A study of crop planting type recognition based on SAR and optical remote sensing data |
JIANG Shan1,2( ), WANG Chun2,3, SONG Hongli1, LIU Yufeng2 |
1. School of Geosciences and Engineering, Hebei University of Engineering, Handan 056000, China 2. Anhui Key Laboratory of Physical Geography and Environment of Chuzhou University, Chuzhou 239000, China 3. School of Remote Sensing and Mapping Engineering, Nanjing University of Information Engineering, Nanjing 210044, China |
Abstract In order to acquire the appropriate remote sensing data to obtain the plant growth information and identify the planting types of crops, the authors chose Quanjiao of Chuzhou in Anhui Province as the research area and the SAR (GF-3) data and optical remote sensing data as the data source to fuse optical data with the SAR data and make a comparative study of data classification results, optical and SAR data classification results and the data fusion results so as to conduct crop type identification. The comparison of the data of classification results reveals that SAR data can be used as a good auxiliary optical image for crop planting types in crop recognition. The fusion of SAR data and optical remote sensing data has a good identification effect on crops in the research area.
synthetic aperture Radar (SAR)
crop recognition
Issue Date: 23 December 2020
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