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REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES    2014, Vol. 26 Issue (4) : 85-90     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2014.04.14
Technology and Methodology |
Integrated solutions for mine remote sensing monitoring based on domestic satellite images: A case study of Tibet
LU Yunge1, LIU Cai1, WANG Jiao2
1. China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Land and Resources, Beijing 100083, China;
2. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
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With the popularization of high resolution remote sensing data of domestic satellite in such fields as land resources, geology, and environment, domestic high-resolution remote sensing data are likely to become the preferred data source for monitoring the development status of mining areas in the near future. Using the ZY-1 02C and GF-1 images, the authors designed an integrated solution for geodatabase building of remote sensing images, image processing, geometric correction, information extraction, spatial calculation, statistical analysis, and final mapping production, and successfully applied such means to the related work in Tibet. The results achieved by the authors can increase the depth and scope of the application of the domestic satellite remote sensing data, and provide technical support and paradigms for large-scale and multi-period dynamic remote sensing monitoring of mines.

Keywords three-dimensional(3D) visualization      Leica photogrammetry suite(LPS)      three-dimensional modeling     
:  TP75  
Issue Date: 17 September 2014
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MA Jing
LIU Xianglei
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MA Jing,LIU Xianglei. Integrated solutions for mine remote sensing monitoring based on domestic satellite images: A case study of Tibet[J]. REMOTE SENSING FOR LAND & RESOURCES, 2014, 26(4): 85-90.
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