Technology Application |
The Uncertainty Model for Water Qualities Retrieval Results: A Case Study of Chlorophyll-a Concentration |
CHEN Jun1,2, LU Kai1,2, WANG Bao-jun1,2 |
1. The Key Laboratory of Marine Hydrocarbon Resource and Geology, Qingdao 266071, China;
2. Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, Qingdao 266071, China |
Abstract With the spectral experiment and the simultaneous observation results of Hyperion satellite on 19 August, 2004 as the basic dataset, the authors used the uncertainty principle of spatial data to develop a "bands model" for chlorophyll-a concentration retrieval algorithm of the subsection mapping retrieval model. It is thus found that in the ranges of 10-20 μg/L and 50-100 μg/L, the retrieval error of chlorophyll-a concentration is relatively low, (approximately ±20%), whereas in the range of 20-50 μg/L, the retrieval error of chlorophyll-a concentration is relatively high, (approximately ±40%). A comparison with the traditional methods for error describing shows that the "bands model" could include more detailed and accurate information of data quality for remote sensing products.
Issue Date: 16 December 2011
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