Abstract Lithologic identification and classification can provide important basic information for regional geological survey and mineral resource exploration. Topographic variables constitute the quantitative parameters of digital expression for topography, and are very important in improving the accuracy. Based on the classification validity and correlation of 10 topographic variables such as elevation, slope, profile curvature, surface roughness, and surface cutting depth in the known lithologic area, the authors screened the topographic variables and used the variables under the best scale for the classification of lithology. The result shows that the combination of elevation, profile curvature, surface cutting depth, surface roughness and plane curvature is very useful and, in terms of the capability of identification, each variable has the corresponding lithology. The adding of the best terrain variables combination to fully express terrain characteristics in identifying each type of lithology is helpful to improving the recognition and classification of lithology.
geological lithology classification
topographic variables
mean change point analysis
unsupervised classification
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: 1362258925@qq.com;Panj@jlu.edu.cn
Issue Date: 30 May 2018
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