818.144.57
[0.559,0.75)6 529.902.16

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图7   三江源区2001—2020年NEP稳定性空间分布

Fig.7   Spatial distribution of NEP stability in the Three-River Headwaters region from 2001 to 2020

3.2 三江源区NEP与气候因子的关系


结果表明,三江源70.05%的区域NEP与气温呈负相关,这些生态区NEP随温度升高而降低(图8(a)图 9(a))。其中江河源区高寒草甸生态区、青藏高原东部暗针叶林、高寒草甸生态区和青海东部农牧生态区NEP与气温呈负相关的面积分别为93.73%,71.6%和76.85%。这是因为高温会显著影响光合作用的酶活性以及植被蒸腾作用和营养物质的运输[35],抑制植被生长,从而导致植被总体固碳量减少,土壤的呼吸排放碳量大于植被固定碳量,碳源趋势增强。与植被分布茂密的区域不同,在气温寒冷,植被稀疏的在羌塘高原高寒草原生态区和可可西里半荒漠、荒漠生态区,分别有79.53%和81.16%的地区NEP与气温呈正相关,区内NEP随温度升高而增加。尤其是在羌塘高原高寒草原生态区,有13.7%的地区偏相关系数在0.5~0.8之间,相比其他生态区,区域NEP与气温相关关系较高。高寒地区,适当的温度升高能较好地促进植被生长,光合作用明显增强,植被覆盖度、生产力提高[36],同时,植被的生长期被延长,碳吸收量增加,碳汇功能随着温度的升高有所增强。前文关于各生态区NEP的研究结果也发现羌塘高原高寒草原生态区NEP的最低值出现在2008年,这与当年的气温偏低,降水量偏少,各种条件均不利于植被生长有显著关系。


图8   三江源区NEP与气温、降水和太阳辐射偏相关系数的空间分布

Fig.8   Spatial distribution of partial correlation coefficients between NEP and precipitation, temperature, and solar radiation in the Three-River Headwaters Region from 2001—2020


图9   2001—2020年三江源各生态区降水、气温、太阳辐射对NEP影响的面积百分比

Fig.9   Percentage of the areas affected by precipitation, temperature, and solar radiation in the Three-River Headwaters Region from 2001—2020




4 结论

本研究利用长时间序列遥感数据,分析了2001—2020年共20 a间三江源区地区NEP的时空变化特征,并探讨了NEP与气温、降水和太阳辐射等气候因素之间的关系。结果表明:

1)三江源生态系统NEP总体上呈现东南高、西北低、从东南向西北逐渐递减的空间分布格局,不同生态区之间差异显著。三江源区NEP的平均值为120.93 gC/(m2·a),碳汇区(NEP>0)占研究区域总面积的99.89%; 碳源区(NEP<0)仅占总面积的0.11%,因此,三江源地区是重要的陆地生态系统碳汇区。

2)通过20 a的长时间序列上看出,三江源生态系统NEP总体上呈增长趋势,年增长率为1.13 gC/(m2·a),年平均值在104~140 gC/(m2·a)之间波动,三江源区植被碳汇功能逐步增强。

3)从空间变化格局上看,20 a间三江源生态系统NEP呈增长趋势的地区占研究区域总面积的95.05%。变化趋势以明显变好为主,碳汇功能随着生态系统的稳定变好而逐步增强,生态工程等人为活动对植被NEP的改善作用明显。

4)三江源NEP与降水呈正相关,与气温和太阳辐射呈负相关。99.79%的区域NEP与降水呈正相关关系,其中极显著相关的区域占14.13%,主要分布在江河源区高寒草甸生态区的西部和南部; 气温对NEP产生负面影响的区域占总面积的70.05%,主要发生在青藏高原东部暗针叶林、高寒草甸生态区、青海东部农牧生态区和江河源区高寒草甸生态区的中部和东南部地区。



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Recent pause in the growth rate of atmospheric CO2 due to enhanced terrestrial carbon uptake

[J]. Nature Communications, 2016, 7:13428.

