Technology Application |
Remote sensing monitoring and analysis of tailings ponds in the ore concentration area of Heilongjiang Province |
GAO Yongzhi, CHU Yu, LIANG Wei |
Geological Survey and Research Institute of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150036, China |
Abstract The tailings pond is a man-made debris flow hazard source with high potential energy in that there exists the risk of dam failure. Once the dam crashes,it is easy to cause serious accidents. Tailings ponds could produce a lot of hidden troubles to the environment due to occupying lots of land resources and destroying land vegetation; what is more,varieties of heavy metal materials and toxic substances contained in mineral tailings could cause serious pollution to the ecological environment around the tailings ponds and in the downstream area through leaching and permeating. For the realization of the remote sensing monitoring and analysis of the tailings ponds, the authors chose the tailings ponds in major ore concentration areas of Heilongjiang Province as the research objects, used high resolution remote sensing images to establish the accurate remote sensing interpretation keys,and finally accomplished the remote sensing interpretation of tailings ponds. And then the GIS software was utilized to extract relevant information so as to evaluate such basic data as the basic types,existing number of stockpiling tailings,geographic locations and harmful factors and understand and grasp the environmental geological conditions and ecological situations. The results achieved by the authors can provide a reliable and effective scientific basis for the tailings ponds supervision and management.
image super-resolution restoration
non-uniform B-spline curved surface
staggered pixels
Issue Date: 08 December 2014
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