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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2023, Vol. 35 Issue (2) : 236-244     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2022082
Suitability regionalization of Myrica rubra planting in Zhejiang Province
ZHONG Le1(), ZENG Yan2,3(), QIU Xinfa1, SHI Guoping4
1. School of Applied Meteorology, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, China
2. Key Laboratory of Transportation Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Nanjing 210008, China
3. Nanjing Joint Institute for Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China
4. School of Geography, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, China
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Myrica rubra is a specialty crop in Zhejiang Province. Its cultivation area in Zhejiang ranks first in China. This study aims to comprehensively investigate and analyze the suitability of Myrica rubra planting in Zhejiang and better serve the Myrica rubra planting by scientifically using modern meteorological observation data. Based on the distributed simulation of climate factors, this study introduced the influencing factors related to soil and terrain and determined the weights of these factors through the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Then, in combination with the suitability grade indices of various influencing factors, this study divided Zhejiang into regions suitable, fairly suitable, and unsuitable for Myrica rubra planting. The results are as follows: Regions with a suitable climate occupy most of Zhejiang, indicating superior climate resources; Zhejiang Province enjoys excellent soil conditions and roughly varies between regions fairly suitable and suitable for Myrica rubra planting regarding soil conditions; The terrain varies greatly and is a key factor in the suitability of precise Myrica rubra planting. The regions with suitable terrains have altitudes of 250~450 m and slopes of 5°~25°; Except for northern Zhejiang and the boundary between Shaoxing and Ningbo cities, Zhejiang is suitable or fairly suitable for Myrica rubra planting. This study achieved the spatial simulation of meteorological factors, thus providing data support for the development and improvement of the Myrica rubra planting layout in Zhejiang and being of great practical significance for improving the yield and quality of Myrica rubra.

Keywords Myrica rubra      distributed simulation      suitability regionalization      geographic information system (GIS)     
ZTFLH:  TP79  
Issue Date: 07 July 2023
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Xinfa QIU
Guoping SHI
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Le ZHONG,Yan ZENG,Xinfa QIU, et al. Suitability regionalization of Myrica rubra planting in Zhejiang Province[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2023, 35(2): 236-244.
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Fig.1  Topographic map and remote sensing image of Zhejiang Province
Fig.2  Suitability evaluation system of Myrica rubra planting in Zhejiang Province
区划因子 因子初始权重
年平均气温 0.246 1 0.231 0 0.056 9
≥10 ℃年积温 0.239 9 0.055 4
一月平均最低气温 0.087 6 0.020 2
年降水量 0.426 3 0.098 5
土壤pH值 0.333 3 0.264 4 0.088 1
土壤质地 0.666 7 0.176 3
高度 0.539 6 0.504 5 0.272 3
坡度 0.297 0 0.149 8
坡向 0.163 4 0.082 5
Tab.1  Weights of regionalization factors for Myrica rubra planting in Zhejiang Province
因子类别 因子 适宜 较适宜 不适宜
气候因子 年平均气温/℃ 15.9≤x1≤20 (14≤x1<15.9)∪(20<x1≤21) (x1<14)∪(x>21)
≥10 ℃年积温/(℃·d) x2≥5 050 4 500≤x2<5 050 x2<4 500
一月平均最低气温/℃ x3≥-7.5 -9.7≤x3<-7.5 x3<-9.7
年平均降水量/mm x4≥1 300 1 000≤x4<1 300 x4<1 300
壤因子 土壤pH值 5.5≤x5≤6.5 (4.5≤x5<5.5)∪(6.5<x5<7) (1<x5<4.5)∪(7≤x5<15)
土壤质地 砾质土、砂质黏土 (黏)壤土 黏土、壤质黏土
地形因子 海拔/m 270≤x7≤440 (0≤x7<270)∪(440<x7≤500) x7>500
坡度/(°) 5≤x8≤25 (0≤x8<5)∪(25<x8≤30) (30<x8<90)
坡向 北/东北 西北/东/东南 南/西/西南
Tab.2  Grade quantization of each regionalization index
Fig.3  Spatial distribution model of meteorological influencing factors
气候因子 平均绝对误差 平均相对误差/%
年平均气温/℃ 0.39 2.67
≥10 ℃年积温/(℃·d) 291.82 6.96
一月平均最低气温/℃ 0.27 2.13
年平均降水量/mm 82.13 6.08
Tab.3  Simulationerrors of climate factors
Fig.4  Distribution of climate suitability of Myrica rubra cultivation
Fig.5  Distribution of soil suitability of Myrica rubra cultivation
Fig.6  Distribution of terrain suitability of Myrica rubra cultivation
Fig.7  Suitability distribution of Myrica rubra cultivation
序列 县级行政区 序列 县级行政区
1 云和县 11 泰顺县
2 常山县 12 瓯海区
3 瑞安市 13 衢江区
4 平阳县 14 景宁畲族自治县
5 开化县 15 松阳县
6 青田县 16 龙游县
7 苍南县 17 永嘉县
8 文成县 18 乐清市
9 龙泉市 19 永康市
10 江山市 20 武义县
Tab.4  County ranking of suitability regionalization of Myrica rubra cultivation
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