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Terrestrial ecosystems play a significant role in the global carbon cycle and offset a large fraction of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. The terrestrial carbon sink is increasing, yet the mechanisms responsible for its enhancement, and implications for the growth rate of atmospheric CO2, remain unclear. Here using global carbon budget estimates, ground, atmospheric and satellite observations, and multiple global vegetation models, we report a recent pause in the growth rate of atmospheric CO2, and a decline in the fraction of anthropogenic emissions that remain in the atmosphere, despite increasing anthropogenic emissions. We attribute the observed decline to increases in the terrestrial sink during the past decade, associated with the effects of rising atmospheric CO2 on vegetation and the slowdown in the rate of warming on global respiration. The pause in the atmospheric CO2 growth rate provides further evidence of the roles of CO2 fertilization and warming-induced respiration, and highlights the need to protect both existing carbon stocks and regions, where the sink is growing rapidly.

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Heretofore, global Burned Area (BA) products have only been available at coarse spatial resolution, since most of the current global BA products are produced with the help of active fire detection or dense time-series change analysis, which requires very high temporal resolution. In this study, however, we focus on an automated global burned area mapping approach based on Landsat images. By utilizing the huge catalog of satellite imagery, as well as the high-performance computing capacity of Google Earth Engine, we propose an automated pipeline for generating 30-m resolution global-scale annual burned area maps from time-series of Landsat images, and a novel 30-m resolution Global annual Burned Area Map of 2015 (GABAM 2015) was released. All the available Landsat-8 images during 2014–2015 and various spectral indices were utilized to calculate the burned probability of each pixel using random decision forests, which were globally trained with stratified (considering both fire frequency and type of land cover) samples, and a seed-growing approach was conducted to shape the final burned areas after several carefully-designed logical filters (NDVI filter, Normalized Burned Ratio (NBR) filter, and temporal filter). GABAM 2015 consists of spatial extent of fires that occurred during 2015 and not of fires that occurred in previous years. Cross-comparison with the recent Fire_cci Version 5.0 BA product found a similar spatial distribution and a strong correlation ( R 2 = 0.74) between the burned areas from the two products, although differences were found in specific land cover categories (particularly in agriculture land). Preliminary global validation showed the commission and omission errors of GABAM 2015 to be 13.17% and 30.13%, respectively.

陈炜, 黄慧萍, 田亦陈, .

基于Google Earth Engine平台的三江源地区生态环境质量动态监测与分析

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三江源是中国陆地生态系统最脆弱和敏感的区域之一,一旦遭到破坏则不可逆转。受三江源地区多云等不利气象条件的影响,很难获取大范围尺度上季相一致的、无云的Landsat遥感影像。本文利用Google Earth Engine平台,对1990-2015年的相同季节的3766景Landsat影像进行像元级融合并重构最小云量影像集,借助GEE的并行云端计算,快速得到了能够反映生态环境质量的遥感生态指数(RSEI),对三江源地区的生态环境质量进行了评价与监测。三江源时空变化与差异分析表明:1990-2000年生态环境质量呈快速下降状态,RSEI平均值从0.588下降到了0.505,生态环境质量变化以轻度恶化为主;2000-2015年生态环境质量下降速度变缓,并于2015年呈现变好态势,生态环境质量变化以不变为主,且轻度恶化面积大幅减少;该地区的生态环境状况呈现出空间分异,自西向东,生态状况变差。基于GEE平台在三江源地区的实验结果表明,GEE可以作为大区域范围的生态环境质量评价与监测的计算平台。

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Monitoring and assessment of the eco-environment quality in the Sanjiangyuan region based on Google Earth Engine

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草地净生态系统生产力(NEP)能够表征草地生态系统的固碳能力,直接定性定量地描述草地生态系统的碳源/汇性质和大小.因此,研究区域尺度草地生态系统NEP具有重要的实践意义.基于卫星遥感资料,地面气象观测资料及实地采样数据,结合光能利用率模型估算了2001-2012年内蒙古草地生态系统净初级生产力(NPP).同时,应用土壤呼吸模型估算了逐月平均土壤呼吸量(Rs),进而估算内蒙古草地净生态系统生产力(NEP).研究揭示了2001-2012年内蒙古草地生态系统NPP,NEP年际变化规律,气候因子的年际变化规律,以及草地NPP,NEP与主要气候因子的关系.结果表明:2001年以来,内蒙古草地生态系统整体发挥碳汇效应,净碳汇总量达到0.55 Pg C,年均固碳率约为0.046 Pg C/a;研究区大部分草地NPP,NEP与降水均呈正相关关系,与温度相关性不显著,内蒙古草地生态系统仍有巨大的固碳潜力.

