A method for soil roughness measurement based on UAV point cloud data |
ZHANG Tian1,2,3(), ZHOU Zhongfa1,2,3(), WANG Lingyu1,2,3, ZHAO Xin1,2,3, ZHANG Wenhui1,2,3, ZHANG Shu1,2,3, WANG Yu1,2,3 |
1. School of Geography and Environmental Science, Institute of Karst Science, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001,China 2. State Key Laboratory Incubation Base for Mountain Ecology Environment of Guizhou Province, Guiyang 550001,China 3. State Engineering Technology Institute for Karst Desertification Control, Guiyang 550001, China |
Abstract The soil roughness of cultivated land is an important element affecting the monitoring of agricultural information, such as soil moisture, microwave remote sensing observation, and plant growth. Soil roughness is generally interpreted according to field photos. However, such interpretation suffers some shortcomings such as low efficiency and anthropogenic effects on processing results. UAV low-altitude remote sensing is sensitive to surface relief. To explore the precision of the soil roughness determined using UAV data, this study employed UAV photogrammetry to photograph the surface and then compared the photogrammetry results with the data obtained using a gauging plate for soil roughness. The results show that the close-range photogrammetry had mean absolute errors of mainly 0.4~1.2 cm, a mean relative error of 6.16%, and a root mean square error of 0.40 cm. Therefore, UAV-based point cloud photogrammetry could be effectively applied to the measurement of surface roughness, and a smaller sampling area is associated with more accurate soil roughness.
soil roughness
point cloud data
close-range photogrammetry
three-dimensional modeling
Issue Date: 20 March 2023
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