The Main Crop Diseases and Pests Meteorology Level Forecast System Based on GIS |
LI Xuan, GUO An-hong, ZHUANG Li-wei |
National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081, China |
Abstract In order to improve the forecast capability of the meteorology level forecast system for different crop disease and pest meteorology levels and makes it fit for regional scale, this paper extended several crop disease and pest forecast models and applied them to different regions according to the consistency of crop planting areas, and also established a new division standard of weather rating. The system is developed by using and GIS component and on the basis of the data platform composed of agriculture meteorology database constructed by Oracle9i and geographic spatial database. This system was used to forecast seven disasters, i.e., the grassland locusts existent in northern China, the corn borer existent in northeast China, the planthopper existent south of the Yangtze River, the helicoverpa armigera existent in Huang-Huai (Yellow River-Huaihe River) plain, the wheat stripe rust existent in Huang-Huai plain, the wheat scab existent in Jiang-Han plain, and the crop blast fungus existent in southwest China, and achieved relatively satisfactory results.
nonparametric weighted feature extraction(NWFE)
support vector machines(SVM)
land cover classification
Issue Date: 07 March 2012
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