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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2021, Vol. 33 Issue (4) : 89-97     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2021015
Spatial delineation methods of urban areas
WU Jiang1(), LIU Chun2(), YING Shen3, YU Ting4
1. College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
2. College of Surveying and Geo-Informatics, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
3. School of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
4. Urban Mobility Institute, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
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The scientific and reasonable delineation of an urban area serves as an important basis for making urban and rural statistics, formulating urban and rural policies, and implementing land space planning. At present, a unified concept system and unified delimitation methods of urban areas are yet to be established, which brings a lot of uncertainty to the formulation and implementation of land space planning. Therefore, aiming at the problems of the fuzzy concept, inconsistent demarcation methods, unclear spatial boundaries, this paper defined the spatial connotation of urban areas based on extensive research and proposed the spatial delimitation method of urban areas using surveying and mapping geographic information and the techniques such as remote sensing. Based on the data of the Third National Land Survey, this study determined the surface features incorporated into urban areas according to urban land use characteristics and spatial connection successively, in order to extract the spatial scopes of urban areas. Finally, taking Bazhong City as a case study, the rationality and feasibility of the process were verified, indicating that the method can be used in the extraction of the spatial scopes of urban areas and has the value of widespread applications.

Keywords urban area      spatial delineation      Third National Land Survey      urban land use characteristics      spatial connection     
ZTFLH:  TU984K909  
Corresponding Authors: LIU Chun     E-mail:;
Issue Date: 23 December 2021
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Jiang WU
Chun LIU
Ting YU
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Jiang WU,Chun LIU,Shen YING, et al. Spatial delineation methods of urban areas[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2021, 33(4): 89-97.
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一级编码 名称 二级编码 名称
20 城镇村及工矿用地 201 城市
201A 城市独立工业用地
202 建制镇
202A 建制镇独立工业用地
203 村庄
203A 村庄独立工业用地
204 盐田及采矿用地
205 特殊用地
Tab.1  Datasets of urban villages and industrial-mining land occupancy
Fig.1  Flow chart of the delineation of urban physical area

一级类 最小面
1 00 湿地 400 m2 候选 仅考虑具备城市公园功能的湿地
2 05 商业服务业用地 200 m2 必选
3 06 工矿用地 200 m2 候选 仅考虑工业用地
4 07 住宅用地 200 m2 必选
5 08 公共管理与公共服务用地 200 m2 必选
6 09 特殊用地 400 m2 候选
7 10 交通运输用地 保持实际长宽比例 必选
8 11 水域及水利设施用地 400 m2 候选 仅考虑沟渠、干渠和水工建筑用地
Tab.2  Categories and related requirements of land features in urban physical
Fig.2  Initial urban area
编码 名称 面积/hm2 占比/%
01 耕地 27.13 0.86
02 种植园用地 6.6 0.21
03 林地 35.21 1.11
04 草地 1.19 0.04
05 商业服务业用地 275.96 8.72
06 工矿用地 307.09 9.71
07 住宅用地 1 367.24 43.21
08 公共管理与公共服务用地 505.57 15.97
09 特殊用地 36.18 1.14
10 交通运输用地 559.55 17.68
11 水域及水利设施用地 31.33 1.00
12 其他土地 11.16 0.35
合计 3 164.21 100.00
Tab.3  The area proportion of land feature in the initial range
Fig.3  urban physical area extraction results map in Bazhong
编码 名称 面积/hm2 占比/%
00 湿地 77.53 1.90
05 商业服务业用地 123.18 3.03
06 工矿用地 106.42 2.61
07 住宅用地 1 444.11 35.46
08 公共管理与公共服务用地 65.23 1.60
09 特殊用地 37.34 0.92
10 交通运输用地 2 094.97 51.45
11 水域及水利设施用地 123.25 3.03
合计 4 072.03 100.00
Tab.4  The area proportion of new land features
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