Abstract Secchi disk depth (Zsd) is an important parameter for describing the optical properties of water bodies. With high spatial and temporal resolution, satellite remote sensing technology has become an important method of Zsd observation. Using the in-situ measured data and GOCI images of Jiaozhou Bay (JZB) on May 16, 2017, the authors used semi-analytical algorithms Doron11 and Lee15 to retrieve the Zsd. It is shown that the Lee15 performed better than Doron11, with the decision coefficient of 0.976 and the root mean square error of 0.02 m between the estimated values and in-situ measured values. Selecting eight GOCI images from 8: 16 to 15: 16, the authors used Lee15 algorithm to get the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of the diurnal variation ofZsd on the JZB. On the spatial distribution, the overall Zsd level of the JZB is low (0~4 m), and gradually increases from the inside to the outside of the Bay. On the time variations, the Zsd at the Bay mouth is obviously affected by the tides. The changes between the Bay mouth and the Bay outside are dominated by the solar zenith angle (SOLZ). The change of averageZsd of the JZB is mainly caused by the joint effect of the SOLZ and the tide. According to the respectively statistical analysis between the in-situ Zsd at each sampling station and simultaneously measured other environmental factors, the change in the Zsd of the JZB is the result of the joint action of multiple environmental factors, and has a strong positive correlation with the water depth, with correlation coefficient reaching 0.84, but it is negatively correlated with other environmental factors.
Secchi disk depth
GOCI image
semi-analytical algorithm
diurnal variation
environmental factors
Corresponding Authors:
YU Dingfeng
E-mail: zhouyan_ocrs@qlu.edu.cn;dfyu@qlu.edu.cn
Issue Date: 21 July 2021
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