Integrating visual features in polarimetric SAR image classification |
Pengyan HUANG1, Lijing BU2, Yongliang FAN3 |
1. School of Civil Engineering, Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471000, China 2. School of Mapping and Geographical Science, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000,China 3. College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China |
Abstract In order to improve the polarimetric synthetic aperture Radar (SAR) images classification accuracy by fully extracting variety of useful information, this paper proposes integrating visual features in SAR images classification. Firstly the authors constructed the polarimetric decomposition feature vector, then extracted texture parameters with Grayscale symbiosis matrix, and finally extracted color feature parameters by pseudo-color image. Based on constructing visual vector with texture and color parameter, the authors integrated the visual vector with the polarimetric feature vector to combine the new feature vectors. Using different feature vectors for classification of full PolSAR image, the authors made a comparative study of the classification results. The results show that the combination of visual features can effectively improve the classification accuracy of fully polarimetric SAR image.
target decomposition
visual features
polarimetric SAR image classification
feature vector
Issue Date: 18 June 2020
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