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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2022, Vol. 34 Issue (3) : 249-256     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2021295
Design and development of an information system for the accounting of state-owned land resource assets
HUANG Tao1(), LIU Xiaoping2, WU Jiaping3,4(), XIAO Yanling1, ZHANG Yuchen1
1. Guangdong Provincial Land and Resources Technology Center, Guangzhou 510075, China
2. School of Geograhy and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
3. Key Laboratory of Carbon Neutral and Territorial Spatial Optimization, Ministry of Natural Resources, Nanjing 210023, China
4. Guangdong Guodi Resources and Environment Research Institute, Guangzhou 510650, China
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Accounting for natural resource assets is the main part in ascertaining the state-owned natural resource assets and is also a fundamental task in determining various natural resources. It is of great practical significance to design and develop an information system for the accounting treatment of state-owned land resource assets. Taking the accounting treatment of the state-owned land resource assets in Dianbai District, Guangdong Province as an example, this study designed and developed an automatic accounting system of state-owned land resource assets using the WebGIS integrated architecture based on the data from land surveys, parcels of land, and benchmark land prices and following the methods and procedures for the accounting treatment of state-owned land resource assets. The research results are as follows. The state-owned land resources in Dianbai District have a total area of 5 582.31 hm2, among which, the cultivated land has an area of 1 255.94 hm2. There is a small amount of high-quality cultivated land, with the second-class land only covering an area of 17.43 hm2. The economic value of state-owned agricultural land and construction land is approximately RMB 1 397.360 5 million and RMB 1 639.014 4 million, respectively. The results of this study will provide technical references for ascertaining the state-owned natural resource assets and preparing the balance sheets, thereby promoting the information-based management of natural resource assets.

Keywords land survey      accounting of state-owned natural resources assets      physical quantity      economic value      WebGIS     
ZTFLH:  TP79  
Corresponding Authors: WU Jiaping     E-mail:;
Issue Date: 21 September 2022
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Xiaoping LIU
Jiaping WU
Yanling XIAO
Yuchen ZHANG
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Tao HUANG,Xiaoping LIU,Jiaping WU, et al. Design and development of an information system for the accounting of state-owned land resource assets[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2022, 34(3): 249-256.
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Fig.1  Elevation distribution map of the study area
数据名称 数据格式 属性字段 现势性
土地变更调查数据 矢量(.shp) 地类编码、图斑编号、图斑面积等 2018年
耕地质量等别数据 矢量(.shp) 国家利用等 2018年
宗地数据 矢量(.shp) 宗地编号、容积率、出让起始时间、供应截止时间等 2018年
国有农用地基准地价 矢量(.shp) 用途、级别价 2018年
城镇建设用地基准地价 矢量(.shp) 用途、级别价 2018年
Tab.1  Detailed table of accounting data
“二调”地类 “三调”地类
编码 名称 编码 名称
011 水田 0101 水田
012 水浇地 0102 水浇地
013 旱地 0103 旱地
021 果园 0201 果园
022 茶园 0202 茶园
023 其他园地 0204 其他园地
051 批发零售用地 05 商服用地
052 住宿餐饮用地
053 商务金融用地
054 其他商服用地
061 工业用地 0601 工业用地
062 采矿用地 0602 采矿用地
071 城镇住宅用地 0701 城镇住宅用地
072 农村宅基地 0702 农村宅基地
081 机关团体用地 08H1 机关团体新闻出版用地
082 新闻出版用地
083 科教用地 08H2 科教文卫用地
084 医卫慈善用地
085 文体娱乐用地 0809 公共设施用地
086 公共设施用地
087 公园与绿地 0810 公园与绿地
101 铁路用地 1001 铁路用地
1002 轨道交通用地
102 公路用地 1003 公路用地
1004 城镇村道路用地
104 农村道路 1006 农村道路
105 机场用地 1007 机场用地
106 港口码头用地 1008 港口码头用地
107 管道运输用地 1009 管道运输用地
121 空闲地 1201 空闲地
122 设施农用地 1202 设施农用地
123 田坎 1203 田坎
127 裸地 1206 裸土地
1207 裸岩石砾地
Tab.2  Conversion table for different types of land
Fig.2  Integrated architecture diagram of natural resource assets automatic accounting
Fig.3  Schematic diagram of the system interface
Fig.4  Distribution map of state-owned land resources in Dianbai District
Fig.5  The number and proportion of different land types
耕地等别 面积/ hm2 占比/%
0 401.27 31.95
2 17.43 1.39
3 103.04 8.20
4 191.93 15.28
5 249.55 19.87
6 153.57 12.23
7 139.15 11.08
Tab.3  Quality grade of cultivated land (0 means lack of grade information)
Fig.6  Distribution chart of different cultivated land types and quality levels (hm2/%)
Fig.7  Economic value and proportion of different types of agricultural land
Fig.8  Distribution map of economic value of state-owned agricultural land in Dianbai District
Fig.9  Distribution map of economic value of state-owned construction land in Dianbai District
地类名称 经济价值/万元 占比/%
商业服务业设施用地 19 762.28 12.06
工业用地 26 166.04 15.96
物流仓储用地 7 200.45 4.39
城镇住宅用地 100 813.80 61.51
科教文卫用地 189.31 0.12
城镇村道路用地 2 801.03 1.71
港口码头用地 6 968.54 4.25
Tab.4  Economic value of construction land
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