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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2021, Vol. 33 Issue (4) : 173-180     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2021007
A preliminary study on land-sea integrated topographic surveying based on CZMIL bathymetric technique
WU Fang1(), JIN Dingjian1, ZHANG Zonggui1, JI Xinyang1, LI Tianqi1, GAO Yu2
1. China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Natural and Resources, Beijing 100083, China
2. Teledyne Optech, Inc., Ontario L4K5Z8, Canada
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Conventional methods for regional bathymetry mainly use shipborne acoustic detection technologies. However, since the hull cannot access the coastal shallow waters and the areas with dense islands and coral reefs, there is no available data of near-coastal areas. These problems can be effectively solved with the emergence and development of airborne lidar bathymetric technology, which has become a fast and efficient method for water-depth and submarine topographic exploration. Based on the airborne laser sounder CZMIL Nova, this paper introduces the characteristics and influencing factors of the land-sea integrated technologic surveying and its preliminary application in the land-sea integrated topographic surveying of islands.

Keywords airborne laser bathymetry      CZMIL      remote sensing      coastal zone      topography     
ZTFLH:  TP79  
Issue Date: 23 December 2021
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Fang WU
Dingjian JIN
Zonggui ZHANG
Xinyang JI
Tianqi LI
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Fang WU,Dingjian JIN,Zonggui ZHANG, et al. A preliminary study on land-sea integrated topographic surveying based on CZMIL bathymetric technique[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2021, 33(4): 173-180.
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类别 技术指标 CZMIL Nova Hawk Eye III VQ-880G LADS MK III
一般指标 工作航高/m 400 ~1 000 400 ~600 600 ~1 600 400 ~1 000
飞行速度/kts 140 ~175 140 ~175 140 ~175 125 ~175
测量指标 激光扫描频率/kHz 水深70/10地形 80 水深35/10地形 500 550 512/1.5
最大测深 1.5 secchi 标称3.0 secchi
最深可达80 m
浅水2.0/ K d 浅水2.2/ K d
深水4.2/ K d 深水4.0/ K d
0 . 3 2 + 0.013 d 2  m, 2σ 0 . 3 2 + 0.013 d 2   m, 2σ
测深精度 0.025 m 0.5 m
水深 0.8 m×0.8 m
陆地 0.3 m×0.3 m
水深 0.8 m×0.8 m
陆地 0.1 m×0.1 m
测点密度 标称69 pts/m2 2 m×2 m
Tab.1  Main technical specifications of typical ALB system
Fig.1  Schematic diagram of bathymetric survey[10]
Fig.2-1  Profile analysis of ALB system based on topographic survey
Fig.2-2  Profile analysis of ALB system based on topographic survey
Fig.3  Land and sea integrated topographic survey(CZMIL Nova)
Fig.4  Bottom reflectivity curves (taken from test report of AGRS)
水质情况 Kd Dmax(白天)/m Dmax(夜间)/m
非常洁净 0.07 50 71
洁净 0.10 35 50
水质情况 Kd Dmax(白天)/m Dmax(夜间)/m
一般洁净1 0.15 23 33
一般洁净2 0.20 18 25
浑浊 0.30 12 17
非常浑浊 0.50 7 10
Tab.2  Statistics of the maximum detection depth(Optech,2013)
Fig.5  Technology flow of ALB survey
Fig.6  Calibration result of laser
统计参数 深度 平均误差 标准差 RMSE 系统标
数值 30 -0.304 0.211 0.369 0.492
Tab.3  Statistics of laser measurement accuracy in test area(m)
Fig.7  Application of land and sea integrated topographic products
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