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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2020, Vol. 32 Issue (1) : 247-254     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.01.33
Study on the relationship between impervious surface coverage and artificial heat in new urban districts: A case study of Xixian New District, Shaanxi Province
Ru WANG1,2, Yanfang ZHANG1,2(), Hongmin ZHANG1,2, Yun LI1,2
1. College of Geography and Tourism, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710119, China
2. National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Geography (Shaanxi Normal University), Xi’an 710119, China
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Based on Landsat data, the authors extracted the impervious surface coverage of the two sceneries in Xixian New District in 2007 and 2016 by the linear spectral mixture model decomposition method, and extracted the artificial thermal information by the surface energy balance method in the same period, and investigated the relationship between them. The results are as follows: ① From 2007 to 2016, the impervious surface expanded from 294.93 km 2 to 362.62 km 2, and gradually changed from natural surface and low coverage to medium and high coverage. ② In 2016, the regional differences of anthropogenic heat in the study area were significant. The high-value areas were concentrated in the north-central part of Fengdong New Town and around Xianyang International Airport of Airport New Town, and were scattered in the central part of Qinhan New Town, northern part of Fengxi New Town and part of Jinghe New Town. ③ The mean values of impervious coverage and anthropogenic thermal mean values of land use showed the tendency of construction land>cultivated land>woodland>water body. ④ There was a positive correlation between impervious coverage and artificial heat, with a correlation coefficient of 0.97. The rate of increase of artificial heat values with impervious coverage had the tendency of Airport New Town>Fengdong New Town>Jinghe New Town>Qinhan New Town>Fengxi New Town.

Keywords Xixian New District      impervious surface coverage      anthropogenic heat      linear spectral mixing model      surface energy balance method     
:  TP79  
Corresponding Authors: Yanfang ZHANG     E-mail:
Issue Date: 14 March 2020
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Yanfang ZHANG
Hongmin ZHANG
Yun LI
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Ru WANG,Yanfang ZHANG,Hongmin ZHANG, et al. Study on the relationship between impervious surface coverage and artificial heat in new urban districts: A case study of Xixian New District, Shaanxi Province[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2020, 32(1): 247-254.
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Fig.1  Extent of study area
参数 建设用地 水体 耕地 林地
Zom/m 0.33 0.000 03 0.1 0.3
Zoh/m 0.003 3 0.000 088 0.001 0.000 3
d/m 1.66 0.05 0.1 1.5
Tab.1  Zom, Zoh and d for different surface coverage types
Fig.2  Spatial distribution of ISC
覆盖度类型 2016年
自然地表 低覆盖度 中覆盖度 高覆盖度 极高覆盖度 合计
2007年 自然地表 61.01 77.05 61.76 31.89 17.89 249.60
低覆盖度 113.75 90.39 92.37 57.29 27.02 380.82
中覆盖度 34.87 32.65 44.79 31.93 9.67 153.91
高覆盖度 8.97 10.99 23.57 18.17 4.79 66.49
极高覆盖度 3.82 6.25 16.11 11.08 4.25 41.51
合计 222.42 217.33 238.60 150.36 63.62 892.33
Tab.2  ISC transfer matrix from 2007 to 2016(km2)
Fig.3  Distribution of proportion of impervious surfaces in each region from 2007 to 2016
Fig.4  Anthropogenic heat spatial distribution
Fig.5  Anthropogenic heat profile analysis
Fig.6  Comparison of ISC and anthropogenic heat in different regions
Fig.7  Land use in the study area in 2016
地表类型 ISC均值 人为热均值/(W·m-2)
水体 0.02 -70.76
林地 0.32 1.79
耕地 0.37 46.06
建筑用地 0.59 140.02
Tab.3  Statistical results of ISC and anthropogenic heat mean values of land use
Fig.8  Scattered plots of the relationship between ISC and anthropogenic heat for each land use
Fig.9  Relationship between ISC and anthropogenic heat
地区 拟合方程 R2
泾河新城 y=93.25x+11.76 0.94
空港新城 y=113.49x+11.52 0.97
秦汉新城 y=77.17x+29.18 0.95
沣东新城 y=105.22x+38.04 0.94
沣西新城 y=68.55x+20.28 0.94
全区 y=83.19x+23.56 0.97
Tab.4  Fitting equation of ISC and anthropogenic heat in the study area in 2016
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