Dai E F, Huang Y, Wu Z, et al.

Spatial-temporal features of carbon source-sink and its relationship with climate factors in Inner Mongolia grassland ecosystem

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2016, 71(1):21-34.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201601002      [本文引用: 1]

In this paper, field sampling data, remote sensing data, and ground meteorological observation data were used to estimate the net primary productivity (NPP) in the grassland ecosystem in Inner Mongolia from 2001 to 2012 based on a light use efficiency model. The spatiotemporal distribution of the NEP in the Inner Mongolia grassland ecosystem was then analyzed by estimation of the NPP and soil respiration from 2001 to 2012. This paper also investigated the response of the NPP and NEP to main climatic variables on the spatial and temporal scales from 2001 to 2012. Results showed that most of the grassland area in Inner Mongolia has functioned as a carbon sink since 2001 and that the annual carbon sequestration rate amounts to 0.046 Pg C·yr-1. The total net carbon sink of the Inner Mongolia grassland ecosystem over the 12-year period reached 0.557 Pg C. The carbon sink area accounted for 60.28% of the total grassland area and sequestered 0.692 Pg C, whereas the C source area accounted for 39.72% of the total grassland area and released 0.135 Pg C. The NPP and NEP of the Inner Mongolia grassland ecosystem have more significant correlations with precipitation than with temperature, and the Inner Mongolia grassland ecosystem has great potential for carbon sequestration.

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Estimation and spatial-temporal characteristics of carbon sink in the arid region of northwest China

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2015, 35(23):7718-7728.

[本文引用: 1]

张璐, 王静, 施润和.


[J]. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2015(4):164-173.

[本文引用: 1]

Zhang L, Wang J, Shi R H.

Temporal-spatial variations of carbon sink / source in Northeast China from 2000 to 2010

[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2015(4):164-173.

[本文引用: 1]

童晓伟, 王克林, 岳跃民, .


[J]. 生态学报, 2014, 34(12):3425-3434.

[本文引用: 1]

Tong X W, Wang K L, Yue Y M, et al.

Trends in vegetation and their responses to climate and topography in northwest Guangxi

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2014, 34(12):3425-3434.

[本文引用: 1]

刘逸滨, 刘宝元, 成城, .


[J]. 水土保持学报, 2022, 36(2):197-208,218.

[本文引用: 1]

Liu Y B, Liu B Y, Cheng C, et al.

Spatio-temporal changes and influencing factors of vegetation coverage in Yulin city during the past 20 years since the implementation of the “Grain for Green” Program

[J]. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2022, 36(2):197-208,218.

[本文引用: 1]

冯娴慧, 曾芝琳, 张德顺.

基于MODIS NDVI数据的粤港澳大湾区植被覆盖时空演变

[J]. 中国城市林业, 2022, 20(1):1-6,28.

[本文引用: 1]

Feng X H, Zeng Z L, Zhang D S.

Temporal-spatial evolution of vegetation coverage in Guangdong-HongKong-Macao Greater Bay Area based on MODIS NDVI data

[J]. Journal of Chinese Urban Forestry, 2022, 20(1):1-6,28.

[本文引用: 1]

张亮, 蒋军.


[J]. 安徽农业科学, 2022, 50(4):57-63.

[本文引用: 1]

Zhang L, Jiang J.

Temporal and spatial variation characteristics of surface vegetation and its relationship with environmental factors based on MODIS-NDVI

[J]. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 2022, 50(4):57-63.

[本文引用: 1]

范微维. 2000—2014年三江源区植被NDVI时空变化特征与气候变化响应分析[D]. 成都: 成都理工大学, 2017.

[本文引用: 1]

Fan W W. Analysis of NDVI changes and its climate driving factors in the Three River-Headwater region during 2000—2014[D]. Chengdu: Chengdu University of Technology, 2017.

[本文引用: 1]

张翀, 李强, 李忠峰.


[J]. 中国人口·资源与环境, 2014, 24(5):139-144.

[本文引用: 1]

Zhang C, Li Q, Li Z F.

Influence of human activities on variation of vegetation cover in the Three-River Source region

[J]. China Population,Resources and Environment, 2014, 24(5):139-144.

[本文引用: 1]

邵全琴, 刘纪远, 黄麟, .


[J]. 地理研究, 2013, 32(9):1645-1656.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201309007      [本文引用: 1]


Shao Q Q, Liu J Y, H L, et al.

Integrated assessment on the effectiveness of ecological conservation in Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserve

[J]. Geographical Research, 2013, 32(9):1645-1656.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201309007      [本文引用: 1]

Sanjiangyuan, located in Qinghai Province, is known as the water tower of China. This paper assessed the ecological effectiveness of those projects in Sanjiangyuan, through comparisons of ecological macrostructure, soil erosion and conservation, and grassland production before and after the projects. The natural and human driving factors for effectiveness were also analyzed. The results showed that land cover change index increased obviously, which represented the ecosystem restoration in Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserves. The increased grassland net primary production and expanded water area were helpful to supply enough food and water to wildlife. Moreover, the declining trends of forest area were restrained in forest related nature reserves. In wetland related nature reserves, wetland area was increased. In grassland related reserves, decreasing trends of grassland and enlarging desertification were also restrained, and wetland expansion and increasing vegetation cover were obvious. In glacier related reserves, retreating glacier and thawing permafrost results to increasing water were useful to vegetation growth; however, it is uncertain in the long term.

李璠, 徐维新.


[J]. 草地学报, 2017, 25(4):701-710.

DOI:10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2017.04.003      [本文引用: 1]


Li F, Xu W X.

Spatial and temporal variation of NDVl in different functional areas of Qinghai from 2000 to 2015

[J]. Acta Agrestia Sinica, 2017, 25(4):701-710.

[本文引用: 1]

李辉霞, 刘国华, 傅伯杰.


[J]. 生态学报, 2011, 31(19):5495-5504.

[本文引用: 1]

Li H X, Liu G H, Fu B J.

Response of vegetation to climate change and human activity based on NDVl in the Three-River Headwaters region

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2011, 31(19):5495-5504.

[本文引用: 1]

刘宪锋, 任志远, 林志慧, .


[J]. 地理学报, 2013, 68(7):897-908.

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基于MODIS-NDVI 数据,辅以线性趋势分析、Hurst 指数及偏相关系数等方法,本文从三个尺度分析了近12 年三江源区植被覆盖时空变化特征、未来趋势及其驱动因素。结果表明:(1) 近12 年三江源区植被覆盖呈现增加趋势,增速为1.2%/10a,其中长江源区、黄河源区植被均呈增加趋势,而澜沧江源区植被呈下降趋势。(2) 三江源区植被覆盖具有显著的区域差异,且NDVI频度呈现&ldquo;双峰&rdquo;结构。(3) 近12 年三江源区植被覆盖呈增加趋势和减少趋势的面积分别占64.06%和35.94%,且表现为源区北部增加、南部减少的空间格局。(4) 三江源区植被变化的反向特征显著,植被变化由改善趋势转为退化趋势的区域主要分布在长江源区和黄河源区的北部,而由退化趋势转为改善趋势的区域主要分布在澜沧江源区。(5) 三江源区植被对降水和潜在蒸散的响应存在时滞现象,而对气温的响应不存在时滞现象。(6) 三江源区植被覆盖的增加主要归因于气候暖湿化以及生态保护工程的实施。

Liu X F, Ren Z Y, Lin Z H, et al.

The spatial-temporal changes of vegetation coverage in the Three-River Headwater region in recent 12 years

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2013, 68(7):897-908.

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The Three-River Headwater Region is the source areas of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, and the Lancang River. The region is not only of key importance to the ecological security of China. Due to climate change and human activities, ecological degradation occurred in this region. Therefore, "The nature reserve of Three-River Source Regions" was established, and "The project of ecological protection and construction for the Three-River Headwater Nature Reserve" was implemented by Chinese government. This study, based on MODIS-NDVI and climate data, aims to analyze the spatial-temporal changes of vegetation coverage and its driving factors in the Three-River Headwater Region between 2000 and 2011 from three dimensions. Linear regression, Hurst index and partial correlation analysis were employed. The results showed that: (1) In the past 12 years (2000-2011), the NDVI of the study area increased, with a linear tendency being 1.2%/10a, of which the Yangtze and the Yellow river source regions presented an increasing trend, while the Lancang River source region showed a decreasing trend. (2) Vegetation coverage presented an obvious spatial difference in the Three-River Headwater Region, and NDVI frequency was featured by a bimodal structure. (3) The vegetation coverage improved area was larger than the degraded area, being 64.06% and 35.94% respectively in the 12 years, and presented an increase pattern in the north and a decrease one in the south. (4) The reverse characteristic of vegetation coverage change is significant. In future, the degradation trends will be mainly found in the Yangtze River Basin and north of the Yellow River, while the improving trend areas are mainly distributed in the Lancang River Basin. (5) The response of vegetation coverage to precipitation and potential evapotranspiration has time lag, while the temperature does not have. (6) The increased vegetation coverage is mainly attributed to the warm-wet climate change and the implementation of the ecological protection project.

Shi P J, Sun S, Wang M, et al.

Climate change regionalization in China (1961—2010)

[J]. Science China Earth Sciences, 2014, 57(11): 2676-2689.

DOI:10.1007/s11430-014-4889-1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Bao G, Bao Y H, Sanjjava A, et al.

NDVI-indicated long-term vegetation dynamics in Mongolia and their response to climate change at biome scale

[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 2015, 35(14): 4293-4306.

DOI:10.1002/joc.4286      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Sun J, Zhou T C, Liu M, et al.

Water and heat availability are drivers of the aboveground plant carbon accumulation rate in alpine grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau

[J]. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2020, 29(1): 50-64.

DOI:10.1111/geb.v29.1      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Zhang X L, Tan Y L, Li A, et al.

Water and nitrogen availability co-control ecosystem CO2 exchange in a semiarid temperate steppe

[J]. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:15549.

DOI:10.1038/srep15549      [本文引用: 1]

Both water and nitrogen (N) availability have significant effects on ecosystem CO2 exchange (ECE), which includes net ecosystem productivity (NEP), ecosystem respiration (ER) and gross ecosystem photosynthesis (GEP). How water and N availability influence ECE in arid and semiarid grasslands is still uncertain. A manipulative experiment with additions of rainfall, snow and N was conducted to test their effects on ECE in a semiarid temperate steppe of northern China for three consecutive years with contrasting natural precipitation. ECE increased with annual precipitation but approached peak values at different precipitation amount. Water addition, especially summer water addition, had significantly positive effects on ECE in years when the natural precipitation was normal or below normal, but showed trivial effect on GEP when the natural precipitation was above normal as effects on ER and NEP offset one another. Nitrogen addition exerted non-significant or negative effects on ECE when precipitation was low but switched to a positive effect when precipitation was high, indicating N effect triggered by water availability. Our results indicate that both water and N availability control ECE and the effects of future precipitation changes and increasing N deposition will depend on how they can change collaboratively in this semiarid steppe ecosystem.

Zhang X L, Tan Y L, Zhang B W, et al.

The impacts of precipitation increase and nitrogen addition on soil respiration in a semiarid temperate steppe

[J]. Ecosphere, 2017, 8(1):e01655.

DOI:10.1002/ecs2.1655      URL     [本文引用: 1]

张晓琳, 翟鹏辉, 黄建辉.


[J]. 草地学报, 2018, 26(2):284-288.

DOI:10.11733/j.issn.1007-0435.2018.02.003      [本文引用: 1]


Zhang X L, Zhai P H, Huang J H.

Advances in the influences of precipitation and nitrogen deposition change on the carbon cycle of grassland ecosystem

[J]. Acta Agrestia Sinica, 2018, 26(2):284-288.

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陈晨, 王义民, 黎云云, .


[J]. 长江科学院院报, 2022, 39(2):56-62,81.

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Chen C, Wang Y M, Li Y Y, et al.

Vegetation changes and influencing factors in different climatic regions of Yellow River basin from 1982 to 2015

[J]. Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, 2022, 39(2):56-62,81.

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贾俊鹤, 刘会玉, 林振山.


[J]. 生态学报, 2019, 39(14):5058-5069.

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Jia J H, Liu H Y, Lin Z S.

Multi-time scale changes of vegetation NPP in six provinces of northwest China and their responses to climate change

[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2019, 39(14):5058-5069.

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商沙沙, 廉丽姝, 马婷, .

近54 a中国西北地区气温和降水的时空变化特征

[J]. 干旱区研究, 2018, 35(1):68-76.

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Shang S S, Lian L S, Ma T, et al.

Spatiotemporal variation of temperature and precipitation in northwest China in recent 54 years

[J]. Arid Zone Research, 2018, 35(1):68-76.

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