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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2019, Vol. 31 Issue (4) : 128-136     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2019.04.17
Glacier change and mass balance (1972—2011) in Ulugh Muztagh,eastern Kunlun Mountains, monitored by remote sensing
Zongli JIANG1, Junli ZHANG1, Zhen ZHANG2(), Shiyin LIU3,4, Junfeng WEI1, Wanqin GUO4, Chuanguang ZHU1, Danni HUANG2
1. School of Resource Environment and Safety Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201,China
2. School of Geomatics, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan 232001, China
3. Institute of International Rivers and Eco-Security, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China
4. State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Science, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
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In order to further understand the glacier change in Ulugh Muztagh under the background of climate change, historical topographic map data, Landsat TM, SRTM DEM and TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X data with bi-static mode were employed to obtain the detail change of the glacier area and mass balance between 1972 and 2011 around Muztagh peak. The results indicated that reduction rate of annual glacier area was 0.02±0.06% between 1972 and 2011. Among all glaciers, 47 glaciers showed retreat while 2 glaciers advanced for some distance. And the mass change showed a slight negative balance (-0.06±0.01 m w.e./a) for the whole region. From 1972 to 1999, the mass balance was -0.11±0.02 m w.e./a, caused probably by the temperature rising; From 1999 to 2011, the mass change was close to balance (0.02±0.04 m w.e./a), caused by the precipitation increasing. Glacier advance in Muztagh was different from that of normal advanced glacier. For this kind of Polar type glaciers, it was probably caused by the inner melting or liquid water occurrence due to more precipitation that made some glaciers moving forward or surging. In the background of the current climate, most glaciers showed retreat but two glaciers advanced and one glacier surged (avalanche); overall, the glaciers in the region showed slightly negative mass balance.

Keywords Ulugh Muztagh      glacier change      mass balance      glacier surge      TanDEM-X     
:  TP79  
Corresponding Authors: Zhen ZHANG     E-mail:
Issue Date: 03 December 2019
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Zongli JIANG
Shiyin LIU
Junfeng WEI
Wanqin GUO
Chuanguang ZHU
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Zongli JIANG,Junli ZHANG,Zhen ZHANG, et al. Glacier change and mass balance (1972—2011) in Ulugh Muztagh,eastern Kunlun Mountains, monitored by remote sensing[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2019, 31(4): 128-136.
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Fig.1  Map of the study area
日期 主影像 从影像 垂直基线/m 轨道
2012年1月15日 TerrSAR-X TanDEM-X 164.618 0 升轨
2012年2月6日 TanDEM-X TerrSAR-X 174.073 4 升轨
2012年2月17日 TerrSAR-X TanDEM-X 168.637 8 升轨
Tab.1  TerrSAR-X/TanDEM-X data
Fig.2  Flowchart for DEM generation from TerrSAR-X/TanDEM-X differential Interferometry
类型 Em/m σ/m N/个 E/m
SRTM-地形图 0.79 10.52 12 180 0.79
TanDEM-SRTM -0.59 2.17 12 045 0.59
TanDEM-地形图 -0.19 10.63 12 036 0.22
Tab.2  Statistics of errors of the adjusted DEMs
Fig.3  Glacier elevation changes of Ulugh Muztagh during 1972-1999, 1999-2011, 1972—2011
冰川名称 1972年面
木孜塔格冰川 48.7±0.5 48.9±0.6 48.9±0.6 0.01±0.06 0.00±0.14 0.01±0.06
淙流冰川 26.5±0.4 26.6±0.5 26.6±0.5 0.01±0.09 0.00±0.22 0.01±0.09
琳水冰川 29.4±0.4 29.4±0.4 29.4±0.4 0.00±0.07 0.00±0.16 0.00±0.07
玲珑冰川 37.2±0.5 37.2±0.6 37.2±0.6 0.00±0.08 0.00±0.18 0.00±0.08
鱼鳞川冰川 98.2±1.3 96.3±1.5 96.4±1.4 -0.07±0.07 0.00±0.18 -0.05±0.07
冰鳞川冰川 63.6±0.6 63.3±0.7 62.1±0.7 -0.02±0.05 -0.15±0.13 -0.06±0.05
月牙冰川 18.2±0.3 18.0±0.4 17.9±0.4 -0.05±0.11 -0.04±0.26 -0.05±0.10
龙头冰川 52.8±0.7 51.9±0.7 51.8±0.7 -0.06±0.07 -0.02±0.17 -0.05±0.07
蛇头川冰川 17.5±0.4 16.7±0.5 16.5±0.5 -0.17±0.13 -0.10±0.33 -0.15±0.13
龙头沟冰川 21.7±0.3 21.7±0.3 21.7±0.3 -0.00±0.07 0.00±0.17 -0.00±0.07
伸舌头冰川 6.3±0.2 6.1±0.2 6.1±0.2 -0.09±0.20 -0.06±0.46 -0.09±0.19
5Z141E32冰川 0.8±0.1 0.7±0.1 0.7±0.1 -0.31±0.42 0.00±0.99 -0.21±0.41
区域内所有冰川 668.2±10.8 663.2±12.1 661.3±12.0 -0.03±0.09 -0.02±0.21 -0.03±0.06
Tab.3  Glacier area changes of Ulugh Muztagh
冰川名称 1972—1999年 1999—2011年 1972—2011年
平均高程变化/m 平均物质平衡/
(m w.e.a-1)
平均高程变化/m 平均物质平衡/
(m w.e.a-1)
平均高程变化/m 平均物质平衡/
(m w.e.a-1)
木孜塔格冰川 -7.10±0.79 -0.22±0.02 0.65±0.59 0.05±0.04 -7.09±0.22 -0.15±0.01
淙流冰川 -9.71±0.79 -0.31±0.02 1.42±0.59 0.10±0.04 -10.40±0.22 -0.23±0.01
琳水冰川 -15.32±0.79 -0.48±0.02 2.23±0.59 0.16±0.04 -13.75±0.22 -0.30±0.01
玲珑冰川 -3.52±0.79 -0.11±0.02 1.95±0.59 0.14±0.04 -0.80±0.22 -0.02±0.01
鱼鳞川冰川 -11.30±0.79 -0.36±0.02 -1.29±0.59 -0.09±0.04 -11.34±0.22 -0.25±0.01
冰鳞川冰川 2.30±0.79 0.07±0.02 1.10±0.59 0.08±0.04 3.76±0.22 0.08±0.01
月牙冰川 -9.48±0.79 -0.30±0.02 -2.47±0.59 -0.18±0.04 -10.29±0.22 -0.22±0.01
龙头冰川 -4.02±0.79 -0.13±0.02 -0.25±0.59 -0.02±0.04 -2.55±0.22 -0.06±0.01
蛇头川冰川 -5.11±0.79 -0.16±0.02 -3.33±0.59 -0.24±0.04 -7.17±0.22 -0.16±0.01
龙头沟冰川 4.43±0.79 0.14±0.02 -0.03±0.59 -0.00±0.04 5.06±0.22 0.11±0.01
伸舌头冰川 -6.16±0.79 -0.19±0.02 -0.18±0.59 -0.01±0.04 -5.43±0.22 -0.11±0.01
5Z141E32冰川 -6.90±0.79 -0.22±0.02 -2.29±0.59 -0.16±0.04 -9.77±0.22 -0.21±0.01
区域内所有冰川 -3.64±0.79 -0.11±0.02 0.21±0.59 0.02±0.04 -2.63±0.22 -0.06±0.01
Tab.4  Glacier mass changes during the investigated periods
Fig.4  Elevation change of surged glacier
Fig.5  Elevation change of surged glacier along the main flow line
Fig.6  Fluctuation of annual average air temperature and annual precipitation from 1971 to 2011
研究区 时间段 数据 年均面积缩小
西昆仑 1970—
中国第一次与第二次冰川编目 -0.1 [31]
阿汝错 1971—
中国第一次编目、Landsat -0.01 [8]
各拉丹冬 1964—
CORONA,Landsat -0.15 [29]
普若岗日 1992—
Landsat TM,HJ-1A/1B -0.17 [30]
岗扎日 1970—
Landsat,地形图 -0.08± 0.02 [32]
阿尔金山西段 1973—
Landsat -0.44 [28]
木孜塔格峰 1972—
Landsat,地形图 -0.03± 0.06 本研究
Tab.5  Glacier area changes in Ulugh Muztagh and surroundings
研究区 时间段 数据 方法 平均物质平衡/(m w.e./a) 文献
西昆仑 2000—2014年 TerraSAR-X,TanDEM,SRTM InSAR +0.13±0.06 [31]
琼木孜塔格 2000—2014年 TerraSAR-X,TanDEM,SRTM InSAR +0.34±0.06 [12]
土则岗日 2000—2014年 TerraSAR-X,TanDEM,SRTM InSAR +0.36±0.07 [12]
阿汝错 1999—2016年 ASTER,SRTM,地形图 大地测量法 +0.33±0.61 [8]
藏色岗日和耸峙岭 2003—2009年 ICESat GLAS,SRTM 激光测高法 +0.37±0.25 [34]
普若岗日 2000—2012年 TerraSAR-X,TanDEM,SRTM InSAR -0.04±0.23 [10]
西各拉丹冬 1999—2015年 ASTER,SRTM 大地测量法 -0.33±0.38 [36]
岗扎日 1999—2012年 ASTER SRTM 大地测量法 +0.16±0.02 [32]
木孜塔格峰 1999—2011年 TerraSAR-X,TanDEM,SRTM InSAR +0.02±0.04 本研究
Tab.6  Glacier mass changes from 1999 in Ulugh Muztagh and surroundings
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