Surface albedos of different land use types in the Junggar Basin |
DENG Xiaojin1( ), JING Changqing1( ), GUO Wenzhang1, Yan Yujiang2, CHEN Chen1 |
1. College of Grassland and Environment Sciences, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Key Laboratory of Grassland Resources and Ecology of Xinjiang, Urumqi 830052, China 2. School of Economics and Busines, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China |
Abstract This study focuses on the surface albedo characteristics of different land use types in the Junggar Basin, aiming to provide a scientific basis for the revealment of the biogeophysical mechanisms of different land use types on a regional scale. Based on the surface albedo data during 2000-2018 obtained through remote sensing inversion and the land use data of 2000, 2010, and 2018, this study analyzed the temporal and spatial variation characteristics and interannual variation trend of the surface albedos for short wave (0.3~2.5 μm), near infrared (0.76~3.0 μm) and visible light (0.35~0.76 μm) of different land use types in the Junggar Basin. It will provide a scientific basis for the understanding of the albedo characteristics of different land use types and reveal the impacts of cover change on climate change on a regional scale. The results are as follows. The surface albedos of different land use types have distinctly different characteristics for different wavebands. The surface albedos of the first- and second-level land use types are in the order of near infrared > short wave > visible light, except for the second-level land use types of lakes and reservoirs. For the interannual change trend, the surface albedos of different land use types for the three bands during 2010—2018 are slightly higher than that during 2000—2010. Moreover, all the first-level land use types in the short waveband during 2010—2018 passed the significance test of p=0.05. The interannual variations of surface albedos of land use types in the Junggar Basin over the past 18 years showed a weak growth trend in terms of the variation rate and were slight and stable on the whole in terms of the rate variation. The results of this study will lay a foundation for the research into the surface spectral radiation and energy balance of the study area.
Junggar Basin
surface albedo
land use types
visible light
Corresponding Authors:
JING Changqing
E-mail: 576762545@qq.com;jingchangqing@126.com
Issue Date: 24 September 2021
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