Application of remote sensing technique to geological survey abroad: A case study of Great Dyke,Zimbabwe |
FU Changliang1, YANG Qinghua1, JIANG Qigang2, WANG Mengfei1, JIANG Xiao1 |
1. China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Land and Resouces, Beijing 100083, China;
2. College of Geoexploration of Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun 130026, China |
Abstract The Great Dyke in Zimbabwe, which possesses abundant platinum, palladium, gold, chromium, nickel, copper and some other resources, is a major intrusion of mafic and ultramafic rocks formed at 2.5 Ga and one of the key regions for mineral exploration abroad. In order to attain the aim of "going out" for China's mineral exploration and provide basic geological information of geological survey and mineral exploration in the area of the Great dyke, the authors carried out the systematic interpretation of geometric elements and geological characteristics of the Great Dyke in Zimbabwe based on the ETM+ data and verified the division of the magma chamber of the Dyke. Combined with the ZY-1 02C high spatial resolution satellite data, the authors identified and interpreted the shape, lithology, interior structures and mining activities of the Selukwe Subchamber. The results achieved show that, because of the difference between the west and east host rocks, the Selukwe Subchamber underwent deformations of different intensities. The ultramafic layers should be regarded as the major layers for the chromite exploration. Furthermore, the authors have discussed the method of "five scales" of the remote sensing technique in the geological survey abroad and provided the technical support for the remote sensing application.
water bloom
water quality
aerosol optical depth
particular matter
Issue Date: 23 July 2015
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