Abstract Aiming at the time-consuming problems in the remote sensing image processing for flood and drought monitoring, the authors analyzed related workflows and algorithms including radiometric correction, geometric correction, and the calculation of remote sensing indices. Based on the storage structure and program design model of compute unified device architecture (CUDA), the remote sensing image processing was divided into several modules, including data reading, histogram statistics, grid partition, band calculation, resampling, and data output. Among them, parallel processing schemes were designed for the modules of band calculation and resampling, and the optimal cell sizes were determined for the module of grid partition. Meanwhile, the data transfer efficiency was increased through the grid data mapping based on a graphics processing unit (GPU). Finally, a parallel processing algorithm based on CPU-GPU collaboration in CUDA was proposed. The experiment results are as follows. The modules of radiometric correction and band calculation of remote sensing indices showed a 58.9% saving in time. Meanwhile, the geometric correction module enjoyed the most significant time-saving effects, and the final speedup ratios of the resampling methods of nearest neighbor and bilinear interpolation reached up to nine and seven times, respectively.
flood and drought monitoring
geometric correction
calculation of remote sensing ndex
Corresponding Authors:
MENG Lingkui
E-mail: zhaoxiaochen@whu.edu.cn;Lkmeng@whu.edu.cn
Issue Date: 24 September 2021